
From MaRDI portal

zbMath0935.62007MaRDI QIDQ4261789

Vladimir Vapnik

Publication date: 6 September 1999

62Fxx: Parametric inference

68T05: Learning and adaptive systems in artificial intelligence

62-02: Research exposition (monographs, survey articles) pertaining to statistics

68-02: Research exposition (monographs, survey articles) pertaining to computer science

Related Items

Knowledge discovery in a direct marketing case using least squares support vector machines, Unnamed Item, Growing decision trees in an ordinal setting, Credit cards scoring with quadratic utility functions, PREDICTION INTERVALS FOR SUPPORT VECTOR MACHINE REGRESSION, Nonlinear set-membership estimation: A support vector machine approach, ESTIMATING THE APPROXIMATION ERROR IN LEARNING THEORY, Support vector machines for recognizing shifts in correlated and other manufacturing processes, SVM performance assessment for the control of injection moulding processes and plasticating extrusion, Constructing a speculative kernel machine for pattern classification, Bayesian kernel based classification for financial distress detection, Approximation by neural networks and learning theory, Using nearest feature line and tunable nearest neighbor methods for prediction of protein subcellular locations, Reducing multiclass cancer classification to binary by output coding and SVM, Computational intelligence in earth sciences and environmental applications: issues and challenges., The consistency of multicategory support vector machines, Additive regularization trade-off: fusion of training and validation levels in kernel methods, On support vector regression machines with linguistic interpretation of the kernel matrix, Support vector interval regression machine for crisp input and output data, Automatic knowledge learning and case adaptation with a hybrid committee approach, Dynamic reconstruction of chaotic systems from inter-spike intervals using least squares support vector machines, An adaptive neural network strategy for improving the computational performance of evolutionary structural optimization, Confidence-based classifier design, Dual unification of bi-class support vector machine formulations, Two-group classification via a biobjective margin maximization model, Robust classification and regression using support vector machines, Approximation with polynomial kernels and SVM classifiers, Learning theory: stability is sufficient for generalization and necessary and sufficient for consistency of empirical risk minimization, Data representations and generalization error in kernel based learning machines, Face recognition from a single image per person: a survey, Edit distance-based kernel functions for structural pattern classification, The theoretical analysis of FDA and applications, Gene selection from microarray data for cancer classification -- a machine learning approach, Prediction by support vector machines and analysis by \(Z\)-score of poly-\(L\)-proline type II conformation based on local sequence, Exploiting scale-free information from expression data for cancer classification, Robust maximum entropy clustering algorithm with its labeling for outliers, The optimal design of weighted order statistics filters by using support vector machines, Semantic context detection using audio event fusion, Discovering recurrent image semantics from class discrimination, Discriminative training via minimization of risk estimates based on Parzen smoothing, The key theorem and the bounds on the rate of uniform convergence of learning theory on Sugeno measure space, On a strategy to develop robust and simple tariffs from motor vehicle insurance data, On the \(T\)-transitivity of kernels, System models or learning machines?, Predicting the fault-proneness of class hierarchy in object-oriented software using a layered kernel, A time-domain-constrained fuzzy clustering method and its application to signal analysis, Unified dual for bi-class SVM approaches, Handling missing values in support vector machine classifiers, Efficient wavelet adaptation for hybrid wavelet -- large margin classifiers, Square root penalty: Adaption to the margin in classification and in edge estimation, Speech recognition by composition of weighted finite automata, Learning prototypes and distances: A prototype reduction technique based on nearest neighbor error minimization, Identification of piecewise affine systems based on statistical clustering technique, Kernel methods for subspace identification of multivariable LPV and bilinear systems, Theoretically optimal parameter choices for support vector regression machines with noisy input, An efficient support vector machine learning method with second-order cone programming for large-scale problems, Shannon sampling. II: Connections to learning theory, Boosting with early stopping: convergence and consistency, Classifiers of support vector machine type with \(\ell_1\) complexity regularization, Multiclass classifiers based on dimension reduction with generalized LDA, On the mathematical foundations of learning, Statistical learning theory, model identification and system information content, On probabilistic methods in fuzzy theory, Boosting the partial least square algorithm for regression modelling, Segmentation of Complex Images Based on Component-Trees: Methodological Tools, Adaptive regression estimation with multilayer feedforward neural networks, Theory of Classification: a Survey of Some Recent Advances, Comparison of Support Vector Machines to Other Classifiers Using Gene Expression Data, Support vector machines-based generalized predictive control, Online trained support vector machines-based generalized predictive control of non-linear systems, BOOSTING-BASED FRAMEWORK FOR PORTFOLIO STRATEGY DISCOVERY AND OPTIMIZATION, Support vector regression with noisy data: a second order cone programming approach, APPLICATION OF SUPPORT VECTOR MACHINES TO GLOBAL PREDICTION OF NUCLEAR PROPERTIES, Assessing the risk situation of network security for active defense, Mining abnormal patterns from heterogeneous time‐series with irrelevant features for fault event detection, ATTRACTOR MODELING AND EMPIRICAL NONLINEAR MODEL REDUCTION OF DISSIPATIVE DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS, An Incremental Feature Learning Algorithm Based on Least Square Support Vector Machine, A Hilbert Space Embedding for Distributions, Vapnik-Chervonenkis Dimension of Parallel Arithmetic Computations, Learning Rational Stochastic Tree Languages, Learning Kernel Perceptrons on Noisy Data Using Random Projections, Continuity of Performance Metrics for Thin Feature Maps, Multiclass Boosting Algorithms for Shrinkage Estimators of Class Probability, Discriminative vs. Generative Learning of Bayesian Network Classifiers, Measuring Time Series Predictability Using Support Vector Regression, Some Sufficient Conditions on an Arbitrary Class of Stochastic Processes for the Existence of a Predictor, A comparison of classification models to identify the Fragile X Syndrome, Fuzzy Classification Function of Standard Fuzzy c-Means Algorithm for Data with Tolerance Using Kernel Function, Analytical and Numerical Evaluation of the Suppressed Fuzzy C-Means Algorithm, Rule Induction: Combining Rough Set and Statistical Approaches, Learning fuzzy partitions in FIR methodology, A WAVELET SUPPORT VECTOR MACHINE COUPLED METHOD FOR TIME SERIES PREDICTION, High-Performance Parallel Support Vector Machine Training, LEARNING, EVOLUTION AND POPULATION DYNAMICS, MODELING OF CHAOTIC SYSTEMS WITH MULTIWAVELET TRANSFORM COMBINED WITH RECURRENT LEAST SQUARES SUPPORT VECTOR MACHINES, Value and Policy Function Approximations in Infinite-Horizon Optimization Problems, Theory and Algorithm for Learning with Dissimilarity Functions, Underwater bottom still mine classification using robust time–frequency feature and relevance vector machine, ANALYSIS OF CLASSIFICATION WITH A REJECT OPTION, On the VC-dimension and boolean functions with long runs, Support vector fuzzy regression machines, Control of chaotic dynamical systems using support vector machines, A method to make multiple hypotheses with high cumulative recognition rate using SVMs., Vote counting measures for ensemble classifiers., Texture classification using the support vector machines., Geometric preprocessing and neurocomputing for pattern recognition and pose estimation., Data dimensionality estimation methods: A survey., Efficient leave-one-out cross-validation of kernel Fisher discriminant classifiers., Fuzzy \(c\)-varieties/elliptotypes clustering in reproducing kernel Hilbert space., Statistical modeling: The two cultures. (With comments and a rejoinder)., Statistical challenges in functional genomics. (With comments and a rejoinder)., Symmetrization approach to concentration inequalities for empirical processes., Formal methods in pattern recognition: A review, Learnability in Hilbert spaces with reproducing kernels, A re-weighting strategy for improving margins, Bolstered error estimation, Classifier performance as a function of distributional complexity, Positive definite dot product kernels in learning theory, On data depth and distribution-free discriminant analysis using separating surfaces, Detecting and approximating fault lines from randomly scattered data, A new maximum margin algorithm for one-class problems and its boosting implementation, On weak base hypotheses and their implications for boosting regression and classification, Relationship between support vector set and kernel functions in SVM., Kernel projection algorithm for large-scale SVM problems., Statistical learning control of uncertain systems: theory and algorithms., Comparison between various regression depth methods and the support vector machine to approximate the minimum number of misclassifications, Linear programming support vector machines, A clustering technique for the identification of piecewise affine systems, An information-geometric approach to a theory of pragmatic structuring, Bounding the generalization error of convex combinations of classifiers: Balancing the dimensionality and the margins., The covering number in learning theory, A linear lower bound on the unbounded error probabilistic communication complexity., Complexity regularization via localized random penalties, Generalization bounds for averaged classifiers, Dealing with large diagonals in kernel matrices, A neural network model with bounded-weights for pattern classification, Statistical behavior and consistency of classification methods based on convex risk minimization., Optimal aggregation of classifiers in statistical learning., On domain-partitioning induction criteria: worst-case bounds for the worst-case based, Practical selection of SVM parameters and noise estimation for SVM regression, Experimentally optimal \(\nu\) in support vector regression for different noise models and parameter settings, Graph characteristics from the heat kernel trace, A sparsity driven kernel machine based on minimizing a generalization error bound, Component-based discriminative classification for hidden Markov models, Towards improving fuzzy clustering using support vector machine: application to gene expression data, Use of random time-intervals (RTIs) generation for biometric verification, The weight-decay technique in learning from data: an optimization point of view, Multicategory classification via discrete support vector machines, A penalized criterion for variable selection in classification, Learning linear PCA with convex semi-definite programming, Local Rademacher complexities and oracle inequalities in risk minimization. (2004 IMS Medallion Lecture). (With discussions and rejoinder), A regularized pairwise multi-classification knowledge-based machine and applications, Applications of regularized least squares to pattern classification, On the complexity of working set selection, `Ideal learning' of natural language: positive results about learning from positive evidence, Significant vector learning to construct sparse kernel regression models, Theory and applications of Clifford support vector machines, Stability of unstable learning algorithms, Multi-class learning by smoothed boosting, Feature mining and pattern classification for steganalysis of LSB matching steganography in grayscale images, Minimax optimal rates of convergence for multicategory classifications, Learning with sample dependent hypothesis spaces, Application of integral operator for regularized least-square regression, Error bounds of multi-graph regularized semi-supervised classification, Self-spawning neuro-fuzzy system for rule extraction, Multicriteria analysis tools in real-life problems, Statistical performance of support vector machines, Variable selection for multicategory SVM via adaptive sup-norm regularization, Recursive aggregation of estimators by the mirror descent algorithm with averaging, Convergence analysis of online algorithms, Fuzzy functions with support vector machines, The performance bounds of learning machines based on exponentially strongly mixing sequences, Learning with incomplete information and the mathematical structure behind it, Multimodal biometrics using geometry preserving projections, Texture and shape information fusion for facial expression and facial action unit recognition, A general soft method for learning SVM classifiers with \(L_{1}\)-norm penalty, A kernel optimization method based on the localized kernel Fisher criterion, Non-asymptotic calibration and resolution, Synthesis of systems of neurofunctional transformations in classification problems, Fixed-size least squares support vector machines: A large scale application in electrical load forecasting, An improved gradient projection-based decomposition technique for support vector machines, Support vector machine as an efficient framework for stock market volatility forecasting, Non-parametric regression methods, Consistency and robustness of kernel-based regression in convex risk minimization, FRSDE: Fast reduced set density estimator using minimal enclosing ball approximation, System reliability forecasting by support vector machines with genetic algorithms, On the rate of convergence for multi-category classification based on convex losses, Accurately learning from few examples with a polyhedral classifier, Robust multiclass kernel-based classifiers, On selection biases with prediction rules formed from gene expression data, Binary-image comparison with local-dissimilarity quantification, Classifier learning with a new locality regularization method, Optimizing the data-dependent kernel under a unified kernel optimization framework, On the complexity of constrained VC-classes, Multi-group support vector machines with measurement costs: A biobjective approach, Model combination for credit risk assessment: a stacked generalization approach, Pseudoinverse in clustering problems, A LAD-based method for selecting short oligo probes for genotyping applications, Approximate duality, SVM classification of human intergenic and gene sequences, Mercer theorem for RKHS on noncompact sets, Learning with generalization capability by kernel methods of bounded complexity, KPCA-based training of a kernel fuzzy classifier with ellipsoidal regions, Genetic programming for the prediction of insolvency in non-life insurance companies, Extended fuzzy regression models using regularization method, Iterative feature selection in least square regression estimation, On selection of kernel parametes in relevance vector machines for hydrologic applications, Fully automatic and segmentation-robust classification of breast tumors based on local texture analysis of ultrasound images, On the smallest possible dimension and the largest possible margin of linear arrangements representing given concept classes, Multi-objective optimization based on meta-modeling by using support vector regression, Obscure bleeding detection in endoscopy images using support vector machines, Support vector machine based aerodynamic analysis of cable stayed bridges, Classification using least squares support vector machine for reliability analysis, Prospects of quantum-classical optimization for digital design, Kernels as features: on kernels, margins, and low-dimensional mappings, Training a reciprocal-sigmoid classifier by feature scaling-space, Image classification with the use of radial basis function neural networks and the minimization of the localized generalization error, Face recognition using a kernel fractional-step discriminant analysis algorithm, Active learning for image retrieval with Co-SVM, Mining evolving data streams for frequent patterns, An improved incremental training algorithm for support vector machines using active query, A consistency result for functional SVM by spline interpolation, An experimental evaluation of some classification methods, TWNFI--a transductive neuro-fuzzy inference system with weighted data normalization for personalized modeling, A network condition classification scheme for supporting video delivery over wireless internet, Complexity of hyperconcepts, Stochastic local search for the FEATURE SET problem, with applications to microarray data, Regression models for functional data by reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces methods, Rough sets: some extensions, Matrix-pattern-oriented Ho--Kashyap classifier with regularization learning, Bankruptcy prediction in banks and firms via statistical and intelligent techniques -- a review, Best subset selection, persistence in high-dimensional statistical learning and optimization under \(l_1\) constraint, On regularization algorithms in learning theory, Multi-kernel regularized classifiers, Splines in higher order TV regularization, Binet-Cauchy kernels on dynamical systems and its application to the analysis of dynamic scenes, Creating a quality map of a slate deposit using support vector machines, Nesting algorithm for multi-classification problems, A simple decomposition algorithm for support vector machines with polynomial-time convergence, On the computational complexity of the minimum committee problem, Kernel methods in machine learning, Unified eigen analysis on multivariate Gaussian based estimation of distribution algorithms, Behavior of a functional in learning theory, General support vector representation machine for one-class classification of non-stationary classes, Estimation of the misclassification error for multicategory support vector machine classification, Decision theory classification of high-dimensional vectors based on small samples, Kernel methods for learning languages, Statistical information approaches for the modelling of the epileptic brain, Variable predictive models-a new multivariate classification approach for pattern recognition applications, Soft clustering using weighted one-class support vector machines, Discriminatively regularized least-squares classification, Discrete support vector decision trees via tabu search, An extensive comparison of recent classification tools applied to microarray data, Confidence intervals for probabilistic network classifiers, Using support vector machines to learn the efficient set in multiple objective discrete optimization, Parzen windows for multi-class classification, Learning rates for regularized classifiers using multivariate polynomial kernels, Reducing mechanism design to algorithm design via machine learning, Optimization of nearest neighbor classifiers via metaheuristic algorithms for credit risk assessment, Fast learning rates for plug-in classifiers, A SVM-based cursive character recognizer, Deriving weights in multiple-criteria decision making with support vector machines, Embedding sample points uncertainty measures in learning algorithms, Prediction of Alzheimer's diagnosis using semi-supervised distance metric learning with label propagation, View independent face detection based on horizontal rectangular features and accuracy improvement using combination kernel of various sizes, Bayesian approach, theory of empirical risk minimization. Comparative analysis, On kernel difference-weighted \(k\)-nearest neighbor classification, Distance-based discriminant analysis method and its applications, Tracking the best hyperplane with a simple budget perceptron, Feature selection via sensitivity analysis of SVM probabilistic outputs, Joint feature re-extraction and classification using an iterative semi-supervised support vector machine algorithm, Efficient approximate leave-one-out cross-validation for kernel logistic regression, A theory of learning with similarity functions, Matrix representations, linear transformations, and kernels for disambiguation in natural language, Adaptive weighting of local classifiers by particle filters for robust tracking, Choosing the kernel parameters for support vector machines by the inter-cluster distance in the feature space, Diversity of ability and cognitive style for group decision processes, A note on application of integral operator in learning theory, Entropy conditions for \(L_{r}\)-convergence of empirical processes, CCH-based geometric algorithms for SVM and applications, On multi-view learning with additive models, Comparison of feature selection and classification algorithms in identifying malicious executables, Kernel logistic PLS: a tool for supervised nonlinear dimensionality reduction and binary classifi\-cation, Support vector machines with adaptive \(L_q\) penalty, Kernel ellipsoidal trimming, Robust learning from bites for data mining, Consistency of support vector machines for forecasting the evolution of an unknown ergodic dynamical system from observations with unknown noise, Analysis of support vector machines regression, Learning from uniformly ergodic Markov chains, New normalization methods using support vector machine quantile regression approach in microarray analysis, Plasmopara viticola germination virulence forecasting via piece-wise affine identification for hybrid systems, A confidence voting process for ranking problems based on support vector machines, A \(\mathbb R\)eal generalization of discrete AdaBoost, High-order Fisher's discriminant analysis, Bayesian network classifiers, Model selection in nonparametric regression, Towards a robust fuzzy clustering., Complexity in the case against accuracy estimation, Full-body person recognition system., Hierarchical classification and feature reduction for fast face detection with support vector machines., Testing Hypotheses About Contours in Images, Shannon sampling and function reconstruction from point values, RIDGE REGRESSION PROCEDURES FOR FUZZY MODELS USING TRIANGULAR FUZZY NUMBERS, Ten More Years of Error Rate Research, The VC dimension of k‐uniform random hypergraphs, An Evolutionary Programming Based Knowledge Ensemble Model for Business Risk Identification, Learning with Sequential Minimal Transductive Support Vector Machine, AN ERROR ANALYSIS OF LAVRENTIEV REGULARIZATION IN LEARNING THEORY, Generalization performance of multi-category kernel machines, VC‐dimension on manifolds: a first approach, Algorithms of nonlinear document clustering based on fuzzy multiset model, A machine learning methodology for the analysis of workplace accidents, Non‐parametric regression with wavelet kernels, A statistical approach to class separability, A comparative study of multi‐class support vector machines in the unifying framework of large margin classifiers, On Maximum Depth and Related Classifiers, TESTING THE PERFORMANCES OF DIFFERENT IMAGE REPRESENTATIONS FOR MASS CLASSIFICATION IN DIGITAL MAMMOGRAMS, INFERRING PROTEIN-PROTEIN INTERACTIONS FROM MESSENGER RNA EXPRESSION PROFILES WITH SVM, A new multi-class support vector algorithm, ANALYZING THE NONLINEAR TIME SERIES OF TURBULENT FLOWS WITH KERNEL INTERVAL REGRESSION MACHINE, EDIT-DISTANCE OF WEIGHTED AUTOMATA: GENERAL DEFINITIONS AND ALGORITHMS, Single-class classification with mapping convergence, The synergy between PAV and AdaBoost, Model-based transductive learning of the kernel matrix, On the working set selection in gradient projection-based decomposition techniques for support vector machines, Some applications of concentration inequalities to statistics, Single-class classification with mapping convergence, The synergy between PAV and AdaBoost, Model-based transductive learning of the kernel matrix, Complexity through nonextensivity, Robust support vector machines for classification and computational issues, Feature selection algorithms in classification problems: an experimental evaluation, Regularized nonsmooth Newton method for multi-class support vector machines, PAC-Bayesian compression bounds on the prediction error of learning algorithms for classification, Regularization and statistical learning theory for data analysis., A theoretical framework for data mining: the ``informational paradigm., PAC-Bayesian compression bounds on the prediction error of learning algorithms for classification