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zbMath0423.60030MaRDI QIDQ3857500

Robert J. Serfling

Publication date: 1980

Title: zbMATH Open Web Interface contents unavailable due to conflicting licenses.

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certain nonlinear statistics in repeated sampling of a finite population, Functional calculus and asymptotic theory for statistical analysis, Empirical likelihood ratio test for or against a set of inequality constraints., Distributional convergence under proportional censorship when covariables are present, Bootstrapping statistical functionals, A Berry-Esseen-type theorem of quantile density estimators, Strong law of large numbers for \(U\)-statistics of varying order, A note on a Kolmogorov inequality, Asymptotic normality of U-statistics based on trimmed samples, Some new statistics for testing point null hypotheses with prior information, A large deviation theorem for \(U\)-processes, Nonparametric regression estimators for length biased data, Tests for changes under random censorship, Bootstrapping quantiles in a fixed design regression model with censored data, Parameter estimation for generalized random coefficient autoregressive processes, Exact Bahadur slope for combining independent tests for normal and logistic distributions, Rates of convergence for linear rank statistics with dependent data, Estimating error correlation in nonparametric regression, A semi-parametric estimator of a risk distribution, A splitting scheme for control variates, On predicting the finite population distribution function, Unit root tests for \(\text{ARIMA}(0,1,q)\) models with irregularly observed samples, A simple form of Bartlett's formula for autoregressive processes