Alex Townsend

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zbMath Open townsend.alexWikidataQ98886420 ScholiaQ98886420MaRDI QIDQ729213

List of research outcomes

PublicationDate of PublicationType
Structured matrix recovery from matrix‐vector products2024-04-11Paper
Rigorous data‐driven computation of spectral properties of Koopman operators for dynamical systems2024-01-02Paper
Parallel Algorithms for Computing the Tensor-Train Decomposition2023-06-07Paper
Fast algorithms using orthogonal polynomials2023-04-14Paper
Learning elliptic partial differential equations with randomized linear algebra2023-04-12Paper
On the stability of unevenly spaced samples for interpolation and quadrature2023-04-12Paper
Data-Driven Algorithms for Signal Processing with Trigonometric Rational Functions2022-06-03Paper
The ultraspherical spectral element method2022-04-25Paper
Why Are Big Data Matrices Approximately Low Rank?2022-02-03Paper
Recurrence relations for a family of orthogonal polynomials on a triangle2021-12-02Paper
Anderson acceleration based on the \(\mathcal{H}^{- s}\) Sobolev norm for contractive and noncontractive fixed-point operators2021-11-24Paper
Electroconvection near an ion-selective surface with Butler–Volmer kinetics2021-11-12Paper
Sufficiently dense Kuramoto networks are globally synchronizing2021-08-27Paper
Computing Spectral Measures of Self-Adjoint Operators2021-08-09Paper
On the Compressibility of Tensors2021-04-08Paper
Fast Poisson solvers for spectral methods2021-03-31Paper
Error Localization of Best $L_{1}$ Polynomial Approximants2021-02-23Paper
Computing with Functions in the Ball2020-11-09Paper
Dense networks that do not synchronize and sparse ones that do2020-11-02Paper
FEAST for Differential Eigenvalue Problems2020-04-21Paper
A Sparse Spectral Method on Triangles2019-12-09Paper
Bounds on the Singular Values of Matrices with Displacement Structure2019-09-02Paper
Continuous Analogues of Krylov Subspace Methods for Differential Operators2019-05-06Paper
Stable extrapolation of analytic functions2019-04-30Paper
A fast FFT-based discrete Legendre transform2018-09-26Paper
On the singular values of matrices with high displacement rank2018-05-02Paper
Fast polynomial transforms based on Toeplitz and Hankel matrices2018-04-24Paper
A Nonuniform Fast Fourier Transform Based on Low Rank Approximation2018-02-21Paper
On the Singular Values of Matrices with Displacement Structure2017-11-06Paper
Continuous analogues of matrix factorizations2017-09-29Paper
Computing with Functions in Spherical and Polar Geometries II. The Disk2017-07-07Paper
Book Reviews2017-05-31Paper
Vector Spaces of Linearizations for Matrix Polynomials: A Bivariate Polynomial Approach2017-01-27Paper
The automatic solution of partial differential equations using a global spectral method2016-12-20Paper
Book Reviews2016-11-07Paper
Computing with Functions in Spherical and Polar Geometries I. The Sphere2016-07-20Paper
Numerical Instability of Resultant Methods for Multidimensional Rootfinding2016-03-30Paper
Fast computation of Gauss quadrature nodes and weights on the whole real line2016-03-11Paper
A Fast Analysis-Based Discrete Hankel Transform Using Asymptotic Expansions2015-09-10Paper
Computing the common zeros of two bivariate functions via Bézout resultants2015-02-03Paper
An Algorithm for the Convolution of Legendre Series2014-09-05Paper
A Fast, Simple, and Stable Chebyshev--Legendre Transform Using an Asymptotic Formula2014-05-26Paper
An Extension of Chebfun to Two Dimensions2014-03-28Paper
A Fast and Well-Conditioned Spectral Method2013-09-26Paper
Multiscale analysis in Sobolev spaces on bounded domains with zero boundary values2013-07-24Paper
Fast and Accurate Computation of Gauss--Legendre and Gauss--Jacobi Quadrature Nodes and Weights2013-06-26Paper

Research outcomes over time

Doctoral students

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