Publication | Date of Publication | Type |
Reliability sampling design for the lifetime performance index of Burr XII lifetime distribution under progressive type I interval censoring | 2024-01-23 | Paper |
On bisections of graphs without complete bipartite graphs | 2023-10-04 | Paper |
Graph partitioning: an updated survey | 2023-08-02 | Paper |
Power comparison of the testing on the lifetime performance index for Rayleigh lifetime products under progressive type I interval censoring | 2023-07-18 | Paper |
A note on the two-stage multiple comparison procedures with the average for exponential location parameters under heteroscedasticity | 2023-07-03 | Paper |
A modified one stage multiple comparison procedure of exponential location parameters with the control under heteroscedasticity | 2023-06-27 | Paper |
Sampling design for the lifetime performance index of exponential lifetime distribution under progressive type I interval censoring | 2023-06-27 | Paper |
A modified multiple comparisons with a control for exponential location parameters based on doubly censored sample under heteroscedasticity | 2022-07-01 | Paper |
Multiple comparisons with the average for exponential location parameters based on doubly censored sample under heteroscedasticity | 2022-06-29 | Paper |
A hypothesis testing procedure for the evaluation on the lifetime performance index of products with Burr XII distribution under progressive type I interval censoring | 2022-06-29 | Paper |
One stage multiple comparisons of k-1 treatment mean lifetimes with the control for exponential distributions under heteroscedasticity | 2022-06-29 | Paper |
One stage multiple comparisons with the control for exponential mean lifetimes based on doubly censored samples under heteroscedasticity | 2022-06-21 | Paper |
On judicious bipartitions of directed graphs | 2022-06-14 | Paper |
Erratum: The Bollobás--Scott Conjecture for 4-Uniform Hypergraphs | 2021-03-18 | Paper |
Computational testing algorithmic procedure of assessment for lifetime performance index of products with one-parameter exponential distribution under progressive type I interval censoring | 2021-02-19 | Paper |
New one-stage multiple comparison procedures with the average for exponential location parameters under heteroscedasticity | 2020-04-01 | Paper |
The optimal allocation combination for the two-sided sequential screening procedure based on the individual misclassification error | 2020-03-12 | Paper |
Computational testing algorithmic procedure of assessment for lifetime performance index of products with two-parameter exponential distribution based on the multiply type II censored sample | 2020-03-12 | Paper |
On bipartitions of directed graphs with small semidegree | 2019-11-28 | Paper |
The assessment on the lifetime performance index of products with Gompertz distribution based on the progressive type I interval censored sample | 2019-01-29 | Paper |
One stage multiple comparisons with the average for exponential location parameters under heteroscedasticity | 2018-11-02 | Paper |
Bipartitions of oriented graphs | 2018-07-24 | Paper |
On short cycles in triangle-free oriented graphs | 2018-04-18 | Paper |
The Bollobás--Scott Conjecture for 4-Uniform Hypergraphs | 2018-02-22 | Paper |
Partitioning dense uniform hypergraphs | 2018-02-21 | Paper |
The performance assessment on the lifetime performance index of products following Chen lifetime distribution based on the progressive type I interval censored sample | 2018-01-12 | Paper |
A computational algorithm for the evaluation on the lifetime performance index of products with Rayleigh distribution under progressive type I interval censoring | 2017-09-27 | Paper |
Computational testing algorithmic procedure of assessment for lifetime performance index of Pareto products under progressive type I interval censoring | 2017-06-27 | Paper |
On bisections of directed graphs | 2017-06-19 | Paper |
Multiple comparisons of exponential location parameters with a control based on doubly censored sample under heteroscedasticity | 2017-06-13 | Paper |
Computational testing algorithmic procedure of assessment for lifetime performance index of products with Weibull distribution under progressive type I interval censoring | 2016-12-28 | Paper |
On Testing the Mean Equivalence of Treatments from Correlated Normal Populations | 2016-08-25 | Paper |
An Optimal Confidence Region for the Largest and the Smallest Means from a Multivariate Normal Distribution | 2016-07-14 | Paper |
On judicious partitions of uniform hypergraphs | 2016-04-20 | Paper |
Acyclic coloring of graphs without bichromatic long path | 2015-11-06 | Paper |
The Optimal Allocation Combination for the One-Sided Sequential Screening Procedure Based on the Individual Misclassification Error | 2015-06-24 | Paper |
Interval estimation of a two-parameter Burr-XII distribution under progressive censoring | 2014-03-12 | Paper |
Computational comparison of the general weighted moments estimators of the scale parameter of a Pareto distribution with a known shape parameter with other estimators based on a multiply type II-censored sample | 2013-06-12 | Paper |
A confidence region for the largest and the smallest means under heteroscedasticity | 2012-07-16 | Paper |
Statistical inferences of a two-parameter distribution with the bathtub shape based on progressive censored sample | 2011-07-29 | Paper |
The simultaneous confidence intervals for all distances from the extreme populations for two-parameter exponential populations based on the multiply type II censored samples | 2011-02-03 | Paper |
A Modified One-Sided Sequential Screening Procedure Based on Individual Misclassification Error | 2011-02-03 | Paper |
Interval estimation for the Pareto distribution based on the progressive Type II censored sample | 2010-05-26 | Paper |
A note on the asymptotic distribution of the process capability indexCpmk | 2010-04-08 | Paper |
One-stage multiple comparisons with the control for exponential location parameters under heteroscedasticity | 2010-04-06 | Paper |
The exact hypothesis test for the shape parameter of a new two-parameter distribution with the bathtub shape or increasing failure rate function under progressive censoring with random removals | 2009-10-27 | Paper |
Interval estimation for a Pareto distribution based on a doubly type II censored sample | 2009-06-12 | Paper |
A Procedure of Selecting All Good Populations Under Heteroscedasticity | 2009-03-24 | Paper | | 2008-11-25 | Paper | | 2008-07-21 | Paper |
MLE and the estimated expected test time for the two-parameter Gompertz distribution under progressive censoring with binomial removals | 2006-12-07 | Paper |
Two stage multiple comparisons with the average for exponential location parameters under heteroscedasticity | 2005-08-22 | Paper | | 2005-03-30 | Paper |
A Simulation Study of Multiple Comparisons with the Average under Heteroscedasticity | 2005-01-17 | Paper | | 2004-05-18 | Paper | | 2002-12-03 | Paper | | 2002-09-29 | Paper |
A two-sided sequential screening procedure based on individual misclassification error | 2002-08-13 | Paper |
Two-stage multiple comparisons with the average for normal distributions under heteroscedasticity | 2000-08-21 | Paper |
Multiple comparison procedures with the average for scale families: normal and exponential populations | 1999-06-30 | Paper |
Multiple Comparisons with the Average for Normal Distributions | 1999-04-29 | Paper |
Multiple comparison procedures with the average forkdependent normal means | 1999-01-01 | Paper |
Multiple comparison procedures with the average for exponential location parameters. | 1998-08-13 | Paper | | 1998-04-20 | Paper |