Publication | Date of Publication | Type |
Few-Shot Deep Adversarial Learning for Video-Based Person Re-Identification | 2022-09-16 | Paper |
Image Super-Resolution as a Defense Against Adversarial Attacks | 2022-09-16 | Paper |
Zero-VAE-GAN: Generating Unseen Features for Generalized and Transductive Zero-Shot Learning | 2022-09-16 | Paper |
STAR: A Structure and Texture Aware Retinex Model | 2022-09-16 | Paper |
NLH: A Blind Pixel-Level Non-Local Method for Real-World Image Denoising | 2022-09-16 | Paper |
Multi-Granularity Canonical Appearance Pooling for Remote Sensing Scene Classification | 2022-09-16 | Paper |
A Joint Label Space for Generalized Zero-Shot Classification | 2022-09-16 | Paper |
Conditional Variational Image Deraining | 2022-09-16 | Paper |
MCMT-GAN: Multi-Task Coherent Modality Transferable GAN for 3D Brain Image Synthesis | 2022-09-16 | Paper |
Noisy-as-Clean: Learning Self-Supervised Denoising From Corrupted Image | 2022-09-16 | Paper |
Sparse graph based self-supervised hashing for scalable image retrieval | 2021-12-02 | Paper |
Pixelated semantic colorization | 2020-08-20 | Paper |
Latent structure preserving hashing | 2020-08-20 | Paper |
Unsupervised binary representation learning with deep variational networks | 2020-08-20 | Paper |
Adaptive robust principal component analysis | 2020-06-05 | Paper |
Flexible unsupervised feature extraction for image classification | 2020-05-27 | Paper |
Aesthetics-Guided Graph Clustering With Absent Modalities Imputation | 2019-10-28 | Paper |
Scalable Supervised Asymmetric Hashing With Semantic and Latent Factor Embedding | 2019-10-28 | Paper |
Learning Match Kernels on Grassmann Manifolds for Action Recognition | 2019-02-07 | Paper |
Extracting Privileged Information for Enhancing Classifier Learning | 2019-02-07 | Paper |
Video Salient Object Detection via Fully Convolutional Networks | 2019-02-06 | Paper |
Latent Constrained Correlation Filter | 2019-02-06 | Paper |
Adaptive RGB Image Recognition by Visual-Depth Embedding | 2019-02-06 | Paper |
Submodular Trajectories for Better Motion Segmentation in Videos | 2019-02-06 | Paper |
Action Recognition From Arbitrary Views Using Transferable Dictionary Learning | 2019-02-06 | Paper |
Sequential Discrete Hashing for Scalable Cross-Modality Similarity Retrieval | 2019-02-05 | Paper |
Manifold Regularized Experimental Design for Active Learning | 2019-02-05 | Paper |
Pairwise Operator Learning for Patch-Based Single-Image Super-Resolution | 2019-02-05 | Paper |
Progressive Shape-Distribution-Encoder for Learning 3D Shape Representation | 2019-02-05 | Paper |
Learning Short Binary Codes for Large-scale Image Retrieval | 2019-02-05 | Paper |
Learning to Hash With Optimized Anchor Embedding for Scalable Retrieval | 2019-02-05 | Paper |
Discriminative Elastic-Net Regularized Linear Regression | 2019-02-05 | Paper |
Higher Order Energies for Image Segmentation | 2019-02-05 | Paper |
Visual Tracking by Sampling in Part Space | 2019-02-05 | Paper |
Sub-Markov Random Walk for Image Segmentation | 2019-02-04 | Paper |
Compressive Sequential Learning for Action Similarity Labeling | 2019-02-04 | Paper |
Blind Estimation of Blur Kernels and Parameters from a Single Image | 2019-02-04 | Paper |
Generalized Pooling for Robust Object Tracking | 2019-02-04 | Paper |
Correspondence Driven Saliency Transfer | 2019-02-04 | Paper |
Visual Tracking Under Motion Blur | 2019-02-04 | Paper |
Real-Time Superpixel Segmentation by DBSCAN Clustering Algorithm | 2019-02-04 | Paper |
Multiview Alignment Hashing for Efficient Image Search | 2019-01-31 | Paper |
Learning View-Model Joint Relevance for 3D Object Retrieval | 2019-01-31 | Paper |
A Fast Single Image Haze Removal Algorithm Using Color Attenuation Prior | 2019-01-31 | Paper |
Interactive Cosegmentation Using Global and Local Energy Optimization | 2019-01-31 | Paper |
Consistent Video Saliency Using Local Gradient Flow Optimization and Global Refinement | 2019-01-31 | Paper |
Nonlocal Hierarchical Dictionary Learning Using Wavelets for Image Denoising | 2017-10-27 | Paper |
An Overview and Performance Evaluation of Classification-Based Least Squares Trained Filters | 2017-10-09 | Paper |
Weakly-supervised cross-domain dictionary learning for visual recognition | 2016-01-06 | Paper |
Global existence, uniqueness, and asymptotic behavior of solution for \(p\)-Laplacian type wave equation | 2010-12-06 | Paper |
Adaptive resolution upconversion for compressed video using pixel classification | 2009-09-01 | Paper |