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zbMath0528.30001MaRDI QIDQ3310101

Alan F. Beardon

Publication date: 1983

Title: zbMATH Open Web Interface contents unavailable due to conflicting licenses.

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Pleating coordinates for the Earle embedding, Accessory parameters for four-punctured spheres, Random walks on Baumslag-Solitar groups, Three extremal problems for hyperbolically convex functions, Continued fractions and restrained sequences of Möbius maps, Word metric, stationary measure and Minkowski's question mark function, Double cosets, rotations and isometric circles, Generalized two-field \(\alpha\)-attractor models from the hyperbolic triply-punctured sphere, A multi-point Schwarz-Pick lemma, Infinitely generated Veech groups, The heights theorem for infinite Riemann surfaces, Generalized \(\alpha\)-attractor models from elementary hyperbolic surfaces, Hyperbolic Eisenstein series for geometrically finite hyperbolic surfaces of infinite volume, The geometry of Gaussian integer continued fractions, Extremal disc packings in compact hyperbolic surfaces, On the proper conjugation of Kleinian groups, On accelerating Monte Carlo integration using orthogonal projections, Local 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\(\{10\lambda ,2\lambda \}\), Some remarks on the visual angle metric, Quasisymmetries of Sierpiński carpet Julia sets, On the uniqueness of Gibbs states in some dynamical systems, Algebraic convergence of finitely generated Kleinian groups in all dimensions, Algebraic characterization of the isometries of the hyperbolic 5-space, Geometric invariants for real quadratic fields, \(N\)-capacity, \(N\)-harmonic radius and \(N\)-harmonic transplantation, Gromov hyperbolicity of Denjoy domains, Inequalities for discrete Möbius groups in infinite dimension, Universal hyperbolic geometry. 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)\), The Selberg trace formula and the Ruelle zeta function for compact hyperbolics, Cantor limit set of a topological transformation group on \(S^{1}\), Small eigenvalues of Riemann surfaces and graphs, On the spectral gap for infinite index ``congruence subgroups of \(SL_2(\mathbb{Z})\), Representations of polygons of finite groups., Figure eight geodesics on 2-orbifolds, Extensions of the modular group, On geometrically uniform codes and topological quantum MDS codes, Thrice-punctured sphere groups in hyperbolic 4-space, On the invariants of Möbius groupsM(R n ), Train tracks and measured laminations on infinite surfaces, Distinct distances on hyperbolic surfaces, The Poincaré Exponent and the Dimensions of Kleinian Limit Sets, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, On the Hausdorff dimension distortions of quasi-symmetric homeomorphisms, Refined horoball counting and conformal measure for Kleinian group actions, Stability of p‐parabolicity under quasi‐isometries, On bisectors in quaternionic hyperbolic space, The type problem for Riemann surfaces via Fenchel–Nielsen parameters, Concentration of closed geodesics in the homology of modular curves, On the geometry of a Picard modular group, Conjugate complex harmonic functions, Geometric Julia-Wolff theorems for weak contractions, The Heinz type inequality, Bloch type theorem and Lipschitz characteristic of polyharmonic mappings, Dimensions of Kleinian orbital sets, Near optimal spectral gaps for hyperbolic surfaces, Mirror stabilizers for lattice complex hyperbolic triangle groups, Continuous deformation of the Bowen-Series map associated to a cocompact triangle group, Halfspaces and hypersurfaces in the bidisk, A new perspective on the Sullivan dictionary via Assouad type dimensions and spectra, Hyperbolic punctured spheres without arithmetic systole maximizers, Intrinsic Diophantine approximation on circles and spheres, Intrinsic metrics in polygonal domains, Center of Poisson and Skein algebras associated to loops on surfaces, Moduli of triples of points in quaternionic hyperbolic geometry, Groups of rotations of Euclidean and hyperbolic spaces, Coninvolutory matrices, multi-affine polynomials, and invariant circles, An estimate for the hyperbolic lengths of closed geodesics on Riemann surfaces II, A polyhedral approach to the arithmetic and geometry of hyperbolic link complements, Constructing lattice surfaces with prescribed Veech groups: an algorithm, Extended-cycle integrals of modular functions for badly approximable numbers, Classification and decomposition of quaternionic projective transformations, Liouville property and quasi-isometries on negatively curved Riemannian surfaces, On the Closure of Irregular Orbits of the Horocyclic Flow, Mobile disks in hyperbolic space and minimization of conformal capacity, On the boundary extension of mappings on Riemannian surfaces in terms of prime ends, On \(SL(2, \mathbb{C})\)-representations of torus knot groups, Willmore function on curvatures of the curve-surface pair under mobius transformation, Non-geodesic Spherical Funk Transforms with One and Two Centers, Volume growth of quasihyperbolic balls, Unnamed Item, Existence of exceptional points for Fuchsian groups of finite coarea, $\mathbb{C}$-Fuchsian subgroups of some non-arithmetic lattices, Graphs of systoles on hyperbolic surfaces, Unnamed Item, Quantum spin probabilities at positive temperature are Hölder Gibbs probabilities, Švarc–Milnor quasi-isometries for Fuchsian groups, Ideal right-angled pentagons in hyperbolic 4-space, Character ratios for finite groups of Lie type, and applications, Real and complex earthquakes, Hausdorff dimension of sets of divergence arising from continued fractions, Cheeger constants of hyperbolic reflection groups and Maass cusp forms of small eigenvalues, Barrlund's distance function and quasiconformal maps, A characterization of Möbius transformations, Invariants of translation surfaces, Maximization of the second conformal eigenvalue of spheres, Frobenius-Schur indicators, the Klein-bottle amplitude, and the principle of orbifold covariance, Weak mixing directions in non-arithmetic Veech surfaces, Unnamed Item, Statistical mechanics of \(2+1\) gravity from Riemann zeta function and Alexander polynomial: Exact results, Closed geodesics in the tangent sphere bundle of a hyperbolic three-manifold, The realization problem for Jørgensen numbers, Jörgensen’s inequality and purely loxodromic two-generator free Kleinian groups, Symmetry via spherical reflection, Admissible convergence in Cartan-Hadamard manifolds., n-Dimensional Bloch Classes, Hyers-Ulam stability of elliptic Möbius difference equation, On the behavior of growth of polygons in semi-regular hyperbolic tessellations, Poisson matrices on 3-manifolds and their applications to 3-CPM manifolds., Pinching holomorphic correspondences, Conical limit sets and continued fractions, Subgroups of some Fuchsian groups defined by two linear congruences, Optimal angle bounds for quadrilateral meshes, Random lattices, punctured tori and the Teichmüller distribution, The Poincaré metric and isoperimetric inequalities for hyperbolic polygons, Random ideal hyperbolic quadrilaterals, the cross ratio distribution and punctured tori, Scott’s rigidity theorem for Seifert fibered spaces; revisited, Conway topograph, -dynamics and two-valued groups, Geometric finiteness in negatively pinched Hadamard manifolds, On the k-metric dimension of metric spaces, The existence of quasimeromorphic mappings in dimension 3, Regularity of Kleinian limit sets and Patterson-Sullivan measures, Dimensions of limit sets of Kleinian groups, Book Review: Hyperbolic geometry from a local viewpoint, An extension of Mobius--Lie geometry with conformal ensembles of cycles and its implementation in a GiNaC library, Nondiscrete parabolic characters of the free group F2: supergroup density and Nielsen classes in the complement of the Riley slice, Random Kleinian Groups, II Two Parabolic Generators, The Lie bracket of undirected closed curves on a surface, Surjective isometries of metric geometries, The critical exponent, the Hausdorff dimension of the limit set and the convex core entropy of a Kleinian group, Manifolds with cylindrical ends having a finite and positive number of embedded eigenvalues, Sub-Riemannian distance on the Lie group $\operatorname {SO}_0(2,1)$, Conformally invariant complete metrics, Conformal capacity of hedgehogs, Chebyshev polynomials and inequalities for Kleinian groups, Dispersion, topological scattering, and self-interference in multiply connected Robertson-Walker cosmologies, Diophantine approximation on hyperbolic Riemann surfaces, Commutators, collars and the geometry of Möbius groups, \(L^ p\)-integrability of derivatives of Riemann mappings on Ahlfors-David regular curves, The word problem for geometrically finite groups, On the period matrix of a Riemann surface of large genus (with an appendix by J. H. Conway and N. J. A. Sloane), Random walks on groups. Applications to Fuchsian groups, Traces, lengths, and simplicity for loops on surfaces, Tubular neighborhood of totally geodesic hypersurfaces in hyperbolic manifolds, Conformal invariants and quasiregular mappings, A proof of Thurston's topological characterization of rational functions, Higher dimensional Euclidean and hyperbolic matrix spaces, Vahlen's group of Clifford matrices and spin-groups, Recurrent geodesics and controlled concentration points, Random walks on the affine group of local fields and of homogeneous trees, The transfinite moduli of condensers in space, Algebraic representations of Teichmüller space, A note on generalized triangle groups, On the automorphism group of the canonical double covering of bordered Klein surfaces with large automorphism group, Linear gravitational waves and electrodynamic formalism in cosmology, Haken manifolds and representations of their fundamental groups in SL(2,\({\mathbb{C}})\), A property of transitive points under Fuchsian groups, Isometry group of the hyperbolic space of the Seifert-Weber dodecahedron, Large parameter spaces of quasiconformally distinct hyperbolic structures, Heegaard splittings of Seifert fibered spaces, Degenerations of the hyperbolic space, Diophantine approximation on hyperbolic orbifolds, Uniformization of surfaces of genus two with automorphisms, A lower bound for the volume of hyperbolic 3-orbifolds, Convergence of the normalized spectral counting function on degenerating hyperbolic Riemann surfaces of finite volume, Examples of effective solution of the Riemann-Hilbert problem on construction of a differential equation from the monodromy group in the framework of the theory of automorphic functions, Kleinian groups and iteration of quadratic maps, Kleinian groups with intersecting limit sets, Systoles of two extremal Riemann surfaces, Quasiconformal mappings of \(Y\)-pieces., About transversely projective holomorphic foliations., Recent results in the geometry of Kleinian groups, Geodesics on quotient manifolds and their corresponding limit points, Bounds on the average bending of the convex hull boundary of a Kleinian group, Revisiting the Siegel upper half plane. I., Revisiting the Siegel upper half plane. II., Lengths of simple loops on surfaces with hyperbolic metrics, Generalized isometric spheres and fundamental domains for discrete subgroups of \(\operatorname{PU}(1,n;\mathbb C)\), Conjugacy invariants of \(Sl(2,\mathbb H)\)., Remarks on the \(n\)-dimensional real Möbius geometry., The horocycle flow without minimal sets, Surface subgroups of Coxeter and Artin groups., The exponent of convergence of Poincaré series of combination groups, Fundamental domains for planar discontinuous groups and uniform tilings, An alternative to wave mechanics on curved spaces, Virtual fibers in hyperbolic 3-manifolds, Isospectrality and commensurability of arithmetic hyperbolic 2- and 3- manifolds, The spectral asymptotics of elliptic operators of Schrödinger type on a hyperbolic space, Quantum Riemann surfaces. II: The discrete series, Constructing conformally flat structures on some Seifert fibred 3- manifolds, Infinite families of surface symmetries, Area growth and Green's function of Riemann surfaces, Discrete subgroups of \(\mathrm{PU}(2,1)\) generated by \(n\) complex reflections and deformation., Geometrically infinite surfaces with discrete length spectra, Harmonic spinors on Riemann surfaces, Dirichlet polyhedra for dihedral groups acting on complex hyperbolic space, Bootstrap percolation and kinetically constrained models on hyperbolic lattices, Polyhedron complexes with simply transitive group actions and their realizations, A characterization of compact convex polyhedra in hyperbolic 3-space, On the discreteness criterion in \(SL (2, \mathbb{C})\), The pseudo-affine transformations in \(\mathbb R^{2}\), Maximal Schottky extension groups, Analytic families of homomorphisms into \(\mathrm{PSL}(2,\mathbb{C})\), A finitely generated, locally indicable group with no faithful action by \(C^1\) diffeomorphisms of the interval, The Maskit embedding of the twice punctured torus, An attempt to differential Galois theory of second order polynomial system and solvable subgroup of Möbius transformations, The triangle groups \((2,p,q)\) are characterized by their length spectrum., Jorgensens's inequality for discrete groups in normed algebras, The orbifold transform and its applications, The Euclidean, hyperbolic, and spherical spans of an open Riemann surface of low genus and the related area theorems, The conjugacy problem for Coxeter groups., On the fundamental domain for the Teichmüller modular group, Billiards in rational polygons: periodic trajectories, symmetries and d-stability, Automorphism groups of \(q\)-trigonal planar Klein surfaces and maximal surfaces, Computing fundamental domains for Fuchsian groups, Prescribing the behaviour of geodesics in negative curvature, Kleinian groups of small Hausdorff dimension are classical Schottky groups. I, Affine mappings of translation surfaces: Geometry and arithmetic, Higher dimensional Ahlfors regular sets and chordarc curves in \(R^n\), On pairs of closed geodesics on hyperbolic surfaces, Pseudo-Anosov maps and fixed points of boundary homeomorphisms compatible with a Fuchsian group, Boundary conformal field theories, limit sets of Kleinian groups and holography, On the dynamics of a rigid body in the hyperbolic space, Characterization of simple closed geodesics on Fricke surfaces, Circle packings and co-compact extensions of Kleinian groups, A geometric approach to the lower algebraic K-theory of Fuchsian groups, Conformal curvatures of curves in \(\mathbb R^{n+1}\), Spiral hexagonal circle packings in the plane, Simultaneous conjugation in quaternion algebras, About the linearization of certain subgroups of polynomial diffeomorphisms of the plane and the envelopes of holomorphy, Force free conformal motions of the sphere., Discreteness criteria for subgroups in complex hyperbolic space, Controlling chaos for nonautonomous systems by detecting unstable periodic orbits., Pappus's theorem and the modular group, On the spectral gap for infinite index ``congruence subgroups of SL\(_2(\mathbb{Z})\), A binary infinitesimal form of the Teichmüller metric, A uniform contraction principle for bounded Apollonian embeddings, Invariant relations for the Bowen-Series transform, Arithmetic $(1;e)$-curves and Belyĭ maps, Non-stationary and discontinuous quasiconformal mapping class groups, Conjugacy classification of quaternionic Möbius transformations, Isometries in hyperbolic spaces, The horocycle flow and the Laplacian on hyperbolic surfaces of infinite genus, Congruence classes of points in quaternionic hyperbolic space, Dynamical Systems with Nontrivially Recurrent Invariant Manifolds, Discreteness criteria for Möbius groups acting on \(\overline{\mathbb R}^n\), Topological classification of Möbius transformations, Operators, Fuchsian groups, and automorphic bundles, Lorentz spacetimes of constant curvature, Hyperbolic mapping classes and their lifts on the Bers fiber space, Counting invertible matrices and uniform distribution, On groups generated by two positive multi-twists: Teichmüller curves and Lehmer's number, Test maps and discrete groups in SL\((2,C)\), Minimal co-volume hyperbolic lattices. I: The spherical points of a Kleinian group, Conformal fractals for normal subgroups of free groups, Complex Fenchel-Nielsen coordinates with small imaginary parts, On the critical exponent of infinitely generated Veech groups, Isoperimetric properties of condenser capacity, Area distortion under certain classes of quasiconformal mappings, Local behavior of mappings of metric spaces with branching, Exceptional points for finitely generated Fuchsian groups of the first kind, Geometrisation of purely hyperbolic representations in \(\mathrm{PSL}_2\mathbb{R}\), The density theorem for discrete series representations restricted to lattices, Circumscribed hyperbolic triangles, Systoles on Compact Riemann Surfaces with Symbolic Dynamics, Geometric deduction of the solutions to modular equations, Markov spectra for modular billiards, Tameness of Margulis space-times with parabolics, Algebraic characterization of isometries of the complex and the quaternionic hyperbolic planes, EFFICIENT GENERATION OF HYPERBOLIC PATTERNS FROM A SINGLE ASYMMETRIC MOTIF, A property of closed geodesics on hyperbolic surfaces, On the half-trajectories of horocyclic flow on geometrically infinite hyperbolic surfaces, Pseudo-Anosov maps and pairs of filling simple closed geodesics on Riemann surfaces. II., The non-Euclidean Euclidean algorithm, Counting common perpendicular arcs in negative curvature, On reduced lantern relations in mapping class groups, Quasiconformal groups with small dilatation I, Rationally smooth elements of Coxeter groups and triangle group avoidance., Checking atomicity of conformal ending measures for Kleinian groups, Symmetric boundary values for the Dirichlet problem for harmonic maps from the disc into the 2-sphere, On quasiconformal maps with identity boundary values, Convex projective structures on Gromov-Thurston manifolds, The \(\mathrm{PU}(2,1)\) configuration space of four points in \(S^3\) and the cross-ratio variety, Expanding maps on Cantor sets and analytic continuation of zeta functions, The geometry at infinity of a hyperbolic Riemann surface of infinite type, Intersection-number operators and Chebyshev polynomials. IV: Non-planar cases, Inequalities of generalized hyperbolic metrics, Classical two-parabolic \(t \)-Schottky groups, Conformal geometry of foliations, Iteration theory and inequalities for Kleinian groups, Pleating of hyperbolic 3-manifolds, Die Symmetriegruppen der ebenen Ornamente. (The symmetry groups of plane ornaments.), Jørgensen groups of parabolic type I (finite case), Quasiconformal groups of compact type, A conformal averaging process on the circle, Integral-geometric formulas for perimeter in \(S^2\), \(H^2\) and Hilbert planes, Sphere-preserving maps in inversive geometry, Ergodic and Bernoulli properties of analytic maps of complex projective space, Hyperbolic geometry and the Hillam-Thron theorem, Constructing restricted Patterson measures for geometrically infinite Kleinian groups, Fundamental theorem of geometry without the surjective assumption, Moduli spaces and macromolecules, Universal convexity for quasihyperbolic type metrics, Parametrizations of Teichmüller spaces by trace functions and action of mapping class groups, Meromorphic continuation of Selberg zeta functions with twists having non-expanding cusp monodromy, Geodesic intersections and isoxial Fuchsian groups, On the residual finiteness growths of particular hyperbolic manifold groups, On infinitely generated Fuchsian groups of the loch Ness monster, the Cantor tree and the blooming Cantor tree, Geometry of mutation classes of rank 3 quivers, Complete hyperbolic lattices derived from tessellations of type {4g,4g}, Stability of the volume growth rate under quasi-isometries, All finitely generated Kleinian groups of small Hausdorff dimension are classical Schottky groups, The Avalanche principle and negative curvature, The visual angle metric and quasiregular maps, Equivalent trace sets for arithmetic Fuchsian groups, Discreteness and convergence of complex hyperbolic isometry groups, Length inequalities for Riemann surfaces, Conformal automorphisms of countably connected regions, Parametrizations of some Teichmüller spaces by trace functions, Classification of quaternionic hyperbolic isometries, Space form isometries as commutators and products of involutions, New classes of quantum codes on closed orientable surfaces, Some spectral applications of McMullen’s Hausdorff dimension algorithm, Excursion and return times of a geodesic to a subset of a hyperbolic Riemann surface, Geometry and Markoff’s spectrum for ℚ(𝕚), I, Quasiconformal groups and a theorem of Bishop and Jones, On the arithmetic of cross-ratios and generalised Mertens' formulas, On the classification of right-angled hyperbolic hexagons in dimension 5, On arithmetic Fuchsian groups and their characterizations., On the hyperbolic orbital counting problem in conjugacy classes, The maximum injectivity radius of hyperbolic orbifolds, On equivariant embeddings of generalized Baumslag-Solitar groups., Quasihyperbolic metric and Möbius transformations, On limit sets and discreteness criteria for nonelementary subgroups of \(M(\overline{R}^n)\), Minkowski content and fractal Euler characteristic for conformal graph directed systems, Arithmeticity of discrete subgroups, Pseudomodular surfaces, On extendability of group actions on compact Riemann surfaces, Algebraic Convergence of Schottky Groups, Comportement harmonique des densités conformes et frontière de Martin, Unnamed Item, Geodesic flows, interval maps, and symbolic dynamics, Examples of Möbius-like groups which are not Möbius groups, The Achilles' Heel of O(3,1)?, On the representation theory of Möbius groups inR n*, Associative subalgebras of the octonians, Some presentations for \overline{Γ}₀(𝑁), Construction and recognition of hyperbolic 3-manifolds with geodesic boundary, A gluing theorem for negatively curved complexes, Quasicircles as equipotential lines, homotopy classes and geodesics, On a theorem of Peter Scott, Levi-flat hypersurfaces and their complement in complex surfaces, Fractal models for normal subgroups of Schottky groups, Unnamed Item, SYSTOLIC FILLINGS OF SURFACES, Probability Distribution in the SABR Model of Stochastic Volatility, The cusped hyperbolic 3-orbifold of minimum volume, Mating Kleinian groups isomorphic to 𝐶₂∗𝐶₅ with quadratic polynomials, Differentiable conjugacy for groups of area-preserving circle diffeomorphisms, Hurwitz groups: A brief survey, Observations on quasihyperbolic geometry modeled on Banach spaces, Sur l’inexistence d’ensembles minimaux pour le flot horocyclique, A characterization of convex hyperbolic polyhedra and of convex polyhedra inscribed in the sphere, COLORING CURVES ON SURFACES, Automorphism groups of complex doubles of Klein surfaces, Quantitative quasisymmetric uniformization of compact surfaces, CONVERGENCE OF THE HEAT KERNEL AND THE RESOLVENT KERNEL ON DEGENERATING HYPERBOLIC RIEMANN SURFACES OF FINITE VOLUME, Trace theorem for quasi-Fuchsian groups, Dehn fillings and elementary splittings, Thurston’s boundary for Teichmüller spaces of infinite surfaces: the length spectrum, A two-dimensional slice through the parameter space of two-generator Kleinian groups, Radial images by holomorphic mappings,, Quasisymmetric geometry of Sierpiński carpet Julia sets, Unnamed Item, Dimension of escaping geodesics, Carleson measures and conformal self-mappings in the real unit ball, Symmetry via spherical reflection, On boundary extension of mappings in metric spaces in the terms of prime ends, Thermodynamics and structure of simple liquids in the hyperbolic plane, Spaces of curves with constrained curvature on hyperbolic surfaces, Isometries between Sobolev spaces, Arithmeticity, discreteness and volume, An extension of the Maskit slice for 4-dimensional Kleinian groups, Geodesic excursions into an embedded disc on a hyperbolic Riemann surface, Discreteness criteria and the hyperbolic geometry of palindromes, 𝑧-classes of isometries of the hyperbolic space, Jørgensen number and arithmeticity, The arithmetic structure of tetrahedral groups of hyperbolic isometries, Algebraic characterization of isometries of the complex and the quaternionic hyperbolic $3$-spaces, The Stable Neighborhood Theorem and Lengths of Closed Geodesics, Foliations of some 3-manifolds which fiber over the circle, A probabilistic proof of Thurston's conjecture on circle packings, Discrete groups and the complex contact geometry of 𝑆𝑙(2,ℂ), Equidistribution and counting for orbits of geometrically finite hyperbolic groups, Dirichlet Polyhedra for Cyclic Groups in Complex Hyperbolic Space, The marked length spectrum of a projective manifold or orbifold, Groups of units of integral group rings of Kleinian type, Trace coordinates of Teichmüller space of Riemann surfaces of signature (0,4), Approximating Continuous Functions by Holomorphic and Harmonic Functions, On generalized fibonacci groups with an odd number of generators, Conical Limit Points and Groups of Divergence Type, The Symmetric Genus of Sporadic Groups, Metric Flows in Space Forms of Nonpositive Curvature, On the non-existence of zero modes, On Carleson measures induced by Beltrami coefficients being compatible with Fuchsian groups, Dirichlet polyhedra for simplex groups of spherical, Euclidean or hyperbolic spaces, The Limit Sets of Some Infinitely Generated Schottky Groups, Entire nodal solutions to the critical Lane-Emden system, Natural extensions for the Rosen fractions, Hyperbolic Structures for Surfaces of Infinite Type, Unnamed Item, Poisson approximation of the length spectrum of random surfaces, Unnamed Item, A discreteness algorithm for 4-punctured sphere groups, Sharp Distortion Theorems for Quasiconformal Mappings, Teichmüller spaces of non-discrete groups, Reversing Palindromic Enumeration in Rank-Two Free Groups, Phase Transitions and Minimal Hypersurfaces in Hyperbolic Space, Affine diffeomorphisms of translation surfaces: Periodic points, Fuchsian groups, and arithmeticity, Topological Equivalence of Flows on Homogeneous Spaces, and Divergence of One-Parameter Subgroups of Lie Groups, Consequences of contractible geodesics on surfaces, A brute force computer aided proof of an existence result about extremal hyperbolic surfaces, The Markov spectra for Fuchsian groups, Ford and Dirichlet domains for cyclic subgroups of 𝑃𝑆𝐿₂(ℂ) acting on ℍ³_{ℝ} and ∂ℍ³_{ℝ}, Surface symmetries and $PSL_2(p)$, Geodesically Complete Hyperbolic Structures, Uniformly perfect sets, rational semigroups, Kleinian groups and IFS’s, On real and pseudo-real rational maps *, Symbolic dynamics for the modular surface and beyond, The core chain of circles of Maskit’s embedding for once-punctured torus groups, The Mod-2 cohomology of the Bianchi groups, Unnamed Item, Möbius invariant quaternion geometry, The shape of the Ford domains for Γ₀(𝑁), Farey polytopes and continued fractions associated with discrete hyperbolic groups, Quasiconformal groups, Patterson-Sullivan theory, and local analysis of limit sets