
From MaRDI portal

zbMath0367.68032MaRDI QIDQ4144192

Jurg Nievergelt, Edward M. Reingold, Narsingh Deo

Publication date: 1977

68-02: Research exposition (monographs, survey articles) pertaining to computer science

68W99: Algorithms in computer science

Related Items

Efficient memo-table management strategies, Generating alternating permutations lexicographically, The complexity of pursuit on a graph, A note on the number of perfect matchings of bipartite graphs, Determining the majority, Probabilistic analysis of a grouping algorithm, Loop-free algorithms for traversing binary trees, General branch and bound, and its relation to \(A^*\) and \(AO^*\), A new algorithm for generation of permutations, Average number of rotations access cost in iR-trees, Graph algorithms on a tree-structured parallel computer, An extended direct branching algorithm for checking equivalence of deterministic pushdown automata, The mathematics of modems, A heuristic for the stability number of a graph based on convex quadratic programming and tabu search, An excluding algorithm for testing whether a family of graphs are determined by their generalized spectra, Partial sum problem mapping into a hypercube, A universal table model for categorical databases, Optimal assignment of task modules with precedence for distributed processing by graph matching and state-space search, On generation of permutations through decomposition of symmetric groups into cosets, On evaluation of the blocking probability in multiwave time division multiplexing networks, Laplacian spectral radius of trees with given maximum degree, An efficient algorithm for attention-driven image interpretation from segments, Estimating all possible SUR models with permuted exogenous data matrices derived from a VAR process, Finding Hamiltonian cycles in \(\{\)quasi-claw, \(K_{1,5},K_{1,5} + e\}\)-free graphs with bounded Dilworth numbers, The complexity of determining a shortest cycle of even length, Shape distribution of height-balanced trees, Binary search trees with limited rotation, On generalized Steiner systems and semi-biplanes, A linear time bin-packing algorithm, Data compression and Gray-code sorting, The occur-check problem in Prolog, On the number of edges in the transitive closure of a graph, Experimental comparisons of codes for long transportation problems, Ordered priority queues, Finding fundamental cycles and bridges on a tree-structured parallel computer, Bug distribution and statistical pattern classification, The general maximum matching algorithm of Micali and Vazirani, A note on extending Knuth's tree estimator to directed acyclic graphs, Fixed hypercube embedding, An O(n log n) algorithm for the all-nearest-neighbors problem, A branch-and-bound algorithm to solve the equal-execution-time job scheduling problem with precedence constraint and profile, Branch \& Sample: A simple strategy for constraint satisfaction, Complexity of problems in games, graphs and algebraic equations, An algorithm for imbedding cubic graphs in the torus, Heuristics and their design: A survey, On minimal augmentation of a graph to obtain an interval graph, A new algorithm to find the shortest paths between all pairs of nodes, Maintenance of configurations in the plane, Aspects of insertion in random trees, Fundamental solutions of the eight queens problem, Matrix reorganization and dynamic programming: applications to paired comparisons and unidimensional seriation, The median procedure in cluster analysis and social choice theory, An optimal algorithm for sink-finding, The complexity of drawing trees nicely, A unique formal system for binary decompositions of database relations, probability distributions, and graphs, Branch-and-bound as a higher-order function, Reducing conflict resolution time for solving graph problems in broadcast communications, A note on inverses of power series, Generating permutations with given ups and downs, Distributed processing of graphs: Fundamental cycles algorithm, Generating binary trees at random, Generating permutations of a bag by interchanges, Understanding the complexity of interpolation search, On a generalization of binary search, A linear-time algorithm for testing the truth of certain quantified Boolean formulas, Neither the greedy nor the Delaunay triangulation of a planar point set approximates the optimal triangulation, A branch and bound algorithm for minimizing the number of crossing arcs in bipartite graphs, A predetermined algorithm for detecting a counterfeit coin with a multi-arms balance, Formalization of the class of problems solvable by a nondeterministic Turing machine, Construction of Gröbner bases for investigation of systems of polynomial equations, Median hyperplanes in normed spaces -- a survey, \(q\)-ary Gray codes and weight distributions, Explicit definition of the binary reflected Gray codes, An application of Ramsey's theory to partitions in groups. II, On counting planar embeddings, Gray codes from antimatroids, Optimal multiprocessor task scheduling using dominance and equivalence relations, A new routing algorithm for cyclic shifts on BRGC hypercubes, A new class of parallel algorithms for finding connected components on machines with bit-vector operations, Maximum number of disjoint paths connecting specified terminals in a graph, Algorithms constructing a representive vector criterion for a binary preference relation, On enumerating all minimal solutions of feedback problems, Off-line algorithms for the list update problem, Fast local search and guided local search and their application to British Telecom's workforce scheduling problem, Catastrophic faults in reconfigurable systolic linear arrays, Optimal routing in a transportation network, Constructive techniques for labeling constant weight Gray codes with applications to minimal generating sets of semigroups, The tree longest detour problem in a biconnected graph., Constraint-selected and search-optimized families of Daubechies wavelet filters computable by spectral factorization, Ranking and unranking permutations in linear time, A fast and practical bit-vector algorithm for the longest common subsequence problem, An efficient algorithm for software generation of binary linear recurrences, Solving the symmetric tridiagonal eigenvalue problem on hypercubes, A sparse graph almost as good as the complete graph on points in \(k\) dimensions, Complexity analysis of algorithms by recognition of their classification properties, Combinatorial compression algorithms for ordered record sequences, Generating random binary trees -- a survey, ``Global graph problems tend to be intractable, Optimal matching of deformed patterns with positional influence, A parallel derangement generation algorithm, Parallel discrete invariant embedding algorithm for singular pertubation problems, A comparison of algorithms for exact goodness-of-fit tests for multinomial data, Constraint Satisfaction, Unnamed Item, Low order polynomial bounds on the expected performance of local improvement algorithms, A NEW METHOD FOR GENERATING INTEGER COMPOSITIONS IN PARALLEL, Distribution and moments of the weighted sum of uniforms random variables, with applications in reducing monte carlo simulations, A new algorithm for constructing large Carmichael numbers, A General Approach to Perturbation Theoretic Analysis in Nonlinear Optics and its Application to Ferroelectrics and Antiferroelectrics, Operator matrices generation: Combinatorial structures in finite spin models, Minimal enumerations of subsets of a finite set and the middle level problem, Least-cost partition algorithms, A parallel algorithm for generating combinations, A systolic generation of combinations, Backtrack search with isomorph rejection and consistency check, On the transformation semigroups of finite automata, A general branch and bound formulation for understanding and synthesizing And/Or tree search procedures, On the NP-hardness of edge-deletion and -contraction problems, Reflectiveness and compression of threshold transformations, A simplified correctness proof for a well-known algorithm computing strongly connected components., Expected time analysis for Delaunay point location, Optimal detection of a counterfeit coin with multi-arms balances, An application of Ramsey's theory to partitions in groups. I, Fast gapped variants for Lempel-Ziv-Welch compression, Application of the multivariate runs test to compositional data, Combinatorial optimisation and hierarchical classifications, Efficient iteration in admissible combinatorial classes, Using state diagrams for hilbert curve mappings, A CLASS OF GRAPHS WHICH HAS EFFICIENT RANKING AND UNRANKING ALGORITHMS FOR SPANNING TREES AND FORESTS, The travelling salesman problem: selected algorithms and heuristics†, Permutational labelling of constant weight Gray codes, Optimal embeddings of butterfly-like graphs in the hypercube, Routing multiple paths in hypercubes, FUSING LOOPLESS ALGORITHMS FOR COMBINATORIAL GENERATION, Efficient Enumeration of Ordered Trees with k Leaves (Extended Abstract), A Parallel Algorithm for Cost-Optimal Generation of Permutations ofrout ofnItems, Parallel algorithms for connectivity problems in graph theory, Efficient enumeration of cyclic permutations in situ, Minimizing maximum flows in linear graphs, On optimizing the evaluation of a set of expressions, On random and adaptive parallel generation of combinatorial objects, A minimization method for boolean functions, Decidable, polynomial-time, and np-complete cases of the isotone bipartite graph problem, The complexity of on-line simulations between multidimensional turing machines and random access machines, Bayesian methods and optimal experimental design for gene mapping by radiation hybrids, Unnamed Item, Heuristic scheduling of jobs on a multi-product batch processing machine, Fast algorithms for genegrating integer partitions