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zbMath0714.62030MaRDI QIDQ3999325

Wolfgang Karl Härdle

Publication date: 17 September 1992

Title: zbMATH Open Web Interface contents unavailable due to conflicting licenses.

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Nonparametric regression on random fields with random design using wavelet method, Nonparametric state price density estimation using constrained least squares and the bootstrap, Robust functional principal components for sparse longitudinal data, Nonparametric regression with warped wavelets and strong mixing processes, Smoothly mixing regressions, Trending time-varying coefficient time series models with serially correlated errors, A statistical method for geometry inspection from point clouds, Local independence feature screening for nonparametric and semiparametric models by marginal empirical likelihood, A bias-corrected estimator of the covariation matrix of multiple security prices when both microstructure effects and sampling durations are persistent and endogenous, An adaptive empirical likelihood test for parametric time series regression models, Regression discontinuity designs: a guide to practice, Remarks on optimum kernels and optimum boundary kernels., Validating 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A computational comparison study, The functional nonparametric model and applications to spectrometric data, Testing conditional moment restrictions, Ridgelets: estimating with ridge functions, Local asymptotics for polynomial spline regression, Coverage accuracy of confidence intervals in nonparametric regression, Quadratic errors for nonparametric estimates under dependence, Bias correction and higher order kernel functions, Multivariate regression estimation with errors-in-variables: Asymptotic normality for mixing processes, Error inference for nonparametric regression, Distribution theory for the analysis of binary choice under uncertainty with nonparametric estimation of expectations, A local cross-validation algorithm for dependent data, Empirical likelihood for estimating equations with missing values, Theoretical framework for local PLS1 regression, and application to a rainfall data set, How sensitive are average derivatives?, Semiparametric estimation of a work-trip mode choice model, Dynamic choice in social settings. Learning from the experiences of others, A smoothed residual based goodness-of-fit statistic for logistic hierarchical regression models, Error process indexed by bandwidth matrices in multivariate local linear smoothing, Bias reduction in kernel binary regression, Nonparametric and robust methods. (Editorial), Smoothed L-estimation of regression function, Nonparametric estimation of nonlinear rational expectation models, On boosting kernel regression, A sampling-based computational strategy for the representation of epistemic uncertainty in model predictions with evidence theory, Using a likelihood perspective to sharpen econometric discourse: Three examples, Semiparametric approaches to signal extraction problems in economic time series, Rank regression for current-status data: Asymptotic normality, On confidence intervals in nonparametric binary regression via Edgeworth expansions, Remarks on extremal problems in nonparametric curve estimation, Nonparametric estimation of American options' exercise boundaries and call prices, A consistent nonparametric test for serial independence, Semiparametric regression model selections., Kernel autocorrelogram for time-deformed processes, Estimating high-frequency foreign exchange rate volatility with nonparametric ARCH models, Cross-validatory bandwidth selections for regression estimation based on dependent data, Longitudinal data with nonstationary errors: A nonparametric three-stage approach, Local nonlinear least squares: using parametric information in nonparametric regression, Semiparametric regression under long-range dependent errors., Convenient estimators for the panel probit model, Flexible smoothing with \(B\)-splines and penalties. With comments and a rejoinder by the authors, On residual sums of squares in non-parametric autoregression, Hierarchical genetic fuzzy systems, Nonparametric estimation of a regression function with dependent observations, Parallel distributed kernel estimation, Asymptotic distribution of bandwidth selectors in kernel regression estimation, Recursive regression estimation based on the two-time-scale stochastic approximation method and Bernstein polynomials, Optimum short-time polynomial regression for signal analysis, A propensity score adjustment method for longitudinal time series models under nonignorable nonresponse, Plug-in bandwidth choice for estimation of nonparametric part in partial linear regression models with strong mixing errors, Selection of smoothing parameters in \(B\)-spline nonparametric regression models using information criteria, Nonparametric regression analysis of uncertain and imprecise data using belief functions, A generalized correlated \(C_p\) criterion for derivative estimation with dependent errors, Cross-validation in nonparametric regression with outliers, A sequential-design metamodeling strategy for simulation optimization, Bayesian variants of some classical semiparametric regression techniques, Two cross-validation criteria for SIR\({}_\alpha\) and PSIR\({}_\alpha\) methods in view of prediction, Fuzzy nonparametric regression based on local linear smoothing technique, Local polynomial \(M\)-smoothers in nonparametric regression, Piecewise linear solution paths with application to direct weight optimization, Nonclassical demand a model-free examination of price-quantity relations in the Marseille fish market, Nonparametric two-stage estimation of conditional choice probabilities in a binary choice model under uncertainty, Consistent nonparametric hypothesis tests with an application to Slutsky symmetry, Modeling autoregressive fuzzy time series data based on semi-parametric methods, From finite sample to asymptotics: a geometric bridge for selection criteria in spline regression, A fuzzy nonlinear univariate regression model with exact predictors and fuzzy responses, Kernel estimation of the regression function with random sampling times, Model-free model-fitting and predictive distributions, Entropy, divergence and distance measures with econometric applications, On combining independent nonparametric regression estimators, Semiparametric estimation of partially linear panel data models, A general selective averaging method for piecewise constant signal and image processing, A simple approach to construct confidence bands for a regression function with incomplete data, Conditional risk-neutral density from option prices by local polynomial kernel smoothing with no-arbitrage constraints, Asymptotics of estimators for nonparametric multivariate regression models with long memory, Econometric analysis of volatile art markets, The environmental Kuznets curve semi-parametrically revisited, Nonparametric estimation of the cross ratio function, Nonparametric variable selection and its application to additive models, Links between discrepancy and nonparametric estimation, methodology for selecting points based on available data, PAC-Bayesian estimation and prediction in sparse additive models, Nadaraya-Watson estimator for stochastic processes driven by stable Lévy motions, Regression trees for longitudinal and multiresponse data, Kernel regression uniform rate estimation for censored data under \(\alpha\)-mixing condition, Comparison of non-parametric regression functions through their cumulatives, Nonparametric fuzzy regression -- \(k\)-NN and kernel smoothing techniques., A bootstrap detection for operational determinism, Goodness of fit in nonparametric regression modelling, Asymptotic normality of a combined regression estimator, Nonparametric risk management and implied risk aversion, Nonparametric estimation of infinite order regression and its application to the risk-return tradeoff, Bayesian time series regression with nonparametric modeling of autocorrelation, Estimating the density of unemployment duration based on contaminated samples or small samples, Universal weighted kernel-type estimators for some class of regression models, Statistical tests in the partially linear additive regression models, A simple framework for nonparametric specification testing, Variable bandwidth and one-step local \(M\)-estimator, Some asymptotic properties of kernel regression estimators of the mode for stationary and ergodic continuous time processes, COBS: qualitatively constrained smoothing via linear programming, On sparse ensemble methods: an application to short-term predictions of the evolution of COVID-19, A non-parametric model for fuzzy forecasting time series data, On the choice of difference sequence in a unified framework for variance estimation in nonparametric regression, A Bayesian approach to nonlinear latent variable models using the Gibbs sampler and the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm, Adaptive spline fitting with particle swarm optimization, Dimension reduction in nonparametric models of production, Feature screening for nonparametric and semiparametric models with ultrahigh-dimensional covariates, Tie the straps: uniform bootstrap confidence bands for semiparametric additive models, Statistical inference for partially linear regression models with measurement errors, Dynamic activity analysis model-based win-win development forecasting under environment regulations in China, Composite support vector quantile regression estimation, Robustness weight by weighted median distance, Nonlinear system identification via direct weight optimization, Multistage stochastic demand-side management for price-making major consumers of electricity in a co-optimized energy and reserve market, Optimal sequential kernel detection for dependent processes, Empirical likelihood based inference for a categorical varying-coefficient panel data model with fixed effects, Computation and application of robust data-driven bandwidth selection for gradient function estimation, A note on estimating the conditional expectation under censoring and association: strong uniform consistency, Forecasting and planning during a pandemic: COVID-19 growth rates, supply chain disruptions, and governmental decisions, A robust adaptive-to-model enhancement test for parametric single-index models, Maximum likelihood method for bandwidth selection in kernel conditional density estimate, On the impact of conditional expectation estimators in portfolio theory, Implied volatility and state price density estimation: arbitrage analysis, Mixed spline smoothing and kernel estimator in biresponse nonparametric regression, Reconstruction of functions from prescribed proximal points, Bayesian inference of a directional brain network model for intracranial EEG data, Generalized Birnbaum-Saunders kernel density estimators and an analysis of financial data, Flexible, 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with an application to state-price density estimation, Testing and imposing Slutsky symmetry in nonparametric demand systems, Bandwidth matrix selectors for kernel regression, Nonparametric estimation and inference under shape restrictions, Tracking time-varying-coefficient functions, Asymptotics of the “minimumL 1-norm” estimates in nonparametric regression models, Mining the hidden link structure from distribution flows for a spatial social network, The asymptotic average squared error for polynomial regression, Risk bounds when learning infinitely many response functions by ordinary linear regression, Entropy modeling of network structures, A new recognition algorithm for ``head-and-shoulders price patterns, Semiparametric diffusion estimation and application to a stock market index, Weak-convergence of empirical conditional processes and conditional \(U\)-processes involving functional mixing data, Bayesian bandwidth estimation for local linear fitting in nonparametric regression models, On association in regression: the coefficient of determination revisited, Least Squares Volatility Change Point Estimation for Partially Observed Diffusion Processes, Nonparametric regression estimation at design poles and zeros, Multivariate wavelet density and regression estimators for stationary and ergodic discrete time processes: Asymptotic results, Nonparametric kernel regression when the regressor follows a counting process, Nonparametric estimation of a regression function and its derivatives under an ergodic hypothesis, Estimating spatial quantile regression with functional coefficients: a robust semiparametric framework, Estimation and specification testing in female labor participation models: parametric and semiparametric methods, Top-Down Induction of Relational Model Trees in Multi-instance Learning, Model robust regression: combining parametric, nonparametric, and semiparametric methods, Testing the adequacy of a linear modelVIAcritical smoothing, Predicting 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principles of multidimensional data structurization for real-time pulse system dynamics forecasting and identification, Nonparametric regression estimation for dependent functional data: asymptotic normality, Robustness of one-sided cross-validation to autocorrelation, Nonparametric Estimation of the Singularities of a Signal from Noisy Measurements, Shape constrained smoothing using smoothing splines, SiZer for smoothing splines, On Asymptotic Minimaxity of Kernel-based Tests, Smoothing for small samples with model misspecification: Nonparametric and semiparametric concerns, Estimating the conditional variance ofY, givenX, in a simple regression model, Strong universal consistency of smooth kernel regression estimates, Exponential-Bound Property of Estimators and Variable Selection in Generalized Additive Models, Empirical likelihood based inference for the derivative of the nonparametric regression function, Multivariate partially linear models, Local and Variable Bandwidths and Local Linear Regression, Robust ANCOVA: Some Small-sample Results when there are Multiple Groups and Multiple Covariates, An Alternative Methodology for Combining Different Forecasting Models, \(M\)-cross-validation in local median estimation, Time Dependent Relative Risk Aversion, On implied volatility for options -- some reasons to smile and more to correct, Estimating value at risk with semiparametric support vector quantile regression, Prediction and nonparametric estimation for time series with heavy tails, Generalised kernel smoothing for non-negative stationary ergodic processes, Integrated likelihood inference in semiparametric regression models, Estimation of panel data partly specified Tobit regression with fixed effects, The nonparametric estimation of long memory spatio-temporal random field models, A Pearson-type-VII item response model for assessing person fluctuation, Multivariate Association and Dimension Reduction: A Generalization of Canonical Correlation Analysis, Some uniform consistency results in the partially linear additive model components estimation, On nonparametric prediction of linear processes, Modeling Diurnal Variation of Marine Populations, Single-index model-assisted estimation in survey sampling, Estimation of spline function in nonparametric path analysis based on penalized weighted least square (PWLS), A NEW VERSION OF THE LOCAL CONSTANT M-SMOOTHER, Nonparametric estimation of single-index models in scale-space, Selecting the smoothing parameter and knots for an extension of penalized splines to censored data, Some notes on poisson limits for empirical point processes, Arbitrage-free smoothing of the implied volatility surface, Asymptotic Quasi-Likelihood Based on Kernel Smoothing for Multivariate Heteroschedastic Models with Correlation, Multivariate local polynomial regression for estimating average derivatives, On the estimation error in binned local linear regression, Single-index modelling of conditional probabilities in two-way contingency tables, Multiplicative Adjustment Method for Semiparametric Regression with Mixing Dependent Data, Assessing additivity in nonparametric models -A kernel-based method, Structural Adaptive Smoothing Procedures, Towards a Computationally Tractable Maximum Entropy Principle for Nonstationary Financial Time Series, Covariance matrix estimation using repeated measurements when data are incomplete, Central limit theorems for smoothed extreme value estimates of Poisson point processes bound\-aries, Robust kernel estimators for additive models with dependent observations, Convergence de I'estimateur à noyau de dérivées de Radon-Nikodym générales dans le cas mélangeant, Modification for boundary effects and jump points in nonparametric regression, Generalized jackknifing and higher order kernels, Convergence rate of b-spline estimators of nonparametric conditional quantile functions, A Dirichlet random coefficient regression model for quality indicators, Anisotropic Spatial Sampling Designs for Urban Pollution, Nonparametric Estimation of Stage Occupation Probabilities in a Multistage Model with Current Status Data, Rates of the strong uniform consistency for the kernel-type regression function estimators with general kernels on manifolds, Regression analysis of multivariate current status data under a varying coefficients additive hazards frailty model, Kernel quantile estimators for nested simulation with application to portfolio value-at-risk measurement, Multivariate wavelet estimators for weakly dependent processes: strong consistency rate, Kernel regression for cause-specific hazard models with nonparametric covariate functions, A kernel regression model for panel count data with nonparametric covariate functions, Penalized wavelet nonparametric univariate logistic regression for irregular spaced data, On sufficient conditions for the consistency of local linear kernel estimators, Asymptotic normality of the regression mode in the nonparametric random design model for censored data, Kernel regression for cause-specific hazard models with time-dependent coefficients, Double smoothing local linear estimation in nonlinear time series, Towards Insensitivity of Nadaraya--Watson Estimators to Design Correlation, Universal kernel-type estimation of random fields, Nonparametric recursive estimation for multivariate derivative functions by stochastic approximation method, Implied volatility smoothing at COVID-19 times, Trend locally stationary wavelet processes, Boundary-adaptive kernel density estimation: the case of (near) uniform density, A two-step framework for arbitrage-free prediction of the implied volatility surface, Using Wasserstein generative adversarial networks for the design of Monte Carlo simulations, A study of local linear ridge regression estimators, Weighted Nadaraya-Watson regression estimation, Estimation of unknown parameters in nonlinear and non-Gaussian state-space models, Local linear regression for estimating time series data., Indistinguishable states. I: Pefect model scenario., Triple smoothing estimation of the regression function and its derivatives in nonparametric regression, Yield curve estimation by kernel smoothing methods, Asymptotic local test for linearity in adaptive control, Goodness-of-fit tests for kernel regression with an application to option implied volatilities, Recent developments in bootstrap methodology