Yili Hong

From MaRDI portal

Available identifiers

zbMath Open hong.yiliMaRDI QIDQ736735

List of research outcomes

PublicationDate of PublicationType
Applications of the Fractional-Random-Weight Bootstrap2022-09-28Paper
Modeling bivariate geyser eruption system with covariate-adjusted recurrent event process2022-07-26Paper
Algorithm 10122022-03-29Paper
Copula-frailty models for recurrent event data based on Monte Carlo EM algorithm2022-03-24Paper
Interpolation of sparse high-dimensional data2021-08-24Paper
Survival and lifetime data analysis with a flexible class of distributions2020-12-03Paper
Seasonal warranty prediction based on recurrent event data2020-08-26Paper
The generalized Poisson-binomial distribution and the computation of its distribution function2020-04-23Paper
A general algorithm for computing simultaneous prediction intervals for the (log)-location-scale family of distributions2020-04-22Paper
Spatial Variable Selection and An Application to Virginia Lyme Disease Emergence2020-01-15Paper
Disentangling and assessing uncertainties in multiperiod corporate default risk predictions2019-02-25Paper
Nonlinear general path models for degradation data with dynamic covariates2019-02-08Paper
A Model for Field Failure Prediction Using Dynamic Environmental Data2018-12-18Paper
On computing the distribution function for the Poisson binomial distribution2018-11-08Paper
Spatial Variable Selection and An Application to Virginia Lyme Disease Emergence2018-09-17Paper
Multivariate frailty models for multi-type recurrent event data and its application to cancer prevention trial2018-08-15Paper
Photodegradation modeling based on laboratory accelerated test data and predictions under outdoor weathering for polymeric materials2018-02-19Paper
Modeling clustered survival times of loblolly pine with time-dependent covariates and shared frailties2016-08-05Paper
Confidence interval procedures for system reliability and applications to competing risks models2015-10-16Paper
How do heterogeneities in operating environments affect field failure predictions and test planning?2014-03-28Paper
On computing the distribution function for the Poisson binomial distribution2013-03-01Paper
Insights on the Robust Variance Estimator under Recurrent-Events Model2012-06-20Paper
Coverage probabilities of simultaneous confidence bands and regions for log-location-scale distributions2010-04-01Paper
Prediction of remaining life of power transformers based on left truncated and right censored lifetime data2009-07-29Paper
Simultaneous confidence bands and regions for log-location-scale distributions with censored data2009-07-22Paper

Research outcomes over time

Doctoral students

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