Infinite conformal symmetry in two-dimensional quantum field theory

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DOI10.1016/0550-3213(84)90052-XzbMath0661.17013WikidataQ29542407 ScholiaQ29542407MaRDI QIDQ1112941

Alexandre M. Polyakov, Alexander A. Belavin, Alexander B. Zamolodchikov

Publication date: 1984

Published in: Nuclear Physics. B (Search for Journal in Brave)

17B10: Representations of Lie algebras and Lie superalgebras, algebraic theory (weights)

81T40: Two-dimensional field theories, conformal field theories, etc. in quantum mechanics

81R10: Infinite-dimensional groups and algebras motivated by physics, including Virasoro, Kac-Moody, (W)-algebras and other current algebras and their representations

17B65: Infinite-dimensional Lie (super)algebras

58J90: Applications of PDEs on manifolds

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I: Half-plane exponents, Monte Carlo calculations of the conformal charge, Expectation values of local fields in the Bullough-Dodd model and integrable perturbed conformal field theories, 2D fractional supersymmetry and conformal field theory for alternative statistics, Universal amplitude ratios in the two-dimensional \(q\)-state Potts model and percolation from quantum field theory, Scaling limit of RSOS lattice models and TBA equations, Fusion rules for admissible representations of affine algebras: the case of \(A_2^{(1)}\), Critical RSOS and minimal models: fermionic paths, Virasoro algebra and fields, Fused integrable lattice models with quantum impurities and open boundaries, Generalized Virasoro anomaly and stress tensor for dilaton coupled theories, \(\text{gl}(2| 2)\) current superalgebra and non-unitary conformal field theory, SLEs as boundaries of clusters of Brownian loops, On correlation functions in the perturbed minimal models \(\mathcal M_{2,2n+1}\), Universal ratios along a line of critical points. 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II: finite-size effects, On the Riemann-Hilbert approach to asymptotic analysis of the correlation functions of the quantum nonlinear Schrödinger equation: Interacting fermion case, Conformal field theory approach to gapless 1D fermion systems and application to the edge excitations of \(\nu= 1/(2p+1)\) quantum Hall sequences, The isomorphism between two-dimensional conformal field theories with the affine-\(sl(2)\) and the \(N=2\) superconformal symmetry algebras, Virasoro amplitude from the \(S^N R^{24}\)-orbifold sigma model, Integrability of coupled conformal field theories, Thermodynamic Bethe ansatz for the subleading magnetic perturbation of the tricritical Ising model, Field theory of compact polymers on the square lattice, Thermodynamic Bethe ansatz with Haldane statistics, The automorphism group of the Hamming code vertex operator algebra, Manifestly finite perturbation theory for the short-distance expansion of correlation functions in the two-dimensional Ising model, The conformal points of the generalized Thirring model, Three-dimensional topology and Verlinde formulae, On bosonization of \(2\)d conformal field theories, Origin of logarithmic operators in conformal field theories., On structure constants of \(\text{sl}(2)\) theories., Quantisation of the \(\text{SU}(N)\) WZW model at level \(k\), Solution of functional equations of restricted \(A^{(1)}_{n-1}\) fused lattice models, Lattice models in statistical mechanics for \(N=2\) superconformal field theory, BRST properties of spin fields, Stable hierarchical quantum Hall fluids as \(W_{1+\infty}\) minimal models, Boundary conditions changing operators in non-conformal theories., Anyonic interpretation of Virasoro characters and the thermodynamic Bethe ansatz, Four graviton scattering amplitude for \(S^N{\mathbb{R}}^8\) supersymmetric orbifold sigma model, Exact form factors in integrable quantum field theories: The sine-Gordon model, Vacuum instability in topologically massive gauge theory, Expectation values of descendent fields in the sine-Gordon model, Boundary deformation theory and moduli spaces of D-branes, On structure constants and fusion rules in the \(SL(2,\mathbb{C})/SU(2)\)-WZNW model, The mini-superspace limit of the \(SL(2,\mathbb{C})/SU(2)\)-WZNW model, Coupled Potts models: self-duality and fixed point structure., \(c\)-theorem for disordered systems, Exclusion statistics in conformal field theory -- generalized fermions and spinons for level-\(1\) WZW theories, Boundary structure constants for the \(A\)-series Virasoro minimal models, Quantum conformal algebras and closed conformal field theory, Form factors of the \(XXZ\) Heisenberg spin-\(\frac 12\) finite chain, Correlation functions in an exactly solvable terrace-ledge-kink model., Conformal actions in any dimension, On new conformal field theories with affine fusion rules, Unitary representations of some infinite-dimensional Lie algebras motivated by string theory on \(\text{AdS}_3\), Susceptibility amplitude ratios in the two-dimensional Potts model and percolation., On the universal representation of the scattering matrix of affine Toda field theory, Perturbation theory in angular quantization approach and the expectation values of exponential fields in sine-Gordon model, Boundary conformal field theories, limit sets of Kleinian groups and holography, On discrete symmetries in \(su(2)\) and \(su(3)\) affine theories and related graphs, The geometry of \(W_3\) algebra: a twofold way for the rebirth of a symmetry, Some thoughts about random walks on figure eight, Numerical results for the three-state critical Potts model on finite rectangular lattices., Singular vectors of the Virasoro algebra, Fusion in coset CFT from admissible singular-vector decoupling, Three-graviton amplitude in Berkovits-Vafa-Witten variables, Modules of graded contracted Virasoro algebras, Super-Liouville theory with boundary, \(A^{(2)}_2\) parafermions: A new conformal field theory, Finite temperature correlation functions from form factors, SLE\(_{\kappa }\) growth processes and conformal field theories, Boundary states in \(c=-2\) logarithmic conformal field theory, Limits and degenerations of unitary conformal field theories, Ramanujan's ``lost notebook and the Virasoro algebra, Generalized hypergeometric functions on the torus and the adjoint representation of \(U_ q(sl_ 2)\), Solutions of the Knizhnik-Zamolodchikov equation with rational isospins and the reduction to the minimal models, String emission from twisted sectors: Cocycle operators and modular background symmetries, Meromorphic \(c=24\) conformal field theories, Classical \(\mathbb{R}\)-matrices for vertex operator algebras, Fusion and singular vectors in \(A_ 1^{(1)}\) highest weight cyclic modules, Third and higher order NFPA twisted constructions of conformal field theories from lattices, Adiabatic connection and Schwinger term for two-dimensional Majorana-Weyl fermions in static background geometries, A higher-dimensional generalization of the notion of vertex algebra., Bosonization of parafermions and related conformal models: \(W_ N\)- algebras, Lie algebras of differential operators, their central extensions, and W- algebras, Rational conformal theories from Witten's knot approach: Constraints and their analysis, \(2n\)-quasihole states realize \(2^{n-1}\)-dimensional spinor braiding statistics in paired quantum Hall states, Conformal dimensions from topologically massive quantum field theory, 2D fractional supersymmetry for rational conformal field theory: application for third-integer spin states, Two-dimensional turbulence: A novel approach via logarithmic conformal field theory, TBA boundary flows in the tricritical Ising field theory, Open strings, World-sheet logarithmic operators and target space symmetries in string theory, Boundary states and symplectic fermions, Study of the 2d Ising model with mixed perturbation, Classification of finite simple Lie conformal superalgebras., Long-distance asymptotics of spin-spin correlation functions for the \(XXZ\) spin chain, Quantum field theories in finite volume: Excited state energies, A new RSOS restriction of the Zhiber-Mikhailov-Shabat model and \(\Phi_{(1,5)}\) perturbations of non-unitary minimal models, On the relation between \(\Phi_{(1,2)}\) and \(\Phi_{(1,5)}\) perturbed minimal models and unitarity, Coulomb gas on the half plane, Modular invariant partition functions in the quantum Hall effect, Combinatorical aspects of the Schwinger-Dyson equation, \(A_1^{(1)}\) admissible representations - fusion transformations and local correlators, Global aspects of gauged Wess-Zumino-Witten models, Quantization of solitons and the restricted sine-Gordon model, Superselection sectors in low dimensional quantum field theory, On integrable quantum group invariant antiferromagnets, Singular vectors and topological theories from Virasoro constraints via the Kontsevich-Miwa transform, Phenomenology of local scale invariance: From conformal invariance to dynamical scaling, Logarithmic correlation functions in Liouville field theory, Noncompact Heisenberg spin magnets from high-energy QCD. II: Quantization conditions and energy spectrum, Field identifications for interacting bosonic models in \(N=2\) superconformal field theory, Multifractals and Lagrangian field theory, Duality, crossing and MacLane's coherence, Lie algebra cohomology and \(N=2\) SCFT based on the GKO construction, Hidden Yangians in 2D massive current algebras, The gauged BRST symmetry, On the structure of \(L\)-algebra \(L(C \text{vir} )\), Equations for two-point correlation functions on compact Riemann surfaces, Quantum group symmetries and non-local currents in 2D QFT, The bi-Hamiltonian structure of fully supersymmetric Korteweg-de Vries systems, Universal exchange algebra for Bloch waves and Liouville theory, Fock space resolutions of the Virasoro highest weight modules with \(c\leqslant 1\), Markov traces and II\(_ 1\) factors in conformal field theory, Fock space representations of affine Lie algebras and integral representations in the Wess-Zumino-Witten models, Elements of the annihilating ideal of a standard module, Conformal blocks of minimal models on a Riemann surface, Extended superconformal algebra as symmetry of super Toda field theory, Structure constants in the \(N=1\) superoperator algebra, Wess-Zumino-Witten conformal field theory for simply laced groups at level one, BRST analysis of physical states for 2D gravity coupled to \(c\leqq{}1\) matter, Semi-infinite homology and 2D gravity. I, Quantum affine algebras and holonomic difference equations, Vertex operator algebras associated to representations of affine and Virasoro algebras, Characters and fusion rules for \(W\)-algebras via quantized Drinfeld- Sokolov reduction, Dressing symmetries, The Schur function realization of vertex operators, Diagonalization of the \(XXZ\) Hamiltonian by vertex operators, Topological field theory and rational curves, Representation theory of code vertex operator algebra, Lattices and strings, Analytical calculation of scaling dimensions: Tricritical hard squares and critical hard hexagons, Abelian intertwining algebras and modules related to rational lattices, Locally anisotropic gravity and strings, Deformations of \(W\)-algebras associated to simple Lie algebras, Noncommuting integrals of motion for quantum sine-Gordon equation, Representations of infinite-dimensional algebras and conformal field theory: From \(N=2\) to \(\widehat{sl} (2|1)\), Conserved currents in quantum integrable models, Monodromy properties of energy momentum tensor on general algebraic curves., Nonabelian Toda theories from parafermionic reductions of the WZW model, On free conformal and vertex algebras, On central idempotents in the partition algebra, Sugawara construction for higher genus Riemann surfaces, Operator algebras and conformal field theory, \({\mathcal W}\)-algebras, new rational models and completeness of the \(c=1\) classification, On an algebraic approach to higher dimensional statistical mechanics, Topological representations of \(U_ q(\text{sl}_ 2(\mathbb{C}))\) on the torus and the mapping class group, Generalized prequantization on principal bundles over homogeneous spaces and its applications, The blob algebra and the periodic Temperley-Lieb algebra, Free boson realization of \(U_ q(\widehat{sl_ N} )\), Dilogarithm identities in conformal field theory and group homology, D-E classification of the local extensions of \(SU_ 2\) current algebras, Coset algebras, integrable hierarchies and matrix models, The many faces of a character, On the classification of simple vertex operator algebras, Global vertex operators on Riemann surfaces, Symmetric invariant bilinear forms on vertex operator algebras, On the relationship between Monstrous Moonshine and the uniqueness of the Moonshine module, The algebra of non-local charges in nonlinear sigma models, Free field representation for massive integrable models, Lattice approach to excited TBA boundary flows: Tricritical Ising model, Hom functor and the associativity of tensor products of modules for vertex operator algebras, Some chiral rings of \(N=2\) discrete superconformal series induced by \(\text{SL}(2)\) degenerate conformal field theories, The density matrix renormalization group method applied to interaction round face Hamiltonians, Boundary conformal field theory approach to the critical two-dimensional Ising model with a defect line, Notes on SL(2) conformal fields theories. Exact solution and applications, On spinor vertex operator algebras and their modules, Structure constants in the \(N=1\) super-Liouville field theory, Representation of the boundary elliptic quantum group \(BE_{\tau,\eta}(\text{sl}_2)\) and the Bethe ansatz, Representations of the mapping class group of the two-punctured torus on the space of \(\widehat{\text{sl}}(2,\mathbb{C})\) spin-{1}/{2}-spin-{1}/{2} Kac-Moody blocks, The logarithmic conformal field theories, Form factors of exponential operators and exact wave function renormalization constant in the Bullough-Dodd model, The Haldane-Rezayi quantum Hall state and conformal field theory, Boundary operators and touching of loops in 2D gravity, Ope.math: Operator product expansions in free field realizations of conformal field theory, Hilbert space and structure constants of descendant fields in two-dimensional conformal theories, \(\Phi^{(2)}\) perturbations of the WZW model, Analytic calculation of conformal partition functions: Tricritical hard squares with fixed boundaries, Solving the fusion hierarchies of D and E lattice models, Chiral quantization of the WZW SU\((n)\) model, Lattice \(W_N\) algebra and its quantization, Projective representations of the loop group and the Boson-Fermion correspondence, Towards new geometry, The physics superselection principle in vertex operator algebra theory, Regularity of rational vertex operator algebras, Singular vectors in logarithmic conformal field theories, TRICRITICAL ISING MODEL NEAR CRITICALITY, CRITICAL CORRELATIONS OF THE TWO-DIMENSIONAL, THREE-STATE POTTS MODEL, SYSTEMATIC APPROACH TO CYCLIC ORBIFOLDS, A non-Abelian square root of Abelian vertex operators, Operator product expansions and stress operators, KNIZHNIK–ZAMOLODCHIKOV–BERNARD EQUATIONS CONNECTED WITH THE EIGHT-VERTEX MODEL, DERIVATION OF QUANTUM THEORIES: SYMMETRIES AND THE EXACT SOLUTION OF THE DERIVED SYSTEM, METHOD OF SOLVING CONFORMAL MODELS IN D-DIMENSIONAL SPACE II A FAMILY OF EXACTLY SOLVABLE MODELS IN D>2, METHOD OF SOLVING CONFORMAL MODELS IN D-DIMENSIONAL SPACE III SECONDARY FIELDS IN D>2 AND THE SOLUTION OF TWO-DIMENSIONAL MODELS, A BURGE TREE OF VIRASORO-TYPE POLYNOMIAL IDENTITIES, THE DEFINITION OF NEVEU–SCHWARZ SUPERCONFORMAL FIELDS AND UNCHARGED SUPERCONFORMAL TRANSFORMATIONS, Central charge and the Andrews–Bailey construction, The conformal geometry of complex quadrics and the fractional-linear form of Möbius transformations, Diffeomorphism cohomology in Beltrami parametrization, Conformal invariance in two-dimensional percolation, Vertex operators in solvable lattice models, Algebraic structures of quantum projective field theory related to fusion and braiding. Hidden additive weight, Affine algebras on the torus, Topological field theories and integrable models, Inlaying vertex function and scattering amplitude, Associative Enveloping Pseudoalgebras of Finite Lie Pseudoalgebras, Conformal restriction: The chordal case, JOINING-SPLITTING INTERACTION OF NONCRITICAL STRING, The Notion of N=1 Supergeometric Vertex Operator Superalgebra and the Isomorphism Theorem, BITS AND PIECES IN LOGARITHMIC CONFORMAL FIELD THEORY, BOUNDARY STATES IN BOUNDARY LCFT: AN ALGEBRAIC APPROACH, LOGARITHMIC CONFORMAL FIELD THEORY WITH BOUNDARY, THE SU(2)0 WZNW MODEL, USE OF NILPOTENT WEIGHTS IN LOGARITHMIC CONFORMAL FIELD THEORIES, STRESS ENERGY TENSOR IN LCFT AND LOGARITHMIC SUGAWARA CONSTRUCTION, BITS AND PIECES IN LOGARITHMIC CONFORMAL FIELD THEORY, GLOBAL DEFORMATIONS OF THE WITT ALGEBRA OF KRICHEVER–NOVIKOV TYPE, TRANSFER-MATRIX STUDY OF NEGATIVE-FUGACITY SINGULARITY OF HARD-CORE LATTICE GAS, Generalized parafermionic theory and integrable lattice models, Exact, asymptotic, three-dimensional, space- and time-dependent, Green’s functions in the multichannel Kondo effect, Universal noninteger ‘‘ground-state degeneracy’’ in critical quantum systems, Finite-size corrections and scaling dimensions of solvable lattice models: An analytic method, Constructive method for calculating the conformal charge, Multifractals, operator-product expansion, and field theory, Conformal Field Theory and Hyperbolic Geometry, Critical Behavior for Correlated Strongly Coupled Boson Systems in 1 + 1 Dimensions, Exactc=1 boundary conformal field theories, Random Walks and Quantum Gravity in Two Dimensions, 3D SINGLETONS AND THEIR BOUNDARY 2D CONFORMAL FIELD THEORY, SELF-DUAL YANG–MILLS: SYMMETRIES AND MODULI SPACE, CORRELATION FUNCTIONS OF THE TRI-CRITICAL 3-STATE POTTS MODEL, THE CORRELATION FUNCTIONS OF THE (D4, A6) CONFORMAL MODEL, SUPERCONFORMAL ORBIFOLDS INVOLVING THE FERMION NUMBER OPERATOR, AXIOMATIC G1-VERTEX ALGEBRAS, SUPERSYMMETRY IN THE BOUNDARY TRICRITICAL ISING FIELD THEORY, CONSTRUCTION FORMULAE FOR SINGULAR VECTORS OF THE TOPOLOGICAL AND OF THE RAMOND N = 2 SUPERCONFORMAL ALGEBRAS, Hyperbolic 2-spheres with conical singularities, accessory parameters and Kähler metrics on ℳ_{0,𝓃}, REGULAR REPRESENTATIONS OF VERTEX OPERATOR ALGEBRAS, FRACTIONAL STATISTICS IN TERMS OF THE r-GENERALIZED FIBONACCI SEQUENCES, SU(2)0 AND OSp(2|2)-2 WZNW MODELS: TWO CURRENT ALGEBRAS, ONE LOGARITHMIC CFT, W ∞ -algebras in n complex dimensions and Kodaira–Spencer deformations: A symplectic approach, On certain integrals that appear in conformal field theory, Superconformal primary fields on a graded Riemann sphere, SLE-type growth processes and the Yang–Lee singularity, Partial classification of modules for Lie-algebra of diffeomorphisms of d-dimensional torus, Diffeomorphism cohomology in Beltrami parametrization. II. The 1-forms, Matrix representation of higher integer conformal spin symmetries, Unitary braid group representations, A new relation among Catalan numbers, Modular invariance of characters of vertex operator algebras, NONPERTURBATIVE GREEN'S FUNCTIONS IN THEORIES WITH EXTENDED SUPERCONFORMAL SYMMETRY, POINT-SPLITTING REGULARIZATION IN (SUPER)CONFORMAL FIELD THEORY, POINT-SPLITTING REGULARIZATION IN N=2 SUPERCONFORMAL FIELD THEORY, A rigorous treatment of conformal blocks in a model of bosonic conformal field theory, FREE FIELD AND PARAFERMIONIC REALIZATIONS OF TWISTED $su(3)^{(2)}_k$ CURRENT ALGEBRA, ON THE QUANTUM INVARIANT FOR THE BRIESKORN HOMOLOGY SPHERES, DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS AND INTERTWINING OPERATORS, Realization of the space of conformal blocks in Lie algebra modules, New representation for string field solves the consistency problem for open superstring field theory, Solving the open bosonic string in perturbation theory, Explicit formula for singular vectors of the Virasoro algebra with central charge less than 1, String theory and the CPT theorem on the world-sheet, Critical behaviour of the dilute \(O(n)\), Izergin-Korepin and dilute \(A_L\) face models: Bulk properties, Superconformal Ward identities and \(N=2\) Yang-Mills theory, Open-string vertex algebras, tensor categories and operads, On rational conformal field theories: explicit modular formulae, Simple associative conformal algebras of linear growth, TWO-DIMENSIONAL FRACTIONAL SUPERSYMMETRIC CONFORMAL FIELD THEORIES AND THE TWO-POINT FUNCTIONS, W-algebras from canonical transformations, Constructive field theory and applications: Perspectives and open problems, HAMILTONIAN FORMULATION OF OPEN WZW STRINGS, Finite N AdS/CFT correspondence for Abelian and non-Abelian orbifolds, and gauge coupling unification, Unitary irreducible representations of a Lie algebra for matrix chain models, On the correlation functions of the vector bundle generalization of the bc-system, BRST quantization of topological field theory, The N=2 super W4 algebra and its associated generalized Korteweg– de Vries hierarchies, Tensor Structures Arising from Affine Lie Algebras. I, Conformal and critical embeddings, infinite magic square, and a new Clifford product, Clifford algebra: Notes on the spinor metric and Lorentz, Poincaré, and conformal groups, Projective reduction in quantum conformal field theory, On the representation of operator algebras of the quantum conformal field theory, Logarithmic Operators in Conformal Field Theory and the ${\mathcal W}_\infty$-Algebra, Consistent Two-Dimensional Chiral Gravity, Algebraic Bosonization: The Study of the Heisenberg and Calogero–Sutherland Models, Extended Conformal Symmetry of the One-Dimensional Bose Gas