Antonio Giraldo

From MaRDI portal

Available identifiers

zbMath Open giraldo.antonioMaRDI QIDQ380988

List of research outcomes

PublicationDate of PublicationType
Bifurcations, robustness and shape of attractors of discrete dynamical systems2020-03-27Paper
Ultrametrics on Čech homology groups2019-04-24Paper
On the composition of digitally continuous multivalued functions2015-11-09Paper
Characterization of the deletion of \((26, 6)\)-simple points as multivalued \((\mathcal{N}, 26)\)-retractions2015-02-18Paper
Uniform persistence and Hopf bifurcations in \(\mathbb R_+^n\)2014-03-25Paper
The Hessenberg matrix and the Riemann mapping function2013-11-15Paper
Digitally continuous multivalued functions, morphological operations and thinning algorithms2013-01-22Paper
Deletion of (26,6)-Simple Points as Multivalued Retractions2012-07-23Paper
Hessenberg matrix for sums of Hermitian positive definite matrices and weighted shifts2011-11-10Paper
Computing the Hessenberg matrix associated with a self-similar measure2011-01-21Paper
Thinning Algorithms as Multivalued ${\mathcal{N}}$ -Retractions2009-12-01Paper
Topological robustness of non-saddle sets2009-07-01Paper
Singular Continuations of Attractors2009-06-23Paper
Digitally Continuous Multivalued Functions2008-04-24Paper
Multifibrations. A Class of Shape Fibrations with the Path Lifting Property2006-02-14Paper
Shape of global attractors in topological spaces2005-02-22Paper
Morse-Smale equations of non-saddle decompositions2004-08-20Paper
Some duality properties of non-saddle sets2003-01-22Paper
Finite approximations to Čech homology2002-05-07Paper
On the global structure of invariant regions of flows with asymptotically stable attractors2000-01-17Paper
Shape Fibrations, Multivalued Maps and Shape Groups1999-01-19Paper
Generalized Bebutov systems: A dynamical interpretation of shape.1999-01-01Paper
Density and finiteness. A discrete approach to shape1997-08-31Paper
Approximate polyhedra, density and discrete maps1996-01-07Paper
Strong multihomotopy and Steenrod loop spaces1995-09-25Paper

Research outcomes over time

Doctoral students

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