Publication | Date of Publication | Type |
The two-point Padé approximation problem and its Hankel vector | 2024-07-08 | Paper |
On the quasi-stability criteria of monic matrix polynomials | 2023-10-30 | Paper |
More on Carathéodory theorem for matrix-valued Schur functions | 2022-11-21 | Paper |
On the relation between Hurwitz stability of matrix polynomials and matrix-valued Stieltjes functions | 2022-10-06 | Paper |
The multipoint Padé approximation problem and its Hankel vector | 2020-03-30 | Paper |
A Generalized Bezoutian Matrix With Respect to a Polynomial Sequence of Interpolatory Type | 2017-07-12 | Paper |
On maximal weight solutions of two matricial moment problems in the nondegenerate case | 2016-08-17 | Paper | | 2016-08-10 | Paper | | 2015-10-28 | Paper |
An extended version of Schur-Cohn-Fujiwara theorem in stability theory | 2015-09-03 | Paper |
On maximum mass measures in truncated matricial Hamburger moment problems and related interpolation problems | 2014-11-19 | Paper |
Some propositions on generalized Nevanlinna functions of the class \(\mathcal N_k\) | 2014-11-17 | Paper |
Extremal solutions of matricial Carathéodory problem and Nevanlinna–Pick-type interpolation for Carathéodory matrix functions in the nondegenerate case | 2012-11-29 | Paper |
Note on roots location of a symmetric polynomial with respect to the imaginary axis | 2012-07-04 | Paper |
A multiple point Nevanlinna-Pick type interpolation problem with both interior and boundary data for Carathéodory matrix-valued functions | 2011-08-16 | Paper |
Minimum \(w\)-entropy interpolants for matricial Carathéodory functions and maximum determinant completions of associated block Pick matrix | 2011-03-17 | Paper |
Curve watermarking technique for protecting copyright of digital maps | 2010-03-06 | Paper |
New reversible data hiding algorithm using difference expansion embedding | 2009-10-26 | Paper |
Boundary Nevanlinna–Pick interpolation for Nevanlinna matrix functions and the related Hamburger matrix moment problem | 2009-06-30 | Paper |
On rank variation of block matrices generated by Nevanlinna matrix functions | 2009-04-16 | Paper |
On boundary Nevanlinna--Pick interpolation for Carathéodory matrix functions | 2007-05-10 | Paper | | 2007-01-03 | Paper | | 2006-03-13 | Paper | | 2005-10-12 | Paper | | 2005-10-04 | Paper | | 2005-10-04 | Paper | | 2005-10-04 | Paper | | 2005-10-04 | Paper | | 2005-09-09 | Paper | | 2005-08-08 | Paper | | 2005-08-08 | Paper | | 2005-08-05 | Paper | | 2005-08-05 | Paper | | 2005-08-05 | Paper | | 2005-08-05 | Paper |
Displacement structures and fast inversion formulas for confluent polynomial Vandermonde-like matrices | 2005-06-13 | Paper |
Generalized Hermite formula for the two-sided Lagrange-Sylvester interpolation | 2005-02-23 | Paper |
Displacement structures and fast inversion formulas for \(q\)-adic Vandermonde-like matrices | 2005-02-23 | Paper |
Mixed mean inequalities for several positive definite matrices | 2005-02-23 | Paper |
Displacement structures and fast inversion formulas for confluent polynomial Vandermonde-like matrices | 2005-02-22 | Paper |
Tangential Nevanlinna--Pick interpolation and its connection with Hamburger matrix moment problem | 2004-10-01 | Paper |
Confluent polynomial Vandermonde-like matrices: Displacement structures, inversion formulas and fast algorithm | 2004-08-06 | Paper |
A unified treatment for the matrix Stieltjes moment problem. | 2004-03-29 | Paper | | 2003-08-07 | Paper |
Displacement structure approach to Cauchy and Cauchy-Vandermonde matrices: Inversion formulas and fast algorithms | 2003-01-08 | Paper | | 2002-09-11 | Paper |
A unified treatment for the matrix Stieltjes moment problem in both nondegenerate and degenerate cases | 2001-05-15 | Paper |
Multiple Nevanlinna-Pick interpolation with both interior and boundary data and its connection with the power moment problem | 2001-04-16 | Paper |
The Nevanlinna-Pick interpolation problems and power moment problems for matrix-valued functions. III: The infinitely many data case | 2000-08-07 | Paper |
Inversion of a generalized block Loewner matrix, the minimal partial realization, and matrix rational interpolation problem | 2000-07-05 | Paper |
The truncated Hamburger matrix moment problems in the nondegenerate and degenerate cases, and matrix continued fractions | 2000-03-13 | Paper |
On the multiple Nevanlinna-Pick matrix interpolation in the class \(\mathcal C_p\) and the Carathéodory matrix coefficient problem | 1999-11-28 | Paper | | 1996-07-15 | Paper |