Lectures on Nielsen fixed point theory

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DOI10.1090/conm/014zbMath0512.55003OpenAlexW1533968332MaRDI QIDQ3657058

Bo Ju Jiang

Publication date: 1983

Published in: Contemporary Mathematics (Search for Journal in Brave)

Full work available at URL: https://doi.org/10.1090/conm/014

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Nielsen spectrum of maps on infra-solvmanifolds modeled on $Sol_0^{kern2pt 4}$, Nilmanifolds are Jiang-type spaces for coincidences, Twisted conjugacy in linear algebraic groups. II, Minimal set of periods for continuous self-maps of the eight space, Two, more readily computable equivariant Nielsen numbers I. Nielsen theory for \(\mathbf M\)-ads, Two, more readily computable, equivariant Nielsen numbers II, Unremovable periodic orbits of homeomorphisms, Twisted conjugacy classes in twisted Chevalley groups, Fixed point sets in a prescribed homotopy class, Algorithms for Nielsen type periodic numbers of maps with remnant on surfaces with boundary and on bouquets of circles II, Roots of iterates of maps, Automorphisms of higher rank lamplighter groups, Reidemeister numbers of equivariant maps, Addition formulae for Nielsen numbers and for Nielsen type numbers of fibre preserving maps, Generalized Lefschetz numbers of pushout maps, Geometric intersections of loops on surfaces, On the coexistence of irreducible orbits of coincidences for multivalued admissible maps on the circle via Nielsen theory, The twisted commutator subgroups and questions of Fel'shtyn and Troitsky, Lefschetz numbers of periodic orbits of pseudo-Anosov homeomorphisms, The \(R_\infty\)-property for right-angled Artin groups, Reidemeister zeta functions of low-dimensional almost-crystallographic groups are rational, Shub’s conjecture for smooth longitudinal maps of, The Reidemeister Spectra of Low Dimensional Almost-Crystallographic Groups, Addition formulae for Nielsen numbers and Nielsen type numbers of fibre preserving maps defined locally, Twisted conjugacy in big mapping class groups, Minimization of the number of periodic points for smooth self-maps of simply-connected manifolds with periodic sequence of Lefschetz numbers, Finite-volume hyperbolic 3-manifolds are almost determined by their finite quotient groups, A relationship between twisted conjugacy classes and the geometric invariants \(\Omega^n\)., Local fixed point indices of iterations of planar maps, Relative fixed point theory, Two examples related to the twisted Burnside-Frobenius theory for infinitely generated groups, Bounds for fixed points on hyperbolic 3-manifolds, The mod \(H\) Nielsen theory and the \(q\)-Nielsen theory, Calculation of Nielsen periodic numbers on infra-solvmanifolds of type (R), Randomization of Sharkovsky-type results on the circle, The multiplicativity of fixed point invariants, Virtual homological spectral radii for automorphisms of surfaces, Geometry of Reidemeister classes and twisted Burnside theorem, Fixed point indices and fixed words at infinity of selfmaps of graphs, Calculation of Nielsen periodic numbers on infra-nilmanifolds, Minimal periods of holomorphic maps on complex tori, Nielsen number, impulsive differential equations and problem of Jean Leray, On the bounded index property for products of aspherical polyhedra, Index zero fixed points and 2-complexes with local separating points, Computations of the least number of periodic points of smooth boundary-preserving self-maps of simply-connected manifolds, Coincidence and self-coincidence of maps between digital images, REIDEMEISTER SPECTRUM FOR METABELIAN GROUPS OF THE FORM Qn ⋊ ℤ AND ℤ[1/pn ⋊ ℤ, p PRIME], Estimating Nielsen numbers on wedge product spaces, Topological method for detecting fixed points of maps homotopic to selfmaps of compact ENRs, Fixed points on model solvmanifold pairs, The Reidemeister spectra of low dimensional crystallographic groups, On Changing Fixed Points and Coincidences to Roots, Density of the homotopy minimal periods of maps on infra-solvmanifolds, A base-point-free definition of the Lefschetz invariant, The Anosov theorem for infranilmanifolds with an odd-order Abelian holonomy group, Nielsen number of a covering map, Fixed point sets of maps homotopic to a given map, Reducing the number of fixed points of some homeomorphisms on nonprime \(3\)-manifolds, Periodic points of the planar area preserving Poincaré map inside isolating segment, Wecken's theorem for periodic points in dimension at least 3, Bounds for fixed points on hyperbolic manifolds, Relative Nielsen theory for noncompact spaces and maps, Noncommutative Riesz theorem and weak Burnside type theorem on twisted conjugacy, Periodic points for sphere maps preserving monopole foliations, Lefschetz numbers for continuous maps, and periods for expanding maps on infra-nilmanifolds, Twisted conjugacy and quasi-isometric rigidity of irreducible lattices in semisimple Lie groups, Nielsen Numbers of Periodic Maps on Solvmanifolds, Topological rigidity and \(H_1\)-negative involutions on tori, Groupoids and relations among Reidemeister and among Nielsen numbers, Nielsen zeta functions on infra-nilmanifolds up to dimension three, The Nielsen and Reidemeister numbers of maps on infra-solvmanifolds of type \((\mathrm{R})\), Fixed point theory of spherical 3-manifolds, The Nielsen number on aspherical figure-eight type polyhedra, INDEX BOUNDS FOR MAPS DEFINED ON A WEDGE OF SURFACES, Infinite sequence of fixed-point free pseudo-Anosov homeomorphisms, On Essential Fixed Points of Compact Mappings on Arbitrary Absolute Neighborhood Retracts and Their Application to Multivalued Fractals, Lifting classes for the fixed point theory of \(n\)-valued maps, Effective twisted conjugacy separability of nilpotent groups, Dynamics of surface diffeomorphisms relative to homoclinic and heteroclinic orbits, Least number of \(n\)-periodic points of self-maps of \(PSU(2)\times PSU(2)\), Twisted conjugacy and commensurability invariance, Parametric topological entropy and differential equations with time-dependent impulses, SYMBOLIC DYNAMICS FROM HOMOCLINIC TANGLES, Chaos for Differential Equations with Multivalued Impulses, More general averaging formulae for preimage classes, Product formula for the fixed point index of a fibre preserving map defined locally, An algorithm for calculating the Nielsen number on surfaces with boundary, HOMOTOPY MINIMAL PERIODS FOR HYPERBOLIC MAPS ON INFRA-NILMANIFOLDS, Reidemeister spectra for solvmanifolds in low dimensions, Reidemeister number, Hirsch rank, coincidences on polycyclic groups and solvmanifolds, A nontrivial example of application of the Nielsen fixed-point theory to differential systems: Problem of Jean Leray, Nielsen theory on 3-manifolds covered by \(S^{2} \times \mathbb{R}\), Topological Chaos for Differential Inclusions with Multivalued Impulses on Tori, Characteristic numbers, Jiang subgroup and non-positive curvature, On growth rate and contact homology, Dold sequences, periodic points, and dynamics, An averaging formula for Nielsen numbers on infra-solvmanifolds, Fixed point sets in digital topology, 1, Nontrivial attractor-repellor maps of \(S^2\) and rotation numbers, The fixed subgroups of homeomorphisms of Seifert manifolds, The Reidemeister spectrum of 2-step nilpotent groups determined by graphs, Fixed points of polynomial maps. Part II. Fixed point portraits, Estimation of the number of fixed points of map extensions, Unnamed Item, Fixed point indices and fixed words at infinity of selfmaps of graphs. II, Periodic points of self-maps of products of lens spaces \(L(3)\times L(3)\), The Wecken problem for coincidences of boundary preserving surface maps, Mapping classes are almost determined by their finite quotient actions, Nielsen numbers of affine \(n\)-valued maps on nilmanifolds, The Reidemeister trace of an \(n\)-valued map, Calculation of Nielsen periodic numbers of fibre preserving maps, Braids and linked periodic orbits of disc homeomorphisms, Sur les ensembles de rotation des homéomorphismes de surface en genre ≥ 2, Parametric topological entropy and differential equations with time-dependent impulses. II: Multivalued case, The BNS invariants of the generalized solvable Baumslag-Solitar groups and of their finite index subgroups, The \(R_{\infty}\) property for nilpotent quotients of generalized solvable Baumslag-Solitar groups, Aspherical manifolds which do not have bounded index property, Colored Jones polynomials and abelianized Lefschetz numbers, Surface automorphisms and finite covers, Nielsen fixed point theory for partially ordered sets, On minimal fixed point numbers of relative maps, Relative periodic point theory, On the computation of the relative Nielsen number, Zeta functions, 3-manifolds and asymptotics in Nielsen theory, Making equivariant maps fixed point free, Epsilon Nielsen coincidence theory, Nielsen theory, braids and fixed points of surface homeomorphisms, Reidemeister classes in lamplighter-type groups, Remarks on Fixed Point Assertions in Digital Topology, Generalizing the rotation interval to vertex maps on graphs, Averaging Formula for Nielsen Numbers of Maps on Infra-Solvmanifolds of Type (R), Twisted conjugacy in direct products of groups, Unnamed Item, Equivariant coincidence Nielsen numbers, Nielsen periodic point theory for periodic maps on orientable surfaces, An equivariant foliated version of Brouwer's translation theorem, The coincidence Nielsen number for covering maps for orientable manifolds, Topological methods in surface dynamics, The Nielsen zeta function, Isotopic homeomorphisms and Nielsen fixed point theory, A generalized Lefschetz number for local Nielsen fixed point theory, Nielsen type numbers and homotopy minimal periods for maps on solvmanifolds with \(\operatorname{Sol}_{1}^{4}\)-geometry, The Reidemeister zeta function with applications to Nielsen theory and a connection with Reidemeister torsion, Homotopy minimal periods for \(NR\)-solvmanifolds maps, Nielsen type numbers for periodic points on nonconnected spaces, Nielsen type numbers for periodic points on pairs of spaces, Some applications of coincidence theory, A modification of the relative Nielsen number of H. Schirmer, Computation of the local generalized \(H\)-Lefschetz number, The Nielsen number as an isotopy invariant, Fixed points on pairs of nilmanifolds, The \(R_\infty\) and \(S_\infty\) properties for linear algebraic groups, Twisted Burnside-Frobenius theory for endomorphisms of polycyclic groups, Periodic points of latitudinal maps of the \(m\)-dimensional sphere, Fibre techniques in Nielsen periodic point theory on nil and solvmanifolds. I, Surplus Nielsen type numbers for periodic points on the complement, On a question of R.H. Bing concerning the fixed point property for two-dimensional polyhedra, Nontrivial application of Nielsen theory to differential systems, A sufficient condition for the realizability of the least number of periodic points of a smooth map, Computation of Nielsen numbers for maps of compact surfaces with boundary, Nielsen numbers for based maps, and for noncompact spaces, On the location of fixed points on pairs of spaces, Combinatorial scheme of finding minimal number of periodic points for smooth self-maps of simply connected manifolds, The Anosov relation for Nielsen numbers of maps of infra-nilmanifolds, Formulas for the Reidemeister, Lefschetz and Nielsen coincidence number of maps between infra-nilmanifolds, Dynamics of random selfmaps of surfaces with boundary, Relative preimage problem, On the uniqueness of the coincidence index on orientable differentiable manifolds, Shadows and traces in bicategories, An algebraic method for computing \(N^\epsilon(f)\), Twisted conjugacy classes in nilpotent groups., Construction of multiply fixed \(n\)-valued maps, Difference cochains and Reidemeister traces, The group fixed by a family of endomorphisms of a surface group, Traces in symmetric monoidal categories, A topological version of the Poincaré-Birkhoff theorem with two fixed points, Minimizing the number of periodic points for smooth maps. Non-simply connected case, The twisted conjugacy problem for finitely generated free groups., Some developments in Nielsen fixed point theory, When a smooth self-map of a semi-simple Lie group can realize the least number of periodic points, Fixed point indices of iterated smooth maps in arbitrary dimension, Bounds for fixed points and fixed subgroups on surfaces and graphs, Free degrees of homeomorphisms on compact surfaces, The finiteness of the Reidemeister number of morphisms between almost-crystallographic groups., Bounds for fixed points on Seifert manifolds, On the Nielsen numbers of slide homeomorphisms on 3-manifolds., Reidemeister and Nielsen zeta-functions, Bounds for fixed points on products of hyperbolic surfaces, Homotopy minimal periods for maps of three-dimensional solvmanifolds, Twisted conjugacy classes in saturated weakly branch groups., Nielsen-type numbers for periodic points. II, Homotopy types and Nielsen numbers of periodic homotopy idempotents on tori, Classes of Wecken maps of surfaces with boundary, Nielsen type invariants and the location of coincidence sets in positive codimension, Generalized Jiang and Gottlieb groups, Nielsen numbers for maps of triads, Remnant inequalities and doubly-twisted conjugacy in free groups, Fixed points of fiber maps of Montgomery-Samelson fiberings over intervals, A Nielsen theory for coincidences of iterates, Nielsen numbers of selfmaps of Sol 3-manifolds, Estimation of the minimal number of periodic points for smooth self-maps of odd dimensional real projective spaces, The least number, of \(n\)-periodic points of a self-map of a solvmanifold, can be realised by a smooth map, New directions in Nielsen-Reidemeister theory, Typical elements in free groups are in different doubly-twisted conjugacy classes, Minimal number of periodic points for smooth self-maps of \(\mathbb {R}P^3\), Coincidence theory for infra-nilmanifolds, Fixed point classes on symmetric product spaces, Nielsen equalizer theory, The Anosov theorem for flat generalized Hantzsche-Wendt manifolds, Twisted conjugacy classes in symplectic groups, mapping class groups and braid groups. (With an appendix written jointly with Francois Dahmani), The WYK algorithm for maps of aspherical figure-eight type finite polyhedra, Axioms for the fixed point index of \(n\)-valued maps, and some applications, The Nielsen numbers of iterations of maps on infra-solvmanifolds of type (R) and periodic orbits, Nielsen type numbers for periodic points of fibre preserving maps, The coincidence Nielsen number on non-orientable manifolds, Least number of periodic points of self-maps of Lie groups, Estimation of the number of fixed points on the complement, Fixed point sets of deformations of pairs of spaces, Fixed points and braids. II, Nielsen numbers and pullbacks, Coincidence Nielsen numbers for covering maps for smooth manifolds, The generalized Lefschetz number of homeomorphisms on punctured disks, Multiple bounded solutions of differential inclusions: The Nielsen theory approach, A combinatorial Lefschetz fixed point formula, Fixed points and braids, Jakob Nielsen (1890-1959), A Nielsen type number for fibre preserving maps, Commutativity and Wecken properties for fixed points on surfaces and 3- manifolds, Orbit types and minimal dynamics for continuous graph maps, Fixed points of boundary-preserving maps on punctured projective planes, A relative generalized Lefschetz number, Periodic points of multivalued mappings with applications to differential inclusions on tori., Fixed point index and braid invariant for fixed points of embeddings on the disk