Andrew E. M. Lewis

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zbMath Open lewis.andrew-e-mMaRDI QIDQ535141

List of research outcomes

PublicationDate of PublicationType
Diagonally Non-Computable Functions and Bi-Immunity2014-01-07Paper
Measure and cupping in the Turing degrees2013-09-03Paper
Extensions of embeddings below computably enumerable degrees2013-07-08Paper
Analogues of Chaitin's Omega in the computably enumerable sets2013-03-21Paper
Properties of the jump classes2012-09-05Paper
Empty intervals in the enumeration degrees2012-03-13Paper
A note on the join property2012-02-24Paper
Chaitin's halting probability and the compression of strings using oracles2011-10-11Paper
Topological aspects of the Medvedev lattice2011-05-11Paper
On the degree spectrum of a $\Pi ^0_1$ class2010-10-29Paper
Joining up to the generalized high degrees2010-08-16Paper
The First Order Theories of the Medvedev and Muchnik Lattices2010-07-28Paper
The importance of Π10 classes in effective randomness2010-03-15Paper
A fixed-point-free minimal degree2009-12-03Paper
\(\Pi_1^0 \) classes, LR degrees and Turing degrees2008-12-05Paper
On a question of Slaman and Groszek2008-10-24Paper
Randomness, lowness and degrees2008-06-09Paper
Π10 classes, strong minimal covers and hyperimmune-free degrees2008-03-19Paper
A random degree with strong minimal cover2007-11-27Paper
A Weakly 2-Random Set That Is Not Generalized Low2007-11-13Paper
Working with the LR Degrees2007-11-13Paper
A single minimal complement for the c.e. degrees2007-09-24Paper
Logical Approaches to Computational Barriers2007-04-30Paper
The hypersimple-free c.e. wtt degrees are dense in the c.e. wtt degrees2007-02-20Paper
A c.e. real that cannot be sw-computed by any \(\Omega\) number2007-02-15Paper
Randomness and the linear degrees of computability2007-02-14Paper
Random reals and Lipschitz continuity2007-02-09Paper
The ibT degrees of computably enumerable sets are not dense2006-08-16Paper
New Computational Paradigms2006-01-11Paper
The minimal complementation property above 0′2005-09-26Paper
Properly ?2 minimal degrees and 0? complementation2005-06-01Paper
Π01-classes and Rado's selection principle1992-06-27Paper

Research outcomes over time

Doctoral students

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