Publication | Date of Publication | Type |
Correction to: ``A novel integration of MCDM methods and Bayesian networks: the case of incomplete expert knowledge | 2024-09-03 | Paper |
Hybrid truck-drone delivery system with multi-visits and multi-launch and retrieval locations: mathematical model and adaptive variable neighborhood search with neighborhood categorization | 2024-08-13 | Paper |
A dry port hub-and-spoke network design: an optimization model, solution method, and application | 2024-07-08 | Paper |
A constructive method and a guided hybrid GRASP for the capacitated multi-source Weber problem in the presence of fixed cost | 2024-06-07 | Paper |
An adaptive variable neighbourhood search approach for the dynamic vehicle routing problem | 2024-06-06 | Paper |
The truck–drone routing optimization problem: mathematical model and a VNS approach | 2024-04-25 | Paper |
Variable neighborhood search: the power of change and simplicity | 2023-07-04 | Paper |
A novel integration of MCDM methods and Bayesian networks: the case of incomplete expert knowledge | 2023-01-23 | Paper |
An efficient matheuristic algorithm for bi-objective sustainable closed-loop supply chain networks | 2022-08-31 | Paper |
A continuous location and maintenance routing problem for offshore wind farms: mathematical models and hybrid methods | 2022-06-22 | Paper |
The electric location-routing problem with heterogeneous fleet: formulation and Benders decomposition approach | 2022-03-07 | Paper |
Reliable hub-and-spoke systems with multiple capacity levels and flow dependent discount factor | 2022-02-22 | Paper |
Using injection points in reformulation local search for solving continuous location problems | 2021-05-03 | Paper |
The continuous single-source capacitated multi-facility Weber problem with setup costs: formulation and solution methods | 2021-04-28 | Paper |
Multi-Period Travelling Politician Problem: A Hybrid Metaheuristic Solution Method | 2020-12-30 | Paper |
A matheuristic approach for the split delivery vehicle routing problem: an efficient set covering-based model with guided route generation schemes | 2020-10-20 | Paper |
A hybrid data mining metaheuristic for the p‐median problem | 2020-10-14 | Paper |
Packing rectangles into a fixed size circular container: constructive and metaheuristic search approaches | 2020-05-27 | Paper |
The incorporation of fixed cost and multilevel capacities into the discrete and continuous single source capacitated facility location problem | 2019-10-15 | Paper |
Formulation and a two-phase matheuristic for the roaming salesman problem: application to election logistics | 2019-09-18 | Paper |
The multiple trip vehicle routing problem with backhauls: formulation and a two-level variable neighbourhood search | 2018-07-11 | Paper |
An integration of Lagrangian split and VNS: the case of the capacitated vehicle routing problem | 2018-07-11 | Paper |
Speeding up the optimal method of Drezner for the \(p\)-centre problem in the plane | 2018-05-24 | Paper |
The continuous single source location problem with capacity and zone-dependent fixed cost: models and solution approaches | 2018-02-06 | Paper |
Incorporating neighborhood reduction for the solution of the planar \(p\)-median problem | 2017-12-15 | Paper |
New local searches for solving the multi-source Weber problem | 2017-03-03 | Paper |
Drezner's exact method for the continuous \(p\)-centre problem revisited | 2017-02-14 | Paper |
The impact of hub failure in hub-and-spoke networks: mathematical formulations and solution techniques | 2016-11-17 | Paper |
An adaptive perturbation-based heuristic: an application to the continuous \(p\)-centre problem | 2016-11-17 | Paper |
Location equilibria for a continuous competitive facility location problem under delivered pricing | 2016-11-10 | Paper |
The multi-depot vehicle routing problem with heterogeneous vehicle fleet: formulation and a variable neighborhood search implementation | 2016-11-10 | Paper |
A quadtree-based allocation method for a class of large discrete Euclidean location problems | 2016-11-10 | Paper |
New heuristic algorithms for solving the planar \(p\)-median problem | 2016-11-10 | Paper |
The continuous \(p\)-centre problem: an investigation into variable neighbourhood search with memory | 2016-07-06 | Paper |
Solving large \(p\)-median problems by a multistage hybrid approach using demand points aggregation and variable neighbourhood search | 2015-10-28 | Paper |
Solving the planar \(p\)-Median problem by variable neighborhood and concentric searches | 2015-10-28 | Paper |
A new local search for continuous location problems | 2015-02-18 | Paper |
An adaptive multiphase approach for large unconditional and conditional \(p\)-median problems | 2015-02-04 | Paper |
Customer allocation in maximum capture problems | 2013-08-01 | Paper |
Generating good starting solutions for the p-median problem in the plane | 2013-07-23 | Paper |
Hyper-heuristic approaches for the response time variability problem | 2011-08-09 | Paper |
A guided reactive GRASP for the capacitated multi-source Weber problem | 2011-01-31 | Paper |
Integrating heuristic information into exact methods: The case of the vertex p-centre problem | 2010-10-14 | Paper |
An iterative variable-based fixation heuristic for the 0-1 multidimensional knapsack problem | 2009-12-07 | Paper |
Local improvement in planar facility location using vehicle routing | 2009-06-25 | Paper |
A variable neighborhood-based heuristic for the heterogeneous fleet vehicle routing problem | 2009-04-30 | Paper |
Region-rejection based heuristics for the capacitated multi-source Weber problem | 2009-02-12 | Paper |
Centralizing automorphisms and Jordan left derivations on $\sigma$-prime rings | 2009-02-04 | Paper | | 2009-02-03 | Paper |
The multifacility maximin planar location problem with facility interaction | 2007-11-27 | Paper |
A perturbation-based heuristic for the capacitated multisource Weber problem | 2007-02-12 | Paper |
Location-routing: issues, models and methods | 2006-12-07 | Paper |
A continuous location-allocation problem with zone-dependent fixed cost | 2006-03-09 | Paper |
Enhancements to two exact algorithms for solving the vertex \(P\)-center problem | 2006-02-08 | Paper |
The multi-source Weber problem with constant opening cost | 2005-04-04 | Paper |
Heuristic algorithms for single and multiple depot vehicle routing problems with pickups and deliveries | 2005-02-09 | Paper |
A cluster insertion heuristic for single and multiple depot vehicle routing problems with backhauling | 2005-01-13 | Paper |
Adaptive Hybrid Learning for Neural Networks | 2004-10-28 | Paper |
Using hybrid metaheuristics for the one-way and two-way network design problem | 2003-04-02 | Paper |
Solving the multiple competitive facilities location problem | 2002-11-17 | Paper | | 2002-03-24 | Paper | | 2001-10-28 | Paper | | 2001-05-06 | Paper |
The obnoxious \(p\) facility network location problem with facility interaction | 2000-12-17 | Paper | | 1999-12-15 | Paper |
Tabu search model selection in multiple regression analysis | 1999-11-23 | Paper |
The many-to-many location-routing problem | 1999-04-26 | Paper |
A tabu search approach for the resource constrained project scheduling problem | 1999-01-06 | Paper |
An investigation into the relationship of heuristic performance with network-resource characteristics | 1998-03-02 | Paper | | 1997-10-20 | Paper |
Nested Heuristic Methods for the Location-Routeing Problem | 1997-02-04 | Paper |
Incorporating vehicle into the vehicle routing fleet composition problem | 1993-08-25 | Paper |
The effect of ignoring routes when locating depots | 1989-01-01 | Paper |
Operational Research: Methods and Applications | N/A | Paper |