From MaRDI portal
CRANwaterqualityMaRDI QIDQ115177
Satellite Derived Water Quality Detection Algorithms
Molly Reif, Jakub Nowosad, Richard Johansen, Erich Emery
Last update: 7 August 2023
Copyright license: MIT license, File License
Software version identifier: 0.3.0, 0.2.2, 0.2.5, 0.2.6, 1.0.0
The main purpose of waterquality is to quickly and easily convert satellite-based reflectance imagery into one or many well-known water quality algorithms designed for the detection of harmful algal blooms or the following pigment proxies: chlorophyll-a, blue-green algae (phycocyanin), and turbidity. Johansen et al. (2019) <doi:10.21079/11681/35053>.
This page was built for software: waterquality