
From MaRDI portal

zbMath0833.68049MaRDI QIDQ4298260

Christos H. Papadimitriou

Publication date: 26 July 1994

68-01: Introductory exposition (textbooks, tutorial papers, etc.) pertaining to computer science

03D15: Complexity of computation (including implicit computational complexity)

68Q15: Complexity classes (hierarchies, relations among complexity classes, etc.)

03D10: Turing machines and related notions

Related Items

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classify Boolean functions, Algorithms for modular counting of roots of multivariate polynomials, Exact bounds on finite populations of interval data, Dynamics of local search trajectory in traveling salesman problem, Computational complexity of stochastic programming problems, Uniform generation in spatial constraint databases and applications, On the computational consequences of independence in propositional logic, The complexity of agent design problems: Determinism and history dependence, Solving HPP and SAT by P systems with active membranes and separation rules, LTL over integer periodicity constraints, Effective solution of linear Diophantine equation systems with an application in chemistry, Model checking hybrid logics (with an application to semistructured data), If P \(\neq\) NP then some strongly noninvertible functions are invertible, Orthogonal representations over finite fields and the chromatic number of graphs, Clustering with qualitative information, On the hardness 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and decision problems in group theory., Turing machines, transition systems, and interaction, Recognizing frozen variables in constraint satisfaction problems, Trading polarizations for labels in P systems with active membranes, Unrestricted vs restricted cut in a tableau method for Boolean circuits, Compiling propositional weighted bases, \((p,k)\)-coloring problems in line graphs, The complexity of learning concept classes with polynomial general dimension, Probabilistic logic under coherence: complexity and algorithms, Radiocolorings in periodic planar graphs: PSPACE-completeness and efficient approximations for the optimal range of frequencies, On the role of Hadamard gates in quantum circuits, Strong order equivalence, Equilibrium logic, On the tree-transformation power of XSLT, Feasible insertions in job shop scheduling, short cycles and stable sets, The \(p\)-median problem: a survey of metaheuristic approaches, Complexity of admissible rules, An efficient fixed-parameter algorithm for 3-hitting set, Computational complexity of the landscape. I., Towards a dichotomy theorem for the counting constraint satisfaction problem, Fast algorithms for robust classification with Bayesian nets, A new construction technique of a triangle-free 3-colored K16's, An efficient modular method for the control of concurrent discrete event systems: A language-based approach, Social laws in alternating time: effectiveness, feasibility, and synthesis, The computational complexity of evolutionarily stable strategies, Partitioning a weighted partial order, Relations between average-case and worst-case complexity, Martingale families and dimension in P, Stochastic limit-average games are in EXPTIME, Good neighbors are hard to find: Computational complexity of network formation, Bounded list injective homomorphism for comparative analysis of protein-protein interaction graphs, Random subcubes as a toy model for constraint satisfaction problems, Computing the top Betti numbers of semialgebraic sets defined by quadratic inequalities in polynomial time, Complexity of DNF minimization and isomorphism testing for monotone formulas, Solutions to computational problems through gene assembly, Expressive power and abstraction in Essence, On the computational complexity of the Riemann mapping, Undoing the effects of action sequences, Fine hierarchies and m-reducibilities in theoretical computer science, Universal relations and {\#}P-completeness, Partially commutative inverse monoids., The complexity of power-index comparison, Approximability of partitioning graphs with supply and demand, A note on the distribution of the distance from a lattice, Knowledge condition games, A complexity tradeoff in ranking-function termination proofs, Complexity of the problem of verifying the coordination mechanism in a system of software support of network collaboration, The hardest linear conjunctive language, Perfect computational equivalence between quantum Turing machines and finitely generated uniform quantum circuit families, Random walks for selected Boolean implication and equivalence problems, From a zoo to a zoology: Towards a general theory of graph polynomials, Dimension extractors and optimal decompression, Red-blue covering problems and the consecutive ones property, A self-adaptive multi-engine solver for quantified Boolean formulas, Algorithms for compact letter displays: comparison and evaluation, Quantified coalition logic, Minimum weakly fundamental cycle bases are hard to find, Partially ordered connectives and monadic monotone strict NP, Paintshop, odd cycles and necklace splitting, Reasoning about temporal properties of rational play, From Hilbert's program to a logic tool box, Resolution for Max-SAT, AM\(_{\text{exp}}\nsubseteq (\text{NP} \cap \text{coNP})\)/poly, Linear connectivity problems in directed hypergraphs, Variable neighbourhood search: Methods and applications, On the random generation and counting of matchings in dense graphs, Cellular automaton growth on \(\mathbb{Z}^2\): Theorems, examples, and problems, Approximating MAPs for belief networks is NP-hard and other theorems, Language complexity of rotations and Sturmian sequences, On the structure of Hamiltonian cycles in Cayley graphs of finite quotients of the modular group, Some complexity bounds for subtype inequalities, On the concavity of delivery games, \(\text{BP}_{\text{H}}\text{SPACE}(S) \subseteq \text{DSPACE}(S^{3/2})\), Succinctness as a source of complexity in logical formalisms, Sensitivity analysis for knapsack problems: Another negative result, The complexity of cover inequality separation, First-order linear logic without modalities is NEXPTIME-hard, Complexity of Langton's ant, Complexity of Presburger arithmetic with fixed quantifier dimension, The expressive powers of stable models for bound and unbound DATALOG queries, Computing optimal assignments for residual network reliability, The Lyapunov exponent and joint spectral radius of pairs of matrices are hard - when not impossible - to compute and to approximate, Metafinite model theory, Some consequences of cryptographical conjectures for \(S_2^1\) and EF, Universally serializable computation, Is intractability of nonmonotonic reasoning a real drawback?, Farrell polynomials on graphs of bounded tree width, Generic-case complexity, decision problems in group theory, and random walks., A polynomial space construction of tree-like models for logics with local chains of modal connectives, Tissue P systems., P-immune sets with holes lack self-reducibility properties., The complexity of counting self-avoiding walks in subgraphs of two-dimensional grids and hypercubes., The complexity of bisimilarity-checking for one-counter processes., On universally easy classes for NP-complete problems., Orienting rewrite rules with the Knuth-Bendix order., XML with data values: Typechecking revisited., Connection caching: Model and algorithms., \(\mathcal P = \mathcal{NP}\)?