scientific article; zbMATH DE number 3534657

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zbMath0343.16011MaRDI QIDQ4112071

I. N. Herstein

Publication date: 1976

Title: zbMATH Open Web Interface contents unavailable due to conflicting licenses.

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Annihilator condition of a pair of derivations in prime and semiprime rings, A note on multiplicative (generalized) derivations with annihilator conditions., On invariant additive subgroups, Potenzen von invarianten Untergruppen in Ringen mit Involution. (Powers of invariant subgroups in rings with involution), Minimal differential identities in prime rings, Restricted enveloping algebras whose skew and symmetric elements are Lie metabelian, On rings with some kinds of centrally-extended maps, The A-D-S property for radicals of involution \(K^ *\)-algebras, Remarks on certain identities with derivations on semiprime rings., Radicals of crossed products of enveloping algebras, On rings whose number of centralizers of ideals is finite, Generalized derivations on Lie ideals in semiprime rings, Elementary operators on prime \(C^*\)-algebras. I, Co-Poisson structures on polynomial Hopf algebras, Jacobson rings and rings strongly graded by an Abelian group, Invariant additive subgroups of a certain kind, Simple and prime graded Jordan algebras, Periodic \(n\)-th commutators of traces in rings with involution, On multiplicative (generalized)-derivations in prime and semiprime rings., Involutions for matrices and generalized inverses, Ring theory from symplectic geometry, Lie identities on symmetric elements of restricted enveloping algebras, Jordan left *-centralizers of prime and semiprime rings with involution., On generalized Jordan triple \((\alpha,\beta)^*\)-derivations and related mappings., Prime Jordan P.I. algebras with nonzero socle and Jordan division algebras, A note on \(k\)-th commutators in an associative ring, On rings with a particular variable identity, Central polynomials for special Jordan rings without nilpotent elements, and an analog of Kaplansky's theorem, On the Lie structure of a prime associative superalgebra, Skew fields with involution having only one unitary element, Center-like elements in prime rings, Rings radical over P. I. subrings, Remarks on generalized derivations in prime and semiprime rings., Some comments on prime rings, Nonlinear strong commutativity preserving maps on skew elements of prime rings with involution., Lie structure in semi-prime rings with involution, Lie ideals and derivations of prime rings, Strong commutativity preserving generalized derivations on right ideals., Invariant additive subgroups in prime rings, Invariant subgroups in rings with involution, Jordan homomorphisms of associative algebras with involution, Skew commutators in simple rings, Über einen Satz von Herstein und Nakayama, The bounded Lie Engel property on torsion group algebras., Rings with commuting projections, On decomposing c-valued division rings, c-orderable division rings with involution, On Artin's theorem and Azumaya algebras, Automorphisms with unipotent values, Algebraic derivations with constants satisfying a polynomial identity., Commutativity preserving maps revisited., Zur Galoistheorie assoziativer Ringe, Ring analogues of Baer's norm and P. 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II., The derived superalgebra of skew elements of a semiprime superalgebra with superinvolution, A condition of Brauer-Cartan-Hua type. II, Some notes on \(CN\) rings., Lie properties of symmetric elements in group rings., On a conjecture by Herstein, Primitive superalgebras with superinvolution, Minimal *-differential identities in prime rings, On the Lie structure of the skew elements of a simple superalgebra with superinvolution, Strong commutativity preserving maps in prime rings with involution., Group identities on symmetric units., A theorem on invariant subrings, Space of minimal prime ideals of a ring without nilpotent elements, Finite \(\mathbb Z\)-gradings of Lie algebras and symplectic involutions., Von Neumann regular rings with only finitely many symmetric idempotents, Wreath products and P.I. algebras, Unterringtheorie - exemplifiziert an Ringen mit Involution, Invariante Untergruppen in Ringen mit Involution. 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II, Commutativity of prime rings with generalized derivations and anti-automorphisms, Derivations nilpotent on subsets of prime rings, A note on generalized Jordan \(*\)-derivations on prime \(*\)-rings, Prime associative triple systems with nonzero socle, Finite presentability of universal central extensions of \(\mathfrak{sl}_n\). II, Oriented group involutions in group algebras: a survey, The structure of Jordan ∗-derivations of prime rings, Generalized derivations with annihilating and centralizing Engel conditions on Lie ideals., Commutativity theorems for *-prime rings with differential identities on Jordan ideals., Geometry ofn × n(n ≥ 3) Hermitian Matrices Over Any Division Ring with an Involution and Its Applications, Lie identities for skew and symmetric elements of semiprime superalgebras with superinvolution., Generalized Lie derivations on skew elements of prime algebras with involution., Finite generation of Lie algebras of Poisson brackets, A commutativity condition for semi prime rings-II, Commutativity theorems in rings with involution, Prime rings with hypercommuting derivations on a Lie ideal, On Herstein’s Lie map conjectures, I, Commutativity of MA-semirings with involution through generalized derivations, Lie structure in semiprime superalgebras with superinvolution., The socle of a Leavitt path algebra., Differential Identities in Prime Rings With Involution, On the Relative Reflexivity of Finitely Generated Modules of Operators, The structure of \(n\)-commuting additive maps on Lie ideals of prime rings, Nill-polynomials in rings, \(b\)-generalized \((\alpha,\beta)\)-derivations and \(b\)-generalized \((\alpha,\beta)\)-biderivations of prime rings, Algebras generated by symmetric idempotents, The socle of a nondegenerate Lie algebra, Unnamed Item, Strong commutativity preserving maps on Lie ideals., Annihilator condition on power values of derivations., A note on additive mappings in noncommutative fields, Finite generation of Lie algebras associated with associative algebras, On Lie ideals with multiplicative (generalized)-derivations in prime and semiprime rings., Homometric elements in semisimple rings, LINEAR PRESERVERS FOR DRAZIN STAR PARTIAL ORDER, On $\theta $-centralizers of semiprime rings (II), On the composition of derivations, Abbildungen auf Ringen insbesondere mit Involution, On prime Jordan triple systems. II, Some theorems for sigma prime rings with differential identities on sigma ideals., On generalized \(\alpha\)-biderivations., An Engel condition with an additive mapping in semiprime rings., Central closure of semiprime non-associative rings, A Note on Gpis and Their Coefficients, Local Lesieur-Croisot theory of Jordan algebras, Derivations with algebraic values on lie ideals, Prime ideals of graded rings and related matters, Centrally closed hopf module algebras, Geometry of \(2\times 2\) Hermitian matrices, Center-like subsets in prime rings with derivations and endomorphisms, Bures isometries between density spaces of \(C^{\ast}\)-algebras, A Result Concerning Derivations in Banach Algebras, Higher derivations and Posner's second theorem for semiprime rings, Filtrations in semisimple Lie algebras, I, On a certain identity satisfied by a derivation and an arbitrary additive mapping, Remarks on primitive rings with non-zero socles, On the Simplicity of the Lie Algebra of a Leavitt 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Derivations with algebraic values, Representation of partial *-orderings, Rings of quotients of finite \(AW^{\ast}\)-algebras: representation and algebraic approximation, Ring subsets that be center-like subsets, Positive semidefinite forms over totally ordered domains, A Note on Jacobson Rings and Polynomial Rings, Lie nilpotence of group rings, Quelques remarques a propos des s-derivations, Derivations et automorphismes algebriques d'Anneaux premiers, On a functional identity involving inverses on matrix rings, Sociality is a mechanism for collective action dilemma resolution, Symmetric graph of a ring with involution, On prime ideals with generalized derivations in rings with involution, Characterization of prime rings having involution and centralizers, On the characterization of generalized \((m, n)\)-Jordan \(*\)-derivations in prime rings, On a theorem of Brauer-Cartan-Hua type in superalgebras, Unnamed Item, On Posner’s second theorem for semirings with involution, Weak Jordan 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Socle, Unnamed Item, On the jordan H-submodules of a simple superalgebra with superinvolution, Unnamed Item, On b-generalized skew derivations in Banach algebras, Star group identities on units of group algebras, Unnamed Item, Characterization of b-generalized Derivations in Rings with Involution, On Certain $$*$$-differential Identities in Prime Rings with Involution, Additiven-commuting maps on semiprime rings, Commutators in semiprime gamma rings, Commuting maps on lie ideals, Derivations on Lie Ideals of Prime $$\varGamma $$ -Rings, An Engel condition with derivation for left ideals, Unnamed Item, Skew *-derivations with power-central values, Normal group algebras, On minimal ∗-identities of matrices, A finite presentation of Jordan algebras, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Higher commutators, ideals and cardinality, Star-fundamental algebras: polynomial identities and asymptotics, Linear identities and commuting maps in rings with involution, Finite generation of Lie derived powers of associative algebras, Generalized derivations with nilpotent, power-central, and invertible values in prime and semiprime rings, On $*$-commuting mappings and derivations in rings with involution, On additive maps of MA-semirings with involution, Unnamed Item, An Engel condition with two generalized derivations in prime rings, On skew derivations and generalized skew derivations in Banach algebras, Rings with simple Lie rings of Lie and Jordan derivations, *-Group identities on units of division rings, Lie Properties of Symmetric Elements Under Oriented Involutions, A Survey on *-Group Identities on Units of Group Rings, On nth power ∗-property in ∗-rings with applications, Supercentralizing Superderivations on Prime Superalgebras, On $^*$-differential identities in prime rings with involution, Additive maps on prime and semiprime rings with involution, Generalized derivations in rings*, On some Montgomery's results on algebras with involution in superalgebras, Simplicity of the Lie Algebra of Skew Symmetric Elements of a Leavitt Path Algebra, Unnamed Item, k-skew Lie products on prime rings with involution, Derivations on multilinear polynomials in semiprime rings, Unnamed Item, Modules whose injective endomorphisms are essential, FREE SYMMETRIC AND UNITARY PAIRS IN DIVISION RINGS WITH INVOLUTION, The lien-engel property in group rings, Faith-Utumi Theorem for Associative Pairs, *-Orderings on a ring with involution, On semiprime rings with multiplicative (generalized)-derivations., On Jordan *-mappings in rings with involution., Unnamed Item, Some Extension Theorems in the Ring of Quotients of $$*$$-Prime Rings, On Commutativity of Prime Rings with Involution Involving Pair of Derivations, Nonlinear commuting maps on ℒ (X), Unnamed Item, A Special Functional Identity in Prime Rings, More on involutions with local Engel or power commuting conditions, On Prime and Semiprime Rings with Derivations, Homomorphic images of subdirectly irreducible rings, Commutativity of semirings with involution, Strong commutativity preserving generalized derivations on multilinear polynomials, Unnamed Item, A commutativity theorem for semiprime rings, On commuting additive mappings on semiprime rings, On Functional Identities in Prime Rings with Involution II*, On the lie structure of the skew elements of a prime superalgebra with superinvolution, Unnamed Item, On the structure of generalized Jordan *-derivations of prime rings, On herstein's constructions relating jordan and associative superalgebras, On functional identities andd-free subsets of rings, I, Self-adjoint ideals in baer *-rings, Lie isomorphisms of non-gpi rings wiht involution, Involution satisfying a local Engel or power commuting condition