Xi-Ying Yuan

From MaRDI portal

Available identifiers

zbMath Open yuan.xiyingMaRDI QIDQ490878

List of research outcomes

PublicationDate of PublicationType
Some results on the saturation number for unions of cliques2024-02-19Paper
Spectral extrema of \(\{ K_{k + 1}, \mathcal{L}_s \}\)-free graphs2024-01-09Paper
On the maximal α-spectral radius of graphs with given matching number2023-07-10Paper
Some signed graphs whose eigenvalues are main2022-03-14Paper
Nordhaus-Gaddum type inequality for the fractional matching number of a graph2022-03-04Paper
Maximal signed graphs with odd signed cycles as star complements2021-11-11Paper
Sharp bounds for spectral radius of nonnegative weakly irreducible tensors2019-12-12Paper
Spectral radii of two kinds of uniform hypergraphs2019-11-15Paper
Signed \(k\)-uniform hypergraphs and tensors2019-09-18Paper
Regular graphs with a prescribed complete multipartite graph as a star complement2019-09-10Paper
On graphs with prescribed star complements2018-10-15Paper
Ordering uniform supertrees by their spectral radii2018-07-19Paper
Some properties and applications of odd-colorable \(r\)-hypergraphs2018-01-11Paper
On the spectral radii and principal eigenvectors of uniform hypergraphs2017-10-20Paper
On the characterization of graphs by star complements2017-09-21Paper
Some properties of the Laplace and normalized Laplace spectra of uniform hypergraphs2017-09-07Paper
The first few unicyclic and bicyclic hypergraphs with largest spectral radii2017-06-22Paper
On the principal eigenvectors of uniform hypergraphs2016-10-26Paper
Proof of a problem on Laplacian eigenvalues of trees2016-05-04Paper
Ordering of some uniform supertrees with larger spectral radii2016-02-24Paper
The proof of a conjecture on largest Laplacian and signless Laplacian H-eigenvalues of uniform hypergraphs2015-12-18Paper
Some upper bounds on the eigenvalues of uniform hypergraphs2015-08-24Paper
Note on the \(k\)th Laplacian eigenvalues of trees with perfect matchings2015-08-21Paper
Maxima of the Q-index: graphs without long paths2015-08-14Paper
Maxima of the \(Q\)-index: forbidden even cycles2015-03-06Paper
Corrigendum to ``Maxima of the \(Q\)-index: forbidden odd cycles2014-11-17Paper
Maxima of the \(Q\)-index: forbidden odd cycles2014-07-22Paper
More eigenvalue problems of Nordhaus-Gaddum type2014-06-03Paper
Maximum norms of graphs and matrices, and their complements2014-02-19Paper
Deleting vertices and interlacing Laplacian eigenvalues2011-04-06Paper
Some results on the spectral radii of bicyclic graphs2010-10-19Paper
On the Laplacian spectral radii of trees with perfect matchings2009-06-30Paper
Some results on the ordering of the Laplacian spectral radii of unicyclic graphs2008-10-17Paper
The six classes of trees with the largest algebraic connectivity2008-03-18Paper
On the second Laplacian eigenvalues of trees of odd order2007-02-14Paper

Research outcomes over time

Doctoral students

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