Hai-Ying Shan

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Available identifiers

zbMath Open shan.haiyingMaRDI QIDQ712271

List of research outcomes

PublicationDate of PublicationType
Spectral characterization of the complete graph removing a cycle2024-04-09Paper
On the relationship between shortlex order and \(A_\alpha \)-spectral radii of graphs with starlike branch tree2024-01-25Paper
On the \(\alpha\)-spectral radius of unicyclic and bicyclic graphs with a fixed diameter2023-05-22Paper
Some α -spectral extremal results for some digraphs2023-05-03Paper
\((\alpha,\beta)\)-labelling method for \(k\)-uniform hypergraph and its applications2022-05-05Paper
Laplacian spectral radius of $\bm c$-cyclic graph and maximum vertex degree2022-03-21Paper
A proof of a conjecture on the distance spectral radius and maximum transmission of graphs2022-03-15Paper
On the index of unbalanced signed bicyclic graphs2021-11-11Paper
The smallest spectral radius of bicyclic uniform hypergraphs with a given size2021-06-04Paper
The signature of chordal graphs and cographs2021-03-17Paper
The energy change of the complete multipartite graph2020-07-22Paper
Spectral characterization of the complete graph removing a path2020-07-07Paper
On some properties of the \(\alpha \)-spectral radius of the \(k\)-uniform hypergraph2020-04-21Paper
The signature of two generalizations of line graphs2019-05-29Paper
Corrigendum to: ``The spectral characterization of butterfly-like graphs2018-01-12Paper
Which \(Q\)-cospectral graphs have same degree sequences2017-03-03Paper
Two subgraph grafting theorems on the energy of bipartite graphs2016-12-29Paper
The spectral characterization of butterfly-like graphs2016-11-25Paper
Characterizations of matrices with nonzero signed row compound2016-11-25Paper
Ordering of some uniform supertrees with larger spectral radii2016-02-24Paper
Some spectral properties and characterizations of connected odd-bipartite uniform hypergraphs2015-12-11Paper
Upper bounds on the (signless) Laplacian eigenvalues of graphs2014-08-26Paper
Some graphs determined by their (signless) Laplacian spectra2014-04-29Paper
On some properties of the determinants of tensors2014-02-19Paper
The proof of a conjecture on the comparison of the energies of trees2013-01-28Paper
On the Laplacian coefficients of bicyclic graphs2010-10-28Paper
The existence of even cycles with specific lengths in Wenger's graph2008-09-08Paper
The ordering of trees and connected graphs by algebraic connectivity2008-03-14Paper
Bounds on the bases of irreducible generalized sign pattern matrices2007-11-09Paper
The determinantal regions of complex sign pattern matrices and ray pattern matrices2005-02-23Paper
Ray solvable linear systems and ray \(S^2 NS\) matrices2005-02-23Paper
Matrices with Special Sign Patterns of Signed Generalized Inverses2004-01-18Paper
Matrices with totally signed powers.2003-12-03Paper
Number of nonzero entries of \(S^{2}NS\) matrices and matrices with signed generalized inverses.2003-11-19Paper
The solution of a problem on matrices having signed generalized inverses2002-05-15Paper
Matrices with signed generalized inverses2001-09-03Paper

Research outcomes over time

Doctoral students

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