Publication | Date of Publication | Type |
BV regularity of the adapted entropy solutions for conservation laws with infinitely many spatial discontinuities | 2024-07-15 | Paper |
A source term method for Poisson problems with a discontinuous diffusion coefficient | 2024-01-26 | Paper |
Compactness estimates for difference schemes for conservation laws with discontinuous flux | 2023-05-30 | Paper |
Convergence of a Godunov scheme for degenerate conservation laws with BV spatial flux and a study of Panov-type fluxes | 2022-09-27 | Paper |
A Godunov type scheme and error estimates for scalar conservation laws with Panov-type discontinuous flux | 2022-06-28 | Paper |
An explicit finite volume algorithm for vanishing viscosity solutions on a network | 2022-05-09 | Paper |
A splitting algorithm for LWR traffic models with flux discontinuous in the unknown | 2022-04-14 | Paper |
Convergence of Monotone Schemes for Conservation Laws with Zero-Flux Boundary Conditions | 2021-10-06 | Paper |
A Godunov type scheme and error estimates for multidimensional scalar conservation laws with Panov-type discontinuous flux | 2021-03-09 | Paper |
Convergence of a Godunov scheme to an Audusse-Perthame adapted entropy solution for conservation laws with BV spatial flux | 2020-11-02 | Paper |
Well-posedness for conservation laws with spatial heterogeneities and a study of BV regularity | 2020-10-26 | Paper |
An existence result for conservation laws having BV spatial flux heterogeneities -- without concavity | 2020-06-02 | Paper |
The Lax-Friedrichs scheme for interaction between the inviscid Burgers equation and multiple particles | 2020-04-22 | Paper |
Convergence via OSLC of the Godunov scheme for a scalar conservation law with time and space flux discontinuities | 2018-08-21 | Paper |
A mathematical model of clarifier-thickener units | 2018-07-26 | Paper |
Convergence of the Godunov scheme for a scalar conservation law with time and space discontinuities | 2018-07-24 | Paper |
A source term method for Poisson problems on irregular domains | 2018-06-08 | Paper |
Convergence of a Godunov scheme for conservation laws with a discontinuous flux lacking the crossing condition | 2017-12-06 | Paper |
A fixed grid, shifted stencil scheme for inviscid fluid-particle interaction | 2016-10-13 | Paper |
On some difference schemes and entropy conditions for a class of multi-species kinematic flow models with discontinuous flux | 2013-03-21 | Paper | | 2011-03-02 | Paper |
Second-order schemes for conservation laws with discontinuous flux modelling clarifier-thickener units | 2010-10-27 | Paper |
An Engquist–Osher-Type Scheme for Conservation Laws with Discontinuous Flux Adapted to Flux Connections | 2010-07-13 | Paper | | 2010-02-24 | Paper |
Discretizing delta functions via finite differences and gradient normalization | 2009-06-18 | Paper |
Finite difference methods for approximating Heaviside functions | 2009-05-12 | Paper |
A convergence rate theorem for finite difference approximations to delta functions | 2008-07-21 | Paper |
Two methods for discretizing a delta function supported on a level set | 2007-02-19 | Paper |
Closed-form and finite difference solutions to a population balance model of grinding mills | 2006-09-28 | Paper |
A Model of Continuous Sedimentation of Flocculated Suspensions in Clarifier-Thickener Units | 2005-09-16 | Paper | | 2005-03-14 | Paper |
Convergence of the Lax-Friedrichs scheme and stability for conservation laws with a discontinuous space-time dependent flux | 2005-03-07 | Paper | | 2005-02-21 | Paper |
Monotone difference approximations for the simulation of clarifier-thickener units | 2005-02-08 | Paper |
Well-posedness in \(BV_t\) and convergence of a difference scheme for continuous sedimentation in ideal clarifier-thickener units | 2004-07-01 | Paper | | 2003-12-04 | Paper |
Upwind difference approximations for degenerate parabolic convection-diffusion equations with a discontinuous coefficient | 2003-06-25 | Paper | | 2003-04-13 | Paper |
A Difference Scheme for Conservation Laws with a Discontinuous Flux: The Nonconvex Case | 2002-07-08 | Paper |
Convergence of a Difference Scheme for Conservation Laws with a Discontinuous Flux | 2000-10-19 | Paper |