Combinatorial optimization. Polyhedra and efficiency (3 volumes)

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zbMath1041.90001MaRDI QIDQ1854113

Alexander Schrijver

Publication date: 27 January 2003

Published in: Algorithms and Combinatorics (Search for Journal in Brave)

90C35: Programming involving graphs or networks

68Q25: Analysis of algorithms and problem complexity

05-02: Research exposition (monographs, survey articles) pertaining to combinatorics

52B55: Computational aspects related to convexity

90C57: Polyhedral combinatorics, branch-and-bound, branch-and-cut

05C65: Hypergraphs

68R10: Graph theory (including graph drawing) in computer science

90C27: Combinatorial optimization

05B35: Combinatorial aspects of matroids and geometric lattices

90-02: Research exposition (monographs, survey articles) pertaining to operations research and mathematical programming

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II. 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efficient scaling algorithm for the minimum weight bibranching problem, Computing solutions for matching games, The hardness of routing two pairs on one face, Ehrhart theory, modular flow reciprocity, and the Tutte polynomial, On the complexity of submodular function minimisation on diamonds, On the max coloring problem, When LP is the cure for your matching woes: improved bounds for stochastic matchings, A rooted-forest partition with uniform vertex demand, Match twice and stitch: a new TSP tour construction heuristic., The affine representation theorem for abstract convex geometries, How to allocate review tasks for robust ranking, What is on his mind?, Constrained inverse min-max spanning tree problems under the weighted Hamming distance, Weighted sum coloring in batch scheduling of conflicting jobs, Approximating the maximum internal spanning tree problem, A push-relabel approximation algorithm for approximating the minimum-degree MST problem and its generalization to matroids, 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scheme for the constrained spanning tree problem., New linearizations of quadratic assignment problems, Perturbation of eigenvalues of matrix pencils and the optimal assignment problem, 2-balanced flows and the inverse 1-median problem in the Chebyshev space, The dominance assignment problem, Lattice polyhedra and submodular flows, Robustness of minimum cost arborescences, Equivalence of convex minimization problems over base polytopes, Matroid rank functions and discrete concavity, Shortest bibranchings and valuated matroid intersection, A tale of three eras: the discovery and rediscovery of the Hungarian method, On tight spans for directed distances, Between a rock and a hard place: the two-to-one assignment problem, The number of 3-SAT functions, The representation polyhedron of a semiorder., An approximation algorithm dependent on edge-coloring number for minimum maximal matching problem, Games induced by the partitioning of a graph, Metric packing for \(K_ 3 + K_ 3\), Explicit 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maximization with a single sample, Systems of distant representatives in Euclidean space, Characteristic imsets for learning Bayesian network structure, \(d\)-transversals of stable sets and vertex covers in weighted bipartite graphs, Minimization of SONET ADMs in ring networks revisited, Least and most colored bases, A network flow algorithm for reconstructing binary images from discrete X-rays, On packing and coloring hyperedges in a cycle, Inverse maximum flow problems under the weighted Hamming distance, Some inverse min-max network problems under weighted \(l_1\) ans \(l_{\infty}\) norms with bound constraints on changes, Mechanisms for a spatially distributed market, Packing Steiner trees with identical terminal sets, The rank-width of edge-coloured graphs, Subdivisions in apex graphs, Optimal job insertion in the no-wait job shop, A polynomial time approximation algorithm for the two-commodity splittable flow problem, An adaptive routing approach for personal rapid transit, Approximation algorithms for the directed \(k\)-Tour and \(k\)-Stroll problems, Weighted matching in the semi-streaming model, Maximum series-parallel subgraph, Finding socially best spanning treesî, Balanced matrices, A complete 4-parametric complexity classification of short shop scheduling problems, Approximations for two variants of the Steiner tree problem in the Euclidean plane \(\mathbb R^2\), Some \(0/1\) polytopes need exponential size extended formulations, Fractional perfect \(b\)-matching polytopes. I: General theory, Optimal mechanism design for the private supply of a public good, Unbounded convex sets for non-convex mixed-integer quadratic programming, On the existence of the positive steady states of weakly reversible deficiency-one mass action systems, A version of Tutte's polynomial for hypergraphs, Computing tropical resultants, A unified approach to distance-two colouring of graphs on surfaces, The covering Canadian traveller problem, Minimal bricks have many vertices of small degree, On the dependence of the existence of the positive steady states on the rate coefficients for deficiency-one mass action systems: single linkage class, Arc-disjoint paths and trees in 2-regular digraphs, Inequalities on submodular functions via term rewriting, Bike sharing systems: solving the static rebalancing problem, Balancing of agricultural census data by using discrete optimization, A simple PTAS for weighted matroid matching on strongly base orderable matroids, A reduction algorithm for the weighted stable set problem in claw-free graphs, The maximum vertex coverage problem on bipartite graphs, Degree bounded matroids and submodular flows, On the toric ideal of a matroid, Network design with a discrete set of traffic matrices, A note on the serial dictatorship with project closures, Kőnig's edge-colouring theorem for all graphs, Toric and tropical compactifications of hyperplane complements, Chromatic Gallai identities operating on Lovász number, Bi-criteria and approximation algorithms for restricted matchings, Approximability of the capacitated \(b\)-edge dominating set problem, On the frontiers of polynomial computations in tropical geometry, The complexity of soft constraint satisfaction, Packing \([1, \Delta \)-factors in graphs of small degree], Stable set and clique polytopes of \((P_{5},\,\mathrm{gem})\)-free graphs, Algorithms for time-dependent bicriteria shortest path problems, A \(\frac{1}{2}\)-integral relaxation for the \(A\)-matching problem, Generalizing the induced matching by edge capacity constraints, Polynomiality of sparsest cuts with fixed number of sources, Formulations and exact algorithms for the vehicle routing problem with time windows, Batch processing with interval graph compatibilities between tasks, Matroid matching with Dilworth truncation, Traveling salesman path problems, Sublattices of product spaces: Hulls, representations and counting, On the \(k\) edge-disjoint 2-hop-constrained paths polytope, Linear time algorithms for generalized edge dominating set problems, Cohen-Macaulay, shellable and unmixed clutters with a perfect matching of König type, Degree constrained subgraphs, A method for approximating symmetrically reciprocal matrices by transitive matrices, Clutter nonidealness, Approximating clique-width and branch-width, New strings for old Veneziano amplitudes. III: Symplectic treatment, Covering partially directed graphs with directed paths, Finding maximum square-free 2-matchings in bipartite graphs, Minimum sum multicoloring on the edges of trees, On global warming: Flow-based soft global constraints, Facets of the independent path-matching polytope, How to recycle your facets, Berge's theorem for the maximum charge problem, MDSM: microarray database schema matching using the Hungarian method, The edge-orientation problem and some of its variants on weighted graphs, On influence, stable behavior, and the most influential individuals in networks: a game-theoretic approach, Cycle contraction in oriented graphs, Optimizing compatible sets in wireless networks through integer programming, Note on the spanning-tree packing number of lexicographic product graphs, Packing in generalized kernel systems: a framework that generalizes packing of branchings, Bulk-robust combinatorial optimization, Minimum entropy orientations, Perfect matchings in \(r\)-partite \(r\)-graphs, Multiroute flows: cut-trees and realizability, On cycles and the stable multi-set polytope, A linear programming formulation of Mader's edge-disjoint paths problem, On the complexity of the planar directed edge-disjoint paths problem, A linear programming formulation for the maximum complete multipartite subgraph problem, Mixed integer models for the stationary case of gas network optimization, Irreducible triangulations of surfaces with boundary, Small Chvátal rank, On the dominant of the \(s\)-\(t\)-cut polytope: vertices, facets, and adjacency, Separation, dimension, and facet algorithms for node flow polyhedra, The maximum integer multiterminal flow problem in directed graphs, A survey on the linear ordering problem for weighted or unweighted tournaments, Embedded associated primes of powers of square-free monomial ideals, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, A simple PTAS for Weighted Matroid Matching on Strongly Base Orderable Matroids, Exploiting Symmetries in Polyhedral Computations, Unifying the representation of symmetric crossing families and weakly partitive families, Characterising claw-free t-perfect graphs, Coloring Fuzzy Circular Interval Graphs, An Inductive Construction of Minimally Rigid Body-Hinge Simple Graphs, Disclosing Barriers: A Generalization of the Canonical Partition Based on Lovász’s Formulation, The positive circuits of oriented matroids with the packing property or idealness, Optimal monotone relabelling of partially non-monotone ordinal data, Matrix Relaxations in Combinatorial Optimization, Online heuristic for the preemptive single machine scheduling problem of minimizing the total weighted completion time, Clique partitioning of interval graphs with submodular costs on the cliques, On co-bicliques, Ideal Secret Sharing Schemes for Useful Multipartite Access Structures, On the cardinality constrained matroid polytope, A Primal-Dual Algorithm for Weighted Abstract Cut Packing, Jump Number of Two-Directional Orthogonal Ray Graphs, Optimal Matching Forests and Valuated Delta-Matroids, Tight Bounds for Linkages in Planar Graphs, $\mathbb F$ -Rank-Width of (Edge-Colored) Graphs, Hamilton cycles in 3-out, Approximating the smallest k -edge connected spanning subgraph by LP-rounding, Uniform Sampling of Digraphs with a Fixed Degree Sequence, Measuring Indifference: Unit Interval Vertex Deletion, TRIANGLE-FREE 2-MATCHINGS REVISITED, On Capacitated Set Cover Problems, Locating Depots for Capacitated Vehicle Routing, Maximum Independent Set in 2-Direction Outersegment Graphs, Maximum weight independent sets in hole- and dart-free graphs, Dense and sparse graph partition, A combinatoric interpretation of dual variables for weighted matching and \(f\)-factors, Hyperbolic set covering problems with competing ground-set elements, Structural and algorithmic properties for parametric minimum cuts, A flow model based on polylinking system, Inequality and network structure, The universally quickest transshipment problem in a certain class of dynamic networks with uniform path-lengths, Characterization of facets of the hop constrained chain polytope via dynamic programming, Branch-and-cut approaches for chance-constrained formulations of reliable network design problems, A linear time approximation algorithm for permutation flow shop scheduling, Linear algorithm for selecting an almost regular spanning subgraph in an almost regular graph, Polyhedra with the integer Carathéodory property, Combinatorial optimization with 2-joins, On two restricted ancestors tree problems, Maximizing profits of routing in WDM networks, Improved approximation algorithms for metric maximum ATSP and maximum 3-cycle cover problems, On the feedback vertex set polytope of a series-parallel graph, A note on multiflows and treewidth, On computing minimum\((s,t)\)-cuts in digraphs, Network design with edge-connectivity and degree constraints, Range and Roots: two common patterns for specifying and propagating counting and occurrence constraints, Copositive programming motivated bounds on the stability and the chromatic numbers, Strongly polynomial and fully combinatorial algorithms for bisubmodular function minimization, Evolutionary algorithms and matroid optimization problems, Canonical representations of discrete curves, Data relaying with constraints in hierarchical sensor networks, The shortest multipaths problem in a capacitated dense channel, Design of survivable IP-over-optical networks, Cyclical scheduling and multi-shift scheduling: complexity and approximation algorithms, Source location with rigidity and tree packing requirements, On the \(L_{\infty}\)-norm of extreme points for crossing supermodular directed network LPs, Semidefinite bounds for the stability number of a graph via sums of squares of polynomials, Approximate min-max relations for odd cycles in planar graphs, Pre-emptive scheduling problems with controllable processing times, The complexity of mean flow time scheduling problems with release times, Inverse constrained bottleneck problems under weighted \(l_{\infty}\) norm, Rees algebras and polyhedral cones of ideals of vertex covers of perfect graphs, The complexity of recognizing linear systems with certain integrality properties, On short paths interdiction problems: Total and node-wise limited interdiction, Two-dimensional packing with conflicts, Generating cut conjunctions in graphs and related problems, Preemptive scheduling on uniform parallel machines with controllable job processing times, Paths partition with prescribed beginnings in digraphs: A Chvátal-Erdős condition approach, Source location in undirected and directed hypergraphs, Cyclic games and linear programming, Clique-circulants and the stable set polytope of fuzzy circular interval graphs, Total domination of graphs and small transversals of hypergraphs, The stable set polytope of quasi-line graphs, Finding coherent cyclic orders in strong digraphs, George Dantzig's impact on the theory of computation, On the \(p\)-median polytope of \(Y\)-free graphs, The travelling preacher, projection, and a lower bound for the stability number of a graph, The \(k\)-path tree matroid and its applications to survivable network design, Extremal perfect graphs for a bound on the domination number, An algorithm to increase the node-connectivity of a digraph by one, Polymatroids and mean-risk minimization in discrete optimization, Pin-collinear body-and-pin frameworks and the molecular conjecture, On cardinality constrained cycle and path polytopes, Facets of the \((s,t)-p\)-path polytope, Induced disjoint paths problem in a planar digraph, A note on kernels and Sperner's Lemma, The expressive power of binary submodular functions, Global optimization for first order Markov random fields with submodular priors, Approximating the maximum 2- and 3-edge-colorable subgraph problems, An efficient algorithm for the evacuation problem in a certain class of networks with uniform path-lengths, A cubic kernel for feedback vertex set and loop cutset, Graph edge colouring: Tashkinov trees and Goldberg's conjecture, An updated survey on the linear ordering problem for weighted or unweighted tournaments, The college admissions problem with lower and common quotas, The parity problem of polymatroids without double circuits, Network flow interdiction on planar graphs, A note on some collapse results of valued constraints, Precoloring extension of co-Meyniel graphs, Submodular function minimization, The stable set polytope for some extensions of \(P_4\)-free graphs, Block-diagonal semidefinite programming hierarchies for 0/1 programming, On a theorem of Sewell and Trotter, Integer version of the multipath flow network synthesis problem, The box-TDI system associated with 2-edge connected spanning subgraphs, Better bounds for minimizing SONET ADMs, The subdivision-constrained minimum spanning tree problem, Minimizing the stabbing number of matchings, trees, and triangulations, Minimum mean cycle problem in bidirected and skew-symmetric graphs, Weighted restricted 2-matching, Pure Nash equilibria in player-specific and weighted congestion games, Packing trees with constraints on the leaf degree, Set covering and packing formulations of graph coloring: Algorithms and first polyhedral results, Computing monotone disjoint paths on polytopes, A geometric characterization of ``optimality-equivalent relaxations, A faster strongly polynomial time algorithm for submodular function minimization, Multiline addressing by network flow, On Kalai's conjectures concerning centrally symmetric polytopes, On minimum \(k\)-modal partitions of permutations, The \(S\)-digraph optimization problem and the greedy algorithm, Statistics to measure correlation for data mining applications, Greedily constructing maximal partial \(f\)-factors, Rooted \(k\)-connections in digraphs, Minimum-weight cycle covers and their approximability, Approximation algorithms for the weighted independent set problem in sparse graphs, A tutorial on branch and cut algorithms for the maximum stable set problem, Clique-connecting forest and stable set polytopes, Multi-period maintenance scheduling of tree networks with minimum flow disruption, A New Approach to the Pareto Stable Matching Problem, The Nonnegative Node Weight j-Restricted k-Matching Problems, Polynomially Computable Bounds for the Probability of the Union of Events, Scheduling Multilayer Divisible Computations, On thef-matching polytope and the fractionalf-chromatic index, Facility Location with Matroid or Knapsack Constraints, Concentration inequalities for nonlinear matroid intersection, Determining the minimum rank of matroids whose basis graph is common, All Circuits Enumeration in Macro-Econometric Models, STEADY-STATE SCHEDULING ON HETEROGENEOUS CLUSTERS, Design of Survivable Networks: A survey, Cop-Robber Guarding Game with Cycle Robber Region, Minimum‐weight subgraphs with unicyclic components and a lower‐bounded girth, Some remarks about factors of graphs, Determination of cutoff time for express courier services: a genetic algorithm approach, On the Max Coloring Problem, A Representation Theorem for Union-Difference Families and Application, Unnamed Item, CANONICAL REPRESENTATIVES FOR DIVISOR CLASSES ON TROPICAL CURVES AND THE MATRIX–TREE THEOREM, Fast enumeration algorithms for non-crossing geometric graphs, Finding nucleolus of flow game, Extended formulations in combinatorial optimization, Extended formulations in combinatorial optimization, Semidefinite relaxations for partitioning, assignment and ordering problems, Robust Independence Systems, Accelerated Bend Minimization, Generating all vertices of a polyhedron is hard, A Constant Factor Approximation for Minimum λ-Edge-Connected k-Subgraph with Metric Costs, Monomial Ideals of Forest Type, The Expressive Power of Binary Submodular Functions, Complete Complexity Classification of Short Shop Scheduling, Graphs and Algorithms in Communication Networks on Seven League Boots, BLOBS AND FLIPS ON GEMS, ON THE RANK FUNCTION OF THE 3-DIMENSIONAL RIGIDITY MATROID, Algorithms for 3PC(⋅, ⋅)-free Berge graphs, Minconvex graph factors of prescribed size and a simpler reduction to weighted f-factors, The Induced Disjoint Paths Problem, A New Algorithm for the Maximum Weighted Stable Set Problem in Claw-Free Graphs, Budgeted Matching and Budgeted Matroid Intersection Via the Gasoline Puzzle, Minimum-Weight Cycle Covers and Their Approximability, Covering Directed Graphs by In-Trees, The Secret Santa Problem, Large neighborhood improvements for solving car sequencing problems, A Scaling Algorithm for the Maximum Node-Capacitated Multiflow Problem, A Simple LP Relaxation for the Asymmetric Traveling Salesman Problem, Max-Weight Integral Multicommodity Flow in Spiders and High-Capacity Trees, The Minimum Weight In-Tree Cover Problem, Transfer Graph Approach for Multimodal Transport Problems, Hamiltonian threshold for strong products of graphs, Spectral bounds for the maximum cut problem, SINGLE MACHINE SCHEDULING WITH CONTROLLABLE PROCESSING TIMES BY SUBMODULAR OPTIMIZATION, Level-k Phylogenetic Networks Are Constructable from a Dense Triplet Set in Polynomial Time, Quantitative Analysis under Fairness Constraints, Path Partitions, Cycle Covers and Integer Decomposition