Publication | Date of Publication | Type |
A general stability result for swelling porous elastic media with nonlinear damping and nonlinear delay term | 2024-01-16 | Paper |
Stability of a linear thermoelastic Bresse system with second sound under new conditions on the coefficients | 2024-01-04 | Paper |
Uniform decay rates of a Bresse thermoelastic system in the whole space | 2023-12-21 | Paper |
Numerical approximation of the optimal control of a population dynamics model | 2023-12-12 | Paper |
Asymptotic behavior of the porous elastic system with dual phase lag model: Classical versus second spectrum perspectives | 2023-11-27 | Paper |
New general decay results for a multi-dimensional Bresse system with viscoelastic boundary conditions | 2023-09-19 | Paper |
Optimal memory-type boundary control of the Bresse system | 2023-06-27 | Paper |
A general stability result for swelling porous elastic media with nonlinear damping | 2023-06-21 | Paper |
Piezoelectric beams with magnetic effect and localized damping | 2023-06-19 | Paper |
Analysis of exponential stabilization for Rao-Nakra sandwich beam with time-varying weight and time-varying delay: multiplier method versus observability | 2023-06-19 | Paper |
On the decay of MGT-viscoelastic plate with heat conduction of Cattaneo type in bounded and unbounded domains | 2023-04-19 | Paper |
Stabilization results of a piezoelectric beams with partial viscous dampings and under Lorenz gauge condition | 2023-01-31 | Paper |
Energy decay for a weakly nonlinear damped porous system with a nonlinear delay | 2022-09-29 | Paper |
Exponential decay rate of a nonlinear suspension bridge model by a local distributed and boundary dampings | 2022-09-23 | Paper |
Uniform energy decay rates for a transmission problem of Timoshenko system with two memories | 2022-07-22 | Paper |
A general stability result for a nonlinear viscoelastic coupled Kirchhoff system with distributed delay | 2022-03-17 | Paper |
On well-posedness and exponential decay of swelling porous thermoelastic media with second sound | 2022-02-16 | Paper |
Stabilization of Timoshenko-Ehrenfest type systems | 2022-01-06 | Paper |
Optimal decay rates of a nonlinear suspension bridge with memories | 2021-12-09 | Paper |
Uniform decay rates of a coupled suspension bridges with temperature | 2021-11-30 | Paper |
New decay rates for Cauchy problem of the Bresse system in thermoelasticty type III | 2021-11-04 | Paper |
Long-time behavior of partially damped systems modeling degenerate plates with piers | 2021-10-29 | Paper |
New decay rates for Cauchy problem of Timoshenko thermoelastic systems with past history: Cattaneo and Fourier law | 2021-10-28 | Paper |
Energy decay for a weakly nonlinear damped piezoelectric beams with magnetic effects and a nonlinear delay term | 2021-08-18 | Paper |
New stability results for a linear thermoelastic Bresse system with second sound | 2021-04-23 | Paper |
Memory-type boundary control of a laminated Timoshenko beam | 2020-11-11 | Paper |
On the exponential and polynomial stability for a linear Bresse system | 2020-09-16 | Paper |
Existence and decay rates for a coupled Balakrishnan‐Taylor viscoelastic system with dynamic boundary conditions | 2020-09-09 | Paper |
Optimal decay rates of a nonlinear time-delayed viscoelastic wave equation. | 2020-03-06 | Paper |
New general decay results for a von Karman plate equation with memory-type boundary conditions | 2020-02-25 | Paper |
Lower bound and optimality for a nonlinearly damped Timoshenko system with thermoelasticity | 2020-01-10 | Paper |
General decay for a porous thermoelastic system with a memory | 2019-02-18 | Paper |
On the stability of Timoshenko-type systems with internal frictional dampings and discrete time delays | 2017-09-01 | Paper |
Stabilization of a coupled hyperbolic equations with a heat equation of second sound | 2017-07-12 | Paper |
Decay rates of the solution of the Cauchy thermoelastic Bresse system | 2017-04-04 | Paper | | 2016-06-24 | Paper |
The Bresse system in thermoelasticity | 2016-03-21 | Paper |
Asymptotic behavior to Bresse system with past history | 2015-03-19 | Paper |
The effect of the wave speeds and the frictional damping terms on the decay rate of the Bresse system | 2014-12-05 | Paper | | 2014-11-10 | Paper | | 2014-04-14 | Paper |
Decay of the Timoshenko beam with thermal effect and memory boundary conditions | 2013-02-21 | Paper |
General decay to the full von Kármán system with memory | 2012-12-28 | Paper |
Stability result of the Timoshenko system with delay and boundary feedback | 2012-12-10 | Paper |
General decay of solutions of a nonlinear Timoshenko system with a boundary control of memory type. | 2011-09-01 | Paper |
General decay to a von Kármán plate system with memory boundary conditions. | 2011-09-01 | Paper | | 2011-03-04 | Paper |
General decay of solutions of a wave equation with a boundary control of memory type | 2010-07-20 | Paper |
Polynomial and exponential stability for one-dimensional problem in thermoelastic diffusion theory | 2010-06-18 | Paper |
General decay of solutions of a linear one-dimensional porous-thermoelasticity system with a boundary control of memory type | 2010-04-21 | Paper |
Exponential stability of the linearized nonuniform Timoshenko beam | 2009-08-20 | Paper |
Boundary stabilization of memory type for the porous-thermo-elasticity system | 2009-07-02 | Paper |
Energy decay for Porous-thermo-elasticity systems of memory type | 2008-05-28 | Paper |
Boundary stabilization of memory type in thermoelasticity of type III | 2008-03-07 | Paper |
Boundary stabilization of solutions of a nonlinear system of Timoshenko type | 2007-07-16 | Paper |
Stabilization of the nonuniform Timoshenko beam | 2007-01-09 | Paper |
Solution of linear and nonlinear parabolic equations by the decomposition method | 2005-02-23 | Paper | | 2003-04-10 | Paper | | 2001-06-04 | Paper |
Stabilisation de la poutre de Timoshenko | 2000-09-10 | Paper |