Strong Convergence of a Proximal-Type Algorithm in a Banach Space
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DOI10.1137/S105262340139611XzbMath1101.90083MaRDI QIDQ4441930
Kamimura, Shoji, Takahashi, Wataru
Publication date: 19 January 2004
Published in: SIAM Journal on Optimization (Search for Journal in Brave)
Monotone operators and generalizations (47H05) Iterative procedures involving nonlinear operators (47J25) Programming in abstract spaces (90C48)
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quasi-\(\phi\)-asymptotically nonexpansive mappings and equilibrium problem in Banach spaces, Strong convergence theorems for families of weak relatively nonexpansive mappings, A new strong convergence theorem for equilibrium problems and fixed point problems in Banach spaces, Hybrid proximal-point methods for zeros of maximal monotone operators, variational inequalities and mixed equilibrium problems, Convergence analysis for finite family of relatively quasi nonexpansive mappings and systems of equilibrium problems, New iterative schemes for strongly relatively nonexpansive mappings and maximal monotone operators, A new hybrid algorithm for solving a system of generalized mixed equilibrium problems, solving a family of quasi-\(\varphi\)-asymptotically nonexpansive mappings, and obtaining common fixed points in Banach space, A new hybrid iterative scheme for countable families of relatively quasi-nonexpansive mappings and system of equilibrium problems, A new hybrid algorithm for a pair of quasi-\(\varphi\)-asymptotically nonexpansive mappings and generalized mixed equilibrium problems in Banach spaces, Hybrid projection algorithms for asymptotically strict quasi-\(\varphi\)-pseudocontractions, Convergence theorems of shrinking projection methods for equilibrium problem, variational inequality problem and a finite family of relatively quasi-nonexpansive mappings, A strong convergence theorem for relatively nonexpansive mappings in a Banach space, Weak convergence of a hybrid type method with errors for a maximal monotone mapping in Banach spaces, Fixed point solutions for variational inequalities in image restoration over \(q\)-uniformly smooth Banach spaces, Convergence theorems of convex combination methods for treating \(d\)-accretive mappings in a Banach space and nonlinear equation, Strong convergence theorems for equilibrium problems and fixed point problems in Banach spaces, New construction and proof techniques of projection algorithm for countable maximal monotone mappings and weakly relatively non-expansive mappings in a Banach space, Simple form of a projection set in hybrid iterative schemes for non-linear mappings, application of inequalities and computational experiments, Viscosity iterative algorithm for the zero point of monotone mappings in Banach spaces, A modified extragradient method for inverse-monotone operators in Banach spaces, Convergence of a modified Halpern-type iteration algorithm for quasi-\(\phi\)-nonexpansive mappings, Approximation of common fixed points for a countable family of relatively nonexpansive mappings in a Banach space and applications, Parallel iterative methods for solving the common null point problem in Banach spaces, A regularization method for the proximal point algorithm, Inertial algorithm for approximating a common fixed point for a countable family of relatively nonexpansive maps, Weak and strong convergence theorems for strict pseudo-contractions in Hilbert spaces, Strong convergence theorem by hybrid method for equilibrium problems, variational inequality problems and maximal monotone operators, Hybrid algorithm for fixed points of weak relatively nonexpansive mappings and applications, A hybrid iterative scheme for a maximal monotone operator and two countable families of relatively quasi-nonexpansive mappings for generalized mixed equilibrium and variational inequality problems, Modified hybrid algorithm for a family of quasi-\(\varphi\)-asymptotically nonexpansive mappings, Strong convergence theorems for relatively nonexpansive mappings in Banach spaces with applications, An iterative method for equilibrium problems and a finite family of relatively nonexpansive mappings in a Banach space, The approximation of common element for maximal monotone operator, generalized mixed equilibrium problem and fixed point problem, Iterative approaches to find zeros of maximal monotone operators by hybrid approximate proximal point methods, Hybrid proximal-type algorithms for generalized equilibrium problems, maximal monotone operators, and relatively nonexpansive mappings, Iterative schemes for fixed points of relatively nonexpansive mappings and their applications, A new iterative scheme for countable families of weak relatively nonexpansive mappings and system of generalized mixed equilibrium problems, New monotone hybrid algorithm for hemi-relatively nonexpansive mappings and maximal monotone operators, A modified Halpern-type iteration algorithm for a family of hemi-relatively nonexpansive mappings and systems of equilibrium problems in Banach spaces, Hybrid approximation of solutions of nonlinear operator equations and application to equation of Hammerstein-type, Strong convergence theorems by Halpern-Mann iterations for relatively nonexpansive mappings in Banach spaces, Strong convergence of an iterative scheme by a new type of projection method for a family of quasinonexpansive mappings, Strong convergence theorems for countable families of uniformly quasi-\(\phi\)-asymptotically nonexpansive mappings and a system of generalized mixed equilibrium problems, Hybrid shrinking projection method for a generalized equilibrium problem, a maximal monotone operator and a countable family of relatively nonexpansive mappings, Convergence of Ishikawa's iteration method for pseudocontractive mappings, A Halpern-Mann type iteration for fixed point problems of a relatively nonexpansive mapping and a system of equilibrium problems, A new hybrid algorithm for a system of generalized mixed equilibrium problems and fixed point of quasi-\(\phi\)-asymptotically nonexpansive mappings, Approximating common solution of variational inequality problems for two monotone mappings in Banach spaces, Approximation of zeros of inverse strongly monotone operators in Banach spaces, Convergence theorems for asymptotically pseudocontractive mappings in the intermediate sense, Iterative approximation method for finite family of relatively quasi nonexpansive mappings and systems of equilibrium problems, Strong convergence theorems for fixed point problems, variational inequality problems and system of generalized mixed equilibrium problems, Finite termination of the proximal point algorithm in Banach spaces, Strong convergence studied by a hybrid type method for monotone operators in a Banach space, A modified hybrid projection method for solving generalized mixed equilibrium problems and fixed point problems in Banach spaces, Strong convergence theorems based on a new modified extragradient method for variational inequality problems and fixed point problems in Banach spaces, Modified proximal-point algorithm for maximal monotone operators in Banach spaces, Strong convergence of monotone hybrid algorithm for hemi-relatively nonexpansive mappings, Strong convergence theorem by a new hybrid method for equilibrium problems and relatively nonexpansive mappings, Iterative schemes for zero points of maximal monotone operators and fixed points of nonexpansive mappings and their applications, Strong convergence to common fixed points of countable relatively quasi-nonexpansive mappings, Strongly convergent net given by a fixed point theorem for firmly nonexpansive type mappings, Iterative schemes for generalized equilibrium problem and two maximal monotone operators, Shrinking projection method of common solutions for generalized equilibrium quasi-\(\varphi \)-nonexpansive mapping and relatively nonexpansive mapping, A hybrid iterative scheme for variational inequality problems for finite families of relatively weak quasi-nonexpansive mappings, Fixed point theorems and convergence theorems for generalized nonspreading mappings in Banach spaces, The shrinking projection method for solving variational inequality problems and fixed point problems in Banach spaces, Strong convergence of generalized projection algorithms for nonlinear operators, Convergence theorem based on a new hybrid projection method for finding a common solution of generalized equilibrium and variational inequality problems in Banach spaces, Approximation of common fixed points of a countable family of relatively nonexpansive mappings, On the fixed-point set of a family of relatively nonexpansive and generalized nonexpansive mappings, Strong and weak convergence theorems for common solutions of generalized equilibrium problems and zeros of maximal monotone operators, Strong convergence theorems of common fixed points for a family of quasi-\(\varphi\)-nonexpansive mappings, Hybrid methods for equilibrium problems and fixed points problems of a countable family of relatively nonexpansive mappings in Banach spaces, Iterative approximation of zeroes of monotone operators and system of generalized mixed equilibrium problems, Modified hybrid block iterative algorithm for uniformly quasi-\(\phi\)-asymptotically nonexpansive mappings, Approximate generalized proximal-type method for convex vector optimization problem in Banach spaces, Convergence of a hybrid algorithm for a reversible semigroup of nonlinear operators in Banach spaces, Existence of fixed points of firmly nonexpansive-like mappings in Banach spaces, An iterative method of fixed points for closed and quasi-strict pseudo-contractions in Banach spaces, Convergence theorems for equilibrium problem, variational inequality problem and countably infinite relatively quasi-nonexpansive mappings, Strong convergence theorems obtained by a generalized projections hybrid method for families of mappings in Banach spaces, Weak and strong convergence theorems for nonspreading mappings in Hilbert spaces, A new hybrid method for solving a generalized equilibrium problem, solving a variational inequality problem and obtaining common fixed points in Banach spaces, with applications, Strong convergence theorems for a common fixed point of two hemi-relatively nonexpansive mappings, Convergence theorems of common elements for equilibrium problems and fixed point problems in Banach spaces, Strong convergence theorems by a new hybrid projection algorithm for fixed point problems and equilibrium problems of two relatively quasi-nonexpansive mappings, Strong convergence theorems for monotone mappings and relatively weak nonexpansive mappings, Strong convergence theorem by monotone hybrid algorithm for equilibrium problems, hemirelatively nonexpansive mappings, and maximal monotone operators, Hybrid iterative methods for convex feasibility problems and fixed point problems of relatively nonexpansive mappings in Banach spaces, An algorithm for finding a common point of the solutions of fixed point and variational inequality problems in Banach spaces, Iterative schemes for approximating solutions of generalized variational inequalities in Banach spaces, Equivalent theorems of the convergence between proximal type algorithms, Strong convergence of projection scheme for zeros of maximal monotone operators, Strong convergence of iterative algorithms for variational inequalities in Banach spaces, On some algorithms in Banach spaces finding fixed points of nonlinear mappings, A hybrid iterative scheme for equilibrium problems, variational inequality problems, and fixed point problems in Banach spaces, A strong convergence theorem for common fixed points of two relatively nonexpansive mappings and its applications, Iterative convergence theorems for maximal monotone operators and relatively nonexpansive mappings, Strong convergence of a hybrid projection algorithm for equilibrium problems, variational inequality problems and fixed point problems in a Banach space, Strong and weak convergence of modified Mann iteration for new resolvents of maximal monotone operators in Banach spaces, Strong convergence of monotone hybrid method for maximal monotone operators and hemirelatively nonexpansive mappings, A strong convergence theorem for a family of quasi-\(\varphi\)-nonexpansive mappings in a Banach space, Strong convergence theorems of modified Ishikawa iterations for countable hemi-relatively nonexpansive mappings in a Banach space, An extragradient method and proximal point algorithm for inverse strongly monotone operators and maximal monotone operators in Banach spaces, Hybrid approximate proximal point algorithms for variational inequalities in Banach spaces, Hybrid proximal-point methods for common solutions of equilibrium problems and zeros of maximal monotone operators, Convergence theorems of a hybrid algorithm for equilibrium problems, Convergence of a hybrid projection algorithm in Banach spaces, Strong convergence of an inexact proximal point algorithm in a Banach space, On the strong convergence of the proximal point algorithm with an application to Hammerstein euations, The monotone contraction mapping theorem, A shrinking projection algorithm with errors for Costerro bounded linear mappings, Generalized mixed equilibrium problem in Banach spaces, On the strong convergence of the implicit iterative processes for a finite family of relatively weak quasi-nonexpansive mappings, Single projection algorithm for variational inequalities in Banach spaces with application to contact problem, A strong convergence theorem for quasi-equilibrium problems in Banach spaces, Approximation method for monotone inclusion problems in real Banach spaces with applications, Convergence theorems of subgradient extragradient algorithm for solving variational inequalities and a convex feasibility problem, A common solution of generalized equilibrium, zeros of monotone mapping and fixed point problems, Retraction algorithms for solving variational inequalities, pseudomonotone equilibrium problems, and fixed-point problems in Banach spaces, Extragradient methods for solving split feasibility problem and general equilibrium problem and resolvent operators in Banach spaces, An algorithm for approximating a common solution of some nonlinear problems in Banach spaces with an application, Fixed point theorems for an elastic nonlinear mapping in Banach spaces, Hybrid proximal point algorithm and applications to equilibrium problems and convex programming, A strong convergence theorem for generalized-\( \varPhi \)-strongly monotone maps, with applications, A new approach to the approximation of common fixed points of an infinite family of relatively quasinonexpansive mappings with applications, A strong convergence theorem for relatively nonexpansive mappings and equilibrium problems in Banach spaces, Strong convergence theorems for a common fixed point of two countable families of relatively quasi nonexpansive mappings and applications, Viscosity iterative algorithms for fixed point problems of asymptotically nonexpansive mappings in the intermediate sense and variational inequality problems in Banach spaces, Strong convergence theorems for generalized equilibrium, variational inequalities and nonlinear operators, A new iterative scheme for a countable family of relatively nonexpansive mappings and an equilibrium problem in 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monotone map over the set of common fixed points of a finite family of quasi-phi-nonexpansive maps, with applications, Strong convergence theorems for finite families of pseudomonotone equilibrium and fixed point problems in Banach spaces, Modified projected subgradient method for solving pseudomonotone equilibrium and fixed point problems in Banach spaces, \(J\)-variational inequalities and zeroes of a family of maximal monotone operators by sunny generalized nonexpansive retraction, Convergence theorems of a three-step iteration method for a countable family of pseudocontractive mappings, An algorithm for a common minimum-norm zero of a finite family of monotone mappings in Banach spaces, Three-step Mann iterations for a general system of variational inequalities and an infinite family of nonexpansive mappings in Banach spaces, Convergence theorems based on the shrinking projection method for variational inequality and equilibrium problems, Existence results for trifunction equilibrium problems and fixed point problems, Iterative schemes for approximating solution of nonlinear operators in Banach spaces, On solutions of a system of variational inequalities and fixed point problems in Banach spaces, Strong convergence theorems for a countable family of total quasi-\(\phi\)-asymptotically nonexpansive nonself mappings, The Meir-Keeler type for solving variational inequalities and fixed points of nonexpansive semigroups in Banach spaces, The modified block iterative algorithms for asymptotically relatively nonexpansive mappings and the system of generalized mixed equilibrium problems, An iteration to a common point of solution of variational inequality and fixed point-problems in Banach spaces, Strong convergence of a hybrid iteration scheme for equilibrium problems, variational inequality problems and common fixed point problems, of quasi-\(\phi\)-asymptotically nonexpansive mappings in Banach spaces, A modified Halpern-type iterative method of a system of equilibrium problems and a fixed point for a totally quasi-\(\phi\)-asymptotically nonexpansive mapping in a Banach space, Convergence theorems for maximal monotone operators, weak relatively nonexpansive mappings and equilibrium problems, Some iterative algorithms for approximating solutions of nonlinear operator equations in Banach spaces, Projective splitting methods for sums of maximal monotone operators with applications, Strong convergence theorems of the Halpern-Mann's mixed iteration for a totally quasi-\(\phi\)-asymptotically nonexpansive nonself multi-valued mapping in Banach spaces, Hybrid shrinking iterative solutions to convex feasibility problems for countable families of relatively nonexpansive mappings and a system of generalized mixed equilibrium problems, Uniformly closed replaced AKTT or \({^{\ast}\mathrm{AKTT}}\) condition to get strong convergence theorems for a countable family of relatively quasi-nonexpansive mappings and systems of equilibrium problems, Strongly relatively nonexpansive sequences generated by firmly nonexpansive-like mappings, Approximation of zeros of bounded maximal monotone mappings, solutions of Hammerstein integral equations and convex minimization problems, Weak and strong convergence theorems for maximal monotone operators in a Banach space, Hybrid and relaxed Mann iterations for general systems of variational inequalities and nonexpansive mappings, Weak convergence theorems for inverse-strongly skew-monotone operators and generalized mixed equilibrium problems in Banach spaces, Approximation of common solutions for variational inequalities and fixed point of strict pseudo-contractions in \(q\)-uniformly smooth Banach spaces, Rate of convergence for proximal point algorithms on Hadamard manifolds, Asymptotic analysis for proximal-type methods in vector variational inequality problems, A new shrinking projection algorithm for a generalized mixed variational-like inequality problem and asymptotically quasi-\(\phi\)-nonexpansive mapping in a Banach space, Inertial iterative schemes for d-accretive mappings in Banach spaces and curvature systems, On the split common fixed point problem for strict quasi-\(\phi\)-pseudocontractive mappings in Banach spaces, Strong convergence of an inertial algorithm for maximal monotone inclusions with applications, An iterative approximation of common solutions of split generalized vector mixed equilibrium problem and some certain optimization problems, An explicit subgradient extragradient algorithm with self-adaptive stepsize for pseudomonotone equilibrium problems in Banach spaces, A Tseng extragradient method for solving variational inequality problems in Banach spaces, New inertial algorithm for solving split common null point problem in Banach spaces, Approximate solution of zero point problem involving \(H\)-accretive maps in Banach spaces and applications, Strong convergence of an inertial iterative algorithm for variational inequality problem, generalized equilibrium problem, and fixed point problem in a Banach space, New shrinking iterative methods for infinite families of monotone operators in a Banach space, computational experiments and applications, Orthogonality in smooth countably normed spaces, The generalized projection methods in countably normed spaces, A self-adaptive Tseng extragradient method for solving monotone variational inequality and fixed point problems in Banach spaces, An inertial Halpern-type algorithm involving monotone operators on real Banach spaces with application to image recovery problems, Extragradient method with Bregman distances for solving vector quasi-equilibrium problems, A totally relaxed, self-adaptive subgradient extragradient method for variational inequality and fixed point problems in a Banach space, The split common fixed point problem for a family of multivalued quasinonexpansive mappings and totally asymptotically strictly pseudocontractive mappings in Banach spaces, Strong convergence of modified Ishikawa iterations for nonlinear mappings, Strong convergence theorems for relatively nonexpansive mappings in a Banach space, Iterative methods for strict pseudo-contractions in Hilbert spaces, Generalized Proximal Method for Efficient Solutions in Vector Optimization, Regularization of proximal point algorithms in Hadamard manifolds, Computational of generalized projection method for maximal monotone operators and a countable family of relatively quasi-nonexpansive mappings, Fixed point theorems and ergodic theorems for nonlinear mappings in Banach spaces, Convergence theorems of a modified hybrid algorithm for a family of quasi-\(\varphi \)-asymptotically nonexpansive mappings, On a hybrid method for generalized mixed equilibrium problem and fixed point problem of a family of quasi-\(\varphi \)-asymptotically nonexpansive mappings in Banach spaces, Strong and weak convergence of the modified proximal point algorithms in Hilbert space, Convergence theorems for finding zero points of maximal monotone operators and equilibrium problems in Banach spaces, A Strong Convergence Theorem by the Shrinking Projection Method for the Split Common Null Point Problem in Banach Spaces, A hybrid of the extragradient method and proximal point algorithm for inverse strongly monotone operators and maximal monotone operators in Banach spaces, A generalized \(f\)-projection method for countable families of weak relatively nonexpansive mappings and the system of generalized Ky Fan inequalities, Strong convergence theorems for variational inequality problems and fixed point problems in uniformly smooth and uniformly convex Banach spaces, A hybrid iteration scheme for equilibrium problems, variational inequality problems and common fixed point problems in Banach spaces, Approximating zeros of monotone operators by proximal point algorithms, The split feasibility problem with some projection methods in Banach spaces, Halpern-type iterative process for solving split common fixed point and monotone variational inclusion problem between Banach spaces, Convergence theorems for common solutions of various problems with nonlinear mapping, An implicitly defined iterative sequence for monotone operators in Banach spaces, An algorithm with general errors for the zero point of monotone mappings in Banach spaces, Implicit and explicit iterative algorithms for hierarchical variational inequality in uniformly smooth Banach spaces, The split common null point problem for generalized resolvents in two Banach spaces, New inertial method for generalized split variational inclusion problems, Common solution to an equilibrium problem and a fixed point problem for an asymptotically quasi-\(\phi \)-nonexpansive mapping in intermediate sense, Hybrid projection method for a system of unrelated generalized mixed variational-like inequality problems, Asymptotic behavior of resolvents of equilibrium problems on complete geodesic spaces, Block Iterative Methods for a Finite Family of Generalized Nonexpansive Mappings in Banach Spaces, A shrinking projection method for solving the split common null point problem in Banach spaces, On the proximal point method for an infinite family of equilibrium problems in Banach spaces, Convergence of Mann's type iteration method for generalized asymptotically nonexpansive mappings, Halpern-type iterations for strongly relatively nonexpansive mappings in Banach spaces, Hybrid projection method for generalized mixed equilibrium problems, variational inequality problems, and fixed point problems in Banach spaces, Single-step algorithm for variational inequality problems in 2-uniformly convex Banach spaces, An inertial subgradient extragradient method with Armijo type step size for pseudomonotone variational inequalities with non-Lipschitz operators in Banach spaces, Strong convergence for solving a general system of variational inequalities and fixed point problems in Banach spaces, Strong convergence theorem for quasi-\(\phi \)-asymptotically nonexpansive mappings in the intermediate sense in Banach spaces, Convergence of an iterative method for relatively nonexpansive multi-valued mappings and equilibrium problems in Banach spaces, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, The modified Mann type iterative algorithm for a countable family of totally quasi-\(\phi\)-asymptotically nonexpansive mappings by the hybrid generalized f-projection method, Weak and strong convergence theorems for mixed equilibrium problems in Banach spaces, Strong convergence of Mann's type iteration method for an infinite family of generalized asymptotically nonexpansive nonself mappings in Hilbert spaces, Halpern-type iterative algorithm for an infinite family of relatively quasi-nonexpansive multivalued mappings and equilibrium problem in Banach spaces, Algorithm for the generalized Φ-strongly monotone mappings and application to the generalized convex optimization problem, Hybrid projection algorithms for finite total asymptotically strict quasi-phi-pseudo-contractions, Strong and weak convergence theorems for split equilibrium problems and fixed point problems in Banach spaces, Systems of variational inequalities with hierarchical variational inequality constraints in Banach spaces, Algorithms and Convergence Theorems for Mixed Equilibrium Problems in Hilbert Spaces, Iterative algorithm for a common fixed point of two mono-pseudocontractive mappings in Banach spaces, Convergence Theorems for Equilibrium Problems and Relatively Nonexpansive Multi-Valued Mappings in Banach Spaces, Hybrid Projection Algorithm for Two Finite Families of Asymptotically Quasiϕ-Nonexpansive Mappings in Reflexive Banach Spaces, Generalized proximal point algorithms for multiobjective optimization problems, Weak convergence of a projection algorithm for variational inequalities in a Banach space, An inexact proximal-type algorithm in Banach spaces, Existence and iterative construction of solutions to non-linear Dirichlet boundary value problems with p-Laplacian operator, New algorithms for solving system of generalized mixed equilibrium problems and some nonlinear problems, with applications, An inexact proximal-type method for the generalized variational inequality in Banach spaces, Block iterative methods for a finite family of relatively nonexpansive mappings in Banach spaces, A new projection and convergence theorems for the projections in Banach spaces, A Mann type iterative scheme for variational inequalities in noncompact subsets of Banach spaces, Strong convergence theorems for a common fixed point of two relatively nonexpansive mappings in a Banach space, Two Strong Convergence Theorems for a Proximal Method in Reflexive Banach Spaces, Convergence of the modified Mann's iteration method for asymptotically strict pseudo-contractions, Strong convergence of the CQ method for fixed point iteration processes, On hybrid projection methods for asymptotically quasi-\(\phi\)-nonexpansive mappings, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Strong convergence theorems for maximal monotone operators in Banach spaces, Hybrid Proximal-Type and Hybrid Shrinking Projection Algorithms for Equilibrium Problems, Maximal Monotone Operators, and Relatively Nonexpansive Mappings, Strong Convergence of an Inexact Proximal Point Algorithm for Equilibrium Problems in Banach Spaces, Strong convergence of a relaxed three-step iterative algorithm for countable families of pseudocontractions, An iterative procedure for solving the common solution of two total quasi-\(\phi\)-asymptotically nonexpansive multi-valued mappings in Banach spaces, A Proximal-Type Method for Convex Vector Optimization Problem in Banach Spaces, Approximation of a Common Fixed Point of Two Nonlinear Mappings with Nonsummable Errors in a Banach Space, Iterative algorithm for zeros of multivalued accretive operators in certain Banach spaces, An existence principle for variational inequalities in Banach spaces, Strong and weak convergence theorems for equilibrium problems and relatively nonexpansive mappings in Banach spaces, Unnamed Item, An algorithm for computing zeros of generalized phi-strongly monotone and bounded maps in classical Banach spaces, Generalized mixed equilibrium problems and quasi-\(\phi\)-asymptotically nonexpansive multivalued mappings in Banach spaces, Approximating solutions of Hammerstein type equations in Banach spaces, A new iterative algorithm for split feasibility and fixed point problems, Solution by iteration of split equality problem involving some families of mappings in Banach spaces, Strong convergence of projection algorithms for a family of relatively quasi-nonexpansive mappings and an equilibrium problem in Banach spaces, Parallel Hybrid Methods for a Finite Family of Relatively Nonexpansive Mappings, Unnamed Item, On convergence of the proximal point algorithm in Banach spaces, Bregman distance and strong convergence of proximal-type algorithms, Mann-type extragradient methods for general systems of variational inequalities with multivalued variational inclusion constraints in Banach spaces, Implicit and explicit iterative methods for systems of variational inequalities and zeros of accretive operators, Modified hybrid steepest-descent methods for general systems of variational inequalities with solutions to zeros of \(m\)-accretive operators in Banach spaces, Hybrid extragradient methods for finding zeros of accretive operators and solving variational inequality and fixed point problems in Banach spaces, Convergence results of forward-backward algorithms for sum of monotone operators in Banach spaces, Strong convergence theorems for firmly nonexpansive-type mappings and equilibrium problems in Banach spaces, Strong convergence to a solution of a variational inequality problem in Banach spaces, Two strong convergence theorems for the common null point problem in Banach spaces, Attractive point and mean convergence theorems for semigroups of mappings without continuity in Banach spaces