Publication | Date of Publication | Type |
Viscoplastic flows in channels with small aspect ratio: Bingham versus regularised models | 2024-06-11 | Paper |
Mathematical modelling of a slow flameless combustion of a two-dimensional paper | 2024-01-23 | Paper |
Flow of a limited stress fluid between plates rotating about different axes | 2024-01-05 | Paper |
On a free boundary problem arising in snow avalanche dynamics | 2023-12-11 | Paper |
The Rayleigh-Bénard problem for a fluid with pressure- and temperature-dependent material properties | 2022-12-08 | Paper |
Stability of laminar viscoplastic flows down an inclined open channel | 2022-08-09 | Paper |
Vibration of an incompressible viscoelastic shell of rate type | 2022-03-16 | Paper |
Non stationary channel flow of a Herschel-Bulkley fluid | 2022-02-14 | Paper |
Flow past a porous plate of non-Newtonian fluids with implicit shear stress shear rate relationships | 2022-01-25 | Paper |
Modal stability and Squire's theorem for an inhomogeneous viscoelastic suspension | 2021-12-01 | Paper |
Flow stability of suspensions | 2021-11-12 | Paper |
Lubrication approximation of flows of a special class of non-Newtonian fluids defined by rate type constitutive equations | 2020-02-17 | Paper |
Peristaltic axisymmetric flow of a Bingham fluid | 2019-06-21 | Paper |
Viscoplastic fluids: mathematical modeling and applications | 2019-02-22 | Paper |
Modeling peristaltic flow in vessels equipped with valves: implications for vasomotion in bat wing venules | 2018-11-26 | Paper |
Mathematical models for fluids with pressure-dependent viscosity flowing in porous media | 2018-11-22 | Paper |
Flow of a class of fluids defined via implicit constitutive equation down an inclined plane: analysis of the quasi-steady regime | 2018-09-07 | Paper |
Creeping flow of a Herschel–Bulkley fluid with pressure-dependent material moduli | 2018-07-13 | Paper |
Unsteady non-isothermal flow of a viscoplastic fluid with non-constant material moduli at low Reynolds number | 2018-03-07 | Paper |
Mathematical model for acid water neutralization with anomalous and fast diffusion | 2018-02-15 | Paper |
Non-isothermal flow of a Bingham fluid with pressure and temperature dependent viscosity | 2018-02-14 | Paper | | 2017-07-05 | Paper |
A mathematical model for forest growth dynamics | 2016-05-30 | Paper |
Ill posedness of Bingham-type models for the downhill flow of a thin film on an inclined plane | 2016-02-22 | Paper |
Buckley--Leverett Equation with Viscosities and Relative Permeabilities Depending on Pressure | 2015-09-11 | Paper |
Retrieving the Bingham model from a bi-viscous model: some explanatory remarks | 2015-05-19 | Paper |
Weak formulation for a two-phase nonlinear flow in an undeformable porous medium | 2014-08-20 | Paper |
A free boundary problem for \(\mathrm{CaCO}_3\) neutralization of acid waters | 2014-07-25 | Paper |
Mathematical model for calcium carbonate acid mine drainage reaction: a multiple time scale approach | 2014-02-07 | Paper | | 2013-04-08 | Paper |
Determining calcium carbonate neutralization kinetics from experimental laboratory data | 2013-01-11 | Paper |
On the solution of a hyperbolic one-dimensional free boundary problem for a Maxwell fluid | 2012-03-08 | Paper |
Isothermal two-phase flow of a vapor-liquid system with non-negligible inertial effects | 2012-02-04 | Paper |
A mathematical model for an upper convected Maxwell fluid with an elastic core: study of a limiting case | 2012-02-04 | Paper |
A Survey on Mathematical Modelling of Deposition in Waxy Crude Oils | 2011-12-21 | Paper |
The one-dimensional flow of a fluid with limited strain-rate | 2011-10-24 | Paper | | 2011-06-21 | Paper | | 2011-06-10 | Paper |
Macroscopic models for fibroproliferative disorders: a review | 2010-05-08 | Paper |
Calculating deposit formation in the pipelining of waxy crude oils | 2009-06-08 | Paper |
Formation and Growth of Wax Deposit in the Pipelining of Crude Oils | 2009-03-31 | Paper |
Gelification and mass transport in a static non-isothermal waxy solution | 2009-01-21 | Paper |
Mathematical Modeling of a Solid-Liquid Mixture with Mass Exchange Between Constituents | 2008-08-26 | Paper | | 2008-06-25 | Paper |
Modelling wax diffusion in crude oils: the cold finger device | 2008-02-14 | Paper |
Modelling of Bingham-like fluids with deformable core | 2007-11-07 | Paper | | 2007-05-09 | Paper |
Mathematical modeling of flows through inelastic porous solids | 2007-02-19 | Paper |
Wax diffusivity under given thermal gradient: a mathematical model | 2007-02-02 | Paper |
On a parabolic free boundary problem arising from a Bingham-like flow model with a visco-elastic core | 2006-12-07 | Paper |
Mathematical models for waxy crude oils | 2005-12-08 | Paper |
A mathematical model for Bingham-like fluids with viscoelastic core | 2005-03-01 | Paper | | 2004-03-29 | Paper |
On the stationary flow of a waxy crude oil with deposition mechanisms. | 2003-04-27 | Paper |
Some new results on the flow of waxy crude oils in a loop. | 2002-10-29 | Paper | | 2000-11-14 | Paper |