scientific article; zbMATH DE number 3198931

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zbMath0123.03402MaRDI QIDQ5735274

Masayoshi Nagata

Publication date: 1962

Title: zbMATH Open Web Interface contents unavailable due to conflicting licenses.

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I, \(R\)-endomorphisms of \(RX_1,\dots ,X_n\), Der Satz von M. Artin über die Lösungen analytischer Gleichungen mit Koeffizienten in einem Körper beliebiger Charakteristik, A particular class of regular domains, Intersections of height 2 primes, Three-dimensional unique factorization domain which is not catenary, Sulla permanenza degli anelli di Krull e completamente integralmente chiusi rispetto a certi tipi di omomorfismi, Similarity of matrices over Artinian principal ideal rings, Zur Einbettung von Moduln in zyklische Moduln und direkte Summen zyklischer Moduln, Finiteness of ideal transforms, Hypersurfaces with nonsingular normalization and their double loci, On the nonflatness of analytic tensor product, Transcendence degree in power series rings, Purity and generalized chain conditions, Sur la dualité locale, Affine polynomial identity rings and their generalizations, Applications of functional analysis to the solution of power series equations, Solving power series equations. II: Change of ground field, Finite equivalence relations on algebraic varieties, Integral representations of groups of square-free order, The rank condition and convergence of formal functions, Local rings of finite Cohen-Macaulay type, Rings with Auslander dualizing complexes, T-ideals and superAzumaya algebras, Skolem properties, value-functions, and divisorial ideals, The dimension of tensor products of \(k\)-algebras arising from pullbacks, Noetherian domains inside a homomorphic image of a completion, Etaleness and normality, The plus closure in degree two extensions, Construction techniques for Galois coverings of the affine line, Primary ideals with finitely generated radical in a commutative ring, Linear compactness and Hensel's lemma, Fuzzy coefficient fields of fuzzy subrings, Galois stratification over \(e\)-fold ordered Frobenius fields, Dicriticals of pencils and Dedekind's Gauss lemma, One-dimensional stable rings, Blowing up finitely supported complete ideals in a regular local ring, Noether normalization guided by monomial cone decompositions, Multi-ideal-adic completions of Noetherian rings, The Chern coefficients of local rings, Zaks' conjecture on rings with semi-regular proper homomorphic images, Strongly divided domains, Idealization of a module, Properties of factorizations with successive lengths in one-dimensional local domains, Maps on divisor class groups induced by ring homomorphisms of finite flat dimension, A class of local noetherian domains, Homomorphisms of local algebras in positive characteristic, Boundary manifolds of projective hypersurfaces, A measure of non-sequential Cohen-Macaulayness of finitely generated modules, Projectively full ideals in noetherian rings, A classification of the minimal ring extensions of an integral domain, Reduced \(K\)-theory of Azumaya algebras., Projectively full ideals in noetherian rings. II., Some characterizations of Krull domains, On the exactness of products in the localization of (Ab.\(4^{\ast}\)) Grothendieck categories, Étoiles and valuations, A construction of Gorenstein rings, Power integral bases for Selmer-like number fields, Inversion of adjunction on log canonicity, Co-Cohen-Macaulay modules and local cohomology, Rees valuations and asymptotic primes of rational powers in noetherian rings and lattices, Efficient generation of ideals in polynomial rings, Modules whose proper submodules are finitely generated, Chains of prime ideals in tensor products of algebras, The numerical duplication of a numerical semigroup., Wild quotient singularities of surfaces, Transfer of multiplication-like conditions in amalgamated algebra along an ideal, Chain conditions in amalgamated algebras along an ideal, On the uniform bound of the index of reducibility of parameter ideals of a module whose polynomial type is at most one, An avoidance principle with an application to the asymptotic behaviour of graded local cohomology, Prescribed subintegral extensions of local Noetherian domains, \(S\)-Noetherian properties on amalgamated algebras along an ideal, Valuation overrings of a Noetherian domain, On the faithfulness of certain representations of \(\mathrm{GL}_2(\mathbb F)\) under an Iwasawa algebra, Finitely supported \(\ast\)-simple complete ideals in a regular local ring, Asymptotic multiplicities of graded families of ideals and linear series, Sectional genera of parameter ideals, Fibers of flat morphisms and Weierstrass preparation theorem, Surjectivity of the global-to-local map defining a Selmer group, On the top local cohomology modules, Homological dimensions of the amalgamated duplication of a ring along a pure ideal, On some conjectures about the Chern numbers of filtrations, Perinormality -- a generalization of Krull domains, On the structure of Noetherian symbolic Rees algebras, The structure of a Laurent polynomial fibration in \(n\) variables, Birational extensions of regular local rings and local UFDs, Completions of Noetherian P.I. rings, Overholonomicity of overconvergent \(F\)-isocrystals over smooth varieties, Koh like theorems for polynomials in mixed characteristic, Excellent normal local domains and extensions of Krull domains, Integrally closed ideals in regular local rings of dimension two, Universally catenarian domains of the type \(A + I\), Rees algebra over an ideal in \(\mathfrak{t}\)-rings, The first Euler characteristics versus the homological degrees, Asymptotic multiplicities, Local monomialization of analytic maps, Derivative at \(s = 1\) of the \(p\)-adic \(L\)-function of the symmetric square of a Hilbert modular form, Ideal theory of infinite directed unions of local quadratic transforms, Localization, completion and the AR property in Noetherian P.I. rings, A note on Itoh (\(\operatorname{e}\))-valuation rings of an ideal, Families of Gorenstein and almost Gorenstein rings, On bowtie rings, universal survival rings and universal lying-over rings, Integral closure and generic elements, A spectral construction of a treed domain that is not going-down., Criteria for direct-sum cancellation, with an application to negative quadratic orders, Minimal modules over valuation domains, On the condition Going up for \({R \subset \hat{R}}\), Rings of invariants of finite groups which are hypersurfaces. II, On treed Nagata rings, Constructing bad Noetherian local domains using derivations, Localization functors and cosupport in derived categories of commutative Noetherian rings, Split embedding problems over complete domains, Analytic theory of curvettes and dicriticals, Attached primes of local cohomology modules under localization and completion, On adjusted Hilbert-Samuel functions, On the transfer of the notion directed union of Artinian subrings, Ultraproducts and approximation in local rings. I, Dualizing complexes and systems of parameters, A Nullstellensatz with nilpotents and Zariski's Main Lemma on holomorphic functions, Universal-finite extensions of analytic algebras, Properties of Noetherian rings stable under general grade reduction, Rings of type I, On Marot rings, Going up along absolutely flat morphisms, Independent elements, unmixedness theorems, and asymptotic prime divisors, Modules over arbitrary domains, Regular rings of invariants of unipotent groups, Graded Cohen-Macaulay rings associated to equimultiple ideals, Local rings with bounded ideals, P-rings and P-homomorphisms, Mock covers and Galois extensions, Sur les S-domaines forts de Kaplansky. (On strong Kaplansky S-domains), Finitistic dimensions of finite dimensional monomial algebras, Krull rings, Prüfer \(v\)-multiplication rings and the ring of finite fractions, On weakly \(\delta_{R,M}\)-semiprimary submodules, On shifted principles for attached primes of the top local cohomology modules, Effective computation of the integral closure of a morphism, \(LS(3)\)-equivalence conditions of control points and application to spatial Bézier curves and surfaces, Ratliff-Rush filtrations associated with ideals and modules over a Noetherian ring, A note on pairs of rings with the same prime ideals, On the limit closure of a sequence of elements in local rings, Note on clear rings, On the equivalence of the integral symbolic and adic topologies, On \({\mathfrak m}\)-full powers of parameter ideals, Isolated points of the Zariski space, Note on the completion of a local domain with geometrically normal formal fibers, On almost-divided domains, A uniform Chevalley theorem for direct summands of polynomial rings in mixed characteristic, Uniformization of Jungian local domains, Über die Anzahl der Erzeugenden eines Ideals in einem Noetherschen Ring, On graded coherent-like properties in trivial ring extensions, Asymptotic properties of infinite directed unions of local quadratic transforms, Exceptional complete intersection maps of local rings, Finitely supported \(\ast\)-simple complete ideals and multiplicities in a regular local ring, Directed unions of local quadratic transforms of a regular local ring, Chern coefficients and Cohen-Macaulay rings, Ulrich ideals and 2-AGL rings, Hilbert-Kunz multiplicities and \(F\)-thresholds, A note on zero-divisor graph of amalgamated duplication of a ring along an ideal, Three open questions on residually small rings, Sequences of quadratic transforms of a noetherian local domain, Prüfer property in amalgamated algebras along an ideal, Calculations involving symbolic powers, Convergence of Rees valuations of sequences of one-fibered domains, On semicontinuity of multiplicities in families, Pure projective tilting modules, On lower bounds for \(s\)-multiplicities, Kronecker function rings and power series rings, The \(p\)-radical closure of local Noetherian rings, Witt-Burnside functor attached to \(\boldsymbol{Z}_p^2\) and \(p\)-adic Lipschitz continuous functions, Affine threefolds admitting \(G_a\)-actions, Noetherian-like properties in polynomial and power series rings, Moderately ramified actions in positive characteristic, On finite generation of Noetherian algebras over two-dimensional regular local rings, The tree of quadratic transforms of a regular local ring of dimension two, Asymptotic prime divisors of torsion-free symmetric powers of modules, Betti numbers of Koszul algebras defined by four quadrics, Quintessential-modulated ideals, Multiplicity sequence and integral dependence, Tilting preserves finite global dimension, Rings in which every nonzero weakly prime ideal is prime, Algebraic properties of expectation semirings, The bi-canonical degree of a Cohen-Macaulay ring, A converse to a construction of Eisenbud-Shamash, A stable version of Harbourne's conjecture and the containment problem for space monomial curves, Noetherian operators, primary submodules and symbolic powers, Modules over discrete valuation domains. III, A note on amalgamated rings along an ideal, Structure of Fano fibrations of varieties admitting an int-amplified endomorphism, The zero-divisor graph of an amalgamated algebra, Equimultiplicity, algebraic elimination, and blowing-up, Local rings with zero-dimensional formal fibers, Attached primes of local cohomology modules and structure of Noetherian local rings, Algebraic independence of elements in immediate extensions of valued fields, Generalization of a result of Hickel, Ito and Izumi about a Diophantine inequality, Affine schemes and topological closures in the Zariski-Riemann space of valuation rings, Zur Theorie der Saturation bei analytischen Algebren, Cohomology with polynomial growth and completion theory, Nash wings and real prime divisors, Cohen-Macaulayness with respect to Serre classes, Valuation domains with a maximal immediate extension of finite rank, On the finiteness of a field-theoretic invariant for commutative rings, Bases of ideals and Rees valuation rings, Hilbert coefficients and the depth of associated graded rings with respect to parameter ideals, A probabilistic approach to systems of parameters and Noether normalization, Commutative rings in which every pure ideal is projective, Rings of modular forms and a splitting of \(\mathrm{TMF}_0(7)\), On \(\phi\)-\(1\)-absorbing prime ideals, Some results about complete and analytic local rings, Residually faithful modules and the Cohen-Macaulay type of idealizations, Maximal non \(\phi \)-chained rings and maximal non chained rings, Quasi-factorially closed subrings of commutative rings, On \(n\)-absorbing ideals of locally divided commutative rings, Normalization of complex analytic spaces from a global viewpoint, Asymptotic invariants of ideals with Noetherian symbolic Rees algebra and applications to cover ideals, \(p\)-groups and the polynomial ring of invariants question, Artinian bimodule with quasi-Frobenius bimodule of translations, Constructing (non-)Catenarian rings, The diameter of the zero-divisor graph of an amalgamated algebra, On the projective dimension of \(5\) quadric almost complete intersections with low multiplicities, Cohen-Macaulay fiber cones and defining ideal of Rees algebras of modules, Armendariz-like properties in bi-amalgamations, When every finitely projective ideal is projective, Some remarks on the \(D + M\) construction, Nonnil-Laskerian rings, Diagonal representation of algebraic power series: a glimpse behind the scenes, On the resurgence and asymptotic resurgence of homogeneous ideals, Monoidal extensions of a locally quasi-unmixed UFD, Some results on quasi-unmixed local domains, Artinian algebras and Jordan type, The Chern numbers and Euler characteristics of modules, A general volume = multiplicity formula, Maximal non-treed subring of its quotient field, Amalgamated algebras which are présimplifiable or domainlike, Ordinary and symbolic powers are Golod, Dimension and singularity theory for local rings of finite embedding dimension, Examples of non-Noetherian domains inside power series rings, Zero-divisor graphs of amalgamated duplication of a ring along an ideal, Projectively full radical ideals in integral extension rings, Uppers to zero and semistar operations in polynomial rings, Valuations with preassigned proximity relations, Overrings of two-dimensional noetherian domains representable by noetherian spaces of valuation rings, \(\ast\)-Noetherian domains and the ring \(D[x_N\)], Expansions of prime ideals, Smooth polynomial identity algebras with almost factorial centers., Large indecomposable modules over local rings, The Goto numbers of parameter ideals, On the unmixedness and universal catenaricity of local rings and local cohomology modules, A class of domains in which primary ideals are valuation ideals, Éléments de géométrie algébrique. IV: Étude locale des schémas et des morphismes de schémas. (Première partie). Rédigé avec la colloboration de J. Dieudonné, Components of ideals in a commutative ring, Funktionalprimdivisoren in algebraischen Funktionenkörpern, Vollständige Durchschnitte und p-Basen, Domains in which valuation ideals are prime powers, Eine Bemerkung zur idealtheoretischen Multiplizitätstheorie, Su alcune classi di anelli noetheriani normali, Orders in Artinian rings, Einbettungen komplexer Räume in Zahlenräumen, Zur Theorie der Steinschen Algebren und Moduln, Sul prodotto tensoriale di fasci algebrici coerenti e lisci, Analytische Modulgarben und Endromisbündel, On proper of integral domains, Stable range in commutative rings, Overrings of Prüfer domains. II, The converse to a well known theorem on Noetherian rings, Left ideal axioms for non-associative rings, Extension of locally free analytic sheaves, Nonsplitting of valuations in extensions of two dimensional regular local domains, An algorithm on polynomials in one indeterminate with coefficients in a two dimensional regular local domain, Algebras over nonlocal Hensel rings, A completion functor on modules and algebras, Modules and binary quadratic forms over integral domains, A natural transformation of the Spec functor, Erweiterungsendliche Ringe in der nichtarchimedischen Funktionentheorie, On a special class of locally compact rings, Der Bezoutsche Satz in Halbstellenringen, Maximal orders over Krull domains, The ideal transform and overrings of an integral domain, Niveaumengenräume holomorpher Abbildungen und Nullte Bildgarben, Class groups of n-noetherian rings, Über starre analytische Algebren, On the solutions of analytic equations, Rings of formal power series over a Krull domain, Sulle localizzazioni di ideali e moduli di tipo finito privi di torsione (Proprieta del chiuso di un fascio algebrico coerente e liscio), Die Betti-Reihe und die Abweichungen eines lokalen Rings, Eine Verallgemeinerung eines Multiplizitätensatzes von D. Rees, On an infinite-dimensional group, Cohen-Macaulay-Moduln und der Bezoutsche Satz, Algebraic approximation of structures over complete local rings, Über analytisch abhängige holomorphe und meromorphe Abbildungen, Einige Bemerkungen zur Theorie der ganz-algebraischen Abhängigkeit von Idealen, Verzweigung bei Galoiserweiterungen und Quotienten regulärer analytischer Raumkeime, Integral dependence in power series rings, Über die Reinheit von Entartungs- und Verzweigungsmengen, Sulle estensioni degli anelli di Gorenstein, Baer invariants and the Birkhoff-Witt theorem, On the number of generators of an invertible ideal, Ideaux de fonctions différentiables. II, Reflexive domains, Non finiteness in finite dimensional Krull domains, Automorphisms of analytic local rings, On the Krull-dimension of left noetherian left Matlis-rings, Über die Reduktionszahl und erste Nachbarschaft von Moduln, k-affinoide Gruppen, Inertial subalgebras of complete algebras, Zur Existenz total ganz abgeschlossener Ringerweiterungen, Fastholomorphe Algebren, Ein funktionalanalytischer Beweis des Hilbertschen Nullstellensatzes, Globale Moduln, Numerical invariants and projective modules, Duality and the de Rham cohomology of infinitesimal neighborhoods, Differentielle Eigenschaften der Lokalisierungen analytischer Algebren. (Differential properties of localizations of analytic algebras), On relative regular sequences, Descending chains and the Krull ordinal of commutative Noetherian rings, Zahm verzweigte Überlagerungen mit orthosingulärem Verzweigungsort. (Tamely ramified coverings with ortho-singular ramification locus), Konstruktionen globaler Moduln und Anwendungen. (Constructions of global moduls and applications), Adjacent prime ideals, Anelli Henseliani topologici. (Topological Henselian rings), Anelli Henseliani topologici. II. (Topological Henselian rings), Finite chain rings, On quasi-étale homomorphisms and the excellent rings, Globale Ringe und Moduln. (Global rings and modules), Simple flat extensions. II, Proprieta di ideali in domini d'integrita noetheriani, Vanishing tensor powers of modules, \(\Sigma\)-injective modules, On the joints of Hensel rings, Ein Struktursatz für eine Klasse von Pseudobewertungen, Logarithmic differentials and purely inseparable descent, On compact open subrings of semi-simple locally compact rings, Homogene Räume k-affinoider Gruppen, Two conductor theorems, Einige Anwendungen der G-Funktion von MacRae, On the uniqueness of the coefficient ring in a polynomial ring, Hilbert coefficients and Buchsbaumness of associated graded rings., Vertical components and flatness of Nash mappings, Complete intersection dimensions for complexes, Applications and homological properties of local rings with decomposable maximal ideals, The index of reducibility of parameter ideals in low dimension, On birational Macaulayfications and Cohen-Macaulay canonical modules, Conservation of the noetherianity by perfect transcendental field extensions, Projectively equivalent ideals and Rees valuations, Rees rings and derivations, Equidimensional actions of algebraic tori, Variations on the fundamental principle for linear systems of partial differential and difference equations with constant coefficients, Étale Galois covers of affine smooth curves. The geometric case of a conjecture of Shafarevich. On Abhyankar's conjecture, Local cohomology modules via certain flat extension rings, Interpolating between Hilbert-Samuel and Hilbert-Kunz multiplicity, Parametric decomposition of monomial ideals. II, The center of the enveloping algebra of the \(p\)-Lie algebras \(\mathfrak{sl}_{n}, \mathfrak{pgl}_{n}, \mathfrak{psl}_{n}\), when \(p\) divides \(n\), Armendariz rings, Resolution of surface singularities and stable reduction of Fermat curves, Excellent rings, Henselian rings and the approximation property, Relative homological algebra via truncations, Encoding algebraic power series, Geometry of kinematic \(K\)-loops, Cosupport computations for finitely generated modules over commutative noetherian rings, Lifting chains of primes, A remark on the Riemann-Roch formula on affine schemes associated with Noetherian local rings, Linear recurring sequences over rings and modules, On the depth of the fiber cone of filtrations, Noetherian rings between a semilocal domain and its completion, On the coefficients of the Hilbert polynomial, Hilbert coefficients of Hilbert filtrations, AB-5* and linear compactness, Lech's conjecture in dimension three, Locally unmixed modules and linearly equivalent ideal topologies, Complete intersection dimension, Two notes on homogeneous prime ideals in graded Noetherian rings., On the length of generalized fractions., A counterpart to Nagata idealization, Pseudo Cohen-Macaulay and pseudo generalized Cohen-Macaulay modules., Hilbert coefficients and sequentially Cohen-Macaulay modules, On the branch locus of quotients by finite groups and the depth of the algebra of invariants, Extensions of reversible rings., Characterizing the ring extensions that satisfy FIP or FCP, Local zero estimates and effective division in rings of algebraic power series, On unitary deformations of smooth modular representations, Cohen-Macaulay properties under the amalgamated construction, Power series rings over strong Mori domains., Well-centered overrings of an integral domain., Generic flatness for strongly Noetherian algebras, The construction of Noetherian operators, Non Cohen-Macaulay locus of canonical modules, Characterizations of graded Prüfer \(\star \)-multiplication domains. II, Power serieswise Armendariz property in amalgamated algebra, The ideal duplication, Desingularization of regular algebras, On the topology of valuation-theoretic representations of integrally closed domains, A Zariski-Nagata theorem for smooth \(\mathbb{Z} \)-algebras, A tight bound on the projective dimension of four quadrics, An infinite cardinal-valued Krull dimension for rings, Linear nested Artin approximation theorem for algebraic power series, Nil-Clean property in amalgamated algebras along an ideal, Extensions of valuations to the Henselization and completion, About the spectrum of Nagata rings, Valuations determined by quadratic transforms of a regular ring, Prime ideals in ultraproducts of commutative rings, About the Artin function in dimension \(N\geqslant 2\)., On the commutative ring extensions with at most two non Prüfer intermediate rings, \(\mathcal{P}_1\)-covers over commutative rings, The ideal theory of intersections of prime divisors dominating a normal Noetherian local domain of dimension two, A note on imbedded prime divisors, Rings in which every 2-absorbing primary ideal is primary, The tight approximation property, A note on the Hochschild homology and cyclic homology of a topological algebra, A proof of A. Gabrielov's rank theorem, Pointwise maximal subrings, Applications of the fundamental group and purely inseparable descent to the study of curves on Zariski surfaces, Minimal pure injective resolutions of flat modules, Grothendieck groups of polynomial and Laurent polynomial rings, Formal functions on homogeneous spaces, Dedekind-like behavior of rings with 2-generated ideals, Invariant subvarieties of low codimension in the affine spaces, Relative K-theory and vector bundles on certain singular varieties, Localisation formelle et groupe de Picard, Zur Chevalley-Zerlegung von Derivationen, Commutative rings with ACC on n-generated ideals, On the integral closures of certain ideals generated by regular sequences, Hilbert-Kunz multiplicity and an inequality between multiplicity and colength, Enumeration of finite commutative chain rings, On the existence and conjugacy of inertial subalgebras, Stable rings, Bettireihen von Faserprodukten lokaler Ringe, Finiteness in flat modules and algebras, Rings of invariants of reductive groups acting on regular rings are Cohen-Macaulay, Addition formulae for field-valued continuous functions on topological groups, Two counterexamples about the Nagata and Serre conjecture rings, Integral closure of a ring whose regular ideals are finitely generated, Dualizing complexes and tilting complexes over simple rings., On the factoriality of some rings of complex Nash functions, On the prime ideal structure of tensor products of algebras, Basically full ideals in local rings., Arithmetical properties of one-dimensional, analytically ramified local domains, On Noetherianness of Nash Rings, Inequalities related to certain couples of local rings, Lyubeznik Table of Sequentially Cohen–Macaulay Rings, Power Series and Smooth Functions Equivalent to a Polynomial, On the Arithmetic and Homology of Algebras of Linear Type, fqp-Property in amalgamated algebras along an ideal, On the Surjectivity Criterion for Buchsbaum Modules, Automorphy of some residually dihedral Galois representations, Prime Ideals in Two-Dimensional Polynomial Rings, Ringe mit Approximationseigenschaft. Einige Bemerkungen und Anwendungen der ARTINschen Vermutung, Some remarks on pythagorean real curve germs, Topological Examples of Projective Modules, A criterion for intersection multiplicity one, Factoring formal power series over principal ideal domains, One-dimensional bad Noetherian domains, Graded modules and skew polynomial rings, Note on Simple Integral Extension Domains and Maximal Chains of Prime Ideals, Inversion and Invariance of Characteristic Terms: Part I, Asymptotic Prime Divisors and Analytic Spreads, Unnamed Item, Homological Algebra on a Complete Intersection, with an Application to Group Representations, Convex polarities over ordered fields, Homological dimensions and regular rings, On the deformation of Artin-Schreier to Kummer, Semistar-Krull and valuative dimension of integral domains, Lagrangian Floer theory on compact toric manifolds. I., Singularity categories via the derived quotient, On finitistic flat dimension of rings and schemes, Coefficient fields for plane curves and equisingularity, On \(S\)-weakly prime ideals of commutative rings, Counting multiplicities in a hypersurface over a finite field, Unnamed Item, Prime Ideals That Satisfy Hensel’s Lemma, On the finiteness of Ext-indices of ring extensions, Elementary constructive theory of Henselian local rings, Associated prime ideals of the amalgamated algebra, Lim Ulrich sequences and Lech's conjecture, Chain of Prime Ideals in Formal Power Series Rings, Notes on flatness and the quot functor on rings, On the commutation of the test ideal with localization and completion, Embedding problems and open subgroups, Two applications of Nagata rings and modules, Gorenstein Algebras and the Cayley-Bacharach Theorem, Reductions of ideals in local rings with finite residue fields, Seminormal rings and weakly normal varieties, On arithmetic Macaulayfication of Noetherian rings, Unnamed Item, Baer duality for commutative rings, Smoothness of Noetherian rings, Über superfizielle Systeme von Parametern, Some applications of the Frobenius in characteristic 0, Unnamed Item, The homogeneous spectrum of a graded commutative ring, Monoidal extensions of a Cohen-Macaulay unique factorization domain, Note on Symbolic Powers and Going Down, Witt vectors. Part 1, Finite Rings with Applications, Galois Endomorphisms of the Torsion Subgroup of One-Parameter Generic Formal groups, Unnamed Item, Three Theorems on Form Rings, Simply connected varieties in characteristic, The Existence of Minimal Regular Local Overrings for an Arbitrary Domain, On a Question of Faith in Commutative Endomorphism Rings, Sporadic and Irrelevant Prime Divisors, The Jacobian Module of a Lie Algebra, The Ideal Completion of a Noetherian Local Domain, Algebraic entropy for Abelian groups, Unnamed Item, Almost discrete valuation domains, On Hilbert coefficients and sequentially Cohen-Macaulay rings, Two Notes on Imbedded Prime Divisors, Ring and Semigroup Constructions, PURE SUBRINGS OF COMMUTATIVE RINGS, Über Cohen-Macaulay Punkte, Zur Längenberechnung von Moduln, Unnamed Item, Sul completato di un anello rispetto ad un ideale di tipo finito, The torsion theory at a prime ideal of a right Noetherian ring, Duality homomorphisms for modules over certain Cohen-Macaulay rings, Homotopie für Okasche Paare von Garben homogener Räume, The spectrum of a ring as a partially ordered set, Effect of a permissible blowing-up on the local Hilbert functions, Regular local rings and excellent rings, Regular local rings and excellent rings. II, Explicit formulae for the global homological dimensions of trivial extensions of rings, Commutative domains large in their \({\mathfrak M}\)-adic completions, A Finiteness Condition on Regular Local Overrings of a Local Domain, Quadratic transforms inside their generic incarnations, On algebras which are locally 𝔸¹ in codimension-one, On algebra with universal finite module of differentials, On chain morphisms of commutative rings, Un problème de descente, Divisorial free modules of relative invariants on Krull domains, On Krull dimension of tensor products of algebras arising from AF-domains, Algebraic theory of curvettes and dicriticals, Generic incarnations of quadratic transforms, The \(w\)-integral closure of integral domains, Affine pseudo-coverings of algebraic surfaces, Counterexamples to the Eisenbud–Goto regularity conjecture, New estimates of Hilbert–Kunz multiplicities for local rings of fixed dimension, Abnormalities in Noetherian Rings, Efficient Generation of Maximal Ideals in Polynomial Rings, The Existence of Dual Modules, Descent of P-property by proper surjective morphisms, Unnamed Item, The Noetherian Property for Quotient Rings of Infinite Polynomial Rings, Formal fibers and birational extensions, The Local Hilbert Function of a Pair of Plane Curves, Intersection of powers of prime ideals in krull domains, On global Nash functions, Curves with Large Tangent Space, Sur les ensembles semi-analytiques avec conditions Gevrey au bord, A construction of Prüfer rings involving quotients of Rees algebras, Examples of Noncatenary Rings, Prüfer conditions in the Nagata ring and the Serre’s conjecture ring, $F$-singularities: applications of characteristic $p$ methods to singularity theory, Intersection de produits fibres et formule de la dimension, What You Should Know About Integer-Valued Polynomials, The Uniform Bound Problem for Local Birational Nonsingular Morphisms, Some Countability Conditions on Commutative Ring Extensions, The Noetherian Property in Rings of Integer-Valued Polynomials, Commutative rings and modules that are Nil*-coherent or special Nil*-coherent, Differential Criteria for Flatness, A Note on Noetherian P.I. Rings, Unnamed Item, Note on Asymptotic Prime Divisors, Analytic Spreads and the Altitude Formula, On the least degree of polynomials bounding above the differences between lengths and multiplicities of certain systems of parameters in local rings, Unnamed Item, Some properties of Artinian modules and applications, Hilbert rings and G(oldman)-rings issued from amalgamated algebras, Completeness in semi-local ideal lattices, Continuous closure, axes closure, and natural closure, Product of distinct simple integrally closed ideals in 2-dimensional regular local rings, Ideals contracted from 1-dimensional overrings with an application to the primary decomposition of ideals, Derivations Into the Integral Closure, Sur les anneaux universellement japonais, An Introduction to Resolution of Singularities via the Multiplicity, Ideallängen und Multiplizitäten, Monoidale Oberringe und eine Anwendung auf die Koeffizienten des Hilbert‐Samuelschen Polynoms, Two Applications of Asymptotic Prime Divisors, Family of quotients of some special rings, On two Numerical Criteria for Normal Flatness in Codimension One, Sur l'anneau des fonctions de Nash globales, A few theorems on completion of excellent rings, On Armendariz-like properties in amalgamated algebras along ideals, Abschließungsoperatoren für Lineartopologien NOETHERscher Ringe, On Purity of Inertia, Every local ring is dominated by a one-dimensional local ring, Factorization of an integrally closed ideal in two-dimensional regular local rings, Kernel of locally nilpotent 𝑅-derivations of 𝑅[𝑋,𝑌], Henselian Rings and Weierstrass Polynomials, On the Compositum of Two Power Series Rings, Sur les anneaux euclidiens, Formal Fibers and Complete Homomorphic Images, Comaximizable Primes, Polynomial expansion, Recursive elements and constructive extensions of computable local integral domains, The Evans-Griffith Syzygy Theorem and Bass Numbers, Unnamed Item, Products of Commutative Rings and Zero-Dimensionality, Maximal Ideals in Laurent Polynomial Rings, Indecomposable Modules Over Nagata Valuation Domains, Local Rings of Relatively Small Type are Cohen-Macaulay, Prime Ideals in Polynomial Rings Over One-Dimensional Domains, Universell japanische Ringe mit night offenem regulärem ort, Integer-Valued Polynomials on a Subset, Artinian Subrings of a Commutative Ring, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Pairs of Domains Where all Intermediate Domains are Noetherian, Mayer-Vietoris Sequences and Brauer Groups of Nonnormal Domains, Flat Analytic Extensions, Semihereditary prime algebras, Maximal Chains of Prime Ideals in Integral Extension Domains. I, Three Local Conditions on a Graded Ring, Finite Unions of Ideals and Modules, Singularity Subschemes and Generic Projections, The Center of an Order With Finite Global Dimension, Maximal Ideal Transforms of Noetherian Rings, A note on universally catenary rings, Integrally closed ideals, prime sequences, and macaulay local rings, M-Canonical ideals in integral domains, The Integral Closure of a Noetherian Ring, Divisorial domains, Contracted Ideals and Purity for Ring Extensions, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, On Chain Varieties of Linear Algebras, Quasi-Unmixedness and Integral Closure of Rees Rings, Holomorphic Convexity of Compact Sets in Analytic Spaces and the Structure of Algebras of Holomorphic Germs, The Multiplicity Function of a Local Ring, On Analytic Independence, Topologically Defined Classes of Going-Down Domains, Local Jordan Algebras, Intersections of Quasi-Local Domains, Unnamed Item, Structure Theorems for Certain Topological Rings, On modules of finite upper rank, Approximating discrete valuation rings by regular local rings, Minimal Primes of Ideals and Integral Ring Extensions, On S-primary submodules, Characterization of Completions of Unique Factorization Domains, Feedback, trace and fixed-point semantics, Families of generalized Cohen–Macaulay and filter rings, ▵-Reductions of modules, Castelnuovo-Mumford regularity and extended degree, Strongly ϕ-n-irreducible ideals, The Alexander–Hirschowitz Theorem and Related Problems, The Zariski-Riemann Space of Valuation Rings, About the Spectrum of the RingsR(n) andRn, Maximal non-Prüfer and maximal non--Prüfer rings, When is a fixed ring comparable to all overrings?, Sums of squares in real rings, Unnamed Item, Two counterexamples in normalization, On generalized Nakayama–Azumaya’s lemma, On (m, n)-semiprime submodules, Maximal non-ϕ-pseudo-valuation rings, Amalgamated rings with clean-type properties, THE DIAMETER OF THE ZERO-DIVISOR GRAPH OF THE IDEALIZATION OF THE RING R IN R, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, A Radó theorem for complex spaces, Remark on Rees valuations of finitely supported complete monomial ideals in a regular local ring, Reducedness, formal smoothness and approximation in characteristic p, Unnamed Item, A certain system of parameters in a local ring, Commutative rings with invertible-radical factorization, On Baer modules, On $ mj $-clean ring and strongly $ mj $-clean ring, Unnamed Item, A Two-Dimensional Non-Noetherian Factorial Ring, Elementary Divisor Rings and Finitely Presented Modules, Cohen-Macaulay Rings and Ideal Theory in Rings of Invariants of Algebraic Groups, Unnamed Item, An Endomorphism Ring which is Not Ore, Prereductions of ideals in local rings, Unnamed Item, Affine and projective lines over one-dimensional semilocal domains, On n-absorbing and strongly n-absorbing ideals of amalgamation, Dimension of a ring with respect to a subring, On Steinitz-like properties in amalgamated algebras along an ideal, On Nagata's Result about Height One Maximal Ideals and Depth One Minimal Prime Ideals (I), Unified Extensions of Strongly Reversible Rings and Links with Other Classic Ring Theoretic Properties, Strongly CM -semicommutative rings, Infinite dimensional excellent rings, Unnamed Item, Directed Unions of Local Quadratic Transforms of Regular Local Rings and Pullbacks, A Note on Analytically Irreducible Domains, Two Notes on Locally Macaulay Rings, Linkage property under the amalgamated construction, A note on *_{𝑤}-Noetherian domains, Irreducibility criterion for algebroid curves, N-ideals of commutative rings, On 2-absorbing quasi primary submodules, Quasi regular modules and trivial extension, Unnamed Item, $S$-2-absorbing submodules and $S$-2-absorbing second submodules, Commutative ideal theory without finiteness conditions: Primal ideals, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Eine Verschärfung eines Multiplizitätssatzes von D. REES, Unnamed Item, Value functions and associated graded rings for semisimple algebras, A bracket power characterization of analytic spread one ideals, Linear Chevalley Estimates, The positivity of the first coefficients of normal Hilbert polynomials, Some algebraic and homological properties of a family of quotients of the Rees algebra, Rings in Which Every 2-Absorbing Ideal Is Prime, Krull's principal ideal theorem in non-Noetherian settings, Tight closure, plus closure and Frobenius closure in cubical cones, On the simplication of singularities by blowing up at equimultiple centers, Unnamed Item, Trivial extensions subject to semi-regularity and semi-coherence, CHARACTERIZATIONS OF GRADED PRÜFER ⋆-MULTIPLICATION DOMAINS, A study of singularities on rational curves via syzygies, Prüfer conditions in amalgamated algebras, Note on non-D-rings, On the hilbert basis theorem, ON CHARACTERIZATIONS OF PRIME AND ALMOST PRIME SUBMODULES, On superderivations and super-biderivations of trivial extensions and triangular matrix rings, Radical factorization for trivial extensions and amalgamated duplication rings, Extensions of valuations to the Henselization and completion of a local ring, A NOTE ON INTEGRAL DOMAINS WITH Na-GENERATED QUOTIENT FIELDS, Unnamed Item, Strongly primary ideals in rings with zero-divisors, Mixed multiplicities of filtrations, A Wedderburn Theorem for Alternative Algebras With Identity Over Commutative Rings, A criterion for completeness, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Where Some Inert Minimal Ring Extensions of a Commutative Ring Come from, Sur quelques classes d’anneaux divisés, Grade Schemes and Grade Functions, Lectures on the Model Theory of Valued Fields, COHEN-MACAULAY HOMOLOGICAL DIMENSIONS WITH RESPECT TO AMALGAMATED DUPLICATION, The Hilbert-Kunz function of some quadratic quotients of the Rees algebra, On the Sum of Homological Dimension and Codimension of Modules over a Semi-local Ring, Idealtheoretische Schnittpunktsätze in homogenen Ringen über Ringen mit Vielfachkettensatz, Plus grand groupe image homomorphe et isotone d'un monoïde ordonné: Caractérisations des anneaux «Clos», Topologische Methoden in der Theorie der kommutativen Ringe, Étude de l'assassin du complété d'un anneau local noethérien, Anneaux henséliens et conditions de chaînes, Über Beziehungen zwischen den Primidealen noetherscher Integritätsbereiche mit gleichem Quotientenkörper I, Finite automorphism groups of restricted formal power series rings, Sur les séries formelles restreintes, $K$-theoretic interpretation of tame symbols on $k\left( t \right)$, The Centers of Semi-Simple Algebras Over a Commutative Ring, II, Some remarks on the formal power series ring, On Flat Extensions of Noetherian Rings, Integral domains whose overrings are ideal transforms, Anneaux henséliens et conditions de chaînes. III, Weak Formal Schemes, On Trace for Modules, Note on Analytically Unramified Semi-Local Rings, p‐Vektormoduln und Determinantenideale, Proof of Some Conjectures on Cohomological Dimension, Eine Dualitätsbeziehung zwischen s‐Moduln, On Ramification Theory in Projective Orders, Ramification Theory for Extensions of Degree p. II, Totally Integrally Closed Rings, Some Properties of Integral Closure, Ringe mit Approximationseigenschaft, Homological Dimension and the Continuum Hypothesis, A note on the number of generators of an ideal, Automorphisms of a Class of Metabelian Groups. II, Primary Ideals and Valuation Ideals. II, Ramification Theory for Extensions of Degree p. II, Extension of Coherent Analytic Subsheaves, Inertial Subalgebras of Algebras Over Commutative Rings, On Ramification Theory in Projective Orders, II, On the Zeta Function of Biprojective Complete Intersections, Rings with Nondiscrete Ideal Topologies, Finitely Generated Coherent Analytic Sheaves, The Decomposability of Torsion Free Modules of Finite Rank, Generalized Quotient Rings, On Krull Overrings of a Noetherian Domain, Contracted ideals from integral extensions of regular rings, Pre-Self-Injective Rings, Absolute Gap-Sheaves and Extensions of Coherent Analytic Sheaves, Commutative Group Algebras, On the Dimension Theory of Overrings of an Integral Domain, Unnamed Item, Groupes affines, commutatifs, unipotents sur un corps non parfait, Analytic Sheaves of Local Cohomology, The Module Index and Invertible Ideals, Sur les déformations équisingulières d'idéaux, Stable homology over associative rings, Nonstandard Theory of Zariski Rings, Stable rings and a problem of Bass, Henselization of a Ring with Respect to an Ideal, Nonstandard Theory of Zariski Rings, New algebraic properties of quadratic quotients of the Rees algebra, Some properties of a family of quotients of the Rees algebra, The maximal dimension of formal fibers of local rings of an algebraic scheme of finite type, Unnamed Item, Rings for Which Certain Flat Modules are Projective, An Algebraic Proof of a Theorem of A. Robinson, Regularity Conditions in Nonnoetherian Rings, Zero Divisors in Noetherian-Like Rings, Locally Noetherian Commutative Rings, NAK for Ext and ascent of module structures, A Note on Finite Dimensional Subrings of Polynomial Rings, The Converse to a Theorem of Sharp on Gorenstein Modules, Unnamed Item, Noetherian Intersections of Integral Domains, On Going Down for Simple Overrings, Unnamed Item, Primary Ideals and Valuation Ideals, Regular Overrings of Regular Local Rings, Rings Which are Almost Polynomial Rings, On the Set of Artinian Subrings of Infinite Products of Rings, Quasi-Unmixed Local Rings and Quasi-Subspaces, Rational points in Henselian discrete valuation rings, A Non-Noetherian Factorial Ring, Unnamed Item, A Note on Integral Closure, r -Submodules and sr-Submodules, Extensions and topological conditions of NJ rings, On S-prime submodules, Commutative rings with two-absorbing factorization, The completion and Krull’s generalized principal ideal theorem on r-Noetherian rings, Primary Ideals in Rings of Analytic Functions, Locally Affine Ring Extensions of a Noetherian Domain, On Prüfer rings, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, On the Existence ofp-Bases and -Adicp-Bases of a Semi-Local Ring Extension, Remarks on generalized rings of quotients, S-secondary submodules of a module, The divided, going-down, and Gaussian properties of amalgamation of rings, Zur Theorie der charakteristischen Hilbertfunktion in homogenen Ringen über Ringen mit Vielfachkettensatz, On S-1-absorbing prime submodules, λ-rings, Φ-λ-rings, and Φ-Δ-rings, Chudnovsky’s conjecture and the stable Harbourne–Huneke containment, Generalized Quotient Rings, Sur la finitude de la fermeture intégrale, On shifted principles for attached primes of the Artinian cofinite top local cohomology modules, On S-1-absorbing prime and weakly S-1-absorbing prime ideals, General w-ZPI-Rings and a Tool for Characterizing Certain Classes of Monoid Rings, Hilbert rings with maximal ideals of different heights and unruly Hilbert rings, Silting and cosilting modules over trivial ring extensions, Amalgamation rings and the fully invariant extending property, Locally torsion-free modules, On \(2r\)-ideals in commutative rings with zero-divisors, Local Nullstellensatz over Commutative Ground Rings, On weakly 1-absorbing prime ideals, Nil-ideals, \(J\)-ideals and their generalizations in commutative rings, On maximal ideals of the polynomial ring and some conjectures on Ext-index of rings, On n-1-absorbing prime ideals, Essentially finite generation of valuation rings in terms of classical invariants, On almost p-standard system of parameters of idealization and applications, Homological properties of trivial ring extensions, A Note on FMS Modules and FCP Extensions, Unnamed Item, Reductions and cores of ideals in trivial ring extensions, On the uniform bound of reducibility index of parameter ideals of idealizations, The structure of quasi-complete intersection ideals, On strongly \(\sum\)-\(m\)-clean rings, Noetherian-like properties and zero-dimensionality in some extensions of rings, Pure projective, pure injective and FP-injective modules over trivial ring extensions, Frobenius splitting, strong F-regularity, and small Cohen-Macaulay modules, On the sectional genera and Cohen-Macaulay rings, Almost ϕ-integrally closed rings, Generalization of Artinian rings and the formal power series rings, Symbolic Rees algebras and set-theoretic complete intersections, Quasi- S -primary ideals of commutative rings, Ideal containment in commutative rings, The small finitistic dimensions of commutative rings, On the ubiquity of Arf rings, Frobenius methods in combinatorics, Cotorsion pairs and Hovey triples over trivial ring extensions, On a Banach algebra of entire functions with a weighted Hadamard multiplication, Amalgamations subject to weakly finite conductor and P-coherence, On a class of Ikeda-Nakayama rings, Invertibility, Semistar Operations, and the Ring of Finite Fractions, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Strongly regular rings, On the prime spectrum, Krull dimension and catenarity of integral domains of the form \(A+ XBX\), Multiplicities and a dimension inequality for unmixed modules, Extensions of plus closure, On the group rings of Abelian minimax groups, Reduction numbers of equimultiple ideals, Discrete valuations centered on local domains, Modules over domains large in a complete discrete valuation ring, Dualizing complexes over noncommutative local rings, Reduced ramification indices of quotient morphisms under torus actions, First coefficient ideals and the \(S_2\)-ification of a Rees algebra, When does a projective curve contain a planar subcurve?, Strongly irreducible ideals of a commutative ring, On superheight conditions for the affineness of open subsets., Almost GCD domains of finite \(t\)-character., Accurate elements and super-primitive elements over rings., Integral domains with quotient overrings, PRINCIPAL RADICAL SYSTEMS, LEFSCHETZ PROPERTIES, AND PERFECTION OF SPECHT IDEALS OF TWO-ROWED PARTITIONS, Solutions of some quasianalytic equations, Local dimension of trivial extension and amalgamation of rings