Ghost-Fluid-Based Sharp Interface Methods for Multi-Material Dynamics: A Review
DOI10.4208/ QIDQ6142993
Publication date: 4 January 2024
Published in: Communications in Computational Physics (Search for Journal in Brave)
Full work available at URL:
fluid-solid interactionghost fluid methodsharp-interface methodmodified ghost fluid methodmulti-material flowsmulti-material Riemann problem
Fluid-solid interactions (including aero- and hydro-elasticity, porosity, etc.) (74F10) Structured surfaces and interfaces, coexistent phases (74A50) Finite difference methods for initial value and initial-boundary value problems involving PDEs (65M06) Three or more component flows (76T30) Liquid-gas two-phase flows, bubbly flows (76T10) Initial value problems for first-order hyperbolic systems (35L45) Existence, uniqueness, and regularity theory for compressible fluids and gas dynamics (76N10) PDEs in connection with mechanics of deformable solids (35Q74) Euler equations (35Q31) Fictitious domain methods for boundary value problems involving PDEs (65N85) Liquid-liquid two component flows (76T06)
Cites Work
- A hyperbolic model for viscous Newtonian flows
- A three-dimensional sharp interface Cartesian grid method for solving high speed multi-material impact, penetration and fragmentation problems
- An Eulerian-Lagrangian moving immersed interface method for simulating burning solids
- An Eulerian algorithm for coupled simulations of elastoplastic-solids and condensed-phase explosives
- The ghost solid method for the elastic solid-solid interface
- Numerical simulation of elastic-plastic solid mechanics using an Eulerian stretch tensor approach and HLLD Riemann solver
- A simple interface sharpening technique with a hyperbolic tangent function applied to compressible two-fluid modeling
- A second-order time-accurate implicit finite volume method with exact two-phase Riemann problems for compressible multi-phase fluid and fluid-structure problems
- An Eulerian interface sharpening algorithm for compressible two-phase flow: the algebraic THINC approach
- Nonlinear preconditioning for efficient and accurate interface capturing in simulation of multicomponent compressible flows
- An efficient block parallel AMR method for two phase interfacial flow simulations
- A finite difference real ghost fluid method on moving meshes with corner-transport upwind interpolation
- Exact and approximate Riemann solvers at phase boundaries
- Direct numerical simulation of interfacial instabilities: A consistent, conservative, all-speed, sharp-interface method
- Diffuse interface model for compressible fluid -- compressible elastic-plastic solid interaction
- A systematic approach for constructing higher-order immersed boundary and ghost fluid methods for fluid-structure interaction problems
- Anti-diffusion interface sharpening technique for two-phase compressible flow simulations
- Sharp interface simulations with local mesh refinement for multi-material dynamics in strongly shocked flows
- A front-tracking method with projected interface conditions for compressible multi-fluid flows
- Accuracies and conservation errors of various ghost fluid methods for multi-medium Riemann problem
- A numerical method for three-dimensional gas--liquid flow computations
- A ghost fluid based front tracking method for multimedium compressible flows
- An interface treating technique for compressible multi-medium flow with Runge-Kutta discontinuous Galerkin method
- Numerical simulation of fluid-structure interaction using modified ghost fluid method and Naviers equations
- Moment of fluid interface reconstruction method in multi-material arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian (MMALE) algorithms
- Three-dimensional numerical simulation of flows with complex geometries in a regular Cartesian grid and its application to blood flow in cerebral artery with multiple aneurysms
- A fourth order accurate discretization for the Laplace and heat equations on arbitrary domains, with applications to the Stefan problem
- Evolving interfaces via gradients of geometry-dependent interior Poisson problems: application to tumor growth
- Approximate Riemann solver for compressible liquid vapor flow with phase transition and surface tension
- Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian methods for modeling high-speed compressible multimaterial flows
- Compressible, multiphase semi-implicit method with moment of fluid interface representation
- xGFM: recovering convergence of fluxes in the ghost fluid method
- Interfacial instability of ferrofluid flow under the influence of a vacuum magnetic field
- Solid-fluid diffuse interface model in cases of extreme deformations
- On the HLLC Riemann solver for interface interaction in compressible multi-fluid flow
- Tracking discontinuities in shallow water equations and ideal magnetohydrodynamics equations via ghost fluid method
- Implementation of WENO schemes in compressible multicomponent flow problems
- A ghost-fluid method for large eddy simulations of premixed combustion in complex geometries
- A level set method for vaporizing two-phase flows
- A level set based sharp interface method for the multiphase incompressible Navier --- Stokes equations with phase change
- The accuracy of the modified ghost fluid method for gas-gas Riemann problem
- The simulation of cavitating flows induced by underwater shock and free surface interaction
- An efficient ghost fluid method for compressible multifluids in Lagrangian coordinate
- A higher-order generalized ghost fluid method for the poor for the three-dimensional two-phase flow computation of underwater implosions
- An adaptive ghost fluid finite volume method for compressible gas-water simulations
- An accurate conservative level set/ghost fluid method for simulating turbulent atomization
- An anti-diffusive numerical scheme for the simulation of interfaces between compressible fluids by means of a five-equation model
- An Eulerian method for multi-component problems in non-linear elasticity with sliding interfaces
- A two-dimensional unstructured cell-centered multi-material ALE scheme using VOF interface reconstruction
- A spectrally refined interface approach for simulating multiphase flows
- A comparison of fictitious domain methods appropriate for spectral/\(hp\) element discretisations
- Dynamic response of deformable structures subjected to shock load and cavitation reload
- Numerical modeling of complex interactions between underwater shocks and composite structures
- A front-tracking/ghost-fluid method for fluid interfaces in compressible flows
- Comparison and validation of compressible flow simulations of laser-induced cavitation bubbles
- A conservative Eulerian formulation of the equations for elastic flow
- Volume of fluid (VOF) method for the dynamics of free boundaries
- A numerical method for two phase flow with an unstable interface
- A continuum method for modeling surface tension
- A front-tracking method for viscous, incompressible multi-fluid flows
- A isobaric fix for the overheating problem in multimaterial compressible flows
- A multiphase Godunov method for compressible multifluid and multiphase flows
- An efficient shock-capturing algorithm for compressible multicomponent problems
- A non-oscillatory Eulerian approach to interfaces in multimaterial flows (the ghost fluid method)
- A second-order Godunov method for wave problems in coupled solid-water-gas systems
- An adaptive mesh redistribution method for nonlinear Hamilton--Jacobi equations in two- and three-dimensions.
- Ghost fluid method for strong shock impacting on material interface.
- A partial differential equation approach to multidimensional extrapolation.
- A particle-level set-based sharp interface Cartesian grid method for impact, penetration, and void collapse.
- A coupled level set and volume-of-fluid method for computing 3D and axisymmetric incompressible two-phase flows
- Runge--Kutta discontinuous Galerkin methods for convection-dominated problems
- A second-order-accurate symmetric discretization of the Poisson equation on irregular domains
- A volume of fluid method based ghost fluid method for compressible multi-fluid flows
- A coupled volume-of-fluid/level-set method for simulation of two-phase flows on unstructured meshes
- Runge-Kutta discontinuous Galerkin method with front tracking method for solving the compressible two-medium flow
- Efficient two-phase mass-conserving level set method for simulation of incompressible turbulent free surface flows with large density ratio
- Three-dimensional ghost-fluid large-scale numerical investigation on air explosion
- Implementation of the ghost fluid method for free surface flows in polyhedral finite volume framework
- Explicit interface treatments for compressible gas-liquid simulations
- The simulation of compressible multi-fluid multi-solid interactions using the modified ghost method
- A multiscale method for simulating fluid interfaces covered with large molecules such as asphaltenes
- A sharp interface method for compressible liquid-vapor flow with phase transition and surface tension
- A finite-volume HLLC-based scheme for compressible interfacial flows with surface tension
- Superconvergent second-order Cartesian method for solving free boundary problem for invadopodia formation
- Adaptive THINC-GFM for compressible multi-medium flows
- A Riemann problem based method for solving compressible and incompressible flows
- A review of level-set methods and some recent applications
- Gradient augmented level set method for phase change simulations
- An efficient mass-preserving interface-correction level set/ghost fluid method for droplet suspensions under depletion forces
- The ghost fluid method for compressible gas-water simulation
- A five-equation model for the simulation of interfaces between compressible fluids
- A pressure-invariant conservative Godunov-type method for barotropic two-fluid flows.
- An interface interaction method for compressible multifluids
- How to prevent pressure oscillations in multicomponent flow calculations: A quasi conservative approach
- Efficient implementation of weighted ENO schemes
- A fluid-mixture type algorithm for compressible multicomponent flow with van der Waals equation of state
- A boundary condition capturing method for Poisson's equation on irregular domains
- The Shortley-Weller scheme for variable coefficient two-point boundary value problems and its application to tumor growth problem with heterogeneous microenvironment
- An ALE/embedded boundary method for two-material flow simulations
- Parallel, sharp interface Eulerian approach to high-speed multi-material flows
- The immersed interface method for the Navier-Stokes equations with singular forces
- A boundary condition capturing method for incompressible flame discontinuities.
- Coupling and Eulerian fluid calculation to a Lagrangian solid calculation with the ghost fluid method.
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- Simulation of collapse and fragmentation phenomena in a sharp interface Eulerian setting
- Imposing mixed Dirichlet-Neumann-Robin boundary conditions on irregular domains in a level set/ghost fluid based finite difference framework
- Multi-material hydrodynamics with algebraic sharp interface capturing
- An efficient ghost fluid method to remove overheating from material interfaces in compressible multi-medium flows
- A friction interface model for multi-material interactions in a Eulerian framework
- A novel construction method of computational domains on large-scale near-ground explosion problems
- A simple ghost fluid method for compressible multicomponent flows with capillary effects
- A comparison of the finite difference and multiresolution method for the elliptic equations with Dirichlet boundary conditions on irregular domains
- Unstructured un-split geometrical volume-of-fluid methods - a review
- Numerical simulation of boiling on unstructured grids
- Fully implicit and accurate treatment of jump conditions for two-phase incompressible Navier-Stokes equations
- A semi implicit compressible solver for two-phase flows of real fluids
- An HLLC-type approximate Riemann solver for two-dimensional elastic-perfectly plastic model
- An interface treatment for two-material multi-species flows involving thermally perfect gases with chemical reactions
- Compressible solver for two-phase flows with sharp interface and capillary effects preserving accuracy in the low Mach regime
- A hybrid moment of fluid-level set framework for simulating primary atomization
- Simulating compressible two-phase flows with sharp-interface discontinuous Galerkin methods based on ghost fluid method and cut cell scheme
- Pseudo-transient ghost fluid methods for the Poisson-Boltzmann equation with a two-component regularization
- An Eulerian multimaterial framework for simulating high-explosive aquarium tests
- Alternating direction ghost-fluid methods for solving the heat equation with interfaces
- A complete list of exact solutions for one-dimensional elastic-perfectly plastic solid Riemann problem without vacuum
- Sharp interface approaches and deep learning techniques for multiphase flows
- A volume of fluid framework for interface-resolved simulations of vaporizing liquid-gas flows
- A finite difference discretization method for heat and mass transfer with Robin boundary conditions on irregular domains
- A unified Eulerian framework for multimaterial continuum mechanics
- Investigation of underwater explosion near composite structures using a combined RKDG-FEM approach
- A sharp-interface method for the simulation of shock-induced vaporization of droplets
- A simplified approach for simulations of multidimensional compressible multicomponent flows: the grid-aligned ghost fluid method
- An overview of smoothed particle hydrodynamics for simulating multiphase flow
- The electric field effect on the droplet collision with a heated surface in the Leidenfrost regime
- Modified ghost fluid method with acceleration correction (MGFM/AC)
- Simple second-order finite differences for elliptic PDEs with discontinuous coefficients and interfaces
- Finite volume ghost fluid method implementation of interfacial forces in PISO loop
- A robust sharp interface method for SPH
- High accuracy modeling of sharp wave fronts for hyperbolic problems
- A second-order boundary condition capturing method for solving the elliptic interface problems on irregular domains
- On the computation of viscous terms for incompressible two-phase flows with level set/ghost fluid method
- A sharp interface method for SPH
- The ghost solid methods for the elastic-plastic solid-solid interface and the \(\vartheta\)-criterion
- A ghost fluid/level set method for boiling flows and liquid evaporation: application to the leidenfrost effect
- A computational framework for interface-resolved DNS of simultaneous atomization, evaporation and combustion
- FIVER: A finite volume method based on exact two-phase Riemann problems and sparse grids for multi-material flows with large density jumps
- An adaptive coupled level-set/volume-of-fluid interface capturing method for unstructured triangular grids
- A numerical fluid dynamics calculation method for all flow speeds
- Sharp interface Cartesian grid method. II: A technique for simulating droplet interactions with surfaces of arbitrary shape
- Sharp interface Cartesian grid method. III: Solidification of pure materials and binary solutions
- An interface capturing method for the simulation of multi-phase compressible flows
- A ghost fluid, level set methodology for simulating multiphase electrohydrodynamic flows with application to liquid fuel injection
- Tracking entropy wave in ideal MHD equations by weighted ghost fluid method
- A sharp interface method for high-speed multi-material flows: strong shocks and arbitrary materialpairs
- A geometry-based level set method for curvilinear overset grids with application to ship hydrodynamics
- A Robust Front Tracking Method: Verification and Application to Simulation of the Primary Breakup of a Liquid Jet
- High-Order Multi-Material ALE Hydrodynamics
- Two-phase modeling of deflagration-to-detonation transition in granular materials: Reduced equations
- Multiphase modeling of dynamic fluid–structure interaction during close-in explosion
- The Modified Ghost Fluid Method for Coupling of Fluid and Structure Constituted with Hydro-Elasto-Plastic Equation of State
- A two-phase mixture theory for the deflagration-to-detonation transition (ddt) in reactive granular materials
- Immersed Interface Methods for Stokes Flow with Elastic Boundaries or Surface Tension
- Adaptive Mesh Methods for One- and Two-Dimensional Hyperbolic Conservation Laws
- A Conservative Modification to the Ghost Fluid Method for Compressible Multiphase Flows
- Phase-Field Models for Multi-Component Fluid Flows
- Internal wave computations using the ghost fluid method on unstructured grids
- A Simple Method for Compressible Multifluid Flows
- A CWENO ghost fluid method for compressible multimaterial flow
- Computational modelling of multi-material energetic materials and systems
- A sharp interface Cartesian grid method for viscous simulation of shocked particle-laden flows
- 1D Exact Elastic-Perfectly Plastic Solid Riemann Solver and Its Multi-Material Application
- A Sharp Interface Method for Compressible Multi-Phase Flows Based on the Cut Cell and Ghost Fluid Methods
- The Modified Ghost Method for Compressible Multi-Medium Interaction with Elastic-Plastic Solid
- A Second Order Ghost Fluid Method for an Interface Problem of the Poisson Equation
- A Solution Structure-Based Adaptive Approximate (SSAA) Riemann Solver for the Elastic-Perfectly Plastic Solid
- Modified Ghost Fluid Method with Axisymmetric Source Correction (MGFM/ASC)
- FESTUNG: A MATLAB / GNU Octave Toolbox for the Discontinuous Galerkin Method. Part IV: Generic Problem Framework and Model-Coupling Interface
- The Immersed Interface Method for Non-Smooth Rigid Objects in Incompressible Viscous Flows
- A Cartesian-to-Curvilinear Coordinate Transformation in Modified Ghost Fluid Method for Compressible Multi-Material Flows
- A Hermite WENO Method with Modified Ghost Fluid Method for Compressible Two-Medium Flow Problems
- An Augmented Lagrangian Uzawa Iterative Method for Solving Double Saddle-Point Systems with Semidefinite (2,2) Block and its Application to DLM/FD Method for Elliptic Interface Problems
- A Simple 3D Immersed Interface Method for Stokes Flow with Singular Forces on Staggered Grids
- Numerical simulations of non-spherical bubble collapse
- Optimal Error Estimation of the Modified Ghost Fluid Method
- Application of a coupled Eulerian–Lagrangian method to simulate interactions between deformable composite structures and compressible multiphase flow
- Practical Techniques in Ghost Fluid Method for Compressible Multi-Medium Flows
- Application of a level set method for simulation of droplet collisions
- Coupled ghost fluid/two‐phase level set method for curvilinear body‐fitted grids
- The Riemann problem for fluid flow of real materials
- A Real Ghost Fluid Method for the Simulation of Multimedium Compressible Flow
- Shock compression of condensed matter using multimaterial reactive ghost fluid method
- A Hybrid WENO Method with Modified Ghost Fluid Method for Compressible Two-Medium Flow Problems
- A numerical method for two-phase flow consisting of separate compressible and incompressible regions
- The simulation of compressible multi-medium flow. I: A new methodology with test applications to 1D gas-gas and gas-water cases. II: Applications to 2D underwater shock refraction
- A boundary condition capturing method for multiphase incompressible flow.
- Level set methods: An overview and some recent results
- Computations of compressible multifluids.
- A fluid-mixture type algorithm for compressible multicomponent flow with Mie-Grüneisen equation of state
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