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zbMath0408.14001MaRDI QIDQ4195061

Phillip A. Griffiths, Joe Harris

Publication date: 1978

14-02: Research exposition (monographs, survey articles) pertaining to algebraic geometry

14H55: Riemann surfaces; Weierstrass points; gap sequences

14C30: Transcendental methods, Hodge theory (algebro-geometric aspects)

32J25: Transcendental methods of algebraic geometry (complex-analytic aspects)

Related Items

Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Curves in Grassmannians, Zariski geometries, Moduli of high rank vector bundles over surfaces, Gromov invariants for holomorphic maps from Riemann surfaces to Grassmannians, Linear codes associated to the ideal of points in PdAnd its canonical module, Degree of irrationality of a product of two elliptic curves, The spaces of index one minimal surfaces and stable constant mean curvature surfaces embedded in flat three manifolds, Surfaces associées au plongement canonique des courbes, A Hodge type decomposition for spinor valued forms, The Riemannian geometry of superminimal surfaces in complex space forms, From dynamics on surfaces to rational points on curves, Indices of Holomorphic Vector Fields Relative to Invariant Curves on Surfaces, Decomposition of Birational Toric Maps in Blow-Ups and Blow-Downs, A Lie theoretic Galois theory for the spectral curves of an integrable system. II, Supermanifolds, rigid manifolds and mirror symmetry, Holomorphic polygons, Differential equations and finite groups, On quotient modules -- the case of arbitrary multiplicity, Complex contact manifolds and hyperkähler geometry, Category theory and the foundations of mathematics: philosophical excavations., Heights of hypersurfaces and Igusa's zeta-functions, Algorithms for residues and Łojasiewicz exponents, A Nakai-Moishezon criterion for non-Kähler surfaces, Submersions and equivariant Quillen metrics, Comment on the generation number in orbifold compactifications, Singularity, complexity, and quasi-integrability of rational mappings, Cohomological obstructions to the equivariant extension of closed invariant forms, Germs of holomorphic vector fields in \(\mathbb{C}^ 3\) without a separatrix, Hyperdeterminants, Classical \(A_ n\)-W-geometry, On two-parameter families of symmetric matrices, Vector fields and foliations on compact surfaces of class \(\text{VII}_0\), The Kowalewski top 99 years later: a Lax pair, generalizations and explicit solutions, Special instanton bundles on \(\mathbb{P}_{2N+1}\), their geometry and their moduli, Maximum 2-rank webs \(AGW(6,3,2)\), Asymptotic behavior of Faltings's delta function, Plane curves of genus p and degree 2p as projections of space curves of the same degree, Analytic torsion for line bundles on Riemann surfaces, The asymptotics of the Arakelov-Green's function and Faltings' delta invariant, \(gl(\infty{})\) and geometric quantization, The logarithmic derivative for resultants of systems of algebraic equations, Thermodynamics of handles, Topology of a polynomial of two complex variables at the neighbourhood of infinity, Multiple Mellin-Barnes integrals as periods of Calabi-Yau manifolds with several moduli, Tri-analytic subvarieties of hyperkaehler manifolds, Thomas's structure bundle for conformal, projective and related structures, Linear structures on the collections of minimal surfaces in \(\mathbb{R}^ 3\) and \(\mathbb{R}^ 4\), On joint moduli spaces, Infinite dimensional geometry and quantum field theory of strings. III: Infinite dimensional \(W\)-geometry of a second quantized free string, Quantum cohomology of flag manifolds and Toda lattices, Symplectic capacity and the Weinstein conjecture in certain cotangent bundles and Stein manifolds, Residues and cohomology of complete intersections, Clemens' conjecture for octic and nonic curves, Stratifications of hyperelliptic Jacobians and the Sato Grassmannian, Poisson structures on moduli spaces of sheaves over Poisson surfaces, Stability for hypersurfaces of constant mean curvature with free boundary, Explicit complete curves in the moduli space of curves of genus three, \(L^ 2\) Riemann-Roch theorem for elliptic operators, The geometry of the quantum correction for topological \(\sigma\)-models, Minimal immersion of \(S^ 2\) into \(S^{2m} (1)\) with degree \(2m+2\), Holomorphic equivariant cohomology, The smooth cohomology of \(N=2\) supersymmetric Landau-Ginzburg field theories, Pieri's formula for flag manifolds and Schubert polynomials, Geometric and analytical aspects of anyons, A normal form for curves in Grassmannians, Bundle of quantizations of a symplectic torus, Quantum cohomology of partial flag manifolds \(F_{n_ 1\dots n_ k}\), Riemann-Roch theorem for normal surfaces and applications, Singular schemes of hypersurfaces, Differential systems, Castelnuovo number and rank of webs in \(\mathbb{C}^n\), Sufficient conditions for arbitrary pole assignment by constant decentralized output feedback, Theta functions, root systems and 3-manifold invariants, BPS states, string duality, and nodal curves on \(K3\), Cohomology of elementary states in twistor conformal field theory, Topology of intersections of Schubert cells and Hecke algebra, Integrable systems and algebraic surfaces, The geometry of degree-4 characteristic classes and of line bundles on loop spaces. II, Intrinsic heights of stable varieties and abelian varieties, Self-dual Yang-Mills fields in \(d=4\) and integrable systems in \(1\leq d\leq 3\), Non-perturbative superpotentials in string theory, \(W\)-geometry of the Toda systems associated with non-exceptional simple Lie algebras, The twistor space of the conformal six sphere and vector bundles on quadrics, Analytic functionals annihilated by ideals, Chern classes and Hirzebruch-Riemann-Roch theorem for coherent sheaves on complex-projective orbifolds with isolated singularities, Limits on an extension of Carleson's \(\bar\partial\)-theorem, Grassmann invariants, matrix pencils, and linear system properties, The Thullen type extension theorem for holomorphic vector bundles with \(L^ 2\)-bounds on curvature, A simple geometric representative for \(\mu\) of a point, Reduced spaces for coupled rigid bodies, Reduced spaces and their relation to relative equilibria, Gromov's K-area and symplectic rigidity, Holomorphic and algebraic vector bundles on 0-convex algebraic surfaces, Twistor integral representations of fundamental solutions of massless field equations, Mixed Hodge-Riemann bilinear relations in the linear situation, The cosmological constant and volume-preserving diffeomorphism invariants, Holomorphic Yang-Mills theory on compact Kähler manifolds, On the configuration space of gauge theories., Constrained topological gravity from twisted \(N=2\) Liouville theory., Integrable \(N=2\) Landau-Ginzburg theories from quotients of fusion rings, Equivariant topological sigma models, Jacobian tori associated with a finite graph and its abelian covering graphs, Spherical varieties and existence of invariant Kähler structures, Genus \(1\) enumerative invariants in \(\mathbb{P}^n\) with fixed \(j\) invariant, Hypersurfaces of low degree, Supercurves, their Jacobians, and super KP equations, On the Futaki invariants of complete intersections, A Lefschetz (1,1) theorem for normal projective complex varieties, On the validity of implicitization by moving quadrics for rational surfaces with no base points, GKZ-generalized hypergeometric systems in mirror symmetry of Calabi-Yau hypersurfaces, Gelfand-Dikii system revisited, An arithmetic Riemann-Roch theorem, Moduli spaces of stable rank-2 bundles on ruled surfaces, Necessary conditions for a holomorphic dynamical system to admit the origin as a local attractor, The Krichever map, vector bundles over algebraic curves, and Heisenberg algebras, The quotient construction for a class of compact Einstein manifolds, Mapping threefolds onto three-dimensional quadrics, Zero-pole interpolation for meromorphic matrix functions on an algebraic curve and transfer functions of 2D systems, A necessary and sufficient condition for the perspective observability problem, On the Hitchin system, Darboux linearization and isochronous centers with a rational first integral, Nonperturbative model of Liouville gravity, Local Plücker formulas for a semisimple Lie group, Holomorphic anomalies in topological field theories, Picard groups of compact toric varieties and combinatorial classes of fans, Topological phases of quantum theories. Chern-Simons theory, \(W\)-geometry from chiral embeddings, A few examples of elliptic threefolds with trivial canonical bundle, A signature theorem for disk bundles and the eta invariant, On a generalized Uncertainty Principle, coherent states, and the moment map, On the algebraic dimension of twistor spaces over the connected sum of four complex projective planes, On genericity for holomorphic curves in four-dimensional almost-complex manifolds, Arithmetic intersection theory, Calabi-Yau metric on the Fermat surface. Isometries and totally geodesic submanifolds, The Toda lattice, Dynkin diagrams, singularities and Abelian varieties, Biextensions and heights associated to curves of odd genus, Green's currents and height pairing on complex tori, Purely inseparable extensions of unique factorization domains, Invariant eigendistributions on a semisimple Lie algebra and homology classes on the conormal variety. I: An integral formula, Intersection of algebraic space curves, Topological invariants of real algebraic actions, Birational properties of moduli spaces of stable locally free rank-2 sheaves on algebraic surfaces, Integrability of characteristic numbers on complete Kähler manifolds, Rational points on K3 surfaces: A new canonical height, Parabolic bundles, elliptic surfaces and \(SU(2)\)-representation spaces of genus zero Fuchsian groups, Some linear syzygy conjectures, An algebraic geometry study of the \(b\)-\(c\) system with arbitrary twist fields and arbitrary statistics, An effective residual criterion for the membership problem in \(\mathbb{C} [z_ 1,\cdots{} ,z_ n\)], Fusion rings and geometry, A vanishing theorem for supersymmetric quantum field theory and finite size effects in multiphase cluster expansions, The distribution of bidegrees of smooth surfaces in \(Gr(1,\mathbb{P}^ 3)\), Reduced Hilbert schemes for irreducible curve singularities, Boundary value problems for Yang-Mills fields, Stringy cosmic strings and noncompact Calabi-Yau manifolds, Einstein-Kähler metrics on manifolds with positive first Chern class, Potential theory over local and global fields. I, Regular 2-forms on the moduli space of rank-2 stable bundles on an algebraic surface, Boundary Morera theorems for holomorphic functions of several complex variables, Chow groups and Borel-Moore schemes, Symmetric polynomials constructed from moduli of stable sheaves with odd \(c_ 1\) on ruled surfaces, The Picard group of a quasi-bundle, Properties of the basic cohomology of transversely Kähler foliations, The Picard group of a compact toric variety, Complex tangents of real surfaces in complex surfaces, Stable rank-2 bundles on simply connected elliptic surfaces, Linearising two-dimensional integrable systems and the construction of action-angle variables, On the totally tangent lines to a generic hypersurface of degree \(4n - 4\) in \(\mathbb{P}^ n\), Uniformization of conformally flat hermitian surfaces, Complex immersions and Quillen metrics, Minimal surfaces in \(\mathbb{R}^ 3\) and algebraic curves, Instanton moduli as a novel map from tori to K3-surfaces, Local rules for quasiperiodic tilings of quadratic 2-planes in \({\mathbb{R}{}}^ 4\), Coherent states and geometric quantization, Partially \(U(1)\) compactified scalar massless field on the compact Riemann surface and bosonic string amplitudes, Higgs bundles and local systems, Vector bundles on a product of real cubic curves, On algebraic sets invariant by one-dimensional foliations on \(\mathbb{C} P(3)\), Symbolic homotopy construction, Base of differentials of the first kind of the curves \(y^q=\prod_{i=0}^p (x-a_i)^{\alpha_i}\): Application to Weierstrass points, The cohomology ring of polygon spaces, Combinatoire des arbres planaires et arithmétique des courbes hyperelliptiques. (Combinatorics of planar trees and arithmetics of hyperelliptic curves), Structures affines et projectives sur les surfaces complexes. (Affine and projective structures on complex surfaces), The arithmetic genus and extrinsic geometry of smooth projective variety, On the Gauss algebra associated to a rational map \(\mathbb{P}^d\to \mathbb{P}^n\), Singularities of the boundary of fundamental systems, flat points of projective curves, and Schubert cells, Green currents and analytic continuation, On elliptic product formulas for Jackson integrals associated with reduced root systems, Exceptional vector bundles on Enriques surfaces, On the topology of flops of \((-2)\)-curves, Numerical inequalities for surfaces with canonical map composed with a pencil, Constant terms in powers of a Laurent polynomial, Bidegree \((2,1)\) parametrizable surfaces in projective 3-space, Almost complex and complex structures on real projective Stiefel manifolds, Residue formulas for meromorphic functions on surfaces, Abelian integrals related to Morse polynomials and perturbations of plane Hamiltonian vector fields, On affine surface that can be completed by a smooth curve, Quantum deformation of the Grassmannian manifold, Reduction of the Hermitian-Einstein equation on Kählerian fiber bundles, A splitting theorem for the Kupka component of a foliation of \({\mathbb{C}}{\mathbb{P}}^n, n\geq 6\). Addendum to an addendum to a paper by Calvo-Andrade and Soares, Basic classes and embedded spheres, Exotic holonomy on moduli spaces of rational curves, A generalization of Obata's theorem, Monodromy properties of energy momentum tensor on general algebraic curves., Compact symplectic manifolds of low cohomogeneity, Topologically nontrivial sectors of the Maxwell field theory on algebraic curves., Properties of period integrals of complex algebraic curves, Remarks on quantum vortex theory on Riemann surfaces. -- Appendix A. An application: Vortices on an elliptic curve, Darboux coordinates and Liouville-Arnold integration in loop algebras, Symplectic topology and extremal rays, Kähler-Hodge theory for conformal complex cones, Darboux coordinates and isospectral Hamiltonian flows for the massive Thirring model, Invariant connections and vortices, Strongly nonlinear modal equations for nearly integrable PDEs, Multiplicities of discriminants, On the Neron-Severi group of Jacobians of curves with automorphisms, Neutral structures on even-dimensional manifolds, Finiteness of the fundamental group of compact convex integral polyhedra, Subvarieties of parallelizable manifolds, Hodge numbers of nodal double octics, Plücker formula and the equisingularity set of a linear system, Irregular Canonical Double Surfaces, -problem on weakly 1-complete Kähler manifolds, Sur les schémas définissant les courbes rationnelles lisses de $\bbfP\sp 3$ ayant fibré normal et fibré tangent restreint fixés, Bifurcation diagrams and Fomenko's surgery on Liouville tori of the Kolossoff potential $U=\rho+(1/\rho)-k\cos\phi$, Picard groups of severi varieties, Floer cohomology of lagrangian intersections and pseudo‐holomorphic disks II: (ℂ Pn), ℝpn, Cohomology and Splitting Criterion for Holomorphic Vector Bundles on ℂℙn, How many zeros of a random polynomial are real?, Eigenvalue Inequalities and Schubert Calculus, Second variation of superminimal surfaces into self-dual Einstein four-manifolds, Stability in the Gromov-Shubin index theorem, Generalized Weil’s reciprocity law and multiplicativity theorems, Explicit representations of minimal immersions of 2-spheres intoS 2m, Degeneration of algebraic manifolds and the spectrum of Laplacian, Stable Vector Bundles on Algebraic Surfaces, Feuilletages holomorphes sur les surfaces complexes compactes, Unnamed Item, Some Applications of the Euler-Jacobi Formula to Differential Equations, Tetragonal curves, scrolls and 𝐾3 surfaces, The second variation of nonorientable minimal submanifolds, Distinguishing embedded curves in rational complex surfaces, Invariant Subspaces: Continuous Stability Implies Smooth Stability, Une généralisation de la loi de transformation pour les résidus, Virtual moduli cycles and Gromov-Witten invariants of algebraic varieties, Projective normality of varieties of small degree, Sur l'algébrisation des tissus de codimension n de 2n, A Compactification of the Universal Picard Variety over the Moduli Space of Stable Curves, Generalised Castelnuovo Inequalities, Hodge Decompositions and Dolbeault Complexes on Normal Surfaces, Formes de torsion analytique et familles des submersions I, Willmore two-spheres in the four-sphere, Germs of holomorphic vector fields in $\mathbb {C}^m$ without a separatrix, Unnamed Item, Quantum deformation of the flag variety, Unnamed Item, Zariski geometries, Points de Weierstrass de deux families de courbes, Second order theta divisors on Pryms, Packing Lines, Planes, etc.: Packings in Grassmannian Spaces, Integral transforms based on euler characerisic and their applications, Curves on a Kummer Surface in ℙ3, I, Deformations of branched Lefschetz Pencils, Polynomial modules and a generalized cauchy problem for systems of holomorphic partial differential operators, Invariant measures of groups of homeomorphisms and Auslander's conjecture, Intersection theory for twisted cohomologies and twisted Riemann’s period relations I, On inflection points, monomial curves, and hypersurfaces containing projective curves, A bound on the geometric genus of projective varieties verifying certain flag conditions, Le problème de Cauchy ramifié linéaire pour des données à singularités algébriques, On the Picard group of a compact flat projective variety, Some remarks on Beilinson adeles, On the pluricanonical map of threefolds of general type, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Vortices on asymptotically Euclidean Riemann surfaces, Cauchy-Leray forms and vector bundles, Classe de Segre et multiplicité équivariantes, Curvature operators which preserve normal spaces, An efficient algorithm for calculating taylor polynomials of implicit functions, Some arithmetic properties of Weierstrass points: Hyperelliptic curves, Harmonic maps on spaces with conical singularities, The construction of isolated reducibleSU(2)-connections overS 2×S 2, On congruences of lines in the projective space (Chapter 6 written in collaboration with M. Pedreira), Unnamed Item, Noether-Lefschetz Locus for Surfaces, The Super Gaga Principle and Families of Super Riemann Surfaces, A Picard Theorem with an Application to Minimal Surfaces. II, The Gaussian Map for Rational Ruled Surfaces, On Twistor Spaces of Anti-Self-Dual Hermitian Surfaces, The Gauss Map of a Genus Three Theta Divisor, Schubert Calculus in Complex Cobordism, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, An Algebraic Proof for the Symplectic Structure of Moduli Space, Unnamed Item, Proper Holomorphic Mappings and the Cowen-Douglas Class, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Fano 4-Folds with scroll structure, On the varieties parametrinzing trigonal curves with assigned weierstrass points, On asymptotic approximations of the residual currents, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Complex analytic geometry of complex parallelizable manifolds, Mahler's Measure and Special Values of L-functions, Canonical homotopy operators for the $\overline{\partial}$ complex in strictly pseudoconvex domains, On quantum de Rham cohomology theory, The special Schubert calculus is real, A generalized sylvester equation: a criterion for structural staility of triples of matrices, The classification of 4-dimensional Kähler manifolds with small eigenvalue of the Dirac operator, Self-adjoint determinantal representations of real plane curves, Cyclic properties of the harmonic sequence of surfaces in \(\mathbb{C} P^ n\), Local degeneration of the moduli space of vector bundles and factorization of rank two theta functions. I, On the \((-1)\)-curve conjecture of Friedman and Morgan, On simple polytopes, Surfaces of bidegree \((3,n)\) in \(\text{Gr}(1,\mathbb{P}^ 3)\), A theorem of \(L^ 2\) extension of holomorphic sections of a Hermitian bundle, Irreducible identity sets for polynomial automorphisms, Kodaira dimension of moduli space of vector bundles on surfaces, A vanishing theorem on arithmetic surfaces, Generalized Castelnuovo varieties, Arrangements of hyperplanes and vector bundles on \(\mathbb{P}^ n\), Smooth Enriques surfaces in \(\mathbb{P}^ 4\) and exceptional bundles, The complex structure on a connected sum of \(S^ 3\times S^ 3\) with trivial canonical bundle, Theory of heights. With an appendix by Jürg Kramer: An alternative foundation of the Néron-Tate height, Ample vector bundles on open algebraic varieties, Differentiable families of subspaces, Rigidity of superminimal surfaces in complex projective spaces, Rank one elliptic \(A\)-modules and \(A\)-harmonic series, Propagation of singularities from singular and infinite points in certain complex-analytic Cauchy problems and an application to the Pompeiu problem, Segre classes of a vector bundle spanned by global sections, 2-spanned surfaces of sectional genus six, Characteristic classes of holomorphic or algebraic foliated fiber bundles., The Riemann-Roch theorem for elliptic operators and solvability of elliptic equations with additional conditions on compact subsets, Extremal Kähler metrics and complex deformation theory, On the Plücker relations in the case of a basic classical complex Lie superalgebra, Stable pairs, linear systems and the Verlinde formula, A differential geometric property of big line bundles, Fixed-point free automorphisms of abelian varieties, Characteristic classes of complete intersections, Cyclic cohomology of etale groupoids, Refined intersection products and limiting linear subspaces of hypersurfaces, Irreducible components of the space of holomorphic foliations, Toeplitz quantization of Kähler manifolds and \(gl(N)\), \(N\to \infty\) limits, Kodaira-Spencer theory of gravity and exact results for quantum string amplitudes, On Newstead's conjecture on vector bundles on algebraic curves, Elliptic curves on abelian surfaces, A non-selfdual automorphic representation of \(\text{GL}_3\) and a Galois representation, Isotopy of symplectic balls, Gromov's radius and the structure of ruled symplectic 4-manifolds, Special rank two vector bundles over Enriques surfaces, Green forms and their product., The smooth classification of elliptic surfaces with \(b^ +>1\), Fibration method and Manin obstruction, Chern numbers of a Kupka component, Lines on the Gushel' threefold, Bott towers, complete integrability, and the extended character of representations, Integrable functional equations and algebraic geometry, Residues of regular and meromorphic differential forms, On Kähler surfaces of constant positive scalar curvature, Non-algebraic integrability of the Chew-Low reversible dynamical system of the Cremona type and the relation with the 7th Hilbert problem (non-resonant case), Branes, Calabi-Yau spaces, and toroidal compactification of the \(N=1\) six-dimensional \(E_8\) theory, Coherent states and geodesics: Cut locus and conjugate locus, Birational geometry of complete intersections, Projective surfaces with \(k\)-very ample line bundles of genus \(\leq 3k+1\), Geometric quantization of symplectic manifolds with respect to reducible non-negative polarizations, Birational automorphisms of multidimensional algebraic manifolds, Theory of residues on the projective plane, Small instantons, del Pezzo surfaces and type I\(^\prime\) theory, Geometric engineering of \(N=1\) quantum field theories, A global view of residues in the torus, A general description of the terms in the Frölicher spectral sequence, Estimations du nombre d'applications rationnelles d'une variété fixe aux variétés de type général. (Estimates of the number of rational mappings from a fixed variety to varieties of general type.), Ample divisors on the blow up of \(\mathbb{P}^3\) at points, Asymptotic analysis for closed multichain queueing networks with bottlenecks, Quantum Schubert calculus, A note on zeroes of superpotentials in F-theory, Rook placements and cellular decomposition of partition varieties, Supersymmetry and the cohomology of (hyper) Kähler manifolds, Determinant bundles, Quillen metrics and Mumford isomorphisms over the universal commensurability Teichmüller space, The index of a vector field tangent to a hypersurface and the signature of the relative Jacobian determinant, Target space duality for \((0,2)\) compactifications, Local ADHM construction and holomorphic local vector bundles on the twistor space, Rook placements and generalized partition varieties, Rank two bundles on the blow-up of \(\mathbb{C}^2\), On the existence of superconformal 2-tori and doubly periodic affine Toda fields, Algebraic-geometry approach to integrability of birational plane mappings. Integrable birational quadratic reversible mappings. I, Anomalies, branes, and currents, A remark on Berezin's quantization and cut locus, Solutions of the Yang equation and algebraic curves of genus \(>1\), Explicit representation of super-minimal \(J\)-holomorphic curves in a 6-dimensional sphere, Hirota equation and Bethe ansatz, Monopole condensation and confining phase of \(N=1\) gauge theories via M-theory fivebrane, Computing global extension modules, Instanton sums and five-dimensional gauge theories., Extremal transitions in heterotic string theory., On the geometric interpretation of \(N=2\) superconformal theories., Constraints for topological strings in \(D\geq 1\), Topological reduction of \(4\)D SYM to \(2\)D\(\sigma\)-models, D-branes and quotient singularities of Calabi-Yau four-folds., Chern-Simons and twisted supersymmetry in various dimensions., Matrix string theory and its moduli space, Instantons on a non-commutative \(T^4\) from twisted \((2,0)\) and little string theories, Macroscopic entropy formulae and non-holomorphic corrections for supersymmetric black holes, Self-commuting cone for basic classical and strange Lie superalgebras., Sheaves associated to holomorphic first integrals., Embeddings in Grassmannians, Geometry and topology of operators on Hilbert \(C^*\)-modules, Coherent state embeddings, polar divisors and Cauchy formulas, The Gauss map and a noncompact Riemann-Roch formula for constructible sheaves on semiabelian varieties