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zbMath0031.17401MaRDI QIDQ5787677

Paul A. Samuelson

Publication date: 1947

91-01: Introductory exposition (textbooks, tutorial papers, etc.) pertaining to game theory, economics, and finance

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I. Full solution of a nonlinear Levins E=E(x) model, Exact and superlative index numbers, The properties and generation of homothetic production functions: a synthesis, Rothe's fixed point theorem and the existence of equilibria in monetary economies, Generalized Slutsky conditions for aggregate consumer demand functions, The Le Chatelier principle in optimal control problems, Theoretical determinants of the industrial demand for electricity by time of day, Continuity and uniqueness in revealed preference, A recurring theorem about pairs of quadratic forms and extensions: A survey, The theory of approximate prices: Analytical foundations of experimental cost-benefit analysis in a fuzzy-decision space, The supremum argument in the new approach to the existence of equilibrium in vector lattices, A continuity property for local price adjustment mechanisms, Causal reasoning and explanation in dynamic economic systems, Firm behavior under input rationing, Redistribution and welfare, Stochastic equilibria on graphs, I, Chaotic dynamical systems: An introduction, Optimality conditions and comparative statics for horizon and endpoint choices in optimal control theory