Publication | Date of Publication | Type |
Disprove of a conjecture on the double Roman domination number | 2024-03-01 | Paper |
A proof of a conjecture on the connected domination number | 2022-10-31 | Paper |
Cubic graphs have paired-domination number at most four-seventh of their orders | 2022-09-26 | Paper |
Disprove of a conjecture on the doubly connected domination subdivision number | 2022-09-02 | Paper | | 2022-06-01 | Paper |
A proof of a conjecture on the paired-domination subdivision number | 2022-03-21 | Paper |
Double Roman domination in graphs with minimum degree at least two and no \(C_5\)-cycle | 2022-03-15 | Paper |
On a conjecture concerning total domination subdivision number in graphs | 2022-03-02 | Paper |
Game $k$-Domination Number of Graphs | 2022-02-11 | Paper |
Roman domination in graphs with minimum degree at least two and some forbidden cycles | 2021-10-14 | Paper |
Nordhaus–Gaddum type results for connected and total domination | 2021-07-27 | Paper |
A proof of a conjecture on the differential of a subcubic graph | 2020-10-14 | Paper |
An improved upper bound on the double Roman domination number of graphs with minimum degree at least two | 2019-11-06 | Paper |
On two conjectures concerning total domination subdivision number in graphs | 2019-06-25 | Paper |
Game total domination subdivision number of a graph | 2015-11-10 | Paper |
Game domination subdivision number of a graph | 2015-07-01 | Paper | | 2014-12-03 | Paper |
On the total outer-connected domination in graphs | 2014-06-24 | Paper |
On the total domination subdivision number in graphs | 2014-04-25 | Paper | | 2014-03-19 | Paper | | 2014-02-07 | Paper |
On the outer-connected domination in graphs | 2013-08-09 | Paper |
Global signed domination in graphs | 2013-06-26 | Paper | | 2013-06-10 | Paper |
The total domination subdivision number in graphs with no induced 3-cycle and 5-cycle | 2013-04-08 | Paper | | 2012-11-15 | Paper |
Connected domination number of a graph and its complement | 2012-01-24 | Paper | | 2012-01-05 | Paper | | 2011-06-29 | Paper |
Matchings and total domination subdivision number in graphs with few induced 4-cycles | 2011-05-09 | Paper |
Bounding the total domination subdivision number of a graph in terms of its order | 2011-03-17 | Paper |
Inequalities of Nordhaus-Gaddum type for doubly connected domination number | 2010-11-25 | Paper |
Proof of a conjecture on game domination | 2010-11-24 | Paper |
On the total domination subdivision number in some classes of graphs | 2010-11-12 | Paper |
An upper bound for the total domination subdivision number of a graph | 2010-05-05 | Paper |
Paired-domination subdivision numbers of graphs | 2010-01-18 | Paper |
A new bound on the total domination subdivision number | 2009-12-09 | Paper |
On the Roman domination number of a graph | 2009-06-23 | Paper |
Lower bounds on the signed domination numbers of directed graphs | 2009-06-19 | Paper | | 2009-05-22 | Paper |
Lower bounds on signed edge total domination numbers in graphs | 2009-05-06 | Paper |
Disproof of a conjecture on the subdivision domination number of a graph | 2009-04-29 | Paper | | 2009-04-14 | Paper |
Paired-domination number of a graph and its complement | 2009-01-28 | Paper | | 2008-08-12 | Paper | | 2008-07-21 | Paper |
Total domination and total domination subdivision number of a graph and its complement | 2008-07-11 | Paper | | 2008-05-27 | Paper |
Some notes on signed edge domination in graphs | 2008-04-16 | Paper | | 2008-03-11 | Paper | | 2008-02-22 | Paper | | 2008-02-20 | Paper |