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zbMath0694.41037MaRDI QIDQ3995454

Yves Meyer

Publication date: 17 September 1992

Title: zbMATH Open Web Interface contents unavailable due to conflicting licenses.

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On the rate of pointwise divergence of Fourier and wavelet series in \(L^p\), Lower bounds for the distribution of suprema of Brownian increments and Brownian motion normalized by the corresponding modulus functions, Wavelet density estimation for mixing and size-biased data, A Littlewood-Paley type decomposition and weighted Hardy spaces associated with operators, Probability density estimation from dependent observations using wavelets orthonormal bases, Functions on the real line with nonnegative Fourier transforms, On the construction of frames for spaces of distributions, Hierarchical tree-model of 2D-turbulence, An uncertainty principle and sampling inequalities in Besov spaces, Baire typical results for mixed Hölder spectra on product of continuous Besov or oscillation spaces, Nonparametric reconstruction of a multifractal function from noisy data, Sub-exponentially localized kernels and frames induced by orthogonal expansions, Daubechies wavelets on intervals with application to BVPs., Quadrature formulas based on the scaling function., An asymptotic formula for some wavelet series, On distribution of error of linear wavelet estimator of probability density, Minimax estimation of the diffusion coefficient through irregular samplings, Small ball problem via wavelets for Gaussian processes, Wavelet based empirical Bayes estimation for the uniform distribution, Confinement of the infrared divergence for the Mumford process, Implementation of the mortar method in the wavelet context, Mixed wavelet leaders multifractal formalism for Baire generic functions in a product of intersections of Hölder spaces with non-continuous Besov spaces, Regression with random design: a minimax study, How smooth is almost every function in a Sobolev space?, The partial inner product space method: a quick overview, Asymptotically sufficient statistics in nonparametric regression experiments with correlated noise, Characterizations of the elements of generalized Hölder-Zygmund spaces by means of their representation, Asymptotic performance of projection estimators in standard and hyperbolic wavelet bases, On the stability in weak topology of the set of global solutions to the Navier-Stokes equations, Exact conditioning of Gaussian fields on wavelet coefficients, Wavelet characterization of the pointwise multiplier space \(\dot X_r\), Large scale behavior of wavelet coefficients of non-linear subordinated processes with long memory, Multi-scale geometric methods for data sets. II: Geometric multi-resolution analysis, Topological and geometric properties of refinable functions and MRA affine frames, On symplectomorphisms of the symplectization of a compact contact manifold, Transfer function models with time-varying coefficients, On the gentle properties of anisotropic Besov spaces, Measures and functions with prescribed homogeneous multifractal spectrum, A family of functions with two different spectra of singularities, On wavelet and leader wavelet based large deviation multifractal formalisms for non-uniform Hölder functions, Local precised approximation in multiscale problems with local defects, Convergence of wavelet thresholding estimators of differential operators, Smoothing minimally supported frequency wavelets. II, Numerical computation of wavelet expansion: \(W^{s,p}\) error estimate, Some asymptotic results on density estimators by wavelet projections, Criteria of pointwise and uniform directional Lipschitz regularities on tensor products of Schauder functions, Harmonic Besov and Triebel-Lizorkin spaces on the ball, Baire generic histograms of wavelet coefficients and large deviation formalism in Besov and Sobolev spaces, Multiscale analysis of Gaussian Markov processes of order \(p\) on (0,1), Galerkin-wavelet methods for two-point boundary value problems, Adaptive sequential design for regression on multi-resolution bases, Sampling in a weighted Sobolev space, A stability criterion for biorthogonal wavelet bases and their related subband coding scheme, Wavelet shrinkage estimators of Hilbert transform, Local error estimation for sampling problems, Maximal functions and weighted norm inequalities on local fields, Wavelet based estimation of the derivatives of a density for a negatively associated process, Interpolation wavelets in boundary value problems, Homogeneous wavelets and framelets with the refinable structure, Wavelet analysis of 2D turbulent fields, A sampling theorem for non-bandlimited signals using generalized sinc functions, Linear fractional stable sheets: Wavelet expansion and sample path properties, Stability of localized operators, Multiscale characterizations of Besov spaces on bounded domains, A parametrix construction for wave equations with \(C^{1,1}\) coefficients, Adaptive density deconvolution with dependent inputs, A wavelet optimized adaptive multi-domain method, \(M\)-band scaling function with filter having vanishing moments two and minimal length, Nonuniform multiresolution analyses and spectral pairs, Propriétés des matrices ``bien localisées près de leur diagonale et quelques applications. 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I: Stability and convergence, Scaling functions and wavelets with vanishing moments, Baire generic results for the anisotropic multifractal formalism, Characterization of scaling functions in a multiresolution analysis, Multivariate multifractal formalism for simultaneous pointwise (Tuipi)i regularities, Global existence for an inhomogeneous fluid, Adaptive estimation of the dynamics of a discrete time stochastic volatility model, Gramian analysis of multivariate frame multiresolution analyses, Multivariate periodic wavelets, A review of bandlet methods for geometrical image representation, Some prevalent sets in multifractal analysis: how smooth is almost every function in \(T_p^\alpha(x)\), Multi-fractal formalism for non-self-similar functions, Orthorecursive expansions and their properties, Networks of polynomial pieces with application to the analysis of point clouds and images, Spectral Theory and Representations\\ of Nilpotent Groups, Nonstationary multiwavelets and multiwavelet 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FOR GENERAL ARCH MODELS, The discrete Calderón reproducing formula of Frazier and Jawerth, Extrapolation, a technique to estimate, Four proofs of cocompactness for Sobolev embeddings, Wavelet bases in rearrangement invariant function spaces, Estimation of the Hurst parameter from discrete noisy data, Nonparametric estimation of the stationary density and the transition density of a Markov chain, Wavelets, Orlicz spaces, and greedy bases, Characterization of analytic phase signals, Riesz transform on manifolds and heat kernel regularity, A maxiset approach of a Gaussian noise model, Asymptotic smoothing effect of solutions to Davey-Stewartson systems on the whole plane, Band-limited scaling and wavelet expansions, Linear multifractional stable motion: representation via Haar basis, New bases for Triebel-Lizorkin and Besov spaces, Linear multifractional stable motion: fine path properties, Maxisets for model selection, Regularity criteria for almost every function in Sobolev spaces, Unnamed Item, Convergence and Gibbs phenomenon of periodic wavelet frame series, Subspaces with normalized tight frame wavelets in ℝ, The Mortar Method in the Wavelet Context, On Optimality of Bayesian Wavelet Estimators, Topological properties of the sequence spaces \(S^{\nu }\), Numerical study of time-splitting and space-time adaptive wavelet scheme for Schrödinger equations, Diffusion wavelets, Construction of multivariate compactly supported orthonormal wavelets, Non parametric estimation of the diffusion coefficients of a diffusion with jumps, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Two families of unit analytic signals with nonlinear phase, Unnamed Item, Approximation using scattered shifts of a multivariate function, Euclidean algorithm for Laurent polynomial matrix extension -- a note on dual-chain approach to construction of wavelet filters, Wavelet transforms versus Fourier transforms, Nonlinear $n$-term approximation of harmonic functions from shifts of the Newtonian kernel, Stabilization and control for the subcritical semilinear wave equation, Random wavelet series based on a tree-indexed Markov chain, Advanced topology on the multiscale sequence spaces \(S^\nu \), Inverse Problems in Multifractal Analysis, Log-density Deconvolution by Wavelet Thresholding, Pointwise wavelet estimation of regression function based on biased data, Pointwise convergence of wavelet expansions, Shannon Wavelet Approach to Sub-Band Coding, Wavelet Galerkin Methods for Higher Order Partial Differential Equations, Wavelet regression estimations with strong mixing data, On the construction of multiresolution analyses associated to general subdivision schemes, Wavelet bases adapted to the settlement of infrared divergence, Continuous curvelet transform. I: Resolution of the wavefront set, Greedy wavelet projections are bounded on BV, Wavelet series built using multifractal measures, Wavelet analysis of fractal boundaries. II: Multifractal analysis, Wavelet analysis of fractal boundaries. I: Local exponents, Adaptive wavelet collocation method for the solution of Burgers equation, Regularity of the attractor for a coupled Klein-Gordon-Schrödinger system with cubic nonlinearities in \(\mathbb{R}^2\), Uniform almost sure convergence and asymptotic distribution of the wavelet-based estimators of partial derivatives of multivariate density function under weak dependence, Analytic wavelets in multiply connected domains with circular boundaries, Image deblurring, spectrum interpolation and application to satellite imaging, Nonparametric Wavelet Regression for Binary Response, Wavelets on general lattices, associated with general expanding maps of 𝐑ⁿ, A WAVELET MULTIFRACTAL FORMALISM FOR SIMULTANEOUS SINGULARITIES OF FUNCTIONS, Topology on new sequence spaces defined with wavelet leaders, Framelets: MRA-based constructions of wavelet frames, \(p\)-exponent and \(p\)-leaders. II: Multifractal analysis. relations to detrended fluctuation analysis, Asymptotic behavior of the energy and pointwise estimates for solutions to the Navier-Stokes equations., Two-microlocal Besov spaces and wavelets., Multiresolution weighted norm equivalencies and applications, A wavelet theory for local fields and related groups, Ergodicity of stochastic plates, A dynamically adaptive wavelet method for solving partial differential equations, Towards a method for solving partial differential equations by using wavelet packet bases, Wavelet algorithms for numerical resolution of partial differential equations, Functional calculus for a class of complex elliptic operators in dimension one (and applications to some complex elliptic equations in dimension two)., Regularity properties of commutators and \(BMO\)-Triebel-Lizorkin spaces, On divergence-free wavelets, Generalized pointwise Hölder spaces defined via admissible sequences, Wavelet approximation methods for pseudodifferential equations. II: Matrix compression and fast solution, Boundedness and concentration of random singular integrals defined by wavelet summability kernels, The mean consistency of wavelet estimators for convolutions of the density functions, Minimax estimation of smooth densities in Wasserstein distance, Convergence estimates for the wavelet-Galerkin method: Superconvergence at the node points, Finite orthogonal transforms and multiresolution analyses on intervals, Construction of real-valued multivariate wavelets, On wavelets and prewavelets with vanishing moments in higher dimensions, On infinitely smooth compactly supported almost-wavelets, Wavelets on irregular meshes, More on the analysis of local regularity through wavelets, Affine systems in \(L_ 2(\mathbb{R}^d)\): The analysis of the analysis operator, Nonlinear black-box modeling in system identification: A unified overview, Nonlinear black-box models in system identification: Mathematical foundations, Polynomial wavelets on the interval, Wavelet linear density estimator for a discrete-time stochastic process: \(L_ p\)-losses, Affine systems in \(L_2(\mathbb{R}^d)\). II: Dual systems, On multiresolution analysis of multiplicity \(d\), Wavelet transforms associated to a principal series representation of semisimple Lie groups. I, An introduction to wavelets with applications to Andrews' plots, Heat kernels of second order complex elliptic operators and applications, Regularity of elliptic Gaussian processes and the hierarchical model, A weak local irregularity property in \(S^\nu \) spaces, Multilevel decompositions of functional spaces, Mixed wavelet leaders multifractal formalism in a product of critical Besov spaces, Approximation of integrable functions by wavelet expansions, About nonstationary multiresolution analysis and wavelets, Stationary increments harmonizable stable fields: upper estimates on path behaviour, Block thresholding and wavelet estimation for nonequispaced samples, Some topics in the history of harmonic analysis in the twentieth century, Non-linear wavelet-based density estimators under random censorship, Divergence of wavelet series: a multifractal analysis, Adaptive density estimation in the pile-up model involving measurement errors, Classification with minimax fast rates for classes of Bayes rules with sparse representation, Penalized empirical risk minimization over Besov spaces, Nonparametric adaptive estimation for pure jump Lévy processes, Oscillating singularities in Besov spaces., Interpolation of gentle spaces, Behavior of partial sums of wavelet series, Beurling-Landau-type theorems for non-uniform sampling in shift invariant spline spaces, Nonparametric estimation of jump rates for a specific class of piecewise deterministic Markov processes, Lifting in Besov spaces, Optimal estimation of variance in nonparametric regression with random design, Pointwise regularity criteria, Sums of Dirac masses and conditioned ubiquity, Periodic wavelet frames, A note on moments of scaling functions, Coupling wavelets/vaguelets and smooth fictitious domain methods for elliptic problems: the univariate case, Fast solvers of integral equations of the second kind: wavelet methods, A survey on prescription of multifractal behavior, On the existence of approximate solution of Fredholm integral equation of the first kind by band-limited scaling function, On the Kolmogorov dissipation law in a damped Navier-Stokes equation, Book review of: E. Cordero and L. Rodino, Time-frequency analysis of operators, Orthonormal bases in the orbit of square-integrable representations of nilpotent Lie groups, Wavelet-Galerkin methods: An adapted biorthogonal wavelet basis, Construction of compact \(p\)-wavelets, Wavelet simultaneous approximation from samples affected by noise, Norm resolvent convergence of discretized Fourier multipliers, Multifractal analysis of rectangular pointwise regularity with hyperbolic wavelet bases, The law of the iterated logarithm for wavelet series, Haar approximation from within for \(L^p(\mathbb{R}^d)\), \(0<p<1\), Scattering theory for 3-particle systems in constant magnetic fields: dispersive case, Self-affine tilings with several tiles. I, Function spaces \(W^{1,p}, BV, N^{\lambda,p}\) characterized by the motions of \({\mathbb{R}}^n\), Image restoration based on fractional-order model with decomposition: texture and cartoon, Les ondelettes à la conquête du drap brownien fractionnaire. (Wavelets conquering the fractional Brownian field), Slight parameter changes detection in biological models: a multiresolution approach, Localization of frames. II, Nonorthogonal wavelet approximation with rates of deterministic signals, Necessary and sufficient conditions for the bounds of the commutators with fractional differentiations and BMO-Sobolev spaces on weighted Lebesgue space, Regularity of the attractor for a coupled Klein-Gordon-Schrödinger system in \(\mathbb{R}^3\) nonlinear KGS system, Classification of wavelet bases by translation subgroups and nonharmonic wavelet bases, Bases consisting of rational functions of uniformly bounded degrees or more general functions, Fast functional magnetic resonance imaging via prolate wavelets, Data-adaptive wavelets and multi-scale singular-spectrum analysis, On the pointwise regularity of functions in critical Besov spaces, The characterization of the Triebel-Lizorkin spaces for \(p=\infty\), A framework for image deblurring using wavelet packet bases, The shiftability of some wavelet bases, A law of the iterated logarithm for wavelet density estimator, Besov spaces and the multifractal hypothesis., Adaptive estimation in diffusion processes., Two adaptive wavelet algorithms for nonlinear parabolic partial differential equations, Wavelet characterizations for anisotropic Besov spaces, Construction of trivariate compactly supported biorthogonal box spline wavelets, The local Hölder function of a continuous function, One-Dimensional Dyadic Wavelets, Quantitative weighted bounds for Calderón commutators with rough kernels, Multivariate wavelet leaders Rényi dimension and multifractal formalism in mixed Besov spaces, Convergence of ASEP to KPZ with basic coupling of the dynamics, Approximation of kernel projection operators in shift-invariant subspaces of function spaces with mixed norms, The Frisch-Parisi conjecture. I: Prescribed multifractal behavior, and a partial solution, Unconditional basis constructed from parameterised Szegö kernels in analytic \(\mathbb{H}^p(D)\), The Convergence of Operator With Rapidly Decreasing Wavelet Functions, The Frisch-Parisi conjecture. II: Besov spaces in multifractal environment, and a full solution, A useful result related with zeros of continuous compactly supported mother wavelets, Wavelets in statistics: A review, Harmonic Interpolating Wavelets in Neumann Boundary Value Problem in a Circle, Multi-dimensional wavelets for scalable image decomposition: Orbital wavelets, Wavelet-based filters for accurate computation of derivatives, Unnamed Item, Rational bases for spaces of holomorphic functions in the disc, A fully adaptive wavelet algorithm for parabolic partial differential equations, Some methods for constructing nonseparable, orthonormal, compactly supported wavelet bases, Wavelet frames on Lipschitz curves and applications, Wavelet methods for PDEs -- some recent developments, Thresholding algorithms, maxisets and well-concentrated bases, A new proof of certain Littlewood-Paley inequalities, Spectrum estimation using maximum entropy and multiresolution considerations, Characterization of the Zygmund space by shifted \(B\)-splines, Multifractal formalism for selfsimilar functions expanded in singular basis, Curvelets and curvilinear integrals, Non-linear approximation and interpolation spaces, Unnamed Item, Wavelets and generalized box splines, Fonctions harmoniques pour un opérateur de transition et applications, A Study of Blockwise Wavelet Estimates Via Lower Bounds for a Spike Function, Higher order entropies, Anisotropic functional deconvolution with long-memory noise: the case of a multi-parameter fractional Wiener sheet, DEFINITION AND ANALYSIS OF A WAVELET/FICTITIOUS DOMAIN SOLVER FOR THE 2D-HEAT EQUATION ON A GENERAL DOMAIN, On Alpert multiwavelets, Construction of orthonormal wavelet-like bases, Non linear wavelet estimation of regression derivatives based on biased data