Publication | Date of Publication | Type |
A new kernel method for the uniform approximation in reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces | 2024-06-03 | Paper |
A continuation method for solving symmetric Toeplitz systems | 2024-03-07 | Paper |
Deflating invariant subspaces for rank structured pencils | 2024-02-21 | Paper |
Rational QZ steps with perfect shifts | 2024-02-20 | Paper |
A generalization of Floater-Hormann interpolants | 2024-01-30 | Paper |
An approximate projection onto the tangent cone to the variety of third-order tensors of bounded tensor-train rank | 2024-01-16 | Paper |
Stability Improvements for Fast Matrix Multiplication | 2023-10-04 | Paper |
Rank Estimation for Third-Order Tensor Completion in the Tensor-Train Format | 2023-09-26 | Paper |
Algorithms for Modifying Recurrence Relations of Orthogonal Polynomial and Rational Functions when Changing the Discrete Inner Product | 2023-02-01 | Paper |
Adaptive cross approximation for Tikhonov regularization in general form | 2023-01-23 | Paper |
Robust numerical tracking of one path of a polynomial homotopy on parallel shared memory computers | 2022-12-21 | Paper |
Correction to: ``How and how not to check Gaussian quadrature formulae | 2022-08-09 | Paper |
Equivalent polyadic decompositions of matrix multiplication tensors | 2022-02-11 | Paper |
Generation of orthogonal rational functions by procedures for structured matrices | 2022-01-13 | Paper |
Min-max elementwise backward error for roots of polynomials and a corresponding backward stable root finder | 2021-06-04 | Paper |
Backward error measures for roots of polynomials | 2021-04-27 | Paper |
A Robust Numerical Path Tracking Algorithm for Polynomial Homotopy Continuation | 2021-01-26 | Paper |
Truncated normal forms for solving polynomial systems: generalized and efficient algorithms | 2020-09-19 | Paper |
Biorthogonal rational Krylov subspace methods | 2020-03-03 | Paper |
Robust Numerical Tracking of One Path of a Polynomial Homotopy on Parallel Shared Memory Computers | 2020-02-21 | Paper |
Polynomial eigenvalue solver based on tropically scaled Lagrange linearization | 2019-07-12 | Paper |
Uniform approximation on the sphere by least squares polynomials | 2019-06-21 | Paper |
Löwner-Based Blind Signal Separation of Rational Functions With Applications | 2019-02-08 | Paper |
Solving Polynomial Systems via Truncated Normal Forms | 2018-10-15 | Paper |
Optimal Lebesgue constants for least squares polynomial approximation on the (hyper)sphere | 2018-08-10 | Paper |
A stabilized normal form algorithm for generic systems of polynomial equations | 2018-06-13 | Paper | | 2017-09-07 | Paper |
Numerically robust transfer function modeling from noisy frequency domain data | 2017-07-12 | Paper |
Generalized de la Vallée Poussin approximations on [-1, 1] | 2017-05-15 | Paper |
On bounds of the Pythagoras number of the sum of square magnitudes of Laurent polynomials | 2016-09-30 | Paper |
Designing rational filter functions for solving eigenvalue problems by contour integration | 2016-05-11 | Paper |
Adaptive cross approximation for ill-posed problems | 2016-04-18 | Paper |
Exact line and plane search for tensor optimization | 2016-03-07 | Paper |
A convex optimization model for finding non-negative polynomials | 2016-03-03 | Paper |
Backward Error Analysis of Polynomial Eigenvalue Problems Solved by Linearization | 2016-03-02 | Paper |
Nonlinear eigenvalue problems and contour integrals | 2015-09-09 | Paper |
An algorithm for decomposing a non-negative polynomial as a sum of squares of rational functions | 2015-06-23 | Paper |
Numerical Solution of Bivariate and Polyanalytic Polynomial Systems | 2014-11-04 | Paper |
Algorithms for the Geronimus transformation for orthogonal polynomials on the unit circle | 2014-08-08 | Paper |
Approximating optimal point configurations for multivariate polynomial interpolation | 2014-08-04 | Paper |
Inverse eigenvalue problems for extended Hessenberg and extended tridiagonal matrices | 2014-07-25 | Paper |
A convex optimization method to solve a filter design problem | 2014-07-23 | Paper |
The Pythagoras number of real sum of squares polynomials and sum of square magnitudes of polynomials | 2013-12-02 | Paper |
Optimization-Based Algorithms for Tensor Decompositions: Canonical Polyadic Decomposition, Decomposition in Rank-$(L_r,L_r,1)$ Terms, and a New Generalization | 2013-09-25 | Paper |
Erratum to: ``On Gauss-type quadrature formulas with prescribed nodes anywhere on the real line | 2013-06-13 | Paper |
An algorithm for computing the eigenvalues of block companion matrices | 2013-02-15 | Paper |
Unconstrained Optimization of Real Functions in Complex Variables | 2013-01-04 | Paper |
Sparse spectral clustering method based on the incomplete Cholesky decomposition | 2012-10-22 | Paper |
When is the Uvarov transformation positive definite? | 2012-02-13 | Paper |
A numerical solution of the constrained weighted energy problem | 2010-11-19 | Paper | | 2010-10-19 | Paper |
A method to compute recurrence relation coefficients for bivariate orthogonal polynomials by unitary matrix transformations | 2010-10-13 | Paper |
Implicit double shift \(QR\)-algorithm for companion matrices | 2010-09-10 | Paper |
A fast algorithm for computing the smallest eigenvalue of a symmetric positive-definite Toeplitz matrix | 2010-09-10 | Paper |
Using semiseparable matrices to compute the SVD of a general matrix product/quotient | 2010-08-27 | Paper |
Solving a large dense linear system by adaptive cross approximation | 2010-08-27 | Paper |
A direct method to solve block banded block Toeplitz systems with non-banded Toeplitz blocks | 2010-05-21 | Paper |
A new iteration for computing the eigenvalues of semiseparable (plus diagonal) matrices | 2010-04-14 | Paper |
On the computation of the null space of Toeplitz-like matrices | 2010-04-14 | Paper |
Transforming a hierarchical into a unitary-weight representation | 2010-04-14 | Paper |
On the fast reduction of symmetric rationally generated Toeplitz matrices to tridiagonal form | 2010-04-14 | Paper |
On Gauss-type quadrature formulas with prescribed nodes anywhere on the real line | 2010-03-19 | Paper |
A Quasi-Separable Approach to Solve the Symmetric Definite Tridiagonal Generalized Eigenvalue Problem | 2010-03-15 | Paper |
Structures preserved by generalized inversion and Schur complementation | 2009-12-18 | Paper |
Orthogonal rational functions with real coefficients and semiseparable matrices | 2009-12-15 | Paper |
A multiple shift \(QR\)-step for structured rank matrices | 2009-12-15 | Paper |
Solving linear systems with a Levinson-like solver | 2009-09-08 | Paper |
A parallel QR-factorization/solver of quasiseparable matrices | 2009-09-08 | Paper |
A bibliography on semiseparable matrices | 2009-09-03 | Paper |
A QR-Based Solver for Rank Structured Matrices | 2009-04-30 | Paper | | 2009-03-11 | Paper |
Computing a Lower Bound of the Smallest Eigenvalue of a Symmetric Positive-Definite Toeplitz Matrix | 2009-02-24 | Paper |
An implicit QR algorithm for symmetric semiseparable matrices | 2009-02-09 | Paper |
A superfast solver for real symmetric Toeplitz systems using real trigonometric transformations | 2009-02-09 | Paper |
A note on the representation and definition of semiseparable matrices | 2009-02-09 | Paper |
Fast computation of determinants of Bézout matrices and application to curve implicitization | 2008-12-02 | Paper |
Rational \(QR\)-iteration without inversion | 2008-12-01 | Paper |
A Givens-Weight Representation for Rank Structured Matrices | 2008-11-06 | Paper |
Rank-deficient submatrices of Fourier matrices | 2008-10-06 | Paper |
A Hessenberg Reduction Algorithm for Rank Structured Matrices | 2008-08-01 | Paper |
A fast algorithm for the recursive calculation of dominant singular subspaces | 2008-07-11 | Paper |
AQZ-method based on semiseparable matrices | 2008-07-11 | Paper |
Unitary rank structured matrices | 2008-04-07 | Paper | | 2008-02-14 | Paper |
Eigenvalue computation for unitary rank structured matrices | 2008-02-06 | Paper |
A Schur-based algorithm for computing bounds to the smallest eigenvalue of a symmetric positive definite Toeplitz matrix | 2008-01-03 | Paper |
A Cholesky LR algorithm for the positive definite symmetric diagonal-plus-semiseparable eigenproblem | 2008-01-03 | Paper |
Fast QR factorization of Cauchy-like matrices | 2008-01-03 | Paper |
Computational Science and Its Applications – ICCSA 2004 | 2007-09-25 | Paper |
Rank-deficient submatrices of Kronecker products of Fourier matrices | 2007-09-14 | Paper |
Orthogonal similarity transformation into block-semiseparable matrices of semiseparability rankk | 2006-12-06 | Paper |
A Levinson-like algorithm for symmetric strongly nonsingular higher order semiseparable plus band matrices | 2006-10-30 | Paper |
An implicit \(Q\) theorem for Hessenberg-like matrices | 2006-09-28 | Paper |
A Lanczos-like reduction of symmetric structured matrices to semiseparable form | 2006-09-28 | Paper |
A bibliography on semiseparable matrices | 2006-09-28 | Paper |
On the convergence properties of the orthogonal similarity transformations to tridiagonal and semiseparable (plus diagonal) form | 2006-09-14 | Paper |
Divide and conquer algorithms for computing the eigendecomposition of symmetric diagonal-plus-semiseparable matrices | 2006-09-04 | Paper |
A small note on the scaling of symmetric positive definite semiseparable matrices | 2006-06-26 | Paper |
Structures preserved by matrix inversion | 2006-05-31 | Paper |
Structures Preserved by Schur Complementation | 2006-05-31 | Paper |
Necessary and sufficient conditions for orthogonal similarity transformations to obtain the Arnoli(Lanczos)-Ritz values | 2006-04-28 | Paper |
Rank structures preserved by the \(QR\)-algorithm: the singular case | 2006-03-24 | Paper |
A note on the nullity theorem | 2006-03-24 | Paper |
A numerical solution of the constrained energy problem | 2006-03-24 | Paper |
On computing the eigenvectors of a class of structured matrices | 2006-03-24 | Paper |
Orthogonal similarity transformation of a symmetric matrix into a diagonal-plus-semiseparable one with free choice of the diagonal | 2006-03-21 | Paper |
Structures preserved by the QR-algorithm | 2005-12-05 | Paper |
Convergence of the Isometric Arnoldi Process | 2005-09-19 | Paper |
Orthogonal Rational Functions and Structured Matrices | 2005-09-19 | Paper |
An Orthogonal Similarity Reduction of a Matrix into Semiseparable Form | 2005-09-19 | Paper |
Orthonormal rational function vectors | 2005-06-13 | Paper |
Generalizations of orthogonal polynomials | 2005-06-01 | Paper |
A note on the recursive calculation of dominant singular subspaces | 2005-04-25 | Paper |
Newton-like iteration based on a cubic polynomial for structured matrices | 2005-03-15 | Paper |
A QR-method for computing the singular values via semiseparable matrices | 2005-02-08 | Paper |
Iterative inversion of structured matrices | 2004-08-06 | Paper | | 2004-03-28 | Paper |
Orthogonal basis functions in discrete least-squares rational approximation. | 2004-03-15 | Paper |
Two fast algorithms for solving diagonal-plus-semiseparable linear systems. | 2004-03-15 | Paper |
A perturbation result for generalized eigenvalue problems and its application to error estimation in a quadrature method for computing zeros of analytic functions. | 2004-01-26 | Paper |
Solving Toeplitz least squares problems by means of Newton's iteration | 2003-10-14 | Paper |
Error analysis of a derivative-free algorithm for computing zeros of holomorphic functions | 2003-09-28 | Paper | | 2003-08-21 | Paper |
A superfast method for solving Toeplitz linear least squares problems. | 2003-05-25 | Paper |
An error analysis of two related quadrature methods for computing zeros of analytic functions. | 2003-05-19 | Paper | | 2003-01-01 | Paper |
Bézout and Hankel matrices associated with row reduced matrix polynomials, Barnett type formulas | 2002-07-25 | Paper |
A Kronecker product variant of the FACR method for solving the generalized Poisson equation | 2002-06-24 | Paper |
Fast direct solution methods for symmetric banded Toeplitz systems, based on the sine transform | 2002-05-15 | Paper |
A Stabilized Superfast Solver for Nonsymmetric Toeplitz Systems | 2002-04-23 | Paper |
Extending the notions of companion and infinite companion to matrix polynomials | 2002-02-19 | Paper |
On an alternative parametrization of the solutions of the partial realization problem | 2002-02-19 | Paper | | 2001-09-19 | Paper | | 2001-08-02 | Paper | | 2001-04-03 | Paper |
Coupled Vandermonde matrices and the superfast computation of Toeplitz determinants | 2000-11-22 | Paper |
On locating clusters of zeros of analytic functions | 2000-11-22 | Paper | | 2000-10-03 | Paper |
A fast Hankel solver based on an inversion formula for Loewner matrices | 2000-08-21 | Paper |
A derivative-free algorithm for computing zeros of analytic functions | 2000-07-10 | Paper |
ZEAL: A mathematical software package for computing zeros of analytic functions | 2000-06-07 | Paper | | 2000-06-07 | Paper |
Computing the zeros of analytic functions | 2000-05-15 | Paper |
A stabilized superfast solver for indefinite Hankel systems | 1999-11-28 | Paper |
A fast block Hankel solver based on an inversion formula for block Loewner matrices | 1999-01-19 | Paper |
Look-ahead methods for block Hankel systems | 1998-08-24 | Paper |
A lookahead algorithm for the solution of block Toeplitz systems | 1998-04-02 | Paper |
Linear algebra, rational approximation and orthogonal polynomials | 1998-01-06 | Paper |
A generalized minimal partial realization problem | 1997-11-20 | Paper |
Formal orthogonal polynomials and Hankel/Toeplitz duality | 1997-07-13 | Paper |
Orthonormal polynomial vectors and least squares approximation for a discrete inner product | 1996-10-28 | Paper |
Duality in vector Padé-Hermite approximation problems | 1996-10-13 | Paper |
Inversion of a block Löwner matrix | 1996-10-13 | Paper | | 1996-08-05 | Paper |
A look-ahead method for computing vector Padé-Hermite approximants | 1996-07-21 | Paper |
Vector Orthogonal Polynomials and Least Squares Approximation | 1995-08-15 | Paper | | 1994-11-10 | Paper | | 1994-10-26 | Paper | | 1994-10-26 | Paper |
Discrete linearized least-squares rational approximation on the unit circle | 1994-09-22 | Paper |
Linear prediction: Mathematics and engineering | 1994-07-11 | Paper |
A new formal approach to the rational interpolation problem | 1993-02-08 | Paper |
A parallel algorithm for discrete least squares rational approximation | 1993-02-08 | Paper |
The computation of non-perfect Padé-Hermite approximants | 1992-06-28 | Paper |
A general module theoretic framework for vector M-Padé and matrix rational interpolation | 1992-01-01 | Paper |
A new approach to the rational interpolation problem | 1990-01-01 | Paper |
A new approach to the rational interpolation problem: The vector case | 1990-01-01 | Paper |
Minimal vector Padé approximation | 1990-01-01 | Paper |
A canonical matrix continued fraction solution of the minimal (partial) realization problem | 1989-01-01 | Paper |
An algebraic method to solve the minimal partial realization problem for scalar sequences | 1988-01-01 | Paper | | 1988-01-01 | Paper | | 1988-01-01 | Paper | | 1988-01-01 | Paper |
Padé techniques for model reduction in linear system theory: a survey | 1986-01-01 | Paper |
A Riemannian rank-adaptive method for higher-order tensor completion in the tensor-train format | N/A | Paper |
Generalized cyclic symmetric decompositions for the matrix multiplication tensor | N/A | Paper |