Homogeneous vector bundles

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DOI10.2307/1969996zbMath0094.35701OpenAlexW2335712215WikidataQ98446534 ScholiaQ98446534MaRDI QIDQ772557

Raoul Bott

Publication date: 1957

Published in: Annals of Mathematics. Second Series (Search for Journal in Brave)

Full work available at URL: https://semanticscholar.org/paper/46390823d50e3a84bea1bfb724d96ac50816e1ac

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I, Families of smooth hypersurfaces on certain compact homogeneous complex manifolds, Variation of Mixed Hodge Structures Associated to an Equisingular One-dimensional Family of Calabi-Yau Threefolds, Determinants, Pfaffians and Quasi-Free Representations of the CAR Algebra, Koszul Complexes and Pole Order Filtrations, A four-dimensional deformation of a numerical Godeaux surface, On polarizations of certain homogeneous spaces, Une nouvelle démonstration d'un théorème de R. Bott et B. Kostant