Publication | Date of Publication | Type |
A Gap in the Morse Index of Minimal Hypersurfaces in the Product of Spheres | 2024-05-10 | Paper |
Manifolds with density and the first Steklov eigenvalue | 2024-04-18 | Paper |
Spacelike translating solitons of the mean curvature flow in Lorentzian product spaces with density | 2024-03-14 | Paper |
Morse index bounds for minimal submanifolds | 2024-01-22 | Paper |
Spectrum comparison on free boundary minimal submanifolds of Euclidean domains | 2023-10-17 | Paper |
Poincaré type inequality for hypersurfaces and rigidity results | 2023-07-06 | Paper |
Solitons of the spacelike mean curvature flow in generalized Robertson-Walker spacetimes | 2023-06-30 | Paper |
The first and second widths of the real projective space | 2023-06-27 | Paper |
Rigidity of mean curvature flow solitons and uniqueness of solutions of the mean curvature flow soliton equation in certain warped products | 2023-05-24 | Paper |
A short note about 1-width of Lens spaces | 2023-05-17 | Paper |
A note about a Caffarelli-Kohn-Nirenberg type inequality for Euclidean submanifolds | 2023-04-11 | Paper |
Maximum principles applied to translating solitons of the mean curvature flow in product spaces | 2023-03-06 | Paper |
A note on local minimizers of energy on complete manifolds | 2023-03-02 | Paper |
Spacelike translating solitons in Lorentzian product spaces: Nonexistence, Calabi–Bernstein type results and examples | 2022-10-06 | Paper |
Entire translating graphs in weighted product spaces: rigidity and nonexistence results | 2022-06-17 | Paper |
Min-max widths of the real projective 3-space | 2022-06-16 | Paper |
Index estimates for closed minimal submanifolds of the sphere | 2022-06-01 | Paper |
Minimal hypersurfaces with low index in the real projective space | 2022-03-01 | Paper |
On the classification of MOTS in the de Sitter space | 2020-04-01 | Paper |
On the umbilicity of generalized linear Weingarten spacelike hypersurfaces in a Lorentzian space form | 2019-05-08 | Paper |
On the umbilicity of generalized linear Weingarten hypersurfaces in hyperbolic spaces | 2018-12-11 | Paper |
Hardy and Rellich inequalities for submanifolds in Hadamard spaces | 2018-10-02 | Paper |
Characterizations of complete hypersurfaces in locally symmetric Riemannian manifolds | 2018-08-21 | Paper |
Upper bounds for the first stability eigenvalue of surfaces in 3-Riemannian manifolds | 2018-07-13 | Paper |
Constant mean curvature surfaces in \({\mathbb {M}}^2(c)\times \mathbb {R}\) and finite total curvature | 2018-05-08 | Paper |
Rigidity of manifolds admitting stable solutions of an elliptic problem | 2018-02-10 | Paper |
Uniqueness of spacelike hypersurfaces in a GRW spacetime via higher order mean curvatures | 2017-09-01 | Paper |
Sobolev and isoperimetric inequalities for submanifolds in weighted ambient spaces | 2015-11-19 | Paper |
Lower volume growth and total \(\sigma_k\)-scalar curvature estimates | 2015-10-12 | Paper |
The Caffarelli-Kohn-Nirenberg Inequality for Submanifolds in Riemannian Manifolds | 2015-09-13 | Paper |
The first Stekloff eigenvalue in weighted Riemannian manifolds | 2015-04-10 | Paper |
On the first stability eigenvalue of surfaces with constant weighted mean curvature | 2015-03-20 | Paper |
The \(p\)-hyperbolicity of infinity volume ends and applications | 2014-09-12 | Paper |
Integral estimates for the trace of symmetric operators | 2012-03-31 | Paper |
Hypersurfaces with null higher order mean curvature | 2010-12-15 | Paper |
Simons' Type Equation in $\mathbb{S}^2\times\mathbb{R}$ and $\mathbb{H}^2\times\mathbb{R}$ and Applications | 2009-04-16 | Paper |
Perelman singular manifolds | 0001-01-03 | Paper |