Publication | Date of Publication | Type |
Numerical methods of fourth, sixth and eighth orders convergence for solving third order nonlinear ODEs | 2024-07-04 | Paper |
Numerical method of sixth order convergence for solving a fourth order nonlinear boundary value problem | 2023-09-21 | Paper |
Existence results and numerical solution of fully fourth order nonlinear functional differential equations | 2022-08-11 | Paper |
Existence results and numerical method for solving a fourth-order nonlinear integro-differential equation | 2022-05-11 | Paper |
Positive and elementary stable explicit nonstandard Runge-Kutta methods for a class of autonomous dynamical systems | 2022-02-18 | Paper |
Numerical solution of a nonlinear functional integro-differential equation | 2021-11-24 | Paper |
A unified approach to study the existence and numerical solution of functional differential equation | 2021-09-21 | Paper |
Existence results and iterative method for fully third order nonlinear integral boundary value problems. | 2021-09-16 | Paper |
Simple numerical methods of second- and third-order convergence for solving a fully third-order nonlinear boundary value problem | 2021-07-23 | Paper |
The Unique Solvability and Approximation of BVP for a Nonlinear Fourth Order Kirchhoff Type Equation | 2021-04-22 | Paper |
Existence results and iterative method for a fully fourth-order nonlinear integral boundary value problem | 2020-10-21 | Paper | | 2020-09-22 | Paper |
Numerical method for solving the Dirichlet boundary value problem for nonlinear triharmonic equation | 2020-07-04 | Paper |
Existence results and numerical method of fourth order convergence for solving a nonlinear triharmonic equation | 2020-04-01 | Paper |
Positivity and global stability preserving NSFD schemes for a mixing propagation model of computer viruses | 2020-03-23 | Paper |
Feedback control variables to restrain the Babesiosis disease | 2020-02-05 | Paper | | 2019-10-23 | Paper |
Complete global stability of a metapopulation model and its dynamically consistent discrete models | 2019-09-19 | Paper |
A simple efficient method for solving sixth-order nonlinear boundary value problems | 2019-07-23 | Paper |
Solving the Dirichlet problem for fully fourth order nonlinear differential equation | 2019-07-19 | Paper |
Existence results and iterative method for solving a nonlinear biharmonic equation of Kirchhoff type | 2019-07-11 | Paper | | 2019-03-13 | Paper | | 2019-01-29 | Paper |
Existence results and numerical method for a fourth order nonlinear problem | 2018-12-03 | Paper |
Exact finite difference schemes for three-dimensional linear systems with constant coefficients | 2018-07-31 | Paper |
A novel approach to fully third order nonlinear boundary value problems | 2018-06-01 | Paper |
Lyapunov direct method for investigating stability of nonstandard finite difference schemes for metapopulation models | 2018-04-10 | Paper |
A novel efficient method for nonlinear boundary value problems | 2017-11-17 | Paper |
Existence results and numerical solution for the Dirichlet problem for fully fourth order nonlinear equation | 2017-04-22 | Paper |
Existence results and iterative method for solving the cantilever beam equation with fully nonlinear term | 2017-03-30 | Paper |
Simple iterative method for solving problems for plates with partial internal supports | 2017-02-28 | Paper |
Dynamically consistent discrete metapopulation model | 2017-02-23 | Paper |
Nonstandard finite difference schemes for a general predator-prey system | 2017-01-19 | Paper |
Method of infinite systems of equations for solving an elliptic problem in a semistrip | 2014-10-31 | Paper |
Iterative method for solving a beam equation with nonlinear boundary conditions | 2014-06-27 | Paper |
Iterative Method for Solving a Problem with Mixed Boundary Conditions for Biharmonic Equation | 2013-05-08 | Paper | | 2013-05-07 | Paper |
Method of infinite system of equations for problems in unbounded domains | 2012-11-15 | Paper |
Iterative method for solving the second boundary value problem for biharmonic-type equation | 2012-11-15 | Paper |
On Dirac delta sequences and their generating functions | 2012-10-11 | Paper | | 2012-04-02 | Paper |
Domain decomposition method for elliptic interface problems | 2012-03-29 | Paper | | 2011-11-08 | Paper |
Iterative method for solving a nonlinear fourth order boundary value problem | 2010-11-08 | Paper |
Adequate numerical solution of air pollution problems by positive difference schemes on unbounded domains | 2008-04-17 | Paper | | 2008-02-11 | Paper |
Iterative method for solving a nonlinear boundary value problem | 2007-09-19 | Paper | | 2006-10-23 | Paper |
Iterative method for solving the Neumann boundary value problem for biharmonic type equation | 2006-09-13 | Paper |
Using boundary-operator method for approximate solution of a boundary value problem (BVP) for triharmonic equation | 2006-03-07 | Paper |
Stability analysis of an approximate method for biharmonic equation | 2005-05-06 | Paper |
Iterative method for solving a boundary value problem for triharmonic equation | 2003-04-13 | Paper |
Mixed boundary-domain operator in approximate solution of biharmonic type equation | 2000-07-05 | Paper | | 2000-06-20 | Paper | | 2000-06-20 | Paper |
Approximate method for solving an elliptic problem with discontinuous coefficients | 1995-03-16 | Paper |
Analytic and numerical solution of some problems of air pollution | 1994-11-14 | Paper |