scientific article; zbMATH DE number 3511513

From MaRDI portal

zbMath0326.65033MaRDI QIDQ4091368

Roger Fletcher

Publication date: 1976

Title: zbMATH Open Web Interface contents unavailable due to conflicting licenses.

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numerical solution of linear algebraic systems arising in goal-oriented error estimates, Accelerating with rank-one updates, Improvement of preconditioned bi-Lanczos-type algorithms with residual norm minimization for the stable solution of systems of linear equations, Minimal residual-like condition with collinearity for shifted Krylov subspace methods, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Revisiting the BE SBS algorithm and applying it to solve torsion problems in composite bars: robustness and efficiency study, Algorithmic bombardment for the iterative solution of linear systems: A poly-iterative approach, Iterative methods for linear systems of equations: A brief historical journey, Unnamed Item, Improving the convergence behaviour of BiCGSTAB by applying <i>D</i>-norm minimization, KRYLOV SUBSPACE METHODS WITH DEFLATION AND BALANCING PRECONDITIONERS FOR LEAST SQUARES PROBLEMS, On the performance of certain direct and iterative methods on equations arising on a two-dimensional in situ combustion simulator, Flow topology in a steady three-dimensional lid-driven cavity, A class of product-type Krylov-subspace methods for solving nonsymmetric linear systems, Preconditioned Multishift BiCG for $\mathcal{H}_2$-Optimal Model Reduction, Preconditioning techniques for large linear systems: A survey