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Cornuéjols, Gérard - MaRDI portal

Cornuéjols, Gérard

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zbMath Open cornuejols.gerard-pDBLP26/1473WikidataQ1558966 ScholiaQ1558966MaRDI QIDQ163019

List of research outcomes

PublicationDate of PublicationType
Arc connectivity and submodular flows in digraphs2025-01-14Paper
Erratum to: ``Arc connectivity and submodular flows in digraphs2025-01-14Paper
Total dual dyadicness and dyadic generating sets2024-08-20Paper
Approximately Packing Dijoins via Nowhere-Zero Flows2023-11-07Paper
Arc connectivity and submodular flows in digraphs2023-10-30Paper
On Packing Dijoins in Digraphs and Weighted Digraphs2023-10-26Paper
Dyadic linear programming and extensions2023-09-08Paper
Testing idealness in the filter oracle model2022-12-12Paper
Idealness of k-wise Intersecting Families2022-10-14Paper
On Dyadic Fractional Packings of $T$-Joins2022-10-06Paper
A mickey-mouse decomposition theorem2022-08-30Paper
Combining and strengthening Gomory cuts2022-08-30Paper
Total dual dyadicness and dyadic generating sets2022-08-16Paper
Clean Clutters and Dyadic Fractional Packings2022-04-20Paper
Idealness of \(k\)-wise intersecting families2022-03-22Paper
Correction to: ``Idealness of \(k\)-wise intersecting families2022-03-22Paper
Clean tangled clutters, simplices, and projective geometries2022-03-03Paper
Testing idealness in the filter oracle model2022-02-15Paper
Decomposition of integer programs and of generating sets2021-12-20Paper
A new infinite class of ideal minimally non-packing clutters2021-06-14Paper
Resistant Sets in the Unit Hypercube2021-06-03Paper
Intersecting restrictions in clutters2021-03-20Paper
The max-flow min-cut property and \(\pm 1\)-resistant sets2020-12-29Paper
Cuboids, a class of clutters2020-04-07Paper
Ideal Clutters That Do Not Pack2020-03-12Paper
Idealness and 2-resistant sets2020-02-10Paper
Identically self-blocking clutters2020-02-06Paper
On the rational polytopes with Chvátal rank 12020-01-17Paper
When the Gomory-chvátal closure coincides with the integer hull2019-06-11Paper
From estimation to optimization via shrinkage2019-02-22Paper
Optimality certificates for convex minimization and Helly numbers2019-02-22Paper
On some polytopes contained in the 0,1 hypercube that have a small Chvátal rank2018-10-26Paper
Disjunctive cuts for cross-sections of the second-order cone2018-09-28Paper
Optimization Methods in Finance2018-08-07Paper
Incorporating Black-Litterman Views in Portfolio Construction when Stock Returns are a Mixture of Normals2017-06-10Paper
Cut-Generating Functions for Integer Variables2016-11-16Paper
On Some Polytopes Contained in the 0,1 Hypercube that Have a Small Chvátal Rank2016-08-10Paper
Deciding Emptiness of the Gomory-Chvátal Closure is NP-Complete, Even for a Rational Polyhedron Containing No Integer Point2016-08-10Paper
Sufficiency of cut-generating functions2015-08-31Paper
Cut-Generating Functions and S-Free Sets2015-05-29Paper
On the relative strength of families of intersection cuts arising from pairs of tableau constraints in mixed integer programs2015-04-16Paper
On the safety of Gomory cut generators2014-10-06Paper
Integer Programming2014-10-02Paper
Cutting planes from two-term disjunctions2014-05-15Paper
A 3-slope theorem for the infinite relaxation in the plane2014-02-03Paper
Practical strategies for generating rank-1 split cuts in mixed-integer linear programming2013-11-28Paper
Unique lifting of integer variables in minimal inequalities2013-11-11Paper
Extended formulations in combinatorial optimization2013-08-08Paper
The Chvátal closure of generalized stable sets in bidirected graphs2013-07-19Paper
Lifting Gomory cuts with bounded variables2013-05-14Paper
The ongoing story of Gomory cuts2013-04-17Paper
Cut-Generating Functions2013-03-19Paper
Mixed-integer nonlinear programs featuring ``on/off constraints2012-09-27Paper
How tight is the corner relaxation? Insights gained from the stable set problem2012-09-11Paper
Experiments with Two-Row Cuts from Degenerate Tableaux2012-07-28Paper
A counterexample to a conjecture of Gomory and Johnson2012-06-26Paper
Early Estimates of the Size of Branch-and-Bound Trees2012-06-18Paper
K-Cuts: A Variation of Gomory Mixed Integer Cuts from the LP Tableau2012-05-30Paper
Intersection Cuts with Infinite Split Rank2012-05-24Paper
Unique Minimal Liftings for Simplicial Polytopes2012-05-24Paper
Reduce-and-Split Cuts: Improving the Performance of Mixed-Integer Gomory Cuts2012-02-21Paper
A Geometric Perspective on Lifting2012-01-26Paper
Improved strategies for branching on general disjunctions2011-12-14Paper
A Probabilistic Analysis of the Strength of the Split and Triangle Closures2011-06-24Paper
Branching on general disjunctions2011-06-17Paper
Revival of the Gomory cuts in the 1990's2011-05-20Paper
Convex Sets and Minimal Sublinear Functions2011-05-06Paper
Minimal Valid Inequalities for Integer Constraints2011-04-27Paper
Maximal Lattice-Free Convex Sets in Linear Subspaces2011-04-27Paper
Minimal Inequalities for an Infinite Relaxation of Integer Programs2011-03-15Paper
On the relative strength of split, triangle and quadrilateral cuts2011-02-14Paper
On Lifting Integer Variables in Minimal Inequalities2010-06-22Paper
Equivalence between intersection cuts and the corner polyhedron2010-06-08Paper
Polyhedral Approaches to Mixed Integer Linear Programming2010-06-03Paper
Extended formulations in combinatorial optimization2010-05-21Paper
Stable sets, corner polyhedra and the Chvàtal closure2009-12-07Paper
On the facets of mixed integer programs with two integer variables and two constraints2009-07-24Paper
Lehman matrices2009-06-23Paper
A feasibility pump for mixed integer nonlinear programs2009-04-24Paper
An algorithmic framework for convex mixed integer nonlinear programs2008-10-29Paper
A note on the MIR closure2008-05-29Paper
On the Facets of Mixed Integer Programs with Two Integer Variables and Two Constraints2008-04-15Paper
Projected Chvátal-Gomory cuts for mixed integer linear programs2008-03-12Paper
Valid inequalities for mixed integer linear programs2007-09-10Paper
Decomposing Berge graphs containing no proper wheel, long prism or their complements2007-05-08Paper
Optimization Methods in Finance2007-04-05Paper
Balanced matrices2006-10-30Paper
Recognizing Berge graphs2006-06-27Paper
A convex-analysis perspective on disjunctive cuts2006-06-14Paper
Odd Hole Recognition in Graphs of Bounded Clique Size2006-06-01Paper
Split closure and intersection cuts2005-04-29Paper
Decomposition of odd-hole-free graphs by double star cutsets and 2-joins2004-08-06Paper
Square-free perfect graphs.2004-03-14Paper
The packing property.2004-02-18Paper
Graphs without odd holes, parachutes or proper wheels: A generalization of Meyniel graphs and of line graphs of bipartite graphs2003-08-25Paper
A class of perfect graphs containing \(P_{6}\)2003-08-25Paper
Ideal Binary Clutters, Connectivity, and a Conjecture of Seymour2003-01-05Paper
Balanced \(0,\pm 1\) matrices. I: Decomposition2002-12-10Paper
Balanced \(0,\pm 1\) matrices. II: Recognition algorithm2002-12-10Paper
A connection between cutting plane theory and the geometry of numbers2002-12-01Paper
Perfect graphs, partitionable graphs and cutsets2002-10-20Paper
Even-hole-free graphs part II: Recognition algorithm2002-09-29Paper
On dijoins2002-09-25Paper
Ideal clutters2002-09-17Paper
On the rank of mixed 0,1 polyhedra.2002-06-18Paper
Even-hole-free graphs part I: Decomposition theorem2002-06-02Paper
On Padberg's conjecture about almost totally unimodular matrices2001-11-07Paper
Elementary closures for integer programs.2001-07-12Paper
Combinatorial Optimization2001-05-30Paper
Perfect, ideal and balanced matrices2001-01-01Paper
Balanced cycles and holes in bipartite graphs2000-07-05Paper
Even and odd holes in cap-free graphs1999-05-26Paper
A Class of Hard Small 0-1 Programs1999-01-01Paper
A class of logic problems solvable by linear programming1998-01-28Paper
Universally signable graphs1998-01-05Paper
Mixed 0-1 Programming by Lift-and-Project in a Branch-and-Cut Framework1997-11-12Paper
Gomory cuts revisited1997-07-06Paper
Perfect \(0,\pm 1\) matrices1997-05-14Paper
Perfect matchings in balanced hypergraphs1997-01-23Paper
Balanced \(0,\pm 1\)-matrices, bicoloring and total dual integrality1996-09-18Paper
From Totally Unimodular to Balanced 0, ±1 Matrices: A Family of Integer Polytopes1994-10-31Paper
Ideal 0, 1 matrices1994-06-06Paper
Complete multi-partite cutsets in minimal imperfect graphs1994-05-05Paper
Polyhedral study of the capacitated vehicle routing problem1993-11-01Paper
A lift-and-project cutting plane algorithm for mixed 0-1 programs1993-08-17Paper
A projection method for the uncapacitated facility location problem1990-01-01Paper
On the 0,1 facets of the set covering polytope1989-01-01Paper
General factors of graphs1988-01-01Paper
A matroid algorithm and its application to the efficient solution of two optimization problems on graphs1988-01-01Paper
An algorithmic framework for the matching problem in some hypergraphs1987-01-01Paper
Submodular set functions, matroids and the greedy algorithm: Tight worst- case bounds and some generalizations of the Rado-Edmonds theorem. A correction1987-01-01Paper
TRAVEL - An interactive travelling salesman problem package for the IBM- personal computer1987-01-01Paper
Two algorithms for weighted matroid intersection1986-01-01Paper
An extension of matching theory1986-01-01Paper
The traveling salesman problem on a graph and some related integer polyhedra1985-01-01Paper
The traveling salesman problem in graphs with 3-edge cutsets1985-01-01Paper
Compositions for perfect graphs1985-01-01Paper
Submodular set functions, matroids and the greedy algorithm: Tight worst- case bounds and some generalizations of the Rado-Edmonds theorem1984-01-01Paper
Halin graphs and the travelling salesman problem1983-01-01Paper
Critical graphs, matchings and tours or a hierarchy of relaxations for the travelling salesman problem1983-01-01Paper
Some facets of the simple plant location polytope1982-01-01Paper
A Primal Approach to the Simple Plant Location Problem1982-01-01Paper
Packing subgraphs in a graph1982-01-01Paper
Worst-Case and Probabilistic Analysis of Algorithms for a Location Problem1980-01-01Paper
Perfect triangle-free 2-matchings1980-01-01Paper
A Canonical Representation of Simple Plant Location Problems and Its Applications1980-01-01Paper
A matching problem with side conditions1980-01-01Paper
Note—On “Location of Bank Accounts to Optimize Float: An Analytic Study of Exact and Approximate Algorithms”1979-01-01Paper
Tight bounds for christofides' traveling salesman heuristic1978-01-01Paper
Exceptional Paper—Location of Bank Accounts to Optimize Float: An Analytic Study of Exact and Approximate Algorithms1977-01-01Paper

Research outcomes over time

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