Gauge theory correlators from non-critical string theory

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DOI10.1016/S0370-2693(98)00377-3zbMath1355.81126arXivhep-th/9802109WikidataQ55885354 ScholiaQ55885354MaRDI QIDQ510841

Igor R. Klebanov, Alexandre M. Polyakov, Steven S. Gubser

Publication date: 14 February 2017

Published in: Physics Letters. B (Search for Journal in Brave)

Full work available at URL:

83E30: String and superstring theories in gravitational theory

81T60: Supersymmetric field theories in quantum mechanics

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from Tod-Hitchin geometry, Spinning strings and integrable spin chains in the AdS/CFT correspondence, On instanton contributions to anomalous dimensions in \(\mathcal N=4\) supersymmetric Yang--Mills theory, Novel explicit multi spin string solitons in \(\text{AdS}_5\), Holographic three-point functions: one step beyond the tradition, On the frame-like formulation of mixed-symmetry massless fields in \(\text{(A)dS}_d\), Relaxed super self-duality and \(N=4\) SYM at two loops, Spin bit models from non-planar \(N=4\) SYM., Holomorphic D7-branes and flavored \(\mathcal N=1\) gauge theories, Perturbations and supersymmetries in \(\text{AdS}_3/\text{CFT}_2\), Deformations of \(\mathcal N=4\) sym and integrable spin chain models, Large \(N\) limit of SYM theories with 16 supercharges from superstrings on D\(p\)-brane backgrounds, Holographic cubic vertex in the pp-wave, Lifting a conformal field theory from \(d\)-dimensional flat space to \((d+1)\)-dimensional AdS space, Coupling constant dependence of the shear viscosity in \(\mathcal N=4\) supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory, \(\mathrm{SL}(2)\) spin chain and spinning strings on \(\text{AdS}_5\times S^5\), Dilatation operator in (super-)Yang-Mills theories on the light-cone, From AdS black holes to supersymmetric flux-branes, Quantum string integrability and AdS/CFT, Wilson line correlators in \(\mathcal N=4\) non-commutative gauge theory on \(S^2\times S^2\), One-loop QCD spin chain and its spectrum, Open string integrability and AdS/CFT, Higher-spin fields in braneworlds, Dipole deformations of \(\mathcal N=1\) SYM and supergravity backgrounds with \(U(1)\times U(1)\) global symmetry, Fundamental branes and shock waves, On matrix models for anomalous dimensions of super-Yang-Mills theory, Long-range \(\mathfrak{psu}(2,2|4)\) Bethe ansätze for gauge theory and strings, Superstring sigma models from spin chains: the \(\text{SU}(1,1| 1)\) case, A dual gravity study of the (2+1)D compact \(U(1)\) gauge theory coupled with strongly interacting matter fields, Sugawara form for AdS superstring, Strong coupling dynamics of the Higgs branch: rolling a Higgs by collapsing an instanton, Current correlators and AdS/CFT geometry, Sound waves in strongly coupled non-conformal gauge theory plasma, Five-dimensional supergravity dual of \(a\)-maximization, Bulk dynamics in confining gauge theories, Sigma model from \(\text{SU}(1| 2)\) spin chain, Conformal sigma models on supercoset targets, Cusped SYM Wilson loop at two loops and beyond, Conjectures for large \(\mathcal N=4\) superconformal chiral primary four point functions, Non-linear sigma models with anti-de Sitter target spaces, The membrane at the end of the (de Sitter) universe, Non-SUSY \(p\)-branes, bubbles and tubular branes, Strings as multi-particle states of quantum sigma-models, Brane partons and singleton strings, Interface Yang-Mills, supersymmetry, and Janus, Ten-dimensional supersymmetric Janus solutions, Heterotic nonlinear sigma models with anti-de Sitter target spaces, Quantum field theory on curved backgrounds. I: The Euclidean functional integral, Obstructions to the existence of Sasaki-Einstein metrics, (Non)-supersymmetric marginal deformations from twistor string theory, Black hole entropy function, attractors and precision counting of microstates, 3-branes on Eguchi-Hanson 6D instantons, On semiclassical approximation and spinning string vertex operators in AdS\(_5\times S^5\), A supersymmetric and smooth compactification of M-theory to AdS\(_5\), Open string plane-wave light-cone superstring field theory, Semi-classical string solutions for \(\mathcal N=1\) SYM, Correlation functions and massive Kaluza-Klein modes in the AdS/CFT correspondence, A holographic reduction of Minkowski space-time, Gauge/string duality for QCD conformal operators, The \(N=4\) SYM integrable super spin chain, Quantizing string theory in AdS\(_5\times S^5\): beyond the pp-wave, Conformal symmetry of relativistic and nonrelativistic systems and AdS/CFT correspondence., On the consistency of the \(N=1\) SYM spectra from wrapped five-branes, Shape and holography: studies of dual operators to giant gravitons, The complete one-loop dilatation operator of \(N=4\) super-Yang-Mills theory, A note on causality in the bulk and stability on the boundary, Interpolating from AdS\(_{D-2}\times S^2\) to AdS\(_D\), Conformal and superconformal mechanics revisited, The holographic supercurrent anomaly, Supersymmetry, the cosmological constant, and a theory of quantum gravity in our universe, Deconstructing the cosmological constant, The \(su(2| 3)\) dynamic spin chain, DGLAP and BFKL equations in the \(N=4\) supersymmetric gauge theory, Brane world gravity in an AdS black hole, Scalar absorption and the breaking of the world-volume conformal invariance, Wilson-Polyakov loop at finite temperature in large-\(N\) gauge theory and anti-de Sitter supergravity, Near-horizon geometry and black holes in four dimensions, Gauge theories from orientifolds and large-\(N\) limit, Near horizon geometry of rotating black holes in five dimensions, On \(N=8\) supergravity in \(\text{AdS}_ 5\) and \(N=4\) superconformal Yang-Mills theory., Orbifolds of \(\text{AdS}_ 5\times S^ 5\) and 4d conformal field theories., \(\text{AdS}_ 5\times S^ 5\) untwisted., Type IIB superstring action in \(\text{AdS}_5\times S^5\) background, Brane intersections, anti-de Sitter space-times and dual superconformal theories, \(D=4\) super Yang-Mills, \(D=5\) gauged supergravity and \(D=4\) conformal supergravity., DLCQ-M(atrix) description of string theory, and supergravity., Coupling constant dependence in the thermodynamics of \({\mathcal N}=4\) supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory., Comments on \(N=4\) superconformal algebras, N=2 supersymmetric RG flows and the IIB dilaton, Super Yang-Mills operators from the D3-brane action in a curved background, Noncommutative Calabi-Yau manifolds, Three-dimensional SCFTs, supersymmetric domain wall and renormalization group flow, Holographic renormalization group and conformal anomaly for AdS\(_9\)/CFT\(_8\) correspondence, Holographic renormalization group with fermions and form fields, Wilson loops in SYM theory: from weak to strong coupling, Matching the observed cosmological constant with vacuum energy density in AdS, Non-extremal fractional branes, \(S^1\)-wrapped D3-branes on conifolds, The pp-wave limits of orbifolded \(\text{AdS}_5\times S^5\), Holographic renormalization, Domain wall from gauged \(d=4\), \(N=8\) supergravity. I, Brane splitting via quantum tunneling, Modular origin of chiral diffeomorphisms and their fuzzy analogs in higher-dimensional quantum field theories, World-volume description of M2-branes ending on an M5-brane and holography, Stringy gravity, interacting tensionless strings and massless higher spins, Implications of superconformal symmetry for interacting (2,0) tensor multiplets, Penrose limit of \(N=1\) gauge theories, A semi-classical limit of the gauge/string correspondence, Complete factorization of equations of motion in supersymmetric field theories, A worldsheet description of planar Yang-Mills theory, Towards a background independent approach to \(\mathcal M\) theory, Aspects of semiclassical strings in AdS\(_5\), Quantum metamorphosis of conformal symmetry in \(N=4\) super Yang-Mills theory, Open static Chaplygin universe, Fermion doubling and Berenstein-Maldacena-Nastase correspondence, Logarithmic operators in the SL\((2,\mathbb{R})\) WZNW model, Massless higher spins and 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Momentum fluctuations of heavy quarks in the gauge-string duality, A class of BPS time-dependent 3-charge microstates from spectral flow, The generalized non-linear Schrödinger model on the interval, Holography with Schrödinger potentials, AdS/CFT correspondence in the Euclidean context, Tunneling radiation characteristic of the charged particle from the Reissner-Nordström-anti de Sitter Black hole, 2D Heisenberg model from rotating membrane, Factorized world-sheet scattering in near-flat \(\text{AdS}_5\times S^5\), Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, QUANTUM DILATONIC GRAVITY IN d=2,4 AND 5 DIMENSIONS, STRINGS AND BRANES IN NON-ABELIAN GAUGE THEORY, BOGOLUBOV'S RECURSION AND INTEGRABILITY OF EFFECTIVE ACTIONS, WORLD SHEET LOGARITHMIC CFT IN AdS STRINGS, GHOST-MATTER MIXING AND M THEORY, REPRESENTATIONS OF SUPERCONFORMAL ALGEBRAS IN THE AdS7/4/CFT6/3 CORRESPONDENCE, SOLITONIC BRANE WORLD WITH COMPLETELY LOCALIZED (SUPER)GRAVITY, Superstrings and topological strings at large N, Representations of superconformal algebras in the AdS7/4/CFT6/3 correspondence, A supersymmetric type IIB Randall–Sundrum realization, ANTI-DE SITTER CURVATURE RADIUS CONSTRAINED BY QUASARS IN BRANE-WORLD SCENARIOS, COLLECTIVE STRING FIELD THEORY OF MATRIX MODELS IN THE BMN LIMIT, EXACT RESULTS FOR THE BTZ BLACK HOLE, HORIZONS AND THE THERMAL HARMONIC OSCILLATOR, UV/IR MIXING IN NONCOMMUTATIVE FIELD THEORIES AND OPEN–CLOSED STRING DUALITY, TACHYON CONDENSATION AND OFF-SHELL GRAVITY/GAUGE DUALITY, ANOMALY INDUCED EFFECTIVE ACTION COMBINED WITH GENERALIZED BRANS–DICKE THEORY, AMOEBAS AND INSTANTONS, DARK MATTER CANDIDATE FROM CONFORMALITY, TIME AND M-THEORY, INFORMATION LOSS AND TUNNELING RADIATION OF THE NON-STATIONARY DILATON–MAXWELL, BLACK HOLE, SHEAR VISCOSITY OF YANG–MILLS THEORY IN THE CONFINEMENT PHASE, Five-Dimensional Kerr–AdS Black Holes, First Law and Counterterms, HOLOGRAPHIC FLAVOR IN THEORIES WITH EIGHT SUPERCHARGES, THE CARDY–VERLINDE FORMULA AND CHARGED TOPOLOGICAL AdS BLACK HOLES, A REMARK ON NONCONFORMAL NONSUPERSYMMETRIC THEORIES WITH VANISHING VACUUM ENERGY DENSITY, SEMICLASSICAL CORRECTIONS TO THE CARDY–VERLINDE FORMULA OF KERR BLACK HOLES, HEAVY ION COLLISIONS AND BLACK HOLE DYNAMICS, Instantons and Supersymmetry, LOGARITHMIC CONFORMAL FIELD THEORIES AND AdS CORRESPONDENCE, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, THE SIGMA MODEL FORMULATION OF TYPE II STRING THEORY IN THE AdS5 × S5 BACKGROUNDS WITH RAMOND–RAMOND FLUX, POINT PARTICLE–SYMMETRIC TENSORS INTERACTION AND GENERALIZED GAUGE PRINCIPLE, AdS DYNAMICS FOR MASSIVE SCALAR FIELD: EXACT SOLUTIONS vs. BULK-BOUNDARY PROPAGATOR, Theta Dependence in the Large<mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline"><mml:mi mathvariant="italic">N</mml:mi></mml:math>Limit of Four-Dimensional Gauge Theories, D-String on Near Horizon Geometries and Infinite Conformal Symmetry, Gauged Six-Dimensional Supergravity from Massive Type IIA String Theory, Spacetime and the Holographic Renormalization Group, Boundary<mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline"><mml:mi mathvariant="italic">S</mml:mi></mml:math>Matrix and the Anti–de Sitter Space to Conformal Field Theory Dictionary, Geometrical Finiteness, Holography, and the Bañados-Teitelboim-Zanelli Black Hole, Embeddings of the Virasoro Algebra and Black Hole Entropy, Holography and Noncommutative Yang-Mills Theory, ON THE CONFORMAL ANOMALY FROM HIGHER DERIVATIVE GRAVITY IN AdS/CFT CORRESPONDENCE, LATTICE GAUGE THEORIES AND THE AdS/CFT CORRESPONDENCE, GAUGE DEPENDENCE IN THE AdS/CFT CORRESPONDENCE, STATE OF THE UNIFICATION ADDRESS, EXPLICIT N = 2 SUPERSYMMETRY FOR HIGHER-SPIN FIELDS IN D = 4 AdS SUPERSPACE, TACHYONS IN DE SITTER SPACE AND ANALYTICAL CONTINUATION FROM dS/CFT TO AdS/CFT, SUPERCONFORMAL GAUGE THEORIES AND NONCRITICAL SUPERSTRINGS, QCD VACUUM AND AXIONS: WHAT'S HAPPENING?, ON GAUGE DYNAMICS AND SUSY BREAKING IN ORIENTIWORLD, GAUGE FIELDS AND SPACE-TIME, FRIEDMANN–ROBERTSON–WALKER BRANE COSMOLOGICAL EQUATIONS FROM THE FIVE-DIMENSIONAL BULk (A)dS BLACK HOLE, INFINITE-DIMENSIONAL FREE ALGEBRA AND THE FORMS OF THE MASTER FIELD, INTRODUCTION TO THE MALDACENA CONJECTURE ON AdS/CFT, SUPER WEYL ANOMALIES IN THE AdS/CFT CORRESPONDENCE, WHY THERE IS SOMETHING SO CLOSE TO NOTHING: TOWARDS A FUNDAMENTAL THEORY OF THE COSMOLOGICAL CONSTANT, ON THE CORRESPONDENCE BETWEEN NONCOMMUTATIVE FIELD THEORY AND GRAVITY, BRST INVARIANCE OF NONLOCAL CHARGES AND MONODROMY MATRIX OF BOSONIC STRING ON AdS5×S5, Black Holes, Black Rings, and their Microstates, CONFORMAL SUPERFIELDS AND BPS STATES IN AdS4/7 GEOMETRIES, QUANTIZING FIELD THEORIES IN NONCOMMUTATIVE GEOMETRY AND THE AdS/CFT CORRESPONDENCE, BARYON MASSES AND WILSON LOOPS FOR FRACTIONAL D3-BRANE ON THE RESOLVED CONIFOLD, QFT, STRINGS AND LOW-DIMENSIONAL TOPOLOGY, CONFORMAL SYMMETRY OF SUPERSTRINGS ON AdS3 × S3 × T4 AND D1/D5 System, FLUID DYNAMICS OF NSR STRINGS, WAVY WILSON LINE AND AdS/CFT, THE LIBRARY OF BABEL, MESON MASS AND CONFINEMENT FORCE DRIVEN BY DILATON, IMPROVED STABILITY FOR PULSATING MULTISPIN STRING SOLITONS, QCD AND STRING THEORY, EXTENDED CONFORMAL GROUP AND DSR VELOCITIES ON THE PHYSICAL SURFACE, DECONSTRUCTION AND OTHER APPROACHES TO SUPERSYMMETRIC LATTICE FIELD THEORIES, UNITARITY ISSUE IN BTZ BLACK HOLES, A PERTURBATIVE REANALYSIS OF ${\mathcal N}=4$ SUPERSYMMETRIC YANG–MILLS THEORY, LOGARITHMIC CORRECTION TO SCALING FOR MULTISPIN STRINGS IN THE AdS5 BLACK HOLE BACKGROUND, Super Schrödinger algebra in AdS/CFT, CONFORMAL MODULI AND b-c PICTURES FOR NSR STRINGS, CONSTRUCTING STRING FIELD THEORY FROM LARGE N GAUGE THEORY, NSR STRING IN AdS3 BACKGROUND: NONLOCAL CHARGES, ON THE FLATTENING OF NEGATIVE CURVATURE VIA T-DUALITY WITH A NON-CONSTANT B-FIELD, TACHYON DYNAMICS IN OPEN STRING THEORY, A Representation of Symmetry Generators for Type IIB Superstring on a Plane Wave in the U(4) Formalism, Graviton-Scalar Interaction in the pp-Wave Background, A Large-D Weyl Invariant String in Anti-de Sitter Space, Quantum effective action from the AdS/CFT correspondence, Localization of matter and cosmological constant on a brane in anti de Sitter space, Five-dimensional \(N=4\), \(\text{SU}(2)\times\text{U}(1)\) gauged supergravity from type IIB, A comment on the holographic renormalization group and the soft dilaton theorem., The Fefferman-Graham ambiguity and AdS black holes., Logarithmic operators in \(\text{AdS}_3/\text{CFT}_2\), Quasinormal modes of Reissner-Nordström anti-de Sitter black holes, A note on the holographic beta and \(c\) functions, A test of the AdS/CFT duality on the Coulomb branch, Three-loop four-point correlator in \(N=4\) SYM, Towards a SDLCQ test of the Maldacena conjecture, A note on holographic Ward identities., Gravity-scalar fluctuations in holographic RG flow geometries, An \(N=2\) gauge theory and its supergravity dual, Holography and the origin of anomalies, Can we live on the brane in Schwarzschild-anti de Sitter black hole?, Noncommutative moduli spaces, dielectric tori and \(T\)-duality, Local quantum observables in the anti-de-Sitter--conformal QFT correspondence, Confining strings, Wilson loops and extra dimensions, AdS/CFT correspondence in cosmology, String corrections to four point functions in the AdS/CFT correspondence., Supersymmetry in the AdS/CFT correspondence., On gauge-field superbrane actions in AdS superbackgrounds, Correlators of currents corresponding to the massive \(p\)-form fields in AdS/CFT correspondence., Two-boundaries AdS/CFT correspondence in dilatonic gravity, Non-supersymmetric stable vacua of M-theory, Alternative \(N=2\) supergravity in five dimensions with singularities, Free field approach to string theory on \(\text{AdS}_3\), How noncommutative gauge theories couple to gravity, Supersymmetric domain wall and RG flow from 4-dimensional gauged \(N=8\) supergravity, Superconformal algebras in light-cone gauge quantization of string theories on \(\text{AdS}_3\), Quantum (in)stability of a brane-world AdS\(_5\) universe at nonzero temperature, Operator product expansion of the lowest weight CPOs in \(\mathcal N=4\) \(\text{SYM}_ 4\) at strong coupling., Glueball spectrum for QCD from AdS supergravity duality., A general construction of conformal field theories from scalar anti-de Sitter quantum field theories., Path integral approach to string theory on \(\text{AdS}_ 3\)., Holographic renormalization group flow, Wilson loops and field-theory \(\beta\)-functions., Conformal supergravity from the AdS/CFT correspondence, Near-extremal correlators and vanishing supergravity couplings in AdS/CFT, The operator product expansion of \(\mathcal N=4\) SYM and the 4-point functions of supergravity., Three point functions and the effective Lagrangian for the chiral primary fields in \(D=4\) supergravity on \(\text{AdS}_ 2\times S^ 2\)., GAUGE SYMMETRIES OF STRINGS IN SUPERTWISTOR SPACE, HOLOGRAPHY AND EMERGENT 4D GRAVITY, Supercurrents in Matrix theory and the generalized AdS/CFT correspondence, Perturbative and instanton corrections to the OPE of CPOs in \(N=4\) SYM\(_4\), The strong and weak holographic principles, CFT and entropy on the brane, The Cardy-Verlinde formula and Taub-Bolt-AdS spacetimes, Non-critical non-singular bosonic strings, linear dilatons and holography, Randall-Sundrum brane tensions, Matrix strings in weakly curved background fields, Field spectrum and degrees of freedom in AdS/CFT correspondence and Randall-Sundrum model, AdS/CFT in the infinite momentum frame, Partial non-renormalisation of the stress-tensor four-point function in N=4 SYM and AdS/CFT, Curved BPS domain wall solutions in four-dimensional N=2 supergravity, The Cardy-Verlinde formula and topological AdS-Schwarzschild black holes, Test of gauged \(N=8\) SUGRA/\(N=1\) SYM duality at sub-leading order, Supersymmetric non-singular fractional D2-branes and NS-NS 2-branes, Fractional D1-branes at finite temperature, Orientifold in conifold and quantum deformation, Alternative \(N=2\) supergravity in singular five dimensions with matter/gauge couplings, General matter coupled \(N=4\) gauged supergravity in five dimensions, Massless 3-branes in M-theory, More exact predictions of SUSYM for string theory, Supersymmetric index of the M-theory 5-brane and little string theory, Complete factorization of equations of motion in Wess-Zumino theory, Hyper-Kähler Calabi metrics, \(L^2\) harmonic forms, resolved M2-branes, and AdS\(_4\)/CFT\(_3\) correspondence, Flux-branes and the dielectric effect in string theory, On non-renormalization and OPE in superconformal field theories, String corrections to the holographic RG flow of supersymmetric SU\((N+M)\times\)SU\((N)\) gauge theory, Exceptional non-renormalization properties and OPE analysis of chiral four-point functions in \(N=4\) SYM\(_4\), On the M5 and the \(\text{AdS}_7/\text{CFT}_6\) correspondence, On conifolds and D3-branes, Correlation functions in holographic renormalization group flows, Bulk versus boundary quantum states, The large \(M\) limit of noncommutative open strings at strong coupling, On string tensions in supersymmetric gauge theory, Supersymmetric domain walls from metrics of special holonomy, AdS/CFT duality and the black hole information paradox, Stability of antisymmetric tensor fields of Chern-Simons type in AdS spacetime, Vortex holography, CFTs on non-critical braneworlds, Confinement near Argyres-Douglas point in \(N=2\) QCD and low energy version of AdS/CFT correspondence, A worldsheet description of large N\(_c\) quantum field theory, Supercoherent states of OSp\((8^*|2N)\), conformal superfields and the AdS\(_7\)/CFT\(_6\) duality, Partial supersymmetry breaking and AdS\(_4\) supermembrane, An \(N=1\) supersymmetric \(G_2\)-invariant flow in M-theory, Massless arbitrary spin fields in AdS\(_5\), Correlators of open D-string theory from supergravity, An improved correspondence formula for AdS/CFT with multi-trace operators, QCD, supersymmetric QCD, lattice QCD and string theory: Synthesis on the horizon?, Confining strings, Wilson loops and extra dimensions