
From MaRDI portal

DOI10.1017/CBO9781139026833zbMath1245.83001MaRDI QIDQ5891533

Antoine Van Proeyen, Daniel Z. Freedman

Publication date: 9 May 2012

Full work available at URL:

81T40: Two-dimensional field theories, conformal field theories, etc. in quantum mechanics

83F05: Relativistic cosmology

83E30: String and superstring theories in gravitational theory

83E50: Supergravity

81T13: Yang-Mills and other gauge theories in quantum field theory

81T20: Quantum field theory on curved space or space-time backgrounds

83C45: Quantization of the gravitational field

81-02: Research exposition (monographs, survey articles) pertaining to quantum theory

53Z05: Applications of differential geometry to physics

83C05: Einstein's equations (general structure, canonical formalism, Cauchy problems)

83A05: Special relativity

83C60: Spinor and twistor methods in general relativity and gravitational theory; Newman-Penrose formalism

15A66: Clifford algebras, spinors

53B35: Local differential geometry of Hermitian and Kählerian structures

83C22: Einstein-Maxwell equations

83-01: Introductory exposition (textbooks, tutorial papers, etc.) pertaining to relativity and gravitational theory

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I: Fermionic spectrum, Hyper-dilaton Weyl multiplet of 4D, \(\mathcal{N} = 2\) conformal supergravity, Time reversal and \textit{CP} invariance in Calabi-Yau compactifications, Magnetic charges in supergravity, An analytic evaluation of gravitational particle production of fermions via Stokes phenomenon, Supersymmetric massive gravity, Causality constraints on nonlinear supersymmetry, A black hole solution in conformal supergravity, Massive gravitino scattering amplitudes and the unitarity cutoff of the new Fayet-Iliopoulos terms, Generalized Born-Infeld actions and projective cubic curves, The general de Sitter supergravity component action, Supersymmetric Black Holes and Attractors in Gauged Supergravity, Inflation: Observations and Attractors, Gauge theories in noncommutative homogeneous Kähler manifolds, Polonyi–Starobinsky supergravity with inflaton in a massive vector multiplet with DBI and FI terms, Symmetry algebra in gauge theories of gravity, Prepotentials for linearized supergravity, MSSM soft terms from supergravity with gauged R-symmetry in de Sitter vacuum, Gauging MSSM global symmetries and SUSY breaking in de Sitter vacuum, The holography of \(F\) -maximization, An \(\omega\) deformation of gauged STU supergravity, Supergravity-matter actions in three dimensions and Chern-Simons terms, De Sitter supersymmetry revisited, Super Yang-Mills, division algebras and triality, Cosmology with nilpotent superfields, Symmetries of curved superspace in five dimensions, Sphere partition functions and the Zamolodchikov metric, On the relation between Volkov-akulov and special conformal supersymmetry: a D3-brane perspective, \(N= 2\) Born-Infeld attractors, Some pathways in non-linear supersymmetry: special geometry Born-Infeld's, cosmology and dualities, Heterotic wrapping rules, An off-shell formulation for internally gauged \(D=5\), \(\mathcal{N}=2\) supergravity from superconformal methods, Matter-coupled de Sitter supergravity, Two-field Born-Infeld with diverse dualities, Classification of maximal transitive prolongations of super-Poincaré algebras, Fermion interactions, cosmological constant and space-time dimensionality in a unified approach based on affine geometry, Soft see-saw: radiative origin of neutrino masses in SUSY theories, Supersymmetric solutions of SU(2)-Fayet-Iliopoulos-gauged \(\mathcal{N} = 2\), \(d\)=4 supergravity, The \( \mathcal{N}=3\) Weyl multiplet in four dimensions, On classical stability with broken supersymmetry, Multi-centered \( \mathcal{N}=2 \) BPS black holes: a double copy description, Absence of U(1) anomalous superamplitudes in \(\mathcal{N} \geq 5\) supergravities, The component structure of conformal supergravity invariants in six dimensions, Boundary terms and three-point functions: an AdS/CFT puzzle resolved, A locally supersymmetric SO(10, 2) invariant action for \( D = 12\) supergravity, Spontaneously broken Yang-Mills-Einstein supergravities as double copies, Domain wall seeds in CSO-gauged supergravity, Dirac-Born-Infeld-Volkov-akulov and deformation of supersymmetry, Conformal supergravity in three dimensions: new off-shell formulation, Super-Weyl anomalies in \( \mathcal{N} = 2\) supergravity and (non)local effective actions, Conformal supergravity in three dimensions: off-shell actions, On the supersymmetric completion of \(R + R^{2}\) gravity and cosmology, Three-forms and Fayet-Iliopoulos terms in supergravity: scanning Planck mass and BPS domain walls, Chern-Simons supergravity on supergroup manifolds, Choices of spinor inner products on m-theory backgrounds, Special geometry, Hessian structures and applications, Bulk locality for scalars and fermions with global symmetry, Inflation and supersymmetry breaking in Higgs-\(R^2\) supergravity, Supersymmetry algebras in arbitrary signature and their R-symmetry groups, Gauge R-symmetry and de Sitter vacua in supergravity and string theory, Linearized non-minimal higher curvature supergravity, 5D SYM on 3D deformed spheres, Susy Q and spatially modulated deformations of ABJM theory, \(\mathrm{AdS}_{5}\) black strings in the stu model of FI-gauged N = 2 supergravity, Finite deformations from a heterotic superpotential: holomorphic Chern-Simons and an \(L_{\infty}\) algebra, Topological gravity on \((D, N)\)-shift superspace formulation, Supersymmetric partially massless fields and non-unitary superconformal representations, Deconstructing supergravity: massive supermultiplets, Renormalised 3-point functions of stress tensors and conserved currents in CFT, M5-branes on \(S^2\times M_{4}\): Nahm's equations and 4d topological sigma-models, Quantum gravitational corrections for spinning particles, Partition functions with spin in \(\mathrm{AdS}_{2}\) via quasinormal mode methods, A double copy for \( \mathcal{N}=2 \) supergravity: a linearised tale told on-shell, Supersymmetric backgrounds, the Killing superalgebra, and generalised special holonomy, The goldstino brane, the constrained superfields and matter in \( \mathcal{N}=1 \) supergravity, Five-dimensional Nernst branes from special geometry, Off-shell \( \mathcal{N} =2\) linear multiplets in five dimensions, Invariants for minimal conformal supergravity in six dimensions, Non-abelian black string solutions of \(\mathcal N=(2,0)\), \(d=6\) supergravity, Massive quiver matrix models for massive charged particles in AdS, Hessian geometry and the holomorphic anomaly, Multipole expansion in the quantum Hall effect, Non-abelian, supersymmetric black holes and strings in 5 dimensions, Linear versus non-linear supersymmetry, in general, Supersymmetric field theories on \(\mathrm{AdS}_p\times S^q\), A Schrödinger approach to Newton-Cartan and Hořava-Lifshitz gravities, On \( \mathcal{N}= 2\) supersymmetric gauge theories on \(S^{2} \times S^{2}\), Orthogonal nilpotent superfields from linear models, Killing superalgebras for Lorentzian four-manifolds, Nernst branes with Lifshitz asymptotics in \( \mathcal{N} =2\) gauged supergravity, DBI action of real linear superfield in 4D \( \mathcal{N} =1\) conformal supergravity, Constrained superfields from an anti-D3-brane in KKLT, On the dualization of scalars into (\(d - 2\))-forms in supergravity. momentum maps, R-symmetry and gauged supergravity, String theory origin of constrained multiplets, U(1) symmetric \(\alpha\)-attractors, Fayet-Iliopoulos terms in supergravity without gauged R-symmetry, Brane SUSY breaking and the gravitino mass, Holographic coordinates, Ghostbusters in \(f(R)\) supergravity, Liberated \( \mathcal{N} =1\) supergravity, Warped Kähler potentials and fluxes, More on DBI action in 4D \( \mathcal{N} = 1\) supergravity, Supergravity backgrounds for four-dimensional maximally supersymmetric Yang-Mills, Classification of maximally supersymmetric backgrounds in supergravity theories, Off-shell Poincaré supergravity, Quantum chaos and holographic tensor models, The supersymmetric effective field theory of inflation, Minimal \(\mathcal{N}=4 \) topologically massive supergravity, A gravitating Yang-Mills instanton, Supercurrent anomalies in 4d SCFTs, Comments on nonlinear sigma models coupled to supergravity, Timelike duality, \(M'\)-theory and an exotic form of the Englert solution, Trace anomaly for non-relativistic fermions, Non-renormalization for non-supersymmetric black holes, A systematic construction of microstate geometries with low angular momentum, Supersymmetric Rényi entropy and defect operators, Complex three-form supergravity and membranes, Discrete Scale Invariance in Holography Revisited, Supergravity in the Group‐Geometric Framework: A Primer, Comments on Rigid and Local Supercurrents in Minimal Supergravity, The Swampland: Introduction and Review, de Sitter Conjectures in Supergravity, Weak Gravity Conjecture in de Sitter Space‐Time, Line Bundle Hidden Sectors for Strongly Coupled Heterotic Standard Models, Four‐Dimensional Gravity on a Covariant Noncommutative Space (II), Bit-twiddling hacks for gamma matrices, UV Shadows in EFTs: Accidental Symmetries, Robustness and No‐Scale Supergravity, Who's Afraid of the Supersymmetric Dark? The Standard Model vs Low‐Energy Supergravity, Addressing the Hubble and S 8 tensions with a kinetically mixed dark sector, Logarithmic correction to black hole entropy in universal low-energy string theory models, Near-extremal charged black holes: greybody factors and evolution, Anomaly inflow of Rarita-Schwinger field in 3 dimensions, Gravitational action for a massive Majorana fermion in \(2d\) quantum gravity, Non-Lorentzian IIB supergravity from a polynomial realization of \(\mathrm{SL}(2, \mathbb{R})\), Bootstrap bounds on D0-brane quantum mechanics, Interfaces and quantum algebras. I: Stable envelopes, Fermions with \(\mathrm{SU}(1, n)\) spacetime symmetry, Classical dynamics of vortex solitons from perturbative scattering amplitudes, Tree-level amplitudes from the pure spinor superstring, Holography in \(\widehat{\mathrm{CGHS}}\) supergravity, Wrapped M5-branes and \(\mathrm{AdS}_5\) black holes, More on massive gravitino scattering amplitudes and the unitarity cutoff of the new Fayet-Iliopoulos terms, Inflection-point sgoldstino inflation in no-scale supergravity, A 4D IIB flux vacuum and supersymmetry breaking. II: Bosonic spectrum and stability, \(p\)-form electrodynamics as edge modes of a topological field theory, Dualities from swampland principles, Quantization of Einstein-Cartan theory in the first order form