
From MaRDI portal

zbMath0521.33001MaRDI QIDQ3671491

I. S. Gradštein, I. M. Ryzhik

Publication date: 1980

65-01: Introductory exposition (textbooks, tutorial papers, etc.) pertaining to numerical analysis

33-01: Introductory exposition (textbooks, tutorial papers, etc.) pertaining to special functions

00A22: Formularies

40-01: Introductory exposition (textbooks, tutorial papers, etc.) pertaining to sequences, series, summability

Related Items

On ratio asymptotics for general polynomials., Bayes estimates as expanders in one and two dimensions, A quantum cosmological model with static and dynamic wormholes, A frequency domain approach to some results on fractional Brownian motion, The evolution of an initially circular vortex near an escarpment. I: Analytical results., Brane-anti-brane systems interaction under tachyon condensation, The fractional Fokker-Planck equation on comb-like model, On the A-stable methods in the GBDF class, Bateman's dual system revisited: quantization, geometric phase and relation with the ground-state energy of the linear harmonic oscillator, Thermostatistical aspects of generalized entropies, Stretched Gaussian asymptotic behavior for fractional Fokker-Planck equation on fractal structure in external force fields, Fractional (space--time) diffusion equation on comb-like model, Iterated Brownian motion in an open set., Wiener path integrals and the fundamental solution for the Heisenberg Laplacian, Estimations of parameters in a three state reliability semi-Markov model, Corridor options and arc-sine law., Exact \(L_2\)-small ball behavior of integrated Gaussian processes and spectral asymptotics of boundary value problems, The entwined wiggling of homoclinic curves emerging from saddle-node/Hopf instabilities, Bayes estimation of parameters in a three non-independent component series system with time dependent failure rate, Lower bound on complexity of optimization of continuous functions, Generalized incomplete gamma functions with applications, Sonine-Gegenbauer-type integrals, Quantum unique ergodicity for Eisenstein series on \(PSL_ 2(\mathbb{Z}){\setminus}PSL_ 2(\mathbb{R})\), On the resonance of acoustic waves in slightly deformed and slowly moving slabs, Diffusion approximation to a queueing system with time-dependent arrival and service rates, Integrability analysis of a conformal equation in relativity, Stieltjes polynomials and Gauss-Kronrod quadrature formulae for measures induced by Chebyshev polynomials, New functional integration method for the 1D random potential problem. The statistics of localized wave functions, On axisymmetric solutions for compressible nonlinearly elastic solids, Massive quantum fields in a conical background, Theorems on estimating perturbative coefficients in quantum field theory and statistical physics, General relation between variance-time curve and power spectral density for point processes exhibiting \(\frac1{f^ \beta}\)-fluctuations, with special reference to heart rate variability, On the decomposition of generalized incompete gamma functions with applications to Fourier transforms, Two integrals involving products of two Bessel and a generalized hypergeometric function, Compositions of sums of absolute powers, Class group \(L\)-functions, Boundary value problems for general second order equations and similarity solutions to the Rayleigh problem, Fractional integration of the \(H\)-function of several variables, Mellin transforms of Whittaker functions on \(\text{GL} (4,\mathbb{R})\) and \(\text{GL} (4,\mathbb{C})\), Two infinite integrals of products of modified Bessel functions and powers of logarithms, A matrix approach to the analytic-numerical solution of mixed partial differential systems, A note on high order schemes for the one dimensional wave equation, Global Strassen-type theorems for iterated Brownian motions, Finite-temperature effects for massive fields in \(D\)-dimensional Rindler-like spaces, Fokker-Planck approach to quantum lattice Hamiltonians, The Reissner-Sagoci problem for a non-homogeneous half-space with a penny-shaped crack, Wave scattering by circular arc shaped plates, Bethe ansatz calculations for the eight-vertex model on a finite strip, Reconstruction of a discontinuous function from a few Fourier coefficients using Bayesian estimation, Supersymmetric \(\sigma \)-models on toric varieties: A test case, Trace formulae for three-dimensional hyperbolic lattices and application to a strongly chaotic tetrahedral billiard, Dynamic response of a half-space to radial shear surface loadings, A generalized solution expression for linear homogeneous constant-coefficient difference equations, Dynamical patterns in directional solidification, Boundary integral formulation for 2D and 3D thermal problems exhibiting a linearly varying stochastic conductivity, Lifshitz integral in closed forms, On the asymptotic behavior of Akaike's BIC, Self-consistency of the quantum billiard problem in wormhole spacetimes, Exact solutions of some quadratic and quartic birth and death processes and related orthogonal polynomials, On a Hankel transform integral containing an exponential function and two Laguerre polynomials, Generalizations of the Carlton-Kimball distribution for a target's future location, Interaction of a circular second-phase particle and a screw dislocation in nonlocal elasticity, Estimating a generalized long memory process, On the eigenfunctions of the Dirac operator on spheres and real hyperbolic spaces, On boundary integral operators for the Laplace and the Helmholtz equations and their discretisations, Sequential testing procedures for a class of distributions representing various life-testing models, Some Sonine-Gegenbauer type integrals, Quantum diffusion and tunneling with parametric banded random matrix Hamiltonians, Solution of the one-dimensional linear Boltzmann equation for charged Maxwellian particles in an external field., Weak disorder expansion of Liapunov exponents in a degenerate case., A mean spherical model with Coulomb interactions., Zeros of the finite-size scaling region partition function for a model with a wetting transition., Row transfer matrix spectra of cyclic solid-on-solid lattice models., On the dynamics of two oscillating cosmic strings, A group-theoretical approach to the quantum damped oscillator, Nonminimal coupling and cosmic no-hair theorem, Bright and dark lattice solitary waves in a discrete nonlinear system, Generalized thermal zeta-functions, Temperature and relativity, The thermodynamics of quantum systems and generalizations of Zamolodchikov's \(C\)-theorem, Yang-Mills theory without Mandelstam constraints, Orthogonal trajectories and analytical solutions of the van der Pol equation without forcing, Scattering of relativistic particles by a Coulomb field in two dimensions, Quantum fields interacting with colliding plane waves: Particle creation., The spectrum of the Kazakov-Migdal model., Exact solution of the general nonintersecting string model, Measuring small distances in \(N=2\) sigma models, Conformal theory of the two-dimensional \(\text{O}(N)\) model with ordinary, extraordinary, and special boundary conditions, The spectrum of the Dirac operator near zero virtuality for \(N_ c=2\) and chiral random matrix theory., Exact conformal-field-theory results on the multi-channel Kondo effect: asymptotic three-dimensional space- and time-dependent multi-point and many-particle Green's functions., States and quantum effects in the collective field theory of a deformed matrix model, Exact solution of the \(\text{SU}_{q}(n)\)-invariant quantum spin chains, All-order quantum gravity in two dimensions, Fluctuations in a nonlinear laser field with coupling of additive noise terms, \(\Psi\)-series and obstructions to integrability of periodically perturbed one degree of freedom Hamiltonians., A simple transformation for nonlinear waves., Added noise in homodyne measurement of field observables., Fractional integrals and wavelet transforms associated with Blaschke-Lévy representations on the sphere, A two-parameter family of orthogonal polynomials with respect to Jacobi-type weight on the unit circle, Investigation of a Griffith crack subject to uniform tension using the non-local theory by a new method, The use of stokeslets to describe the arbitrary translation of a disk near a plane wall, Rational approximations for the modified Bessel function of the second kind, A Gaussian quadrature for the optimal evaluation of integrals involving Lorentzians over a semi-infinite interval, Implicit models of Gaussian mixture densities and locally optimum detectors, Lumped models of gas bubbles in thermal gradients, Useful bases for problems in nuclear and particle physics, Stability of air flow past thin liquid films on airfoils, Evolution of coalescence times, genetic diversity and structure during colonization, A property of natural exponential families in \(\mathbb{R}^ n\) with simple quadratic variance functions, The derivation of the free energy of the Ising model from that of the eight-vertex model, Simple connections between generalized hypergeometric series and dilogarithms, A Whittaker function of matrix argument, Radiation of nonstationary acoustic waves by a radially polarized, cylindrical piezoelectric transducer, Finite sample performance of deconvolving density estimators, A periodic knitting problem for the Helmholtz equation, On the analytic continuation of the Minakshisundaram-Pleijel zeta function for compact symmetric spaces of rank one, On convergence of multivariate Laplace transforms, IBNR reserves under stochastic interest rates, Algebraic properties of the Lyapunov and period constants, A Lagrangian vorticity collocation method for viscous, axisymmetric flows with and without swirl, Scaling limit of RSOS lattice models and TBA equations, Four-point renormalized coupling constant and Callan-Symanzik \(\beta\)-function in \(O(N)\) models, Deformation and fluid flow due to a source in a poro-elastic layer, The transient magnetohydrodynamic phenomena in electromagnetic levitation processes, On the mechanics of a rigid disc inclusion embedded in a fluid saturated poroelastic medium, Thermodynamic properties of radiation near the black-hole horizon, Elastostatic surface displacements of a half-space reinforced by a thin film due to an axial ring load, Generalized Born scattering in anisotropic media, Factorization approach for barotropic FRW model with a cosmological constant, Nonequilibrium dynamics of coupled quantum systems, Remarks on charged vortices in the Maxwell-Chern-Simons model, Fractional Fokker-Planck equation on heterogeneous fractal structures in external force fields and its solutions, Phase space structure of multi-dimensional systems by means of the mean exponential growth factor of nearby orbits, The behavior of two parallel symmetric permeable cracks in piezoelectric materials, Nonextensive thermostatistical investigation of the blackbody radiation, Hypothesis testing for the generalized multivariate modified Bessel model, A holographic reduction of Minkowski space-time, On the fundamental solutions of a class of elliptic quartic operators in dimension 3., Numerical methods for the generalized Zakharov system., Summation of power series by self-similar factor approximants, Finite-volume form factors in semi-classical approximation, Analytically continued hypergeometric expression of the incomplete beta function, The periodogram at the Fourier frequencies, On a non-linear wave equation in elasticity, On the solution of linear and nonlinear integral equation., On some log-cosine integrals related to \(\zeta(3), \zeta(4)\), and \(\zeta(6)\)., Closed generalized elastic curves in \({\mathbf S}^{2}\)(1)., Extended Riemann zeta-functions, Parabolic wavelet transforms and Lebesgue spaces of parabolic potentials., Conductance distribution in quasi-one-dimensional disordered quantum wires., Exact and approximating boundary conditions for the parabolic problems on unbounded domains, Antiplane interface crack between two bonded dissimilar piezoelectric layers., Multispectral reconstruction of bioluminescence term in natural waters., Is the semi-classical analysis valid for extreme black holes?, Solitary waves and chaos in nonlinear visco-elastic rod, Best approximation and interpolation of \((1+(ax)^2)^{-1}\) and its transforms., Boundary element methods for transient convective diffusion. II: 2D implementation., On the pair correlation of the eigenvalues of the hyperbolic Laplacian for \(\text{PSL}(2,\mathbb Z)\setminus \mathbb{H}\)., Bessel inequalities with applications to conditional log returns under GIG scale mixtures of normal vectors., Estimating the spectral measure of a multivariate stable distribution via spherical harmonic analysis., Error analysis in some Gauss-Turán-Radau and Gauss-Turán-Lobatto quadratures for analytic functions., Accurate numerical bounds for the spectral points of singular Sturm--Liouville problems over \(0 < x <\infty\)., Relations and positivity results for the derivatives of the Riemann \(\xi\) function., Particular solutions of singularly perturbed partial differential equations with constant coefficients in rectangular domains. I: Convergence analysis., Investigation of the dynamic behavior of two collinear anti-plane shear cracks in a piezoelectric layer bonded to two half-spaces by a new method, Modulation instability of soliton trains in fiber communication systems, On stable methods of summing Fourier-Laplace series, Edge currents in the absence of edges, Detecting the singularities of a function of \(V_p\) class by its integrated Fourier series, The Schrödinger wave functional and vacuum states in curved spacetime. II: Boundaries and foliations, The Schrödinger wave functional and vacuum states in curved spacetime, Geometric aspects of confining strings, Certain classes of series associated with the zeta function and multiple gamma functions, On gravitational shock waves in curved spacetimes., Zero modes on linked strings., The generalized chiral Schwinger model on the two-sphere, Quantum and classical aspects of deformed \(c=1\) strings, On the scaling limit of the \(1\)D Hubbard model at half-filling, On gravitational dressing of 2D field theories in chiral gauge., Bulk and boundary \(S\)-matrices for the \(\text{SU}(N)\) chain., Isomonodromic properties of the Seiberg-Witten solution, Stress-energy tensor in colliding plane wave space-times: an approximation procedure, Perturbation of infra-red fixed points and duality in quantum impurity problems, Parity breaking in \(2+1\) dimensions and finite temperature, The ultraviolet behaviour of integrable quantum field theories, affine Toda field theory, Effective action and decoherence by fermions in quantum cosmology, A non-renormalization theorem for conformal anomalies, Scaling limit of the one-dimensional \(XXZ\) Heisenberg chain with easy axis anisotropy, Finding and solving Calogero-Moser type systems using Yang-Mills gauge theories, Quantum field theory on noncommutative space-times and the persistence of ultraviolet divergences, Analysis of a dual sourcing inventory model with normal unit demand and Erlang mixture lead times, On positive and negative moments of the integral of geometric Brownian motions, Theoretical analysis of the amplification of synaptic potentials by small clusters of persistent sodium channels in dendrites, An integral evolution formula for the wave equation, On the conditional variance for scale mixtures of normal distributions, Classical orthogonal polynomials: Dependence of parameters, Fundamental solutions of real homogeneous cubic operators of principal type in three dimensions, Three-dimensional crack-face weight functions for the semi-infinite interface crack. II: Integrodifferential equations on the weight functions and resolution, Asymptotic analysis and stability of inviscid liquid sheets, QCD dipole model and k\(_T\) factorization, Drag force acting on a bubble in a cloud of compressible spherical bubbles at large Reynolds numbers, Zeta function and regularized determinant on a disc and on a cone, Extremals of curvature energy actions on spherical closed curves, Dynamic behavior of a crack in a functionally graded piezoelectric strip bonded to two dissimilar half-piezoelectric material planes, Analytic evaluation of the difference between Oore-Burns and Irwin stress intensity factor for elliptical cracks, On the temporal order of first-passage times in one-dimensional lattice random walks, Moments of the Riemann zeta function and Eisenstein series. I, Moments of the Riemann zeta function and Eisenstein series. II, Quadratic spherical Bessel functions and the inverse scattering problem, Theorems on the uniqueness and thermal properties of stationary, nonsingular, quasifree states on spacetimes with a bifurcate Killing horizon, Some properties of matrix-variate Laplace transforms and matrix-variate Whittaker functions, Moments in quadrature problems, Fast convergent quasipower series for some elementary and special functions, The totally geodesic Radon transform on the Lorentz space of curvarture \(-1\), Nonreflecting boundary conditions for the time-dependent wave equation, Bernstein functions, complete hyperexpansivity and subnormality. I., Gauged \(N=2\) supergravity in nine dimensions and domain wall solutions, Energy, momentum and angular momentum radiation from chiral cosmic string loops, Scattering of harmonic anti-plane shear waves by two collinear cracks in functionally graded piezoelectric materials, On some problems of P. Turán concerning \(L_m\) extremal polynomials and quadrature formulas, A simple smoothing spline. II, Halfband filters and Hilbert transformers, Approximating the Bayes factor, Discretization effects in statistical inverse problems, Mean squared errors of forecast for selecting nonnested linear models and comparison with other criteria, Mean Lindelöf hypothesis and equidistribution of cusp forms and Eisenstein series, An information theory of image gathering, Incomplete Weber integrals of cylindrical functions, A fractional power theory for Hankel transform in \(L^ 2(\mathbb{R}^ +)\), Asymptotic expansions for a class of Fourier integrals and applications to the Pompeiu problem, On the packing densities of superballs and other bodies, A problem of integral geometry, Justification of Fabrikant's method for solving mixed problems of potential theory, Inverse parabolic problems and discrete orthogonality, Construction of extrapolation processes, Fourier representation for the two-point function of the two-dimensional massless scalar field, Poincaré series for \(SO(n,1)\), Explicit closed-form solution of coupled systems of Volterra integrodifferential systems, Quantitative Steinitz's theorems with applications to multifingered grasping, The effect of strongly selected substitutions on neutral polymorphism: Analytical results based on diffusion theory, Lim inf results for the Wiener process and its increments under the \(L_ 2\)-norm, Numerical computation of 2D Sommerfeld integrals -- a novel asymptotic extraction technique, Some expansions related to the Hubbell rectangular-source integral, Minimum distance discrimination rules and success rates for elliptical normal mixtures, A new model for slowly-decaying correlations, A numerical evaluation of the Hankel transform of bandlimited functions, A family of distributions related to the McCullagh family, Torsion of two bonded layers by a rigid disk, Nonaxisymmetric magnetogravitational instability of a streaming fluid cylinder ambient with a tenuous medium pervaded by transverse varying fields, A note on the error in Gaussian quadrature, Concerning some integrals of the generalized exponential-integral function, Problems of collinear cracks between bonded dissimilar materials under antiplane concentrated forces, On a Bessel function integral, The spectrum of Fermat curves, Some representations of unified Voigt functions \(\Omega{}_{\eta{},\nu{},\lambda{}}^ \mu{}(x,y)\), The volume common to two congruent circular cylinders, On linear functions of certain noncentral versions of independent gamma variables, Diffraction of pulses in the vicinity of simple caustics and caustic cusps, Thermal effects in rudimentary crack edge inelastic zone growth under stress wave loading, Exact solution of a simple hypersingular integral equation, Product integration for finite-part singular integral equations: Numerical asymptotics and convergence acceleration, Remarks on the Whittaker functions, A rectangular quadrature method for logarithmically singular integral equations of the first kind, The potential of a Rankine source between parallel planes and in a rectangular cylinder, Power series in computer algebra, Application of the reciprocal theorem to some problems for the elastic half-space, Local time and Tanaka formulae for super Brownian and super stable processes, Heteroclinic orbit and subharmonic bifurcations and chaos of nonlinear oscillator, The spinor heat kernel in maximally symmetric spaces, Shear cracks in thermoelastic and poroelastic media, Early effects of temperature-dependent yield stress in a transient analysis of fracture, A representation formula of sum rules for zeros of polynomials, The asymmetric six-vertex model, Exact time correlation function for a nonlinearly coupled vibrational system, Differences and derivatives in kernel estimation, Numerical analysis of a 2-D viscous sintering problem with non-smooth boundaries, On the fundamental solution of the operator of dynamic linear thermoelasticity, Spectral limits for hyperbolic surfaces. II, Multiquadratic interpolation improved, Selberg super-trace formula for super Riemann surfaces. II: Elliptic and parabolic conjugacy classes, and Selberg super-zeta functions, Some further results on annuities certain with random interest, The Laplace transform of annuities certain with exponential time distribution, Stability of the inversion of 3D fixed-frequency scattering data, Scattering of water waves by axisymmetric bodies in a channel, The permuted analogues of three Catalan sets, Bayesian estimation of the GINI index for the PID, The numerical evaluation of Cauchy principal value integrals with non-standard weight functions, Spherical Radon transform and related wavelet transforms, Exact perturbations for inflation with smooth exit, The probability content of cones in isotropic random fields, Renormalization group analysis of spectral problems in quantum field theory, Transformation of an axialsymmetric disk problem for the Helmholtz equation into an ordinary differential equation, Green currents and analytic continuation, On the large-time asymptotics of Green's function for internal gravity waves, Diffusive description of lattice gas models, On Turán quadrature formulas for the Chebyshev weight, Tensor products of maximal degenerate series representations of the group \(SL(n,\mathbb{R})\), The use of Hamilton's principle to derive time-advance algorithms for ordinary differential equations, Certain classes of series involving the zeta function, Reconstruction of quantum states of spin systems: From quantum Bayesian inference to quantum tomography, Quantum charged fields in \((1+1)\) Rindler space, Adaptive wavelet empirical Bayes estimation of a location or a scale parameter, Fundamental solutions for variable density two-dimensional elastodynamic problems, The fate of Lifshits tails in magnetic fields., Noisy one-dimensional maps near a crisis. I: Weak Gaussian white and colored noise., Symmetry, singularities, and integrability in complex dynamics. II: Rescaling and time-translation in two-dimensional systems, Even and odd charge coherent states and their non-classical properties, Brane world linearized cosmic string gravity, Two-loop \(\beta\)-function from the exact renormalization group, Heat invariants of Riemannian manifolds, Edge crack problem in a semi-infinite FGM plate with a bi-directional coefficient of thermal expansion under two-dimensional thermal loading, Nonclassical depth of the phase state, Regularization-independent studies of nonperturbative field theory, Backreaction effects of dissipation in neutrino decoupling, On the minimal angular size in open \(\lambda\)CDM, and scalar field cosmologies, Gazeau-Klauder coherent state for the Morse potential and some of its properties, Exact solution of coupled mixed diffusion problems with coupled boundary conditions., The distribution of Hermitian quadratic forms in elliptically contoured random vectors, \(q\)-thermostatistics and the black-body radiation problem, Analytical and numerical inversion of the Laplace-Carson transform by a differential method, Quantum cosmological perfect fluid models, Modelling of surface waves breaking effects in the ocean upper layer., Kronecker limit formula for real quadratic number fields. III., On the spectral gap for infinite index ``congruence subgroups of SL\(_2(\mathbb{Z})\), On the number of overflown urns and excess balls in an allocation model with limited urn capacity, Integral representations of the Riemann zeta function for odd-integer arguments, Generalized series of Bessel functions, Solution of a class of two-dimensional integral equations, Generalized coherent states associated with the \(C_ \lambda\)-extended oscillator., Isospectral partners of a complex PT-invariant potential, Scalar propagator in the \(pp\)-wave geometry obtained from AdS\(_5\times S^5\), Hausdorff dimension of Weierstrass-Mandelbrot process, Phase transitions in one dimension and less, On exponentials of additive functionals of Markov processes, Monodromy and stability of a class of degenerate planar critical points, Calculation of the generalized Hubbell rectangular source integrals using binomial coefficients, Existence of Gompertz parameters and its asymptotic formulae for a large population., Correlations for superpositions and decimations of Laguerre and Jacobi orthogonal matrix ensembles with a parameter, On a quadrature formula of Gori and Micchelli, On dynamic problem and integral equation, Stress field near the crack tip in nonlocal anisotropic elasticity, Products of double gamma, gamma and beta distributions, The fundamental matrix of the system of linear micropolar elasticity, A family of log-gamma integrals and associated results, The instanton vacuum of generalized \(\mathbb{C} P^{N-1}\) models, Bounds of the error of Gauss-Turán-type quadratures, Linearization techniques for singularly-perturbed initial-value problems of ordinary differential equations, A quadrature formula of Clenshaw-Curtis type for the Gegenbauer weight-function, Electroelastic analysis of a cracked piezoelectric ceramic strip sandwiched between two elastic dielectrics, Dynamic behavior of unequal parallel permeable interface multi-cracks in a piezoelectric layer bonded to two piezoelectric material half-planes, The dynamic behavior of two collinear interface cracks in magneto-electro-elastic materials, The inversion of fractional integrals on a sphere, Possible implications of exponential decay, Some families of generalized elliptic-type integrals, On the choice of parameters for power-series interior point algorithms in linear programming, A note on the polynomial solution of a class of dual integral equations arising in mixed boundary value problems of elasticity, Gaussian likelihood-based inference for non-invertible MA(1) processes with S\(\alpha \)S noise, An approximate analytical 2D solution for the stresses and strains in eigenstrained cubic materials, The use of generalized Laguerre polynomials in spectral methods for nonlinear differential equations, \(\int e^{-x^2} dx\) and the kink soliton, Some \(\liminf\) results for two-parameter processes, Water waves diffraction by a circular plate, Periodic and chaotic behaviour in a reduced form of the perturbed generalized Korteweg-de Vries and Kadomtsev-Petviashvili equations, Chaotic streamlines in steady bounded three-dimensional Stokes flows, Autonomous generation of all Wigner functions and marginal probability densities of Landau levels., A simple model for chaotic scattering. II: Quantum mechanical theory, Inversion formulas for the \(k\)-dimensional Radon transform in real hyperbolic spaces, Wiener's tauberian theorem for spherical functions on the automorphism group of the unit disk, Fitting scattered data on sphere-like surfaces using spherical splines, Comments on the treatment of the QCD SVZ- and FE-sum rules, Strong coupling expansions in pure lattice gauge theory mixed actions, Art or science: The determination of the symmetry Lie algebra for a Hamiltonian with accidental degeneracy, The exact distribution of indefinite quadratic forms in noncentral normal vectors, Core spreading vortex methods in two-dimensional viscous flows, Identification and a posteriori estimation of transported errors in finite element analysis, Null-space distributions. -- A new approach to finite convolution equations with a Hankel kernel, Smallest eigenvalues of Hankel matrices for exponential weights, Bayesian estimations of parameters in a three state reliability semi-Markov model, Bose-Einstein and Fermi-Dirac distributions in nonextensive Tsallis statistics: An exact study, Photon-added coherent states for exactly solvable Hamiltonians, A simplified approach to the closed form approximate analytical solutions for classical and quantum oscillators of \((n+1)\)th anharmonicity, Dimensional taming of mass singularities in QCD corrections to weak radiative decays of quarks, Efficient estimation of a density in a problem of tomography., Some new results for Dirichlet priors., Quantum theory of mesoscopic electric circuits in entangled state representation, Fuzzy multiresolution signal representation, Multiple gamma and related functions, Properties of nonlinear transformations of fractionally integrated processes., On the Hagedorn behaviour of \(pp\)-wave strings and \(N=4\) SYM theory at finite \(R\)-charge density, A uniform asymptotic expansion for the incomplete gamma function, Numerical and analytical estimates of existence regions for semi-linear elliptic equations with critical Sobolev exponents in cuboid and cylindrical domains, Fractional (space-time) Fokker-Planck equation, Hydromagnetic instability of two coaxial streaming cylinders with double perturbed interfaces, Hydromagnetic stability of streaming hollow jet with double perturbed interfaces, STRFLO: A program for time-independent calculations of multiphoton processes in one-electron atomic systems. I: Quasienergy spectra and angular distributions, Absolute and uniform convergence of alternate forms of the prolate spheroidal radial wave functions, Resummation of a set of gauge-invariant QED diagrams, On an invariant related to a linear inequality, Kinetic model for the motion of compressible bubbles in a perfect fluid., Existence and stability of solitary-wave solutions of equations of Benjamin-Bona-Mahony type., Some integrals associated with diffraction of single-cycle sinusoids by a circular conducting disk, The support of the equilibrium measure in the presence of a monomial external field on $[-1,1$], A Recursive Scheme for Perpetuities with Random Positive Interest Rates. II: The Impenetrable Wall, A new quadrature scheme for solving azimuthally dependent transport problems, Empirical bayes estimation of reliability characteristics for an exponential family, A uniform saddlepoint expansion for the null-distribution of the wilcoxon-mann-whitney statistic, Reference prior bayes estimator for bivariate normal covariance matrix with risk comparison, Amplitude estimation in multiple frequency spectrum, Classroom notes The Monte Carlo technique and definite integrals, ANALYSIS OF THE LIMIT CYCLE OF A GENERALISED VAN DER POL EQUATION BY A TIME TRANSFORMATION METHOD, Interest randomness and differential equations, How many zeros of a random polynomial are real?, Double boundary crossing result for the brownian motion, Computing accurate solutions for coupled systems of second order partial differential equations II, A 3-D neutron transport benchmark solution, Some integer-valued trigonometric sums, The evaluation of specific types of integrals involving confluent hypergeometric functions, How Many Eigenvalues of a Random Matrix are Real?, On Dirichlet Series Associated with Polynomials, A Simple Approach to the Summation of Certain Slowly Convergent Series, Robust weights and designs for biased regression models: Least squares and generalized \(M\)-estimation, On the approximation of delay elements by feedback, Frictional contact of a fibre and an elastic solid, The Eisenstein family for the modular group along closed geodesics, Improved lower bound on thermodynamic pressure of the spin 1/2 Heisenberg ferromagnet, Quantal and classical manifestations of symmetry breaking in the integrable two-spin system, Stokes drag on a disk sedimenting edgewise toward a plane wall, Conformal mapping methods for variable parameter elastodynamics, Investigation of the dynamic behavior of a finite crack in the functionally graded materials by use of the Schmidt method, Hypersingular integral equations, waveguiding effects in Cantorian universe and genesis of large scale structures, On the moving Griffith crack in a non-homogeneous orthotropic medium, A new multivariate transform and the distribution of a random functional of a Ferguson-Dirichlet process, Optimal obsolescence, Blending curves for landing problems by numerical differential equations. III: Separation techniques, On one-dimensional digamma and polygamma series related to the evaluation of Feynman diagrams, An automatic integration procedure for infinite range integrals involving oscillatory kernels, Hertz problem for a rigid punch moving across the surface of a semi-infinite elastic solid, Estimation of error variance in one-way random model, Quantum fields interacting with colliding plane waves: The stress-energy tensor and backreaction, A connection between Laguerre's and Hermite's matrix polynomials, Investigation of the behavior of a Griffith crack at the interface between two dissimilar orthotropic elastic half-planes for the opening crack mode, Exact and approximate artificial boundary conditions for the hyperbolic problems in unbounded domains, Calculation of generalized elliptic type integrals using the binomial expansion theorem, New exact solutions of differential equations derived by fractional calculus, String scattering from decaying branes, Quantum vacuum radiation and detection proposals, Application of entangled state representation to deriving normally ordered expansion of 1-dimensional Coulomb potential, Casimir torque for a perfectly conducting wedge: a canonical quantum field theoretical approach, Wigner distribution function for the time-dependent quadratic-Hamiltonian quantum system using the Lewis-Riesenfeld invariant operator, Representations of fractional Brownian motion using vibrating strings, The exit distribution for iterated Brownian motion in cones, Nonlinear dynamics of soft boson collective excitations in hot QCD plasma. III: Bremsstrahlung and energy losses, Two-dimensional thermofield bosonization, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, On the solution of the problem of scattering of surface water waves by a sharp discontinuity in the surface boundary conditions, A convergent boundary integral method for three-dimensional water waves, Localization of the first zero of the Dedekind zeta function, Stress-energy tensor of quantized scalar fields in static spherically symmetric spacetimes, Subharmonics arising from the application of an electric field across a smectic-<mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline"><mml:mi>C</mml:mi></mml:math>liquid crystal, PU (2) monopoles. II: Top-level Seiberg-Witten moduli spaces and Witten's conjecture in low degrees, FIRST-EXIT TIMES FOR POISSON SHOT NOISE, Sharp estimates for the maximum over minimum modulus of rational functions, Singular integrals generated by zonal measures, Right-tail probability estimation in the exponential model, On solvable potentials related to SO(2,2), A mathematical proof of a result derived from the application of the Thompson–Lampard theorem of electrostatics, How Tight is Hadamard's Bound?, On computing some functions basic to the FNmethod in radiative transfer, THE STATIC CONFINING POTENTIAL FOR QCD IN THE MANDELSTAM MODEL, Pure point spectrum for the time evolution of a periodically rank-N kicked Hamiltonian, Generalized order statistics from two parameter uniform distribution, The resolution of the Gibbs phenomenon for spherical harmonics, Sequential analysis applied to testing the mean of an inverse gaussian distribution with known coefficient of variation, The Gauss-Laguerre quadrature rule for finite-part integrals, Boundary crossing result for the brownian motion, REGRESSION OF SPECTRAL ESTIMATORS WITH FRACTIONALLY INTEGRATED TIME SERIES, FIRST-PASSAGE TIMES FOR SOME LINDLEY PROCESSES IN CONTINUOUS TIME, Preparation information and optimal decompositions for mixed quantum states, Optical eigenmodes of a multilayered spherical microcavity, A theorem on a Laplace‐type integral transform and its applications, On the Divergence of Lagrange Interpolation with Equidistant Nodes, Unnamed Item, Heat equation on a hemisphere, The bivariate logarithmic series distribution, Une formule de Jacobi et ses conséquences, On improper integrals of products of logarithmic, power and Bessel functions, Is AB = I, BA = I not equivalent to AB = BA = I?, Two-dimensional slow viscous flows with time-dependent free boundaries driven by surface tension, The wallis formula for PI, including two new expressions involving irrationals, The approximate solution of penny-shaped cracks periodically distributed in infinite elastic body, Unnamed Item, On the Distribution of a Scaled Condition Number, A Table of Elliptic Integrals: Two Quadratic Factors, Unnamed Item, Universal Limit Laws for Depths in Random Trees, Canonical homotopy operators for the $\overline{\partial}$ complex in strictly pseudoconvex domains, Bifurcation of a periodic orbit from infinity in planar piecewise linear vector fields, A recursive scheme for perpetuities with random positive interest rates. Part I. Analytical results, On the power of two-sample nonparametric partial sequential exceedance tests against location alternatives, On the time-frequency detection of chirps, Brownian motion on the hyperbolic plane and Selberg trace formula, Moment inequalities for the Boltzmann equation and applications to spatially homogneous problems, Continuum limits and exact finite-size-scaling functions for one-dimensional \(O(N)\)-invariant spin models, Monotonicity properties of the zeros of ultraspherical polynomials, Dynamical vacuum in quantum cosmology, Symmetry reduction of Fourier kernels, Condensate fluctuations in trapped Bose gases: Canonical vs. microcanonical le, Prediction from a normal model using a generalized inverse Gaussian prior, Some basic half-plane problems of the cohesive elasticity theory with surface energy, Structure of adiabatic shear bands in thermo-viscoplastic materials, Nonparametric empirical Bayes estimation of the matrix parameter of the Wishart distribution, New identities involving the Laplace and the \({\mathcal L}_2\)-transforms and their applications, \(\text{PU}(2)\) monopoles and relations between four-manifold invariants, Low-frequency penetration of acoustic waves through a periodic arbitrary-shaped grating: The three-dimensional problem, Water wave diffraction by a submerged sphere and dual integral transforms, On the double points of a Mathieu equation, A new general interpretation of the Stein estimate and how it adapts: Applications., Determination of momentum expectation values for polyatomic molecules, Accurate computation of individual and tables of \(3\)-\(j\) and \(6\)-\(j\) symbols, On the approximation of functional classes equipped with a uniform measure using ridge functions, A Bayesian method for combining statistical tests, Calculation of many-centre two-electron molecular integrals with STO, Modular invariance, lattice field theories, and finite size corrections, Sequential credibility evaluation for symmetric location claim distributions, Spectral radius properties for layer potentials associated with the elastostatics and hydrostatics equations in nonsmooth domains, Interface crack problems of a laminated piezoelectric plate, The non-relativistic charged Bose gas in a magnetic field. II: Quantum properties., Pseudo-character expansions for \(U(N)\)-invariant spin models on \(CP^{N-1}\), Investigation of the scattering of harmonic elastic shear waves by two collinear symmetric cracks using the nonlocal theory, Influence of delayed viral production on viral dynamics in HIV-1 infected patients, Fixed energy inverse scattering for noncompactly supported potentials, Stress intensity factors in a fully interacting, multicracked, isotropic plate, Canonical elements and Keplerian-like solutions for intermediary orbits of satellites of an oblate planet, Local birth of homoclinic chaos, Processes governed by signed measures connected with third-order ``heat- type equations, Transition from Airy stress function to state space formulation of elasticity, Approximate models for ductile metals containing non-spherical voids -- case of axisymmetric prolate ellipsoidal cavities, Bounds for automorphic \(L\)-functions. II, A cross-diffusion model of forest boundary dynamics, Willmore tori with umbilic lines and minimal surfaces in hyperbolic space, Sequences of metrics on compact Riemann surfaces, Identification and control in the partially known Merton portfolio selection model, On the integrability and perturbation of three-dimensional fluid flows with symmetry, Asymptotic expansion of norm associated with conjugate trigonometric polynomial, Three-dimensional crack and contact problems with a general geometric configuration, A difference equation model of partial series, Implicit rule formation in symbolic computation, Piecewise exponential survival curves with smooth transitions, Boundary value problems for coupled systems of second order differential equations with a singularity of the first kind: Explicit solutions, Level spacing distributions and the Bessel kernel, Injectivity of the Pompeiu transform in the Heisenberg group, Heat-diffusion and Poisson integrals for Laguerre expansions, Logarithms of isometries and their spectral decompositions in Hardy spaces, Fredholm determinants, differential equations and matrix models, Some series representations of \(\zeta(2n+1)\), The Lie algebra of the \(\text{sl}(2,\mathbb{C})\)-valued automorphic functions on a torus, An analytical inversion of a Laplace transform related to annuities certain, Cavitation for incompressible anisotropic nonlinearly elastic spheres, Selberg trace formula for bordered Riemann surfaces: Hyperbolic, elliptic and parabolic conjugacy classes, and determinants of Maass-Laplacians, Stresses in an elastic plate lying over a base due to strip-loading, Waiting-time tail probabilities in queues with long-tail service-time distributions, A note on calculating the autocovariances of the fractionally integrated ARMA models, Theory of generalized Hermite polynomials, Laguerre matrix polynomials and systems of second-order differential equations, Integral formulas associated with products of Bessel functions: A new partial differential equation approach, A simple technique for computing the \(H_ \infty\)-norm of polynomials, A model for flow through discontinuities in the tight junction of the endothelial intercellular cleft, The diagonal multivariate natural exponential families and their classification, Limiting behavior of weighted central paths in linear programming, Properties of the telegrapher's random process with or without a trap, Scalar Green's functions in an Euclidean space with a conical-type line singularity, On a class of hybrid integral transformations (Bessel-Fourier-Bessel-\dots - Fourier-Bessel) on the polar axis with \(2n\) junction points, Hierarchical addressing in symbolic computation, Fractal properties of ion channels and diffusion, The distributions of annuities, On the propagators for hard-wall potentials oscillating periodically with constant velocity, Simulated annealing and tabu search: Lessons from a line search, Order statistics and \((r,s)\)-entropy measures, The Plancherel measure for \(p\)-forms in real hyperbolic spaces, Electron acceleration by laser wake field, Bayesian prediction for business mortality analysis, Asymptotic expansion for the approximation of the Lipschitz function by the Hermite-Fejér interpolation polynomial, Tractability of multivariate integration for periodic functions, Numerical integration of logarithmic and nearly logarithmic singularity in BEMs, Differential equation of Appell polynomials via the factorization method, The elastic bending energy of Pythagorean-hodograph curves, Sums associated with the zeta function, Half-wave linear rectification of a frequency modulated sinusoid, Origin of crack tip instabilities, Quantum-to-classical transition of cosmological perturbations for non-vacuum initial states, Spatio-temporal chaos: a solvable model, The solution of Vlasov's equation for complicated plasma geometry. I: Spherical type, Generalized discrete Fourier transforms: The discrete Fourier-Riccati-Bessel transform, Higher order symplectic RK and RKN methods using perturbed collocation, Equidistribution of cusp forms on \(\text{PSL}_ 2({\mathbb{Z}})\setminus \text{PSL}_ 2({\mathbb{R}})\), Interpolatory quadrature formulae with Chebyshev abscissae of the third or fourth kind, Hierarchically coupled ultradian oscillators generating robust circadian rhythms, An explicit expression of the first Lyapunov and period constants with applications, Computation of periodic Green's functions of Stokes flow, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Incompressible reacting flows, Fourier transform symmetry and invariance for neurocontrol of NARMA models, On an integral of product of laguerre polynomials, Efficient estimators for the good family, A method for evaluating laplace transforms and other integrals, The stochastic flowshop makespan. Part II. Some general results for the unbuffered case, A certain class of series associated with the zeta function, Evaluation of some integrals involving generalized bessel functions, Two-Sample Tests Based on the Integrated Empirical Process, Interprétation combinatoire des moments négatifs des valeurs de fonctions L au bord de la bande critique, Quantum Effects in the Spacetime of a Magnetic Flux Cosmic String, Nonrelativistic Charged Particle-Magnetic Monopole Scattering in the Global Monopole Background, On a random directed spanning tree, A new approximation of the posterior distribution of the log–odds ratio, Generalized husimi functions: Analyticity and information content, The Wigner distribution function of self-Fourier functions, Periodic Squeezing in the Tavis-Cummings Model, Photoelectron Counting Theory in Terms of the Wigner and Q Representations of the Light Field, Conformal Field Theory and Hyperbolic Geometry, Late-Time Decay of Scalar Perturbations Outside Rotating Black Holes, Stability estimates for star bodies in terms of their intersection bodies, Interaction of an Oblique Incident Elastic Wave With a Pair of Surface-Breaking Cracks, A new class of radial basis functions with compact support, Directional mixture models and optimal estimation of the mixing density, Robust designs for wavelet approximations of regression models, MSE-comparisons of Bayes reliability estimators in a Burr distribution, Extended linear empirical bayes estimation, Estimation of parameters of a pareto distribution by generalized order statistics, Random polynomials having few or no real zeros, The Expectation Value of the Entropy of a Digital Message, The conditional variance for gamma mixtures of normal distributions, CHAOTIC ROTATIONS OF AN ASYMMETRIC BODY WITH TIME-DEPENDENT MOMENTS OF INERTIA AND VISCOUS DRAG, CLASSICAL AND QUANTUM TIME DEPENDENT SOLUTIONS IN STRING THEORY, Integrals of polylogarithmic functions, recurrence relations, and associated Euler sums, A Comparison of Radiances Generated by Selected Methods of Solving the Radiative-Transfer Equation, Bistable systems of differential equations with time dependent voltage source E=E(t), The $p$ and $hp$ versions of the finite element method for problems with boundary layers, Some Integrals of the products of laguerre polynomials, AN ANALYSIS OF GROUNDWATER FLOW IN A FINITE REGION WITH A SINUSOIDAL TOP, Quantum computing based on a superconducting quantum interference device: exploiting the flux basis, Carnot Geometry and the Resolvent of the Sub-Laplacian for the Heisenberg Group, Unnamed Item, Integrals, partitions, and cellular automata, Dual Radon transforms on affine Grassmann manifolds, On the maximum drawdown of a Brownian motion, The History of the Dirichlet and Liouville Distributions, Exponential factors and Darbouxian first integrals of the Lorenz system, Casimir force between surfaces close to each other, Effective Lagrangians for scalar fields and finite size effects in field theory, Concerning an integral arising in the study of laser‐drilling equations, A new expansion for a Jacobi function of the second kind, New summation expressions obtained by combining perturbation theory formalisms, Moments of the Limiting Distribution for the Boundary Case in the First Order Autoregressive Process, Some series involving the zeta function, Chaos in sociobiology, Extenions and results from a method for evaluating fractional integrals, On cochran's and hartley's tests for homogeneity of variances when observations are autocorrelated, Development of an optimal test based on weighted rankings, The Sampling Distribution of the Serial Correlation Coefficient, Facts about the gaussian probability density function, A GENERALIZED FRACTIONALLY INTEGRATED AUTOREGRESSIVE MOVING-AVERAGE PROCESS, An analogue of problem 26 of P. Turán, An Analytic Method for Convergence Acceleration of Certain Hypergeometric Series, THERMODYNAMICS OF ABELIAN GAUGE FIELDS IN REAL HYPERBOLIC SPACES, Reliability of a Stress-Strength Model with Burr Type III Distributions, Numerical analysis of the MFS for certain harmonic problems, Investigation of the squeezing out of the current in some flows in coastal water-bearing layers, The Poincaré metric and isoperimetric inequalities for hyperbolic polygons, The finite Hilbert transform in weighted spaces, Homogenisation of transport kinetic equations with oscillating potentials, A weighted likelihood ratio of two related negative hypergeometric distributions, REFINED ALGEBRAIC QUANTIZATION WITH THE TRIANGULAR SUBGROUP OFSL(2, ℝ), D-DIMENSIONAL IDEAL QUANTUM GASES IN A Arn+Br-n POTENTIAL, ON HYPERGEOMETRIC SERIES REDUCTIONS FROM INTEGRAL REPRESENTATIONS, THE KAMPÉ DE FÉRIET FUNCTION AND ELSEWHERE, Convolutions, Fourier trigonometric transforms and applications, Some definite integrals associated with the Riemann zeta function, Wave packets in quantum cosmology and the cosmological constant, A new algorithm and worst case complexity for Feynman-Kac path integration., The analytic continuation of the Gaussian hypergeometric function \(_2F_1(a,b;c;z)\) for arbitrary parameters, Deviations from the \(1/r^2\) Newton law due to extra dimensions, Fermions on non-trivial topologies., The SU(2) Skyrme model and anomaly, Bayesian analysis of disturbances variance in the linear regression model under asymmetric loss functions, Microscopic spectrum of the QCD Dirac operator in three dimensions, Stationary properties in a single-mode laser with cross-correlation between quantum noise terms, Asymptotic formulas for Melnikov integrals with application to a sliding toggle block, Universality class of confining strings, Differential equations for two-loop four-point functions., Decomposing quantum fields on branes, Efficient generation of conditional simulations by Chebyshev matrix polynomial approximations to the symmetric square root of the covariance matrix, Moving averages for Gaussian simulation in two and three dimensions, Real and complex discrete eigenvalues in an exactly solvable one-dimensional complex PT-invariant potential, A group analysis of the 2D Navier-Stokes-Fourier equations, Classical analogous of quantum cosmological perfect fluid models, A possible universal treatment of the field strength correlator in the Abelian-projected SU(2)-theory, Excited TBA equations. I: Massive tricritical Ising model, Gravitational radiation from post-Newtonian sources and inspiralling compact binaries, A commutator method for computation of heat invariants, The colored Jones polynomials and the simplicial volume of a knot, Blackbody radiation in a nonextensive scenario, Probability distributions of line lattices in random media from the 1D Bose gas, The incomplete gamma function expressed as a sum of Macdonald functions, A mysterious threshold for transverse instability of deep-water solitons, Dynamical spin localization of spinor condensate driven by external magnetic fields, Dimensional transmutation and dimensional regularization in quantum mechanics. I: General theory, Dimensional transmutation and dimensional regularization in quantum mechanics. II: Rotational invariance, The role of Bell polynomials in integration, Causality and CPT violation from an Abelian Chern-Simons-like term, Calculating and analyzing impulse responses for the vector ARFIMA model., Upward continuation of Markov type anomalous gravity potential models, Evaluation of topographical effects in precise geoid computation from densely sampled heights, Steady rise of a small spherical gas bubble along the axis of a cylindrical pipe at high Reynolds number, Investigation of the scattering of anti-plane shear waves by two collinear cracks in a piezoelectric material using a new method, A QES band-structure problem in one dimension, Quantum theories on noncommutative spaces with nontrivial topology: Aharonov-Bohm and Casimir effects, Chaotic unbounded differentiation operators, On algebras of two dimensional singular integral operators with homogeneous discontinuities in symbols, Numerical evaluation of Appell's \(F_1\) hypergeometric function, New developments in the Casimir effect, Completeness of photon-added squeezed vacuum and one-photon states and of photon-added coherent states on a circle, Remarks on \((1-q)\) expansion and factorization approximation in the Tsallis nonextensive statistical mechanics, An asymptotic expansion of the double gamma function, Fokker-Planck analysis of the nonlinear field dependence of a carrier in a band at arbitrary temperatures, Analysis of flexural waves excited by rectangular contact type transducers, Semiconductor superlattices: a model system for nonlinear transport, Bosonic stimulation of energetic processes, Classical and quantum quintessence cosmology, A Wigner quasi-distribution function for charged particles in classical electromagnetic fields, The design of a full-scale industrial mineral leaching process, The mechanics of inertial motion on the Earth and on a rotating sphere, Excited states configurations of the quantum Toda lattice, Fractional representation of Fokker-Planck equation., Two new associated Laguerre integral results, The diffusion-drift equation on comb-like structure, \(k\)-component charge coherent states and their non-classical properties, Green's function of a thin circular plate with elastically supported edge., Solving the open \(XXZ\) spin chain with nondiagonal boundary terms at roots of unity, Hierachic \(hp\)-edge element families for Maxwell's equations on hybrid quadrilateral/triangular meshes, Mesoscopic QCD and the \(\theta\)-vacua, Approximation of the singularities of a bounded function by the partial sums of its differentiated Fourier series, A trace formula for Hecke operators on \(L^2(S^2)\) and modular forms on \(\Gamma_0(4)\), Local field distribution near corrugated interfaces: Green's function formulation, Molecular fluids and liquid crystals in convex-body coordinate systems, Convergence of translation formulas for the computation of multicenter integrals over Slater orbitals, Green equilibrium measures and representations of an external field, Statistical mechanics of the self-gravitating gas. I: Thermodynamic limit and phase diagrams, Orthogonal representation of Weber's function using Hermite polynomials, Finite temperature behavior of the 3D Polyakov model with massless quarks, Anti-plane shear Lamb's problem treated by gradient elasticity with surface energy., Numerical and asymptotic approaches to scattering problems involving finite elastic plates in structural acoustics., Light propagation in square law media with random imperfections., Focusing of weak acoustic shock waves at a caustic cusp., A new identity for the infinite product of zeros of Bessel functions of the first kind or their derivatives, Thermal stress intensity factor for functionally gradient half space with an edge crack under thermal load