Feng Liao

From MaRDI portal

Available identifiers

zbMath Open liao.fengMaRDI QIDQ827079

List of research outcomes

PublicationDate of PublicationType
Two energy-preserving Fourier pseudo-spectral methods and error estimate for the Klein-Gordon-Dirac system2023-02-16Paper
Error estimates of exponential wave integrator sine pseudospectral method for Schrödinger–Boussinesq system2022-02-18Paper
An efficient split-step compact finite difference method for the coupled Gross–Pitaevskii equations2022-02-16Paper
Optimal error estimates of explicit finite difference schemes for the coupled Gross–Pitaevskii equations2022-02-10Paper
Numerical analysis of a conservative linear compact difference scheme for the coupled Schrödinger–Boussinesq equations2022-02-08Paper
A mass and energy conservative fourth-order compact difference scheme for the Klein-Gordon-Dirac \(\text{equations}^{\star}\)2022-01-24Paper
Two energy-conserving and compact finite difference schemes for two-dimensional Schrödinger-Boussinesq equations2021-01-06Paper
Time-splitting combined with exponential wave integrator Fourier pseudospectral method for Schrödinger-Boussinesq system2020-10-16Paper
Conservative finite difference methods for fractional Schrödinger–Boussinesq equations and convergence analysis2019-07-25Paper
Unconditional \(L^{\infty}\) convergence of a conservative compact finite difference scheme for the N-coupled Schrödinger-Boussinesq equations2019-03-25Paper
Numerical analysis of cubic orthogonal spline collocation methods for the coupled Schrödinger-Boussinesq equations2017-07-04Paper
Conservative compact finite difference scheme for the coupled <scp>S</scp>chrödinger–<scp>B</scp>oussinesq equation2016-12-14Paper

Research outcomes over time

Doctoral students

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