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zbMath0654.20039MaRDI QIDQ3800267

Jens Carsten Jantzen

Publication date: 1987

Title: zbMATH Open Web Interface contents unavailable due to conflicting licenses.

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I: Stability, Comparaison entre cohomologie cristalline et cohomologie étale $p$-adique sur certaines variétés de Shimura, On the fundamental group schemes of certain quotient varieties, Remarks on non-abelian cohomology of proalgebraic groups, The structure of indecomposable injectives in generic representation theory, Modular representations of simple Lie algebras, Density of automorphic points in deformation rings of polarized global Galois representations, Multiplicity one for wildly ramified representations, Large Schubert varieties, Geometric interplay between function subspaces and their rings of differential operators, On geometrically defined extensions of the Temperley-Lieb category in the Brauer category, Koszul modules and Green's conjecture, QUANTUM GROUPS AT ROOTS OF UNITY AND MODULARITY, Solvable and unipotent supergroups, On the first cohomology of an algebraic group and its Lie algebra in positive characteristic., Tensor products of modules with restricted highest weight, Irreducible characters for algebraic groups in characteristic two (iii), Serre weight conjectures for \(p\)-adic unitary groups of rank 2, Artin-Hasse exponential mapping, algebraic groups in positive characteristic, and the Nottingham group., Extensions for finite Chevalley groups II