From MaRDI portal
swMATH41521CRANstarsMaRDI QIDQ1353629
Spatiotemporal Arrays, Raster and Vector Data Cubes
Last update: 11 September 2023
Copyright license: Apache Software License, Version 1.1, Apache License, Version 2.0
Software version identifier: 0.6-1, 0.1-1, 0.2-0, 0.3-0, 0.3-1, 0.4-0, 0.4-1, 0.4-2, 0.4-3, 0.5-0, 0.5-1, 0.5-2, 0.5-3, 0.5-4, 0.5-5, 0.5-6, 0.6-0, 0.6-2, 0.6-3, 0.6-4
Source code repository:
Reading, manipulating, writing and plotting spatiotemporal arrays (raster and vector data cubes) in 'R', using 'GDAL' bindings provided by 'sf', and 'NetCDF' bindings by 'ncmeta' and 'RNetCDF'.
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