Publication | Date of Publication | Type |
COLIN implies LIN for emergent algebras | 2021-10-15 | Paper |
A variational formulation for constitutive laws described by bipotentials | 2020-12-02 | Paper |
Graph rewrites, from graphic lambda calculus, to chemlambda, to directed interaction combinators | 2020-07-07 | Paper |
Artificial chemistry experiments with chemlambda, lambda calculus, interaction combinators | 2020-03-31 | Paper |
On the information content of the difference from hamiltonian evolution | 2019-02-12 | Paper |
A stochastic version and a Liouville theorem for hamiltonian inclusions with convex dissipation | 2018-07-27 | Paper |
The em-convex rewrite system | 2018-07-05 | Paper |
A symplectic Brezis–Ekeland–Nayroles principle | 2017-09-22 | Paper |
Graphic lambda calculus | 2017-03-03 | Paper |
Zipper logic | 2014-05-20 | Paper |
Chemlambda, universality and self-multiplication | 2014-03-31 | Paper |
GLC actors, artificial chemical connectomes, topological issues and knots | 2013-12-16 | Paper |
Chemical concrete machine | 2013-09-26 | Paper |
Blurred Constitutive Laws and Bipotential Convex Covers | 2013-08-14 | Paper |
A Priori Inequalities between Energy Release Rate and Energy Concentration for 3D Quasistatic Brittle Fracture Propagation | 2013-08-14 | Paper |
Origin of emergent algebras | 2013-04-12 | Paper |
Geometric Ruzsa triangle inequality in metric spaces with dilations | 2013-04-11 | Paper |
On graphic lambda calculus and the dual of the graphic beta move | 2013-02-04 | Paper |
Graphic lambda calculus and knot diagrams | 2012-11-07 | Paper |
Local and global moves on locally planar trivalent graphs, lambda calculus and $\lambda$-Scale | 2012-07-02 | Paper |
Sub-riemannian geometry from intrinsic viewpoint | 2012-06-14 | Paper |
Braided spaces with dilations and sub-riemannian symmetric spaces | 2012-05-24 | Paper |
$\lambda$-Scale, a lambda calculus for spaces with dilations | 2012-05-01 | Paper |
Maps of metric spaces | 2011-07-14 | Paper |
Normed groupoids with dilations | 2011-07-14 | Paper |
Computing with space: a tangle formalism for chora and difference | 2011-03-30 | Paper |
Infinitesimal affine geometry of metric spaces endowed with a dilatation structure | 2011-03-18 | Paper |
A characterization of sub-Riemannian spaces as length dilation structures constructed via coherent projections | 2011-03-01 | Paper | | 2011-02-18 | Paper |
Hamiltonian inclusions with convex dissipation with a view towards applications | 2010-11-25 | Paper |
More than discrete or continuous: a bird's view | 2010-11-19 | Paper |
What is a space? Computations in emergent algebras and the front end visual system | 2010-09-25 | Paper |
Self-similar dilatation structures and automata | 2010-09-08 | Paper |
Introduction to metric spaces with dilations | 2010-07-14 | Paper |
Bipotentials for non-monotone multivalued operators: fundamental results and applications | 2010-05-19 | Paper |
Non maximal cyclically monotone graphs and construction of a bipotential for the Coulomb's dry friction law | 2010-04-06 | Paper |
Uniform refinements, topological derivative and a differentiation theorem in metric spaces | 2009-11-24 | Paper |
Deformations of normed groupoids and differential calculus. First part | 2009-11-06 | Paper |
Emergent algebras | 2009-07-09 | Paper |
Dilatation structures in sub-riemannian geometry | 2009-03-26 | Paper |
Four applications of majorization to convexity in the calculus of variations | 2008-10-06 | Paper | | 2008-03-06 | Paper | | 2008-02-22 | Paper |
On the Kirchheim-Magnani counterexample to metric differentiability | 2007-10-06 | Paper |
Dilatation structures with the Radon-Nikodym property | 2007-06-25 | Paper |
Linear dilatation structures and inverse semigroups | 2007-05-28 | Paper |
Contractible groups and linear dilatation structures | 2007-05-10 | Paper |
Microfractured media with a scale and Mumford-Shah energies | 2007-04-28 | Paper |
Equilibrium and absolute minimal states of Mumford-Shah functionals and brittle fracture propagation | 2007-04-20 | Paper |
Dilatation structures. I: Fundamentals | 2007-04-04 | Paper | | 2007-02-12 | Paper |
Dilatation structures II. Linearity, self-similarity and the Cantor set | 2006-12-18 | Paper |
Construction of bipotentials and a minimax theorem of Fan | 2006-10-04 | Paper | | 2006-06-06 | Paper |
The variational complex of a diffeomorphisms group | 2005-11-11 | Paper |
Quasiconvexity versus group invariance | 2005-11-09 | Paper |
Perturbed area functionals and brittle damage mechanics | 2005-11-09 | Paper |
Determinantal generating functions of colored spanning forests | 2005-05-18 | Paper |
Sub-Riemannian geometry and Lie groups. Part II. Curvature of metric spaces, coadjoint orbits and associated representations | 2004-07-07 | Paper | | 2004-05-27 | Paper |
Curvature of sub-Riemannian spaces | 2003-11-26 | Paper |
Tangent bundles to sub-Riemannian groups | 2003-07-25 | Paper |
Lower semi-continuity of integrals with \(G\) -quasiconvex potential | 2003-03-27 | Paper |
Sub-Riemannian geometry and Lie groups. Part I | 2002-10-13 | Paper | | 2002-06-09 | Paper |
Volume preserving bi-Lipschitz homeomorphisms on the Heisenberg group | 2002-05-04 | Paper |
Symplectic, Hofer and sub-Riemannian geometry | 2002-01-12 | Paper |
Energy minimizing brittle crack propagation | 2000-11-12 | Paper | | 1998-11-15 | Paper | | 1996-11-14 | Paper | | 1995-01-24 | Paper |