Muhammad Javaid

From MaRDI portal

Available identifiers

zbMath Open javaid.muhammad-binMaRDI QIDQ472126

List of research outcomes

PublicationDate of PublicationType
Graphs with two main and two plain eigenvalues2023-09-05Paper
On minimum generalized degree distance index of cyclic graphs2023-08-14Paper
Least eigenvalue of the connected graphs whose complements are cacti2023-01-17Paper
On minimum algebraic connectivity of graphs whose complements are bicyclic2023-01-17Paper
Further results regarding super edge-magic graphs and solution to an open problem2022-10-06Paper
RSEMT labeling of union of paths and subdivided star2022-10-06Paper
Minimum algebraic connectivity of graphs whose complements are bicyclic with two cycles2022-02-21Paper
M-polynomial based topological properties of Sudoku graphs2022-02-21Paper
Enumeration of the edge weights of symmetrically designed graphs2021-11-25Paper
Sharp bounds of first Zagreb coindex for \(F\)-sum graphs2021-11-24Paper
On the upper bounds of fractional metric dimension of symmetric networks2021-09-17Paper
Computing FGZ index of sum graphs under strong product2021-06-22Paper
Extremal unicyclic graphs with respect to the Sanskruti index2021-04-23Paper
Bounds of degree-based molecular descriptors for generalized \(F\)-sum graphs2021-04-15Paper
On SEMT labeling of disjoint union of subdivided stars and stars2021-01-14Paper
Computing edge weights of magic labeling on rooted products of graphs2020-10-14Paper
Bounds on \(F\)-index of tricyclic graphs with fixed pendant vertices2020-06-15Paper
Parikh word representability of bipartite permutation graphs2020-06-05Paper
Zagreb connection indices of molecular graphs based on operations2020-04-30Paper
Minimizing graph of the connected graphs whose complements are bicyclic with two cycles2019-05-03Paper
On the second minimum algebraic connectivity of the graphs whose complements are trees2017-11-17Paper
Characterization of the minimizing graph of the connected graphs whose complements are bicyclic2017-06-22Paper
On super edge-antimagic total labeling of subdivided stars2014-11-18Paper

Research outcomes over time

Doctoral students

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