
From MaRDI portal

zbMath0389.33008MaRDI QIDQ4170993

Theodore S. Chihara

Publication date: 1978

33C45: Orthogonal polynomials and functions of hypergeometric type (Jacobi, Laguerre, Hermite, Askey scheme, etc.)

42C05: Orthogonal functions and polynomials, general theory of nontrigonometric harmonic analysis

33-02: Research exposition (monographs, survey articles) pertaining to special functions

33-03: History of special functions

Related Items

Three term recurrence relation modulo ideal and orthogonality of polynomials of several variables, Monotonicity of the zeros of orthogonal polynomials through related measures, Orthogonal matrix polynomials, scalar-type Rodrigues formulas and Pearson equations, On distance-regular graphs with fixed valency, Zeros of generalized Krawtchouk polynomials, The Meixner--Pollaczek polynomials and a system of orthogonal polynomials in a strip, The Sobolev orthogonality and spectral analysis of the Laguerre polynomials \(\{L_{n}^{-k}\}\) for positive integers \(k\), A comparison of numerical and analytic approximate solutions to an intertemporal consumption choice problem, Toda-type differential equations for the recurrence coefficients of orthogonal polynomials and Freud transformation, Linear perturbations of differential or difference operators with polynomials as eigenfunctions, Differential equations of infinite order for Sobolev-type orthogonal polynomials, The zero distribution of the Tricomi-Carlitz polynomials, Biorthogonal polynomials and zero-mapping transformations, Commuting family of block Jacobi matrices, Eigenvalues of finite graphs, Askey-Wilson polynomials, kernel polynomials and association schemes, Quadratic decomposition of orthogonal polynomials: a matrix approach, Is the recurrence relation for orthogonal polynomials always stable?, A note on property (T) of orthogonal polynomials, On the behaviour of zeros of Jacobi polynomials, Ramanujan's ``Lost notebook. VIII: The entire Rogers-Ramanujan function, Ramanujan's ``lost notebook. IX: The partial theta function as an entire function, Approximation of unbounded functions via compactification, On orthogonal polynomials with perturbed recurrence relations, A law of the iterated logarithm for a class of polynomial hypergroups, Asymptotic properties of a family of orthogonal polynomial sequences, Approximation of weight function and approached Padé approximants, On the convergence of limit periodic continued fractions \(K(a_ n/1)\), where \(a_ n\to -1/4.\) III, Central limit theorems for random walks on \({\mathbb{N}}_ 0\) that are associated with orthogonal polynomials, Cumulative Bernoulli trials and Krawtchouk processes, On the invariant sets of a family of quadratic maps, Analyticity and quasi-analyticity derived from the behaviour of the Laguerre-Fourier coefficients, Modèles combinatoires pour les polynômes de Meixner, Probability functions of discrete probability distributions as solutions of the Pearson difference equation for the discrete classical orthogonal polynomials, On some orthogonal polynomials of interest in theoretical chemistry, Reelle orthogonale Polynomlösungen von komplexen Differenzengleichungen zweiter Ordnung. (Real orthogonal polynomial solutions of second order complex difference equations), Zeros of symmetric, quasi-definite, orthogonal polynomials, Associated generalized Jacobi functions and polynomials, The supports of measures associated with orthogonal polynomials and the spectra of the related self-adjoint operators, Sur la suite de polynômes orthogonaux associée à la forme \(u=\delta_ c+\lambda (x-c)^{-1}L\). (On the sequence of orthogonal polynomials associated with the form \(u=\delta_ c+\lambda (x-c)^{- 1}L)\), On a class of polynomials orthogonal with respect to a discrete Sobolev inner product, Non-overlapping partitions, continued fractions, Bessel functions and a divergent series, Orthogonal polynomials on the unit circle and their derivatives, On polynomials orthogonal with respect to certain Sobolev inner products, Rediscovering the contributions of Rodrigues on the representation of special functions, Zeros of Jacobi functions of second kind, Otto Blumenthal (1876--1944) in retrospect, An equivalence for the Riemann hypothesis in terms of orthogonal polynomials, On the linear functionals associated to linearly related sequences of orthogonal polynomials, Polynomial perturbations of bilinear functionals and Hessenberg matrices, Nonnegative linearization for little \(q\)-Laguerre polynomials and Faber basis, Second order partial differential equations for gradients of orthogonal polynomials in two variables, Gauss quadrature rules for a generalized Hermite weight function, Heuristic approximation to Cramér-von Mises type statistics, A basic class of symmetric orthogonal polynomials using the extended Sturm-Liouville theorem for symmetric functions, Construction of differential operators having Bochner-Krall orthogonal polynomials as eigenfunctions, On numerical integration methods with the generalized Stieltjes weight function, A symmetric sequence of orthogonal polynomials associated with the Stieltjes-Wigert polynomials, Quasi-stationary distributions for a class of discrete-time Markov chains, Semiclassical orthogonal polynomials, matrix models and isomonodromic tau functions, Linear one-step processes with artificial boundaries, Second structure relation for \(q\)-semiclassical polynomials of the Hahn Tableau, Second structure relation for semiclassical orthogonal polynomials, Modified Chebyshev algorithm: some applications, Another connection between orthogonal polynomials and L-orthogonal polynomials, Structure of certain Chebyshev-type polynomials in Onsager's algebra representation, Uniform asymptotics of the Stieltjes-Wigert polynomials via the Riemann-Hilbert approach, Investigation of continuous-time quantum walk via spectral distribution associated with adjacency matrix, Cauchy-Schwarz and Kantorovich type inequalities for scalar and matrix moment sequences, Operational rules and a generalized Hermite polynomials, Characterization of the Dunkl-classical symmetric orthogonal polynomials, On the Riemann-Liouville fractional calculus, \(g\)-Jacobi functions and \(F\)-Gauss functions, Linearization coefficients for Sheffer polynomial sets via lowering operators, The weighted dual functionals for the univariate Bernstein basis, Multiple orthogonal polynomials of mixed type and non-intersecting Brownian motions, Building some symmetric Laguerre-Hahn functionals of class two at most through the sum of symmetric functionals as pseudofunctions with a Dirac measure at origin, On the largest negative eigenvalue of the infinitesimal generator associated with M/M/n/n queues, Combinatorial proofs of some limit formulas involving orthogonal polynomials, On distance-regular graphs with fixed valency. II, Pollaczek polynomials and summability methods, Relative asymptotics for orthogonal polynomials with unbounded recurrence coefficients, An expansion in the exponent for compound binomial approximations, Weighted dual functions for Bernstein basis satisfying boundary constraints, Recurrences and explicit formulae for the expansion and connection coefficients in series of ordinary Bessel polynomials, On the zeros of \(d\)-symmetric \(d\)-orthogonal polynomials, On constructing new interpolation formulas using linear operators and an operator type of quadrature rules, On the multiplicities of eigenvalues of a Hermitian matrix whose graph is a tree, Coherent pairs of linear functionals on the unit circle, Reduction of the Gibbs phenomenon for smooth functions with jumps by the \(\varepsilon \)-algorithm, Formulas for recurrence coefficients of orthogonal polynomials related to Lorentzian-like weights, Shohat-Favard type theorem for orthogonal series, Hölder-type inequalities for norms of Wick products, Perturbed recurrence relations. III: The general case-some new applications, Algebraic signal processing theory: Cooley-Tukey type algorithms on the 2-D hexagonal spatial lattice, Quasi-stationary distributions for birth-death processes with killing, \(d\)-Orthogonality of Hermite type polynomials, Some characteristic property of the Meixner polynomials, Theory of recursive generation of systems of orthogonal polynomials: An illustrative example, Some results on the asymptotic distribution of the zeros of orthogonal polynomials, Polynomials associated with the characters of SU(n), Liouville-Green-Olver approximations for complex difference equations, Some basic Lommel polynomials, On the polynomials orthogonal on regular polygons, Jacobi-Sobolev-type orthogonal polynomials: Second-order differential equation and zeros, On the limit relations between classical continuous and discrete orthogonal polynomials, Second order difference equations for certain families of `discrete' polynomials, On some indeterminate moment problems for measures on a geometric progression, Laguerre-Freud equations for the recurrence coefficients of \(D_{\omega}\) semi-classical orthogonal polynomials of class one, Connection problems for polynomial solutions of nonhomogeneous differential and difference equations, Zero distributions for discrete orthogonal polynomials, Recurrence relations for the connection coefficients of orthogonal polynomials of a discrete variable on the lattice \(x(s)=q^{2s}\), On the rate of convergence of the laws of Markov chains associated with orthogonal polynomials, Nevanlinna matrices for the strong Stieltjes moment problem, Lévy-Sheffer and iid-Sheffer polynomials with applications to stochastic integrals, Analysis of random walks using orthogonal polynomials, Some properties of the Sobolev-Laguerre polynomials, Transverse limits in the Askey tableau, Sobolev orthogonality for the Gegenbauer polynomials \(\{ C_n^{-N+1/2}\}_{n\geq 0}\), A method of constructing Krall's polynomials, On the positivity of some bilinear functionals in Sobolev spaces, Some functions that generalize the Krall-Laguerre polynomials, Differential operators having symmetric orthogonal polynomials as eigenfunctions, The ``classical Laurent biorthogonal polynomials, The asymptotic zero distribution of orthogonal polynomials with varying recurrence coefficients, Fourth order \(q\)-difference equation for the first associated of the \(q\)-classical orthogonal polynomials, Some results on co-recursive associated Meixner and Charlier polynomials, Orthogonal Laurent polynomials and strong moment theory: A survey, Perturbations of Laguerre-Hahn linear functionals, On a symmetry in strong distributions, Gaussian quadrature rules and numerical examples for strong extensions of mass distribution functions, Coherent pairs and zeros of Sobolev-type orthogonal polynomials, On semi-classical linear functionals of class \(s=1\). Classification and integral representations, The \(q\)-harmonic oscillator and the Al-Salam and Carlitz polynomials, Hypergeometric functions over finite fields and representations of \(\mathrm{SL}(2,q)\), Generalized companion matrices and matrix representations for generalized Bézoutians, Global properties of zeros for Sobolev-type orthogonal polynomials, Orthogonal polynomials for a quartic birth and death process, Random walk polynomials and random walk measures, A formula of Hilb's type for orthogonal polynomials, Fourth-order differential equation satisfied by the associated of any order of all classical orthogonal polynomials. A study of their distribution of zeros, Orthogonal polynomials and approximation in Sobolev spaces, Orthogonal polynomials on Sobolev spaces: Old and new directions, Properties of zeros of orthogonal polynomials and related functions, Jacobi matrices for measures modified by a rational factor, A law of the iterated logarithm for Markov chains on \(\mathbb{N}_ 0\) associated with orthogonal polynomials, Classical orthogonal polynomials: A functional approach, A look-ahead algorithm for the solution of general Hankel systems, An update on orthogonal polynomials and weighted approximation on the real line, Nonlinear recurrence relations and induced orthogonal polynomials, Orthogonal polynomials and differential equations in neutron-transport and radiative-transfer theories, A shortcut to asymptotics for orthogonal polynomials, Laguerre matrix polynomials and systems of second-order differential equations, Linearization of the product of symmetric orthogonal polynomials, Chain sequences and compact perturbations of orthogonal polynomials, Calculation of associated functions for rational modified weight functions, The combinatorics of \(q\)-Charlier polynomials, Multivariate Gaussian cubature formulae, Asymptotics of basic Bessel functions and \(q\)-Laguerre polynomials, Matrix measures, moment spaces and Favard's theorem for the interval \([0,1\) and \([0,\infty)\)], Compact Jacobi matrices: From Stieltjes to Krein and \(M(a,b)\), New characterizations of discrete classical orthogonal polynomials, A criterion for the nonuniqueness of the measure of orthogonality, Ratio asymptotics and quadrature formulas, Two point masses perturbation of regular moment functionals, Determination of all coherent pairs, On summation formulas due to Plana, Lindelöf and Abel, and related Gauss-Christoffel rules. I, Differential equations having orthogonal polynomial solutions, Extremal properties of strong quadrature weights and maximal mass results for truncated strong moment problems, On the fourth-order difference equation for the associated Meixner polynomials, On \(d\)-orthogonal Tchebychev polynomials. I, Eigenproblems for tridiagonal 2-Toeplitz matrices and quadratic polynomial mappings, Semiclassical multiple orthogonal polynomials and the properties of Jacobi-Bessel polynomials, Asymptotics of Sobolev orthogonal polynomials for symmetrically coherent pairs of measures with compact support, A note on the uniform distribution on the arcsin points, A Gaussian quadrature for the calculation of generalized Fermi-Dirac integrals, A Gaussian quadrature for the optimal evaluation of integrals involving Lorentzians over a semi-infinite interval, Zeros and orthogonality of the Askey-Wilson polynomials for \(q\) a root of unity, Stochastic integrals: A combinatorial approach, Asymptotics of extreme zeros of the Meixner-Pollaczek polynomials, Minimal recurrence relations for connection coefficients between classical orthogonal polynomials: Continuous case, Symmetrizability of differential equations having orthogonal polynomial solutions, Rational spectral transformations and orthogonal polynomials, How many random walks correspond to a given set of return probabilities to the origin?, The \(D_ \omega\)-classical orthogonal polynomials, Regular and pathological eigenvalue behavior for the equation \(-\lambda u=Vu\) on the semiaxis, Look-ahead methods for block Hankel systems, Difference equation for associated polynomials on a linear lattice, Chain sequences, orthogonal polynomials, and Jacobi matrices, Minimal recurrence relations for connection coefficients between classical orthogonal polynomials: Discrete case, The \(q\)-Laguerre polynomials and related moment problems, On generating orthogonal polynomials for discrete measures, Limit relations between generalized orthogonal polynomials, On the inverse problem of the product of a semi-classical from by a polynomial, Some discrete \(d\)-orthogonal polynomial sets., Combinatorics of generalized Tchebycheff polynomials., Hypergeometric-type differential equations: second kind solutions and related integrals., Connection coefficients for Laguerre--Sobolev orthogonal polynomials., Factorization of the Heun's differential operator., Generalized Hermite polynomials associated with functions of parabolic cylinder, Orthogonality of some polynomial sets via quasi-monomiality., Polynomials of Meixner's type in infinite dimensions: Jacobi fields and orthogonality measures, Bilinear semiclassical moment functionals and their integral representation, On associated polynomials and decay rates for birth--death processes., Selective approximate identities for orthogonal polynomial sequences., On the Krall-type discrete polynomials, Generating functions and companion symmetric linear functionals, Discrete spectra of certain co-recursive Pollaczek polynomials and its applications, A characterization of classical and semiclassical orthogonal polynomials from their dual polynomials, On rational transformations of linear functionals: direct problem, Stationary Markov chains with linear regressions., Modifications of quasi-definite linear functionals via addition of delta and derivatives of delta Dirac functions., Orthogonal matrix polynomials and higher-order recurrence relations, Relative asymptotics for polynomials orthogonal with respect to a discrete Sobolev inner product, On polynomials orthogonal with respect to an inner product involving differences, Nevanlinna extremal measures for some orthogonal polynomials related to birth and death processes, A distributional study of discrete classical orthogonal polynomials, Painlevé-type differential equations for the recurrence coefficients of semi-classical orthogonal polynomials, Stieltjes sums for zeros of orthogonal polynomials, A large family of semi-classical polynomials: The perturbed Chebyshev, A generalization of the associated functional to the Lebesgue measure, Associated Stieltjes-Carlitz polynomials and a generalization of Heun's differential equation, Some new results for chain-sequence polynomials, A matrix equation for association schemes, A quadrature formula for the Hankel transform, On five-diagonal Toeplitz matrices and orthogonal polynomials on the unit circle, On classical orthogonal polynomials, Some new asymptotic properties for the zeros of Jacobi, Laguerre, and Hermite polynomials, On zeros of polynomials orthogonal with respect to a quasi-definite inner product on the unit circle, An introduction to second degree forms, On completeness of orthogonal systems and Dirac deltas, Interlacing properties of zeros of associated polynomials, Fourth-order differential equations satisfied by the generalized co- recursive of all classical orthogonal polynomials. A study of their distribution of zeros, A counterexample to subexponential growth of orthogonal polynomials, Orthogonal polynomials and coherent pairs: The classical case, On the condition of orthogonal polynomials via modified moments, Asymptotics of orthogonal polynomials and the numerical solution of ill-posed problems, Biorthogonal polynomials: Recent developments, A note on Koornwinder's polynomials with weight function \((1-x)^ \alpha (1+x)^ \beta+ M\delta (x+1)+ N\delta (x-1)\), Dual-orthogonal polynomials, Matrix integrals, Toda symmetries, Virasoro constraints, and orthogonal polynomials, The moments of the density of zeros for the relativistic Hermite and Laguerre polynomials, \(q\)-ultraspherical polynomials for \(q\) a root of unity, Asymptotics for Meixner polynomials, Regular Sobolev type orthogonal polynomials: The Bessel case, On approximation of stable linear dynamical systems using Laguerre and Kautz functions, Powers of staircase Schur functions and symmetric analogues of Bessel polynomials, On the properties for modifications of classical orthogonal polynomials of discrete variables, On the minimum of the Christoffel function, An alternative proof of a theorem of Stieltjes and related results, Weighted sums of orthogonal polynomials with positive zeros, Results on the associated classical orthogonal polynomials, What is beyond coherent pairs of orthogonal polynomials?, Extremal solutions of the strong Stieltjes moment problem, A method of localizing the spectra of sequences of orthogonal polynomials, The impact of Stieltjes' work on continued fractions and orthogonal polynomials: Additional material, Spectral analysis and the Haar functional on the quantum \(SU(2)\) group, Orthogonal matrix polynomials and applications, Exact solutions of some quadratic and quartic birth and death processes and related orthogonal polynomials, Zeros of orthogonal polynomials in certain discrete Sobolev spaces, Contiguous relations, basic hypergeometric functions, and orthogonal polynomials. III: Associated continuous dual \(q\)-Hahn polynomials, Diagonalization of certain integral operators. II, Some generating functions for the associated Askey-Wilson polynomials, Octabasic Laguerre polynomials and permutation statistics, Second-order recurrence relation for the linearization coefficients of the classical orthogonal polynomials, Some properties of zeros of Sobolev-type orthogonal polynomials, Laguerre-Sobolev orthogonal polynomials, Fourth-order difference equation for the associated Meixner and Charlier polynomials, Kernels on the unit circle. Orthogonality, Associated symmetric quadrature rules, Difference operators with Sobolev type Meixner polynomials as eigenfunctions, An inverse problem in birth and death processes, Difference equations in statistical mechanics. I: Cluster statistics models., Biorthogonal rational functions and the generalized eigenvalue problem, Corner transfer matrix of an asymmetric six-vertex model, A problem in potential theory and zero asymptotics of Krawtchouk polynomials, Singular measures on the unit circle and their reflection coefficients, Decomposition of polynomials with respect to the cyclic group of order \(m\), The fourth-order difference equation satisfied by the associated orthogonal polynomials of the \(\Delta\)-Laguerre-Hahn class, On hyperbolic quasinumbers and Chebyshev-like functions, Relatively robust representations of symmetric tridiagonals, Orthogonal polynomials with discrete spectra of the real line, A difference operator of infinite order with Sobolev-type Charlier polynomials as eigenfunctions, Mellin transforms of a generalization of Legendre polynomials, Freud equations for Legendre polynomials on a circular arc and solution of the Grünbaum-Delsarte-Janssen-Vries problem., On the limit behavior of recurrence coefficients for multiple orthogonal polynomials, Matrix orthogonal polynomials whose derivatives are also orthogonal, A formula for the coefficients of orthogonal polynomials from the three-term recurrence relations, Numerical solution of nonlinear Volterra integral equations of the second kind by using Chebyshev polynomials, A new type of weighted quadrature rules and its relation with orthogonal polynomials, Toda chain, Stieltjes function, and orthogonal polynomials, A more accurate algorithm for computing the Christoffel transformation, Computational methods for integrals involving functions and Daubechies wavelets, Gaussian quadrature formulas and Laguerre-Perron's equation, The subconstituent algebra of a strongly regular graph, Using Jacobi polynomials for degree reduction of Bézier curves with \(C^k\)-constraints, Hadamard products for generalized Rogers-Ramanujan series, Quadratic decomposition of Appell sequences, Some generalized hypergeometric \(d\)-orthogonal polynomial sets, Some remarks on a paper by L. Carlitz, A characterization of the Hamiltonian, On linearly related orthogonal polynomials and their functionals, Multivariate quadratic forms of random vectors, Division problem of moment functionals., Strong asymptotics of the recurrence coefficients of orthogonal polynomials associated to the generalized Jacobi weight., Sharp estimates for Jacobi matrices and chain sequences. II., A continuous function space with a Faber basis., Factorization of fourth-order differential equations for perturbed classical orthogonal polynomials., Nevanlinna matrices for the strong Hamburger moment problem, On the two point Padé table for a distribution, Continued fractions, wavelet time operators, and inverse problems, Hermite orthogonal rational functions, Quasi-orthogonality with applications to some families of classical orthogonal polynomials., Classical discrete orthogonal polynomials, Lah numbers, and involutory matrices, Diophantine equations for classical continuous orthogonal polynomials, Generalized Hahn's theorem, Binomial approximation to hypergeometric probabilities, Optimal designs for rational models and weighted polynomial regression, Inner products involving \(q\)-differences: The little \(q\)-Laguerre-Sobolev polynomials, Legendre-Bernstein basis transformations, A birth-death process suggested by a chain sequence, A uniform asymptotic expansion for Krawtchouk polynomials, Lower bounds for the variance in certain nonregular distributions, Good degree reduction of Bézier curves using Jacobi polynomials, Self-adjoint operators generated from non-Lagrangian symmetric differential equations having orthogonal polynomial eigenfunctions, Absolute continuity for unbounded Jacobi matrices with constant row sums, Asymptotics of the best constant in a certain Markov-type inequality, Chain sequences and symmetric generalized orthogonal polynomials, Orthogonality of the Jacobi polynomials with negative integer parameters, Connection between orthogonal polynomials on the unit circle and bounded interval, Bounding Hermite matrix polynomials, Sharp estimates in signed Poisson approximation of Poisson mixtures, Spectral properties of the tandem Jackson network, seen as a quasi-birth-and-death process, Jacobi matrix differential equation, polynomial solutions, and their properties, \(\Delta\)-Sobolev orthogonal polynomials of Meixner type: asymptotics and limit relation, Connection problems via lowering operators, Two-weight norm inequalities for the Cesàro means of generalized Hermite expansions, Gaussian quadrature for multiple orthogonal polynomials, On an extension of symmetric coherent pairs of orthogonal polynomials, Orthogonal polynomials (in Matlab), Generalized associated polynomials and functions of second kind, The symmetric Meixner-Pollaczek polynomials with real parameter, Applications of non-orthogonal Laguerre function basis in helium atom, Spectral bounds and distance-regularity, Polynomials generated by a three term recurrence relation: bounds for complex zeros, Multiple Wilson and Jacobi--Piñeiro polynomials, Classical orthogonal polynomials in two variables: a matrix approach, Birth-death processes with killing, Free vibration of polar orthotropic circular plates of quadratically varying thickness resting on elastic foundation, Continuous symmetrized Sobolev inner products of order \(N\). I, Self-adjoint differential equations for classical orthogonal polynomials, A Christoffel--Darboux formula and a Favard's theorem for orthogonal Laurent polynomials on the unit circle, Orthogonal Laurent polynomials and two-point Padé approximants associated with Dawson's integral, Orthogonal polynomials and Gaussian quadrature rules related to oscillatory weight functions, Explicit inverse of a tridiagonal \(k\)-Toeplitz matrix, Conditional moments of \(q\)-Meixner processes, Relative growth of linear iterations and orthogonal polynomials on several intervals, How symmetric can a function be?, Type A \(N\)-fold supersymmetry and generalized Bender-Dunne polynomials, A connection between orthogonal polynomials on the unit circle and matrix orthogonal polynomials on the real line, On the inverse problem of the product of a form by a polynomial: The cubic case., Liouville-Green approximations for a class of linear oscillatory difference equations of the second order, Combinatoire des polynômes orthogonaux classiques: Une approche unifiée. (Combinatorics of classical orthogonal polynomials: A unified approach), New characterizations of classical orthogonal polynomials, On the calculation of moments of the zero density of classical and semiclassical orthogonal polynomials, Hermite polynomials in asymptotic representations of generalized Bernoulli, Euler, Bessel, and Buchholz polynomials, Contiguous relations, basic hypergeometric functions, and orthogonal polynomials. I, Darboux transformation and perturbation of linear functionals, Orthogonal polynomials suggested by a queueing model, Über Differentialgleichungen für Orthogonalpolynome, Constrained \(D\)- and \(D_ 1\)-optimal designs for polynomial regression., Robust designs for polynomial regression by maximizing a minimum of \(D\)- and \(D_1\)-efficiencies, A continuous analogue of the girth problem, Distributions of zeros of discrete and continuous polynomials from their recurrence relation, \(q\)-coherent pairs and \(q\)-orthogonal polynomials, On the support of the measure of orthogonality of a class of orthogonal polynomials., Recurrence equations and their classical orthogonal polynomial solutions, Expansion of multivariable polynomials in products of orthogonal polynomials in one variable, Absence of the point spectrum in a class of tridiagonal operators., A note on the matrix valued q-d algorithm and matrix orthogonal polynomials on \([0,1\) and \([0,\infty)\)], Third degree classical forms, The \(I_{(q,\omega)}\) classical orthogonal polynomials, Five-diagonal matrices and zeros of orthogonal polynomials on the unit circle, Asymptotic distribution of zeros of polynomials satisfying difference equations, Inequalities for real-root polynomials and entire functions, A family of singular semi-classical functionals, The quasi-orthogonality of the derivatives of semi-classical polynomials, A generating function for Laguerre-Sobolev orthogonal polynomials., Blumenthal's theorem for Laurent orthogonal polynomials, Sharp estimates for Jacobi matrices and chain sequences, The moment problem associated with the Stieltjes-Wigert polynomials, Total variation asymptotics for sums of independent integer random variables, Prediction of weakly stationary sequences on polynomial hypergroups, Improvements in the Poisson approximation of mixed Poisson distributions, Modeling uncertainty in flow simulations via generalized polynomial chaos., Some discrete multiple orthogonal polynomials, Szegö polynomials: Some relations to \(L\)-orthogonal and orthogonal polynomials, Orthogonal rational functions and tridiagonal matrices, Difference equations for the co-recursive \(r\)th associated orthogonal polynomials of the \(D _{q}\)-Laguerre-Hahn class., Stieltjes transforms of a class of probability measures, Birth-death processes and associated polynomials., SumCracker: A package for manipulating symbolic sums and related objects, A novel quasi-exactly solvable spin chain with nearest-neighbors interactions, A novel moment approach for calculation of the Perron-Frobenius spectrum, A note on generalized averaged Gaussian formulas, Nodal systems with maximal domain of exactness for Gaussian quadrature formulas, \(d\)-orthogonality of Humbert and Jacobi type polynomials, Some measures of robustness for unbiased estimators in one-parameter natural exponential families with quadratic variance function, Generalized Bochner theorem: Characterization of the Askey-Wilson polynomials, Characterizations of generalized Nevai's class at the boundary points of contracted zeros, Approximation of eigenvalues of some differential equations by zeros of orthogonal polynomials, A matrix approach to the computation of quadrature formulas on the unit circle, The essential spectrum of Schrödinger, Jacobi, and CMV operators, Difference equations for discrete classical multiple orthogonal polynomials, On the orthogonal polynomials associated with a Lévy process, Connection coefficients between orthogonal polynomials and the canonical sequence: An approach based on symbolic computation, On the characteristic polynomial, eigenvectors and determinant of a pentadiagonal matrix, Orthogonal polynomials on the unit circle via a polynomial mapping on the real line, A basic class of symmetric orthogonal functions using the extended Sturm-Liouville theorem for symmetric functions, Sharp estimates for the median of the \(\Gamma\)(\(n\)+1,1) distribution, On the Krein and Friedrichs extensions of a positive Jacobi operator, Remarks on the \(r\) and \(\Delta\) convolutions, A construction of real weight functions for certain orthogonal polynomials in two variables, Minimizing the error function of Gauss-Jacobi quadrature rule with respect to parameters \(\alpha\) and \(\beta\), Determination of nodes in numerical integration rules using difference equation, Second order \(q\)-difference equations solvable by factorization method, New families of orthogonal polynomials, On a class of free Lévy laws related to a regression problem, Combinatorial aspects of continued fractions. (Reprint), On rational approximation of algebraic functions, Extensions of some results of P. Humbert on Bezout's identity for classical orthogonal polynomials, On characterizations of classical polynomials, The generalized Bochner condition about classical orthogonal polynomials revisited, Convergent sequences of orthogonal polynomials, Legendre polynomials of the second kind, Fourier series and Lagrange interpolation, Companion orthogonal polynomials, On some tridiagonal \(k\)-Toeplitz matrices: Algebraic and analytical aspects. applications, Simple and double eigenvalues of the Hill operator with a two-term potential, On a class of polynomials related to classical orthogonal and Fibonacci polynomials with probability applications, Some inequalities for symmetric functions and an application to orthogonal polynomials, Clifford algebra-valued orthogonal polynomials in Euclidean space, The zeros of linear combinations of orthogonal polynomials, On the estimation of the mean of weakly stationary and polynomial weakly stationary sequences, Twisted difference operators and perturbed Chebyshev polynomials, On the associated orthogonal polynomials, A Favard theorem for rational functions, Szegö functions and multipoint Padé approximation, Orthogonal polynomials on the unit circle: Symmetrization and quadratic decomposition, A note on the zero distribution of orthogonal polynomials, On Bernstein-Szegö orthogonal polynomials on several intervals. II: Orthogonal polynomials with periodic recurrence coefficients, Orthogonal Laurent-polynomials and continued fractions associated with log-normal distributions, General recurrence and ladder relations of hypergeometric-type functions, A fixed point theorem for moment matrices of self-similar measures, Current trends in asymptotics: Some problems and some solutions, Generalized little $q$-Jacobi polynomials as eigensolutions of higher-order $q$-difference operators, First return probabilities of birth and death chains and associated orthogonal polynomials, Estimation based on the winsorized mean in the geometric distribution, Delta perturbation of a moment functional, Discrete orthogonal polynomials – polynomial modification of a classical functional, The fourth-order difference equation satisfied by the associated orthogonal polynomials of the Dq-Laguerre - Hahn Class, Explicit form for impedance of cauer networks, On the principal recurrence of data structures organization and orthogonal polynomials, Orthogonal polynomials and quadratic extremal problems, ORTHOGONAL DECOMPOSITIONS FOR LÉVY PROCESSES WITH AN APPLICATION TO THE GAMMA, PASCAL, AND MEIXNER PROCESSES, On Polynomial Eigenfunctions of a Hypergeometric-Type Operator, Characterization of the D w -Laguerre-Hahn Functionals, Limit distributions of unbiased estimators in natural exponential families, On the Number of Nilpotents in the Partial Symmetric Semigroup, Probabilistic proofs of asymptotic formulas for some classical polynomials, Orthogonal polynomials for refinable linear functionals, A generalization of Student'st-distribution from the viewpoint of special functions, A statistical approach for economization of the polynomial functions, On the consistency of weighted orthogonal series density estimators with respect toL1-norm, Fourier algebra of a hypergroup. I, The Hankel transform of the sum of consecutive generalized Catalan numbers, Ideal basis sets for the Dirac Coulomb problem: Eigenvalue bounds and convergence proofs, sl ( 2 , R ) symmetry and solvable multiboson systems, Sieved Ultraspherical Polynomials, A Family of Generalized Jacobi Polynomials, ON SOME PROPERTIES OF THE LEGENDRE TYPE DIFFERENTIAL EXPRESSION, An application of the Jacobi summability to the wavelet approximation, On a Ramanujan equation connected with the median of the gamma distribution, A new characterization of ultraspherical polynomials, INVESTIGATION OF CONTINUOUS-TIME QUANTUM WALKS VIA SPECTRAL ANALYSIS AND LAPLACE TRANSFORM, Characterizing orthogonality measures on the bounded interval1, Generalized hypergroups and orthogonal polynomials, Quadratic harnesses, $q$-commutations, and orthogonal martingale polynomials, Linear Combinations of Orthogonal Polynomials Generating Positive Quadrature Formulas, THE KRALL POLYNOMIALS: A NEW CLASS OF ORTHOGONAL POLYNOMIALS, Random walks on free products, quotients and amalgams, AN APPLICATION OF A NEW THEOREM ON ORTHOGONAL POLYNOMIALS AND DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS, Condensed Julia Sets, with an Application to a Fractal Lattice Model Hamiltonian, A New Class of Orthogonal Polynomials, The Combinatorics of Laguerre, Charlier, and Hermite Polynomials, Orthogonality Preserving Maps and the Laguerre Functional, Orthogonal Polynomials on Several Intervals Via a Polynomial Mapping, Orthogonal Polynomials, Measures and Recurrences on the Unit Circle, On the Theory of Biorthogonal Polynomials, On the spectral analysis of self adjoint operators generated by second order difference equations, Spectral Properties of Orthogonal Polynomials on Unbounded Sets, The Associated Askey-Wilson Polynomials, Bernstein bases and hahn—eberlein orthogonal polynomials, An uncertainty principle for the Dunkl transform, Orthogonal polynomials associated with some modifications of a linear functional, Hamburger Moment Problems and Orthogonal Polynomials, Boundary characteristic orthogonal polynomials in numerical approximation, Symmetric laguerre-hahn forms of classs=1, Perturbations of discrete semiclassical functionals by dirac masses, Wavelets based on orthogonal polynomials, Numerical solution of isospectral flows, Contiguous relations, continued fractions and orthogonality, Recurrence Formulas for Multivariate Orthogonal Polynomials, A Characterization of Positive Quadrature Formulae, Block Jacobi Matrices and Zeros of Multivariate Orthogonal Polynomials, Unbounded Commuting Operators and Multivariate Orthogonal Polynomials, Multivariate Orthogonal Polynomials and Operator Theory, \Delta -Coherent Pairs and Orthogonal Polynomials of a Discrete Variable, Semi-Classical Linear Functionals and Integral Representation, Differential Equations for Symmetric Generalized Ultraspherical Polynomials, Spectral Analysis for the Generalized Hermite Polynomials, Solutions of Three-Term Relations in Several Variables, On Bivariate Gaussian Cubature Formulae, Poisson approximation of multivariate Poisson mixtures, Degree reduction of Béezier curves using constrained Chebyshev polynomials of the second kind, Classical symmetric orthogonal polynomials of a discrete variable, GENERATING FUNCTIONS OF EXPONENTIAL TYPE FOR ORTHOGONAL POLYNOMIALS, Inner products involving differences: the meixner—sobolev polynomials, Classification of all δ-Coherent Pairs, On theq-polynomials in the exponential latticex(s)=c1qs+c3, Orthogonal Polynomials Associated with a Δ-Sobolev Inner Product, An Algorithm for the Exact Numerical Integration of a Special Class of Functions, EXACT AND APPROXIMATED RELATIONS BETWEEN NEGATIVE HYPERGEOMETRIC AND NEGATIVE BINOMIAL PROBABILITIES, THE SQUARE OF WHITE NOISE AS A JACOBI FIELD, Birth and Death (BDP) Process Models with Applications, The eigentime identity for continuous-time ergodic Markov chains, Distribution of a Sum of Weighted Central Chi-Square Variables, Difference equations in combinatorics, number theory, and orthogonal polynomials, Zeros of expansions in orthogonal polynomials, Segal-Bargmann transforms of one-mode interacting Fock spaces associated with Gaussian and Poisson measures, On some generalized Sister Celine's polynomials, On Fourth-order Difference Equations for Orthogonal Polynomials of a Discrete Variable: Derivation, Factorization and Solutions, Zeros of Gegenbauer and Hermite polynomials and connection coefficients, Some Classes of Orthogonal Polynomials Associated with Martingales, MONOTONE INDEPENDENCE, COMB GRAPHS AND BOSE–EINSTEIN CONDENSATION, LIMIT THEOREMS IN Λ-BOOLEAN PROBABILITY, The Parameters of a Chain Sequence, Some integrable systems in nonlinear quantum optics, On the solution of some distributional differential equations: existence and characterizations of the classical moment functionals, A note on some peculiar nonlinear extremal phenomena of the Chebyshev polynomials, The modification of classical hahn polynomials of a discrete variable, On polynomials orthogonal with respect to an inner product involving differences (the general case), On a conjecture by Karlin and Szegö, Combinatorial orthogonal expansions, On Jacobi and continuous Hahn polynomials, Characterizations of generalized Hermite and sieved ultraspherical polynomials, Stieltjes polynomials and related quadrature formulae for a class of weight functions, SzegÖ polynomials on the real axis, On the convergence of certain Gauss-type quadrature formulas for unbounded intervals, Asyptotics for linear difference equations I:basic theory, The Minimal Error Conjugate Gradient Method is a Regularization Method, On the basic set of solutions of a high-order linear difference equation, QES SYSTEMS, INVARIANT SPACES AND POLYNOMIALS RECURSIONS, Uniform approximation of eigenvalues in Laguerre and Hermite 𝛽-ensembles by roots of orthogonal polynomials, BI-POISSON PROCESS, Extinction Probability in A Birth-Death Process with Killing, A new property of a class of Jacobi polynomials, Strong Stieltjes distributions and orthogonal Laurent polynomials with applications to quadratures and Padé approximation, INFINITE DIVISIBILITY FOR THE CONDITIONALLY FREE CONVOLUTION, d-Orthogonal Faber polynomials, Generalized Jacobi orthogonal polynomials, Asymptotic spectral analysis of growing regular graphs, Biorthogonal exponential sequences with weight function $\exp(ax^2+ibx)$ on the real line and an orthogonal sequence of trigonometric functions, A generalization of classical symmetric orthogonal functions using a symmetric generalization of Sturm–Liouville problems, A large family of semi-classical polynomials of class one, On the α-Classification of Birth-Death and Quasi-Birth-Death Processes, On difference equations for orthogonal polynomials on nonuniform lattices1, Smooth Goodness-of-Fit Specification Tests Under the Lagrange Multiplier Principle, Decay rates for quasi-birth-and-death processes with countably many phases and tridiagonal block generators, Some symmetric semi-classical orthogonal polynomials of class 0≤s≤5, Quasi-orthogonality properties and orthogonality with respect to the Chebyshev perturbation of a Bernstein measure, Some elementary results concerning Pollaczek–Chebyshev polynomials, ON THE GEOMETRY OF RECURSIVE SUBDIVISION, INTERPOLATION OF CHEBYSHEV POLYNOMIALS AND INTERACTING FOCK SPACES, Bayesian and maximin optimal designs for heteroscedastic regression models, HILBERT SPACE OF ANALYTIC FUNCTIONS ASSOCIATED WITH THE MODIFIED BESSEL FUNCTION AND RELATED ORTHOGONAL POLYNOMIALS, CONVOLUTION AND CENTRAL LIMIT THEOREM ARISING FROM ADDITION OF FIELD OPERATORS IN ONE-MODE TYPE INTERACTING FOCK SPACES, A Discrete Approach to Monotonicity of Zeros of Orthogonal Polynomials, Classical orthogonal polynomials with weight function ((ax + b)2 + (cx + d)2)pexp(qArctg((ax + b)/(cx + d))),x ∈ (−∞, ∞) and a generalization of T and F distributions, Parallel rational interpolation, Asymptotic Expansions for Second-Order Linear Difference Equations, II, Unnamed Item, Bound on the Extreme Zeros of Orthogonal Polynomials, Open problems and conjectures, Gaussian Cubature and Bivariate Polynomial Interpolation, Fast algorithms for discrete polynomial transforms, Discrete classical orthogonal polynomials, A note on umvu estimation in the transformed chi-square family, On The Numerical Solution Of Transient Probabilities Of Quadratic Birth And Death Processes, Path polynomials of a circuit: a constructive approach, Discrete semi-classical orthogonal polynominals, Estimation in uniform distributions using orthogonal polynomials, An extension of the Chebyshev polynomials, Unbiased estimation in the non-central chi-square distribution, Generalized coherent pairs, Orthogonal polynomials in Stein's method, Differential equations for generalized Jacobi polynomials, Inequalities for zeros of associated polynomials and derivatives of orthogonal polynomials, On the ``Favard theorem and its extensions, Quadratures with multiple nodes, power orthogonality, and moment-preserving spline approximation, Orthogonal expansion of real polynomials, location of zeros, and an \(L^2\) inequality, Collocation methods with controllable dissipation for linear dynamics, A combinatorial formula for the linearization coefficients of general Sheffer polynomials, Spectral transformations of the Laurent biorthogonal polynomials. I: \(q\)-Appel polynomials, Ted Chihara and his work on orthogonal polynomials, Orthogonal polynomial solutions of linear ordinary differential equations, Generalized Gegenbauer orthogonal polynomials, On some \((n-1)\)-symmetric linear functionals, Some properties of multiple orthogonal polynomials associated with Macdonald functions, Connection coefficients and zeros of orthogonal polynomials, Fourth-order difference equation satisfied by the co-recursive of \(q\)-classical orthogonal polynomials, Limit points of eigenvalues of truncated tridiagonal operators, Meixner polynomials and nonvanishing holomorphic functions, Fourth-order difference equation for co-recursive associated Meixner and Charlier polynomials, Computation of Newton sum rules for associated and co-recursive classical orthogonal polynomials, An application in stochastics of the Laguerre-type polynomials, On matrix integration of matrix polynomials, A method to study the Krall and \(q\)-Krall polynomials, Optimal systems of nodes for Lagrange interpolation on bounded intervals. A survey, \(d\)-fold Hermite-Gauss quadrature, On a structure formula for classical \(q\)-orthogonal polynomials, Generalized Sheffer sequences satisfying piecewise functional conditions, The affine group and generalized Gegenbauer polynomials, Newton sum rules of polynomials defined by a three-term recurrence relation, On the \(q\)-polynomials: A distributional study, \(q\)-classical polynomials and the \(q\)-Askey and Nikiforov-Uvarov tableaus, Residual estimators, An upper bound for the correlation ratio of records., Companion orthogonal polynomials: some applications, Orthogonality of linear combinations of two orthogonal polynomial sequences, Uniform asymptotic expansions for Charlier polynomials, Orthogonal polynomial solutions of spectral type differential equations: Magnus' conjecture, Recurrence relations for the connection coefficients of orthogonal polynomials of a discrete variable, On quasi-orthogonal polynomials, The \(q\)-Stirling numbers, continued fractions and the \(q\)-Charlier and \(q\)-Laguerre polynomials, On the classification of differential equations having orthogonal polynomial solutions, A queueing model and a set of orthogonal polynomials, Bounds for the variance of functions of random variables by orthogonal polynomials and Bhattacharya bounds, Asymptotic properties of orthogonal polynomials from their recurrence formula. I, Jacobi polynomials: Combinatorics of the basic identities, The attractive Coulomb potential polynomials, Asymptotics for orthogonal polynomials defined by a recurrence relation, Orthogonal polynomials and rigged Hilbert space, Spline approximations to spherically symmetric distributions, On orthogonal polynomials with positive zeros and the associated kernel polynomials, Truncations of infinite matrices and algebraic series associated with some CF grammars, The bivariate non-central negative binomial distributions, Bivariate non-central negative binomial distribution: Another generalisation, A note on orthogonal polynomials and oscillation criteria for second order linear difference equations, Orthogonal polynomials with asymptotically periodic recurrent coefficients, Polynomials orthogonal on the semicircle, Géza Freud, orthogonal polynomials and Christoffel functions. A case study, Spectral synthesis on algebras of orthogonal polynomial series, On Freud's equations for exponential weights, Patterns and structure in systems governed by linear second-order differential equations, A class of nonsymmetric orthogonal polynomials, Bi-orthogonality in rational approximation, The variation of zeros of certain orthogonal polynomials, Eigenvalues of Toeplitz matrices associated with orthogonal polynomials, The ratio of q-like orthogonal polynomials, Bi-orthogonality and zeros of transformed polynomials, Representations and bounds for zeros of orthogonal polynomials and eigenvalues of sign-symmetric tri-diagonal matrices, A new quadrature formula associated with the ultraspherical polynomials, Hypercomplex systems originating from orthogonal polynomials, A Green's function for non-homogeneous random walks on free products, On the classification of differential equations having orthogonal polynomial solutions. II, Asymptotic properties of orthogonal polynomials from their recurrence formula. II, Umbral calculus and special functions, Association schemes and quadratic transformations for orthogonal polynomials, Unique solvability of an extended Hamburger moment problem, Continued fractions in numerical analysis, Linear birth and death models and associated Laguerre and Meixner polynomials, On an extremal problem of Fejér, Norm behavior and zero distribution for orthogonal polynomials with nonsymmetric weights, Some combinatorics of the hypergeometric series, On the spectra of infinite-dimensional Jacobi matrices, On co-recursive orthogonal polynomials and their application to potential scattering, Combinatorial proofs of symmetry formulas for the generalized hypergeometric series, Christoffel-Darboux-type formulae and a recurrence for biorthogonal polynomials, Numerical calculation of integrals involving oscillatory and singular kernels and some applications of quadratures, An analog of the trace formula for orthogonal polynomials with asymptotically \(N\)-periodic recurrence coefficients \((N=2)\), On sums of powers of zeros of polynomials, Corrigendum: Minimal recurrence relations for connection coefficients between classical orthogonal polynomials: Discrete case, Analytical depoissonization and its applications, On generalized Stieltjes-Wigert and related orthogonal polynomials, Combinatorial aspects of continued fractions, Some comments on Rota's umbral calculus, The zeros of basic Bessel functions, the functions J(nu+ax)(x), and associated orthogonal polynomials, Moment systems and orthogonal polynomials in several variables, Indeterminate symmetric moment problems, Application of generalized Padé approximants to the special function evaluation problem, Error behavior in optimal relaxation methods, Ein Beitrag zur Theorie der Orthogonalpolynome, Un ulteriore esembpio relativo ad un certo problema di approssimazione negli spazi \(L^ 2d\phi[a,b\)], Generalizations of Laguerre polynomials, Real pole approximations to the exponential function, Pseudoisotropic random walks on free groups and semigroups, Convolution shift, \(c\)-orthogonality preserving maps, and the Laguerre polynomials, Linear mean estimation of weakly stationary stochastic processes under the aspects of optimality and asymptotic optimality, The one-quarter class of orthogonal polynomials, Orthogonal moments, On transformations and zeros of polynomials, Two families of orthogonal polynomials related to Jacobi polynomials, Random processes with common cotransition probabilities, Error estimate in vector Padé approximation, Orthogonal polynomials on the unit circle: distribution of zeros, Orthogonal polynomials, associated polynomials and functions of the second kind, Generalizations of a \(q\)-analogue of Laguerre polynomials, Orthogonal polynomials: Their growth relative to their sums, A Maple program to generate orthonormal polynomials, On the Askey-Wilson polynomials, Orthogonal polynomials for modified weight functions, How to generate unknown orthogonal polynomials out of known orthogonal polynomials, On orthogonal polynomials transformed by the QR algorithm, Quasi-kernel polynomials and their use in non-Hermitian matrix iterations, On three term recurrence relations for orthonormal polynomials on the unit circle, On a new characterization of the classical orthogonal polynomials, Asymptotic behavior of polynomials satisfying three-term recurrence relations, The Schur function realization of vertex operators, Duals of subhypergroups and quotients of commutative hypergroups, Convolution structures associated with orthogonal polynomials, PC-fractions and orthogonal Laurent polynomials for log-normal distributions, Linearization and connection coefficients of orthogonal polynomials, Strong laws of large numbers for random walks associated with a class of one-dimensional convolution structures, One-step prediction for \(P_ n\)-weakly stationary processes, On the assignment of a Dirac-mass for a regular and semi-classical form, Quasi-orthogonality and differential equations, Fourth-order differential equation for the co-modified of semi-classical orthogonal polynomials, Differential equations of some orthogonal families in REDUCE, Trace formula for orthogonal polynomials with asymptotically 2-periodic recurrence coefficients, On Sobolev orthogonal polynomials with coherent pairs: The Laguerre case, type 1, On some classes of polynomials orthogonal on arcs of the unit circle connected with symmetric orthogonal polynomials on an interval, A birth and death process related to the Rogers-Ramanujan continued fraction, Tau-function constructions of the recurrence coefficients of orthogonal polynomials, P. L. Chebyshev (1821-1894). A guide to his life and work