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zbMath0538.60093MaRDI QIDQ3324796

Rodney Baxter

Publication date: 1982

60K35: Interacting random processes; statistical mechanics type models; percolation theory

82B05: Classical equilibrium statistical mechanics (general)

82-02: Research exposition (monographs, survey articles) pertaining to statistical mechanics

82B20: Lattice systems (Ising, dimer, Potts, etc.) and systems on graphs arising in equilibrium statistical mechanics

Related Items

Integrable quantum systems and classical Lie algebras, A comment on Baxter condition for commutativity of transfer matrices, \({\mathbb{Z}}_ n\) Baxter model: Critical behavior, Lattice gas generalization of the hard hexagon model. I: Star-triangle relation and local densities, Lattice gas generalization of the hard hexagon model. II: The local densities as elliptic functions, Lattice gas generalization of the hard hexagon model. III: \(q\)-trinomial coefficients, Partitions with prescribed hook differences, Solvable lattice models whose states are dominant integral weights of \(A^{(1)}_{n-1}\), Solvable lattice models related to the vector representation of classical simple Lie algebras, Conformal invariance, the XXZ chain and the operator content of two- dimensional critical systems, The Yang-Baxter equation and invariants of links, On the number of regular configurations, Knots, links, braids and exactly solvable models in statistical mechanics, Bethe Ansatz and the generalized Yang-Baxter equations, Integrable many-body problems and functional equations, The \(A_ n^{(1)}\) face models, Equivalence principle in statistical mechanics, Embeddings of U(1)-current algebras in non-commutative algebras of classical statistical mechanics, Non-Archimedean strings and Bruhat-Tits trees, On the Penrose number of cubic diagrams, Combinatorics of representations of \(U_ q (\widehat{\mathfrak sl}(n))\) at \(q=0\), Quantum group invariants and link polynomials, Old and new link polynomials from the theory of exactly solvable models, Statistical mechanics: A perspective on the work of R. J. Baxter, Three-manifolds and the Temperley-Lieb algebra, Growth and integrability in the dynamics of mappings, Classical partition functions and the \(U(n+1)\) Rogers-Selberg identity, Quantum affine algebras and holonomic difference equations, Integrable spin systems with long-range interactions, Macdonald polynomials from Sklyanin algebras: A conceptual basis for the \(p\)-adics-quantum group connection, The extended Bethe Ansatz for infinite \(S=1/2\) quantum spin chains with non-nearest-neighbor interaction, Jackson-type integrals, Bethe vectors, and solutions to a difference analog of the Knizhnik-Zamolodchikov system, Phase diagrams of Ising models on Husimi trees. II: Pair and multisite interaction systems, Eight-vertex model: anisotropic interfacial tension and equilibrium crystal shape, The asymmetric six-vertex model, Instantons in spherical model thermodynamics, Ground states of VBS models on Cayley trees, Alternating-sign matrices and domino tilings. I, New solvable lattice models in three dimensions, Diagonalization of the \(XXZ\) Hamiltonian by vertex operators, Perfect crystals of quantum affine Lie algebras, Corner transfer matrices for the Ising model, The partition algebras and a new deformation of the Schur algebras, Generalized Bethe ansatz solution of a one-dimensional asymmetric exclusion process on a ring with blockage, A new Monte Carlo power method for the eigenvalue problem of transfer matrices, Phase diagrams of Ising models on Husimi trees. I: Pure multisite interaction systems, Potts model, Dirac propagator, and conformational statistics of semiflexible polymers, Corner transfer matrices of the chiral Potts model. II: The triangular lattice, Analytical calculation of scaling dimensions: Tricritical hard squares and critical hard hexagons, Bethe ansatz results for Hubbard chains with toroidal boundary conditions, Kinetic six-vertex model as model of bcc crystal growth, Exact solutions for some nuclear many-body problems., Tetrahedron equation and spin integrable models on a cubic lattice, Exact solution of the discrete \((1+1)\)-dimensional SOS model with field and surface interactions, Dynamical critical behavior of the Swendson-Wang algorithm: The two-dimensional three-state Potts model revisited, Random-cluster representation of the Ashkin-Teller model, Relaxation time for a dimer covering with height representation, From quantum cellular automata to quantum lattice gases, A unified framework for the Kondo problem and for an impurity in a Luttinger liquid, Dynamical critical behavior of a Swendsen-Wang-type algorithm for the Ashkin-Teller model, The roughening transition of the three-dimensional Ising interface: A Monte Carlo study, Absence of phase transition for antiferromagnetic Potts models via the Dobrushin uniqueness theorem, Deformations of \(W\)-algebras associated to simple Lie algebras, Reaction-diffusion processes from equivalent integrable quantum chains, An injection for the Ehrenpreis Rogers-Ramanujan problem, Virasoro characters from Bethe equations for the critical ferromagnetic three-state Potts model, Description of periodic extreme Gibbs measures of some lattice models on the Cayley tree, Quantum Volterra model and the universal \(R\)-matrix, Higher dimensional Aztec diamonds and a \((2^d+2)\)-vertex model, On central idempotents in the partition algebra, Some combinatorial interpretations of \(q\)-analogs of Schröder numbers, Planar lattice gases with nearest-neighbor exclusion, Mean-field lattice trees, Inversion relations, reciprocity and polyominoes, From the Bethe Ansatz to the Gessel-Viennot theorem, Several constants arising in statistical mechanics, Baxter-Guttman-Jensen conjecture for power series in directed percolation problem, Crystal base and \(q\)-vertex operators, On universal \(R\)-matrix for quantized nontwisted rank 3 affine KM algebras, Centrally trivial automorphisms and an analogue of Connes' \(\chi(M)\) for subfactors, On an algebraic approach to higher dimensional statistical mechanics, Cyclic monodromy matrices for \(sl(n)\) trigonometric \(R\)-matrices, Algebras in higher-dimensional statistical mechanics -- the exceptional partition (mean field) algebras, The blob algebra and the periodic Temperley-Lieb algebra, Complexity of protein folding, Coexistence of infinite \((*)\)-clusters. II: Ising percolation in two dimensions, The quantum group \(SU_ q(2)\) and \(q\)-analog of angular momentum operators in quantum mechanics, The many faces of a character, Geometric aspects of quantum spin states, Quantized enveloping algebras associated with simple Lie superalgebras and their universal \(R\)-matrices, The \(E_ 7\) commuting squares produce \(D_{10}\) as principal graph, Orbifold subfactors from Hecke algebras, An elliptic quantum algebra for \(\widehat{\text{sl}}_ 2\), 2-categories and 2-knots, Gaudin model, Bethe ansatz and critical level, The random cluster process, New \(q\)-derivative and \(q\)-logarithm, Contraction rule of \(q\)-deformed Levi-Civita symbol, Boundary ABF models, Fateev-Zamolodchikov and Kashiwara-Miwa models: Boundary star-triangle relations and surface critical properties, Partition function zeros for aperiodic systems., Solvable models in statistical mechanics, from Onsager onward., The chiral Potts models revisited., Numerical results for the three-state critical Potts model on finite rectangular lattices., The conical point in the ferroelectric six-vertex model., A first-order phase transition in a three-dimensional vertex model., Bethe ansatz equations for the broken \(\mathbb Z_ N\)-symmetric model., Three-dimensional vertex model in statistical mechanics from Baxter-Bazhanov model., Fermionic solution of the Andrews-Baxter-Forrester model. I: Unification of TBA and CTM methods., Histogram Monte Carlo position-space renormalization group: applications to the site percolation., Six-vertex model with rotated boundary conditions., Finite-size scaling for correlations of quantum spin chains at criticality., Analyticity and integrability in the chiral Potts model., Interaction-round-a-face models with fixed boundary conditions: The ABF fusion hierarchy., Divergence of the bulk resistance at criticality in disordered media., Critical dynamics of the random-bond Potts ferromagnet with multi-disorder amplitudes on a triangular lattice, Universality of coupled Potts models, Universal amplitude ratios and Coxeter geometry in the dilute \(A_L\) model, Universal \(R\) operator with deformed conformal symmetry, \(S=1\) kagomé Ising model with triquadratic interactions, single-ion anisotropy and magnetic field: exact phase diagrams, Non-unitary observables in the 2D critical Ising model, An integrable vertex model and the quantum affine algebra \(U_q(\widehat{sl}(2))\) at the critical level, Anomalous dimension exponents on fractal structures for the Ising and three-state Potts model, Critical phenomena and renormalization-group theory, Glauber dynamics on trees: Boundary conditions and mixing time, Spontaneous symmetry breakings in \(\mathbb{Z}_{2}\) gauge theories for doped quantum dimer and eight-vertex models, Tetrahedral Zamolodchikov algebras corresponding to Baxter's \(L\)- operators, A polyomino tiling problem of Thurston and its configurational entropy, An algebraic approach to the planar coloring problem, Baxterization of the \(R\)-matrix for the adjoint representation of \(U_ q[D(2,1; {\alpha{}})\)], On spin models, triply regular association schemes, and duality, Exact solutions of a nonlinear sigma-model in a curved space and the theory of magnetically ordered media with variable saturation magnetization, Knots and statistical mechanics, Simplex equations and their solutions, Meanders: A direct enumeration approach, Mirror symmetry of elliptic curves and Ising model, The 16-vertex model of a ferroelectric with proton tunneling, Completely integrable models in quasicrystals, Monodromy fields on \({\mathbb{Z}}^ 2\), Exactly solvable SOS models. Local height probabilities and theta function identities, Integrable mappings and soliton equations, Integrable mappings and soliton equations. II, Superselection sectors with braid group statistics and exchange algebras, A class of \(P,T\)-invariant topological phases of interacting electrons, Topological order and conformal quantum critical points, Symmetry effects and equivalences in lattice models of hydrophobic interaction, The anisotropic Ashkin-Teller model: a renormalization group study, TBA boundary flows in the tricritical Ising field theory, Quasi-classical descendants of disordered vertex models with boundaries, Euler-Poincaré characteristic and phase transition in the Potts model on \(\mathbb{Z}^2\), \(A_{n-1}^{(1)}\) reflection \(K\)-matrices, The classical Toda lattice with long range interaction, Magnetization plateaus in the ferromagnetic-ferromagnetic-antiferromagnetic Ising chain, Exact results of an Ising model with three- and five-spin interactions on a square lattice, Critical properties of a spin-3/2 Ising model with bilinear and biquadratic interactions, Generation of new classes of integrable quantum and statistical models, Study of the 2d Ising model with mixed perturbation, Anomalous behavior of the zero field susceptibility of the Ising model on the Cayley tree, Long-distance asymptotics of spin-spin correlation functions for the \(XXZ\) spin chain, \(B_n^{(1)}\) and \(A_{2n}^{(2)}\) reflection \(K\)-matrices, The ``inversion relation method for obtaining the free energy of the chiral Potts model, Dynamical generation of a gauge symmetry in the double-exchange model, The \(U_q(\overline{\text{sl}}(2| 1))_1\)-module \(V(\Lambda_2)\) and a corner transfer matrix at \(q=0\), The mixture transition distribution model for high-order Markov chains and non-Gaussian time series, Consequences of the \(A_ l\) and \(C_ l\) Bailey transform and Bailey lemma, A new approach to solving three combinatorial enumeration problems on planar graphs, Generalized Bethe ansatz equations for Hofstadter problem, Fock representations of quantum fields with generalized statistics, Solitons and the Korteweg-de Vries equation: Integrable systems in 1834--1995, Quantum integrable systems in one dimension, Order parameters of the dilute A models, Algebras and triangle relations, More results on the Ashkin-Teller model, Critical percolation on the torus, The \(q\)-deformed Cartesian \(\text{osp}(1/2)\) algebra, Fusion hierarchy and finite-size corrections of \(U_q[sl(2)\)-invariant vertex models with open boundaries], Connections of the Liouville model and \(XXZ\) spin chain, Fock spaces with generalized statistics, A local and integrable lattice regularization of the massive Thirring model, Analytic Bethe ansatz for fundamental representations of Yangians, Cellular automata for contour dynamics, Determinant representation for correlation functions of spin-1/2 XXX and XXZ Heisenberg magnets, Fokker-Planck approach to quantum lattice Hamiltonians, Relations between the Coulomb gas picture and conformal invariance of two-dimensional critical models, Cellular automata and statistical mechanical models, A class of interaction-round-a-face models and its equivalence with an ice-type model, Bethe ansatz calculations for the eight-vertex model on a finite strip, Exact diagonalization of the quantum supersymmetric SU\(_{q}(n|m)\) model, Surface critical phenomena in interaction-round-a-face models, Multinomials and polynomial bosonic forms for the branching functions of the \(\widehat{su}(2)_{M}\times \widehat{su}(2)_{N}/\widehat{su}(2)_{M+N}\) conformal coset models, Resonance in elemental benzenoids, The Yang-Baxter equation, symmetric functions, and Schubert polynomials, Integrable time-discretization of the Ruijsenaars-Schneider model, Integrable structure of conformal field theory, quantum KdV theory and thermodynamic Bethe ansatz, Scattering of clusters in quantum Calogero model, Solutions of Kirkwood-Salsburg equations for a one-dimensional lattice gas, \(q\)-deformed Grassmann fields and the two-dimensional Ising model, Multi-point local height probabilities in the integrable RSOS model, Feynman integrals of \(p\)-adic argument in the momentum space. II: Explicit expressions, Algebraic Bethe ansatz for the eight-vertex model with general open boundary conditions, \(\mathcal N = 2\) super Yang-Mills and the \(XXZ\) spin chain, Further exact solutions of the eight-vertex SOS model and generalizations of the Rogers-Ramanujan identities, Quantum mechanics, knot theory, and quantum doubles, Quantum field theories in finite volume: Excited state energies, The free energy singularity of the asymmetric six-vertex model and the excitations of the asymmetric \(XXZ\) chain, Exact expectation values of local fields in the quantum sine-Gordon model, Statistical mechanics of the 2-dimensional focusing nonlinear Schrödinger equation, Non-universal critical behaviour of two-dimensional Ising models via two-body interactions, Plane graphs and link invariants, Alternating-sign matrices and domino tilings. II, Animaux et arbres guingois. (Animals and guingois trees), The \(C_ \ell\) Bailey transform and Bailey lemma, How the quasispecies evolution depends on the topology of the genome space, Integrability and exact solution for coupled BCS systems associated with the \(\mathrm{su}(4)\) Lie algebra, On the uniqueness of Gibbs measures for \(p\)-adic nonhomogeneous \({\lambda}\)-model on the Cayley tree, Recent developments in braid and link theory, Quantum groups and generalized statistics in integrable models, Existence of the transfer matrix formalism for a class of classical continuous gases, Stability criteria for stationary solutions of discrete chains of cascade type, Yang-Baxterization of braid group representations, Quantum R matrices related to the spin representations of \(B_ n\) and \(D_ n\), Solvable face models related to the Lie superalgebra sl(m\(| n)\), Equivalence of the two-dimensional directed animal problem to a one- dimensional path problem, Knot invariants and cellular automata, On the algebraic structure of link-diagrams on a 2-dimensional surface, \(BC_n\)-symmetric abelian functions, Exact \(S\)-matrix and perturbative calculations in affine Toda theories based on Lie superalgebras., Properties of atypical graphs from negative complexities, General solution of a kind of quantum coloured Yang-Baxter equation. I., Nonmonotonicity of phase transitions in a loss network with controls, From integrable lattices to non-QRT mappings, A family of integral transformations and basic hypergeometric series, Boundary Liouville theory and 2D quantum gravity, The algebraic Bethe ansatz for the \(\text{Osp}(2|2)\) model with open boundary conditions, Dynamic critical behavior of the Swendsen-Wang algorithm for the three-dimensional Ising model, An integrable \(U_q(\widehat{gl}(2|2))\)-model: corner transfer matrices and Young skew diagrams, Nested Bethe ansatz for the \(B_N\) vertex model with open boundary conditions, Exact solution of the \(XXZ\) Gaudin model with generic open boundaries, \(R\)-matrices and spectrum of vertex models based on superalgebras, Algebraic Bethe ansatz for the Zamolodchikov-Fateev and Izergin-Korepin models with open boundary conditions, \(\text{sl}(2| 1)^{(2)}\) Gaudin magnet and its associated Knizhnik--Zamolodchikov equation, Mixed integrable \(\text{SU}(N)\) vertex model with arbitrary twists, Inverse scattering method for a soliton cellular automaton, Superconformal field theory and SUSY \(N=1\) KdV hierarchy. II: the \(Q\)-operator, Structure of certain Chebyshev-type polynomials in Onsager's algebra representation, Bethe ansatz for the \(XXX\)-\(S\) chain with non-diagonal open boundaries, First principle approach to correlation functions of spin-\(1/2\) Heisenberg chain: fourth-neighbor correlators, Master equation for spin-spin correlation functions of the \(XXZ\) chain, The arboreal gas and the supersphere sigma model, The \(F\) model on dynamical quadrangulations, Relations between Potts and RSOS models on a torus, New \(R\)-matrices from representations of braid-monoid algebras based on superalgebras, Nonlinear integral equations for the finite size effects of RSOS and vertex-models and related quantum field theories, Crystal interpretation of Kerov-Kirillov-Reshetikhin bijection, First-order phase transition in Potts models with finite-range interactions, Complex-temperature phase diagram of Potts and RSOS models, \(T\)-\(Q\) relation and exact solution for the \(XYZ\) chain with general non-diagonal boundary terms, Bethe ansatz and inverse scattering transform in a periodic box-ball system, Logarithmic scaling in gauge/string correspondence, Character decomposition of Potts model partition functions. I: Cyclic geometry, Partition function of periodic isoradial dimer models, Exact solution and finite size properties of the \(U_{q}[\text{osp}(2| 2m)\) vertex models], Perturbed logarithmic CFT and integrable models, The \(q\)-deformed analogue of the Onsager algebra: beyond the Bethe ansatz approach, Solutions of the reflection equation for the \(U_q[G_2\) vertex model], Exact solution of the six-vertex model with domain wall boundary conditions. Disordered phase, Perturbative analysis of disordered Ising models close to criticality, Exact solution of cyclic solid-on-solid lattice models, On a certain value of the Kauffman polynomial, Extremity of the disordered phase in the Ising model on the Bethe lattice, Parameter estimation for two-dimensional Ising fields corrupted by noise, Star-triangle equations and some properties of algebraic curves connected with the integrable chiral Potts model, Zeroes of chromatic polynomials: A new approach to Beraha conjecture using quantum groups, Ocneanu cell calculus and integrable lattice models, Dynamic and static excitations of a classical discrete anisotropic Heisenberg ferromagnetic spin chain, Transformations of Kummer-type for \(_2F_2\)-series and their \(q\)-analogues, Corner percolation on \(\mathbb Z^{2}\) and the square root of 17, Expectation values of scaling fields in \(Z_N\) Ising models, Berry phase and quantum criticality in Yang-Baxter systems, Emptiness formation probability in the domain-wall six-vertex model, Spectral theory of root transfer matrices and its application to statistical models on a triangular lattice, Quantum gravity and matter: counting graphs on causal dynamical triangulations, Vertex models on Feynman diagrams, Four-vertex model and random tilings, Baxter operator and archimedean Hecke algebra, The quantum dilogarithm and representations of quantum cluster varieties, Discrete lattice systems and the equivalence of microcanonical, canonical and grand canonical Gibbs states, Complete integrability in statistical mechanics and the Yang-Baxter equations, Embedded elliptic curves and the Yang-Baxter equations, Eight-vertex SOS model and generalized Rogers-Ramanujan-type identities, Ramification of Liouville integrability: Statistical mechanics of the integrable sinh- and sine-Gordon fields, Critical behavior of two-dimensional spin models and charge asymmetry in the Coulomb gas, Corner transfer matrices and Lorentz invariance on a lattice, A solvable lattice model and related Rogers-Ramanujan type identities, A \(q\)-analogue of \(U(\mathfrak{gl}(N+1))\), Hecke algebra, and the Yang-Baxter equation, The Yang-Baxter equations and the Zamolodchikov model, On a \(C^ *\)-algebra approach to phase transition in the two-dimensional Ising model. II, Rogers-Ramanujan identities for partitions with n copies of n, The emerging role of number theory in exactly solvable models in lattice statistical mechanics, A conformally invariant limit of the critical lattice Ising model, Quantum double finite group algebras and their representations, Quantum double finite group algebras and link polynomials, A unified treatment of Ising model magnetizations, Uncolouring of Lie colour algebras, Correlation function for the Baxter model, Twisted boundary conditions and effective mass in Heisenberg-Ising and Hubbard rings, Universal quantization of curvature jump at the roughening transition, Interface tension, equilibrium crystal shape, and imaginary zeros of partition function: Planar Ising systems, Algebraic structure of translation-invariant spin-1/2xxzandq-Potts quantum chains, Do integrable mappings have the Painlevé property?, New hierarchy of colored-braid-group representations, Finite-size corrections and scaling dimensions of solvable lattice models: An analytic method, New thermodynamic Bethe ansatz equations without strings, New construction of solvable lattice models including an Ising model in a field, Quantization of the self-dual Yang-Mills system: Exchange algebras and local quantum group in four-dimensional quantum field theories, Exact Solution of a Three-Dimensional Dimer System, The Critical Line of an Ising Antiferromagnet on Square and Honeycomb Lattices, Solutions of yang-baxter equation in an endomorphism semigroup and quasi-(co)braided almost bialgebras, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, ON THE SPATIAL ENTROPY OF TWO-DIMENSIONAL GOLDEN MEAN, SCALE-DEPENDENCE OF SPATIOTEMPORAL FILTERS INSPIRED BY CELLULAR AUTOMATA, INTEGRABILITY IN QCD AND BEYOND, EXACT CALCULATION OF THE MAGNETIC SUSCEPTIBILITY AND THE SPECIFIC HEAT OF THE MIXED SPIN-½ AND SPIN-1 SYSTEM ON THE BETHE LATTICE, Efficient Calculation of the Normalizing Constant of the Autologistic and Related Models on the Cylinder and Lattice, On the computational complexity of the Jones and Tutte polynomials, Random sampling of 3‐colorings in ℤ2, Application of theτ-function theory of Painlevé equations to random matrices:PVI, the JUE, CyUE, cJUE and scaled limits, Generalized Blob Algebras and Alcove Geometry, The dilute A4 model, the E7 mass spectrum and the tricritical Ising model, Integrable generalized spin ladder models based on the SU(1|3) and SU(3|1) algebras, Quantised affine algebras and parameter-dependent R-matrices, An overview of the theory of large deviations and applications to statistical mechanics, The projective fundamental group of a ℤ2-shift, Exact Integrability of the One-Dimensional Hubbard Model, A proof of polynomial identities of type sl(n̂)1⊗sl(n̂)1/sl(n̂)2, On the star—delta transformation in network reliability, Knots, matroids and the Ising model, THE CONTINUUM LIMIT OF DISCRETE GEOMETRIES, EXACT RESULTS FOR THE ONE-DIMENSIONAL MANY-BODY PROBLEM WITH CONTACT INTERACTION: INCLUDING A TUNABLE IMPURITY, PARTITION FUNCTION ZEROS OF A RESTRICTED POTTS MODEL ON SELF-DUAL STRIPS OF THE SQUARE LATTICE, SELECTION OF STATES AND FLUCTUATION UNDER THE FIRST ORDER PHASE TRANSITIONS, STATE MODELS FOR KNOT POLYNOMIALS AN INTRODUCTION, Fast mixing for independent sets, colorings, and other models on trees, Some aspects of c = ‐2 theory, Hyperelliptic parametrisation of the generalised order parameter of the N = 3 chiral Potts model, TRANSIENT SCALING OF THE KINETIC SPHERICAL MODEL, A new eight vertex model and higher dimensional, multiparameter generalizations, Green functions for nearest- and next-nearest-neighbor hopping on the Bethe lattice, QUANTUM FIELD THEORIES, A QUANTIZATION OF BOX-BALL SYSTEMS, LARGE-N AND BETHE ANSATZ, PERMUTATION GROUP APPROACH TO THE ONE-DIMENSIONAL XXX HEISENBERG OPEN SPIN-1/2 CHAINS, RECTANGULAR YANG–BAXTER ALGEBRAS AND ALTERNATING A-TYPE INTEGRABLE VERTEX MODELS, Star-triangle relation for a three-dimensional model, On the construction of trigonometric solutions of the Yang-Baxter equation, Angular quantization and form factors in massive integrable models, Loops, matchings and alternating-sign matrices, Yang-Baxter deformations of quandles and racks, Numerical study of the 6-vertex model with domain wall boundary conditions., Anomalous universality in the anisotropic Ashkin-Teller model, \(q\)-deformed structures and generalized thermodynamics, Representations of graph Temperley-Lieb algebras, Chiral Potts model as a descendant of the six-vertex model, Combinatorial Bethe ansatz and ultradiscrete Riemann theta function with rational characteristics, Limiting Gibbs measures of Potts model with countable set of spin values, Study on boundary–boundary correlation functions of the two-dimensional Ising model using topological interaction method, A Bethe Ansatz study of free energy and excitation spectrum for even spin Fateev–Zamolodchikov model, Unnamed Item, Square ice, alternating sign matrices, and classical orthogonal polynomials, Quantum Yang-Baxter equation and constantR-matrix over Grassmann algebra, CENTRAL ELEMENTS OF THE ELLIPTIC YANG–BAXTER ALGEBRA IN ROOTS OF UNITY, FREE FIELD CONSTRUCTIONS FOR THE ELLIPTIC ALGEBRA $\rscr{A}_{q,p}(\widehat{sl}_2)$ AND BAXTER'S EIGHT-VERTEX MODEL, BAXTER EQUATIONS AND DEFORMATION OF ABELIAN DIFFERENTIALS, A FAMILY OF FACE MODELS RELATED TO ZN-SYMMETRIC VERTEX MODEL OF BELAVIN, Box-Ball System with Reflecting End, Large deviations for mean field models of probabilistic cellular automata, Finite-order meromorphic solutions and the discrete Painlevé equations, Extensive ground state entropy in supersymmetric lattice models, Eigenvalues of Casimir invariants for Uq[osp(m∣n)], q-DEFORMED SPIN NETWORKS, KNOT POLYNOMIALS AND ANYONIC TOPOLOGICAL QUANTUM COMPUTATION, Nested sequence of projectors. II. Multiparameter multistate statistical models, Hamiltonians, S-matrices, Yang-Baxter maps and symmetries of integrable equations on quad-graphs, Representations of the quantum doubles of finite group algebras and spectral parameter dependent solutions of the Yang–Baxter equation, New class ôN of statistical models: Transfer matrix eigenstates, chain Hamiltonians, factorizable S matrix, On contour arguments for the three state Potts model with competing interactions on a semi-infinite Cayley tree, Nonperturbative Adler-Bardeen theorem, Scattering rule in soliton cellular automaton associated with crystal base of Uq(D4(3)), Free energy of the three-state τ 2 ( t q ) model as a product of elliptic functions, Mixing 3-Colourings in Bipartite Graphs, COMBINATORIAL BETHE ANSATZ AND GENERALIZED PERIODIC BOX-BALL SYSTEM, Integrable lattices and their sublattices. II. From the B-quadrilateral lattice to the self-adjoint schemes on the triangular and the honeycomb lattices, Selection and identity rules for subductions of type A quantum Iwahori-Hecke algebras, Quantum symmetry algebras of spin systems related to Temperley–Lieb R-matrices, The free energies of six-vertex models and the n-equivalence relation, Topology and Quantum Computing, Suite de Rudin-Shapiro et modèle d'Ising, The Determinants of Matrices Whose Elements Decrease Geometrically in Diagonal Direction, Une bijection entre les polyominos convexes dirigés et les mots de Dyck bilatères, Effects of geometry on transfer matrices, spin chains and critical behaviour, Solvable models of layered neural networks based on their differential structure, Intertwining relations, asymmetric face model, and algebraic Bethe ansatz for \(SU_{p,q} (2)\) invariant spin chain, Spectral decomposition of path space in solvable lattice model, The one-site distributions of Gibbs states on Bethe lattice are probability vectors of period \(\leq 2\) for a nonlinear transformation., Local state probabilities for solvable restricted solid-on-solid models: \(A_ n,\;D_ n,\;D^{(1)}_ n,\) and \(A^{(1)}_ n\)., Free energy of the solvable chiral Potts model., Tiling problems and undecidability in the cluster variation method., Modular properties of the hard hexagon model., Application of statistical mechanics to combinatorial optimization problems: the chromatic number problem and \(q\)-partitioning of a graph., Modulated phases and the mean-field theory of magnetism with competing interactions., Difference equations in statistical mechanics. I: Cluster statistics models., Row transfer matrix spectra of cyclic solid-on-solid lattice models., Hamiltonian limit of the \(3\)D Zamolodchikov model., On a point of order., Rigorous derivation of domain growth kinetics without conservation laws., The canonical quantization in terms of quantum group and Yang-Baxter equation, \(q\)-deformed classical mechanics, Anisotropic extension of \(2\)D solvable models in statistical mechanics to \(3\)D, Fusion \(U_q(G^{(1)}_2)\) vertex models and analytic Bethe ansätze, Integrable open-boundary conditions for the \(Z_n\times Z_n\) Belavin model, Truncated Yangian and Goryachev-Chaplygin gyrostat, Simple construction of the elliptic boundary \(K\)-matrix, Critical free energy of a Möbius strip, Poisson structures on the center of the elliptic algebra \(\mathcal A_{q,p}(\widehat{\text{sl}}(2)_c)\), New \(\mathcal W_{q,p}(\text{sl}(2))\) algebras from the elliptic algebra \(\mathcal A_{q,p}(\widehat{\text{sl}}(2)_c)\), Exact solution for the generating function of correlators of the kinetic Glauber-Ising model, A new solution to the reflection equation for the \(Z_n\) symmetric Belavin model, Heisenberg XYZ Hamiltonian with integrable impurities, New integrable version of the degenerate supersymmetric t-J model., On spin and matrix models in the complex plane, Quantum-group-invariant integrable \(n\)-state vertex models with periodic boundary conditions, Affine Toda field theory in the presence of reflecting boundaries, Factorized scattering in the presence of reflecting boundaries, Thermodynamics and form factors of supersymmetric integrable field theories, Representations of the Virasoro algebra from lattice models., Off-critical lattice analogues of \(N=2\) supersymmetric quantum integrable models, Geometrical string and spin systems, Spin-anisotropy commensurable chains. Quantum group symmetries and \(N=2\) SUSY, The representations of Temperley-Lieb-Jones algebras, \(N\)-point correlation functions of the spin-\(1\) \(XXZ\) model, Exact ground states of one-dimensional quantum systems: matrix product approach., The Fateev-Zamolodchikov model: an exact calculation for spin \(N=4\), Integrability of a Hubbard-like model: lattice analogue of the \(\delta\)-function interacting gas, Classification and completeness of Bethe states and excitation spectrum for the spin \(4\) Fateev-Zamolodchikov model., Effect of geometry structure on critical properties, Correlation functions for the \(Z\)-invariant Ising model, Exact solution of the colour six-vertex model, Boundary \(K\)-operator for the elliptic \(R\)-operator acting on functional space., Use of meanders and train tracks for description of defects and textures in liquid crystals and \(2+1\) gravity, The microscopic theory of phase transitions., Casimir invariants for Hopf algebras, Fermionic sum representations for conformal field theory characters, Orthogonality and completeness of the Bethe Ansatz eigenstates of the nonlinear Schrödinger model, \(X=M\) for symmetric powers, Analytic theory of the eight-vertex model, Elliptic grids, rational functions, and the Padé interpolation, Transition function for the Toda chain, Enlarged symmetry algebras of spin chains, loop models, and \(S\)-matrices, Exactly solvable models in atomic and molecular physics, Strand separation in negatively supercoiled DNA, Lax operator for the quantised orthosymplectic superalgebra \(U_q[\text{osp} (m|n)\)], The Potts model with countable set of spin values on a Cayley tree, Towers of recollement and bases for diagram algebras: planar diagrams and a little beyond., Phase diagram of the chromatic polynomial on a torus, Notes on parafermionic QFTs with boundary interaction, Faddeev-Volkov solution of the Yang-Baxter equation and discrete conformal symmetry, Multiple reference states and complete spectrum of the \(\mathbb Z_{n}\) Belavin model with open boundaries, Functional relations from the Yang-Baxter algebra: Eigenvalues of the \(XXZ\) model with non-diagonal twisted and open boundary conditions, Tau functions in combinatorial Bethe ansatz, Bethe lattice consideration of the antiferromagnetic spin-1 Ising model, Ising model with dipole-quadrupole interaction on a Cayley tree: reentrant phase transitions, On a recursive equation over a \(p\)-adic field, Crystal interpretation of Kerov-Kirillov-Reshetikhin bijection. II: Proof for \(\mathfrak{sl}_{n}\) case, The transport properties of the cell membrane ion channels in electric fields: Bethe lattice treatment, On polynomials interpolating between the stationary state of a \(O (n)\) model and a Q.H.E. ground state, Generalized Bochner theorem: Characterization of the Askey-Wilson polynomials, Phase diagrams of the Ising model on the two-fold Cayley tree: phase transition through doubling bifurcation, On a suggestion relating topological and quantum mechanical entanglements, Confinement in the \(q\)-state Potts field theory, Spin current in quantum \(XXZ\) spin chain, Analytic Bethe ansatz and Baxter equations for long-range \(\text{psl}(2|2)\) spin chain, Duality and exact results for conductivity of 2D isotropic heterophase systems in magnetic field, Dimensionality effects for the spin-3/2 Ising antiferromagnet near tricriticality on a recursive lattice, Potts model with competing interactions on the Cayley tree: The contour method, A class of solutions to the quantum colored Yang-Baxter equation, Dense packing on uniform lattices, A contour method on Cayley trees, Blocking and dimer processes on the Cayley tree, Exact Potts model partition functions for strips of the honeycomb lattice, Transfer matrices and partition-function zeros for antiferromagnetic Potts models. IV. Chromatic polynomial with cyclic boundary conditions, A constructive description of ground states and Gibbs measures for Ising model with two-step interactions on Cayley tree, An analysis of the transition zone between the various scaling regimes in the small-world model, Bethe ansatz solution of discrete time stochastic processes with fully parallel update, Series expansion and CAM study of the nonuniversal behavior of the symmetric 16-vertex model, Chiral Potts model with skewed boundary conditions, Onsager, ice, biomembranes, dimer models and the F-model, Phase ordering after a deep quench: the stochastic Ising and hard core gas models on a tree, Existence of finite-order meromorphic solutions as a detector of integrability in difference equations, Hyperfinite knots via the CJKLS invariant in the thermodynamic limit, On discrete three-dimensional equations associated with the local Yang-Baxter relation, Random surfaces, solvable lattice models and discrete quantum gravity in two dimensions, Integrable systems and gauge theories, Analytic results -- lattice and continuum, A perturbative study of analyticity in the chiral Potts model, Exact electromagnetic duality, Introduction to electromagnetic duality, Superconformal models and the supersymmetric Coulomb gas, The field theory of the \(q\to 4^+\) Potts model, Integrable boundary impurities in the \(t\)-\(J\) model with different gradings, Exact solution of the supersymmetric sinh-Gordon model with boundary., 1D Ising models, compound geometric distributions and selfdecomposability, Exact solution of the six-vertex model on a random lattice., On the quantum inverse scattering problem., The spectrum of a transfer matrix for loops., Soliton cellular automata associated with crystal bases, The lattice Toda field theory for simple Lie algebras: Hamiltonian structure and \(\tau\)-function, Off-shell Bethe ansatz equation for \(\text{osp}(2|1)\) Gaudin magnets, Excited TBA equations. I: Massive tricritical Ising model, Short-time critical dynamics and universality on a two-dimensional triangular lattice, Field-induced dynamic phase transition in the Ising antiferromagnet on the triangular lattice, An algorithm to obtain exact eigenvalues and eigenstates of the arbitrary spin Ising Hamiltonian in \(d\) dimensions, Monte Carlo tests of renormalization-group predictions for critical phenomena in Ising models, The Baxter equation for quantum discrete Boussinesq equation, Baxter operator for Hofstadter-Harper Hamiltonians, Structural properties of Potts model partition functions and chromatic polynomials for lattice strips, Form factors of soliton-creating operators in the sine-Gordon model, Microscopic model approaches to fragmentation of nuclei and phase transitions in nuclear matter, Factorization of the universal \({\mathcal R}\)-matrix for \(U_q (\widehat{sl}_2)\), The disordered phase of the inhomogeneous Potts model in extremal on the Cayley tree, Exact spectra of conformal supersymmetric nonlinear sigma models in two dimensions, Angular quantization and form factors in massive integrable models, Star-triangle relation for a three-dimensional model, A supersymmetric \(U_q[\text{osp}(2|2)\)-extended Hubbard model with boundary fields], Algebraic geometry of the three-state chiral Potts model, Integrable structure of \(W_3\) conformal field theory, quantum Boussinesq theory and boundary affine Toda theory, Solving the open \(XXZ\) spin chain with nondiagonal boundary terms at roots of unity, The scalar products and the norm of Bethe eigenstates for the boundary \(XXX\) Heisenberg spin-1/2 finite chain, A string bit Hamiltonian approach to two-dimensional quantum gravity, Interaction-round-a-face density-matrix renormalization-group method, Statistical mechanics of the spin-3/2 Blume-Capel model on the Bethe lattice using the recursion method, Yangian realization for Dirac oscillator, Bethe ansatz solution for quantum spin-1 chains with boundary terms, Statistical mechanics methods and phase transitions in optimization problems, On the autonomous limit of discrete Painlevé equations, One-dimensional kinetic diluted Ising model. Exact solution for correlation functions, Hopping expansion as a tool for handling dual variables in lattice models, Yangian realization for Dirac oscillator, Bethe ansatz for the Izergin-Korepin model, On the trace of graded automorphisms, The density matrix renormalization group method applied to interaction round face Hamiltonians, Geometrical folding transitions of the triangular lattice in the face-centred cubic lattice, Representation of the boundary elliptic quantum group \(BE_{\tau,\eta}(\text{sl}_2)\) and the Bethe ansatz, Form-factors of exponential fields in the affine \(A^{(1)}_{N-1}\) Toda model, Analytic calculation of conformal partition functions: Tricritical hard squares with fixed boundaries, Solving the fusion hierarchies of D and E lattice models, Yang-Baxter type equations and posets of maximal chains, Yang-Baxterization of the algebra \(B{\mathcal H}_ N(l,m)\), Balanced \(_ 3\phi_ 2\) summation theorems for \(U(n)\) basic hypergeometric series, Measures of distinctness for random partitions and compositions of an integer, The derivation of the free energy of the Ising model from that of the eight-vertex model, An invariant of triangulated links from the quantum dilogarithm, Lattice gases and exactly solvable models, Critical behavior in a model of correlated percolation, New enumerative results on two-dimensional directed animals, Coloring random triangulations, Free field construction for correlation functions of the eight-vertex model, Expectation values of local fields in the Bullough-Dodd model and integrable perturbed conformal field theories, Form factors, thermal states and modular structures, Universal amplitude ratios in the two-dimensional \(q\)-state Potts model and percolation from quantum field theory, Scaling limit of RSOS lattice models and TBA equations, Low energy effective Hamiltonian for the \(XXZ\) spin chain, Hexagonal circle patterns and integrable systems: Patterns with constant angles, Critical RSOS and minimal models: fermionic paths, Virasoro algebra and fields, Yang-Baxter maps and integrable dynamics, The bounded eight-vertex model, On some representations of the six vertex model partition function, Free energy and excitation spectrum over ferromagnetic ground state for even spin Fateev-Zamolodchikov model, The algebraic Bethe ansatz for the Izergin-Korepin model with open boundary conditions, Integrable SU(N) vertex models with general toroidal boundary conditions, Russian doll renormalization group and Kosterlitz-Thouless flows, \(C_n^{(1)}\), \(D_n^{(1)}\) and \(A_{2n-1}^{(2)}\) reflection \(K\)-matrices, Multi-leg integrable ladder models, Canonical and noncanonical variables, Baxter's \(Q\)-operator and the XXX model., Exact solution of \(\mathbb{Z}_n\) Belavin model with open boundary condition, Universal ratios along a line of critical points. The Ashkin-Teller model, \(Q\)-operator and factorised separation chain for Jack polynomials, Some results on generalised Whitney functions, On a factor associated with the unordered phase of \(\lambda\)-model on a Cayley tree, Noncompact Heisenberg spin magnets from high-energy QCD. III: Quasiclassical approach, Nonlinear \(\sigma\)-model in a curved space, gauge equivalence, and exact solutions of \((2+0)\)-dimensional integrable equations, Hirota equation and Bethe ansatz, Critical behavior of the three-dimensional Ising system: Dependence of thermodynamic characteristics on microscopic parameters, Graph homomorphisms and phase transitions, The ferromagnetic Ising model on a Cayley tree: A damage spreading analysis, Folding the square-diagonal lattice., A slow decay of a connectivity function in a broad class of SOS models., Low temperature expansion of the gonihedric Ising model., Quantum Jacobi-Trudi formula and \(E_8\) structure in the Ising model in a field, Skew Young diagram method in spectral decomposition of integrable lattice models. II: Higher levels., Symmetry algebras of large-\(N\) Matrix models for open strings, New integrable lattice models from Fuss-Catalan algebras, Field theory of compact polymers on the square lattice, Completeness of good Bethe ansatz solutions of a quantum-group-invariant Heisenberg model, Vertex operators and soliton time delays in affine Toda field theory, Ising spins on thin graphs, Integrable vertex and loop models on the square lattice with open boundaries via reflection matrices, Algebraic construction of higher-rank dilute A models, Solvable RSOS models based on the dilute BWM algebra, Multiparameter deformed and non-standard \(Y(\text{gl}_M)\) Yangian symmetry in a novel class of spin Calogero-Sutherland models, Unified approach to thermodynamic Bethe ansatz and finite size corrections for lattice models and field theories., Lattice models in statistical mechanics for \(N=2\) superconformal field theory, Exact solution for the spin-\(s\) \(XXZ\) quantum chain with non-diagonal twists, Difference equations in spin chains with a boundary, Correlation lengths and \(E_8\) mass spectrum of the dilute \(A_3\) lattice model, Integrable boundary Boltzmann weights and surface free energy inversion relations of the chiral Potts model, Spectral self-similarity, one-dimensional Ising chains and random matrices, Expectation values of descendent fields in the sine-Gordon model, Low-temperature effective potential of the Ising model, Algebraic Bethe ansatz for the supersymmetric \(t\)-\(J\) model with reflecting boundary conditions., Wave function renormalization constants and one-particle form factors in \(D^{(1)}_l\) Toda field theories, \(\text{osp}(1|2)\) off-shell Bethe ansatz equations, Loop representation for 2D Wilson lattice fermions in a scalar background field, Coupled Potts models: self-duality and fixed point structure., Form factors of the \(XXZ\) Heisenberg spin-\(\frac 12\) finite chain, Spontaneous magnetization of the \(XXZ\) Heisenberg spin-\(\frac 12\) chain, First-order phase transitions and integrable field theory. The dilute \(q\)-state Potts model., Reflection \(K\)-matrices for \(19\)-vertex models., Scaling limit of the one-dimensional \(XXZ\) Heisenberg chain with easy axis anisotropy, On the relation between Stokes multipliers and the \(T\)-\(Q\) systems of conformal field theory, Susceptibility amplitude ratios in the two-dimensional Potts model and percolation., Renormalisation group theory of branching Potts interfaces., Twisted quantum affine superalgebra \(U_q[\text{gl}(m|n)^{(2)}\) and new \(U_q[\text{osp}(m|n)]\) invariant \(R\)-matrices], Correlation functions of the \(XXZ\) Heisenberg spin-\({1\over 2}\) chain in a magnetic field, On the construction and solution of \(U_q(\widehat{\text{gl}}(2,1;{\mathbb{C}}))\)-symmetric models, Intersecting loop models on \({\mathbb Z}^ d\): rigorous results., Differential equations and integrable models: the \(\text{SU}(3)\) case, Correlation functions of the \(XYZ\) model with a boundary., Magnetization formula in the bounded \(XYZ\) spin chain, Dual properties of lattice systems with broken symmetry: Ising and Potts chains in an external field, Multispin interactions for multistate spin models, A new approach to critical exponents in phase-transitions of spin-systems, Some exact results for the three-layer Zamolodchikov model, Exact eigenvalues of the Ising Hamiltonian in one-, two- and three-dimensions in the absence of a magnetic field, Quantification of spatiotemporal phenomena by means of cellular automata techniques, Deformed Virasoro algebras and \({\mathcal W}\)-algebras from elliptic algebras, Von Neumann algebras generated by translation-invariant Gibbs states of the Ising model on a Bethe lattice, Inhomogeneous Glauber dynamics and the process of crystallization of a lattice gas.