scientific article; zbMATH DE number 3317224

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zbMath0199.12501MaRDI QIDQ5597066

Rolf Nevanlinna

Publication date: 1970

Title: zbMATH Open Web Interface contents unavailable due to conflicting licenses.

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of entire functions of completely regular growth along curves of regular rotation, On asymmetry and capacity, Singularities of Schröder maps and unhyperbolicity of rational functions, On the Nevanlinna characteristic of \(f(z+\eta)\) and difference equations in the complex plane, Meromorphic maps on Riemann surfaces and transcendence, Painlevé I, coverings of the sphere and Belyi functions, An almost complexe Bloch's theorem, On a conjecture of Gackstatter and Laine on some differential equations, Asymptotically sharp Markov and Schur inequalities on general sets, Asymptotics of \(L^p\) Christoffel functions, The Lebesgue decomposition of the free additive convolution of two probability distributions, On the Fermat-type equation \({f^3(z)+f^3(z+c)=1}\), Some uniqueness results related to \(L\)-functions, Admissible solutions of second order differential equations. II, Polynomial diffeomorphisms of \(\mathbb{C}^ 2\). IV: The measure of maximal entropy and laminar currents, Admissible solutions of second order differential equations, Analytic cycles and vector bundles on non-compact algebraic varieties, Nevanlinna theory of meromorphic functions on annuli, An extremal problem for the hyperbolic metric on Denjoy domains, A modification of the Nevanlinna theory, Integral means, univalent functions and circular symmetrization, On a problem of MacLane concerning arc tracts, An extension of the Nevanlinna theory, Monodromy groups and linearly polymorphic functions, Meromorphic functions, Kriterien für Fastperiodizität, Pointwise convergence on the boundary in the Denjoy-Wolff theorem, On meromorphic solutions of a functional equation, Analogs of the \(N\{\omega\}\) classes in the case of a circular annulus, Approximation in the mean by polynomials on non-Caratheodory domains, On meromorphic solutions of a functional equation of Kuczma and Smajdor, Entire functions with three linearly distributed values, On meromorphic solutions of certain functional equations, Distribution of the zeros of the imaginary parts of meromorphic functions, A ramification theorem for the ratio of canonical forms of flat surfaces in hyperbolic three-space, Noether theory of the generalized two-function Carleman problem for a multiply connected region, An entire function with linearly distributed values, Counting functions of sequences of a-points for entire functions, On a result of G. Pólya concerning the Riemann \(\xi\)-function, Remarks on Hersch-Pfluger theorem, Some properties of meromorphic solutions of \(q\)-difference equations, Schlicht regions for entire and meromorphic functions, Right limits and reflectionless measures for CMV matrices, Subharmonicity of the Lyapunov index, A value-distribution criterion for the class L log L, and some related questions, Canonical Blaschke-type products for the Nevanlinna area class, Polynomial difference equations which have entire solutions of finite order, Maximal domains for entire functions, A convolution inequality with applications to function theory. II, A remark on the cluster theorem, Meromorphic solutions of some second order differential equations, Dynamical properties of some classes of entire functions, On an ultrahyperelliptic surface with Picard constant three, Interpolation problems of Pick-Nevanlinna and Loewner types for meromorphic matrix functions: Parametrization of the set of all solutions, On finite modifications of algebroid surfaces, Elliptic, hyperbolic, and condenser capacity: geometric estimates for elliptic capacity