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Convergence of Lasserre's hierarchy: the general case ⋮ Local saddle points for unconstrained polynomial optimization ⋮ Regularized robust optimization: the optimal portfolio execution case ⋮ A globally convergent method for solving a quartic generalized Markowitz portfolio problem ⋮ Approximate gcds of polynomials and sparse SOS relaxations ⋮ Computing sum of squares decompositions with rational coefficients ⋮ Sparse noncommutative polynomial optimization ⋮ Positivity certificates and polynomial optimization on non-compact semialgebraic sets ⋮ A recursive algorithm of exactness verification of relaxations for robust SDPs ⋮ Finding largest small polygons with gloptipoly ⋮ Computing generalized Nash equilibria by polynomial programming ⋮ The saddle point problem of polynomials ⋮ A tighter relaxation for the relative pose problem between cameras ⋮ Searching approximate global optimal Heilbronn configurations of nine points in the unit square via GPGPU computing ⋮ A bounded degree SOS hierarchy for polynomial optimization ⋮ Dual form reduction in the atomic optimization method ⋮ Computing Gaussian \& exponential measures of semi-algebraic sets ⋮ Global optimality conditions and optimization methods for constrained polynomial programming problems ⋮ Time minimal saturation of a pair of spins and application in magnetic resonance imaging ⋮ A moment approach for entropy solutions to nonlinear hyperbolic PDEs ⋮ On turnpike and dissipativity properties of continuous-time optimal control problems ⋮ How to generate weakly infeasible semidefinite programs via Lasserre's relaxations for polynomial optimization ⋮ Integrated design of control allocation and triple-step control for over-actuated electric ground vehicles with actuator faults ⋮ A ``joint + marginal heuristic for 0/1 programs ⋮ A semidefinite approach for truncated \(K\)-moment problems ⋮ UTA-poly and UTA-splines: additive value functions with polynomial marginals ⋮ One-shot set-membership identification of generalized Hammerstein-Wiener systems ⋮ A new approximation hierarchy for polynomial conic optimization ⋮ Strange behaviors of interior-point methods for solving semidefinite programming problems in polynomial optimization ⋮ An algorithm for semi-infinite polynomial optimization ⋮ The moment problem for continuous positive semidefinite linear functionals ⋮ An exact Jacobian SDP relaxation for polynomial optimization ⋮ The tracial moment problem and trace-optimization of polynomials ⋮ Hermitian completely positive matrices ⋮ Completely positive tensors in the complex field ⋮ Algorithms for the orthographic-\(n\)-point problem ⋮ Certifying convergence of Lasserre's hierarchy via flat truncation ⋮ Convex underestimators of polynomials ⋮ (Sub-)differentiability of probability functions with elliptical distributions ⋮ Exact determinations of the maximal output admissible set for a class of nonlinear systems ⋮ Atomic optimization. I: Search space transformation and one-dimensional problems ⋮ Optimal control of switching topology networks ⋮ Distributionally robust polynomial chance-constraints under mixture ambiguity sets ⋮ Semidefinite relaxations for semi-infinite polynomial programming ⋮ Properties and methods for finding the best rank-one approximation to higher-order tensors ⋮ Approximate optimal designs for multivariate polynomial regression ⋮ Globally maximizing the sum of squares of quadratic forms over the unit sphere ⋮ Efficiency improvement in an \(n\)D systems approach to polynomial optimization ⋮ An alternative approach for nonlinear optimal control problems based on the method of moments ⋮ On solving a class of fractional semi-infinite polynomial programming problems ⋮ Degeneracy of the intersection of three quadrics ⋮ A robust unscented transformation for uncertain moments ⋮ Gradient formulae for nonlinear probabilistic constraints with non-convex quadratic forms ⋮ Binary quadratic optimization problems that are difficult to solve by conic relaxations ⋮ An approach to constrained polynomial optimization via nonnegative circuit polynomials and geometric programming ⋮ Handelman's Positivstellensatz for polynomial matrices positive definite on polyhedra ⋮ Real eigenvalues of nonsymmetric tensors ⋮ Tensor maximal correlation problems ⋮ Conic programming: infeasibility certificates and projective geometry ⋮ A new bounded degree hierarchy with SOCP relaxations for global polynomial optimization and conic convex semi-algebraic programs ⋮ Computing geometric measure of entanglement for symmetric pure states via the Jacobian SDP relaxation technique ⋮ An improved semidefinite programming relaxation for the satisfiability problem ⋮ A semidefinite relaxation method for second-order cone tensor eigenvalue complementarity problems ⋮ Convex computation of extremal invariant measures of nonlinear dynamical systems and Markov processes ⋮ Inverse conic programming with applications ⋮ A hierarchy of semidefinite relaxations for completely positive tensor optimization problems ⋮ A hierarchy of LMI inner approximations of the set of stable polynomials ⋮ Perturbation analysis of singular semidefinite programs and its applications to control problems ⋮ Approximating Pareto curves using semidefinite relaxations ⋮ The Gauss-Seidel method for generalized Nash equilibrium problems of polynomials ⋮ Tensor \(Z\)-eigenvalue complementarity problems ⋮ A MAX-CUT formulation of 0/1 programs ⋮ Lower bounds for cubic optimization over the sphere ⋮ Multi-objective convex polynomial optimization and semidefinite programming relaxations ⋮ Plane-based resection for metric affine cameras ⋮ Sieve-SDP: a simple facial reduction algorithm to preprocess semidefinite programs ⋮ Solving unconstrained 0-1 polynomial programs through quadratic convex reformulation ⋮ Using symbolic calculations to determine largest small polygons ⋮ Detecting optimality and extracting solutions in polynomial optimization with the truncated GNS construction ⋮ A geometric branch and bound method for robust maximization of convex functions ⋮ A new updating method for the damped mass-spring systems ⋮ A semidefinite relaxation method for second-order cone polynomial complementarity problems ⋮ SDP relaxation algorithms for \(\mathbf{P(P}_0)\)-tensor detection ⋮ Higher-degree tensor eigenvalue complementarity problems ⋮ Saddle points of rational functions ⋮ Set-completely-positive representations and cuts for the max-cut polytope and the unit modulus lifting ⋮ Immediate schedule adjustment and semidefinite relaxation ⋮ Test of copositive tensors ⋮ A semidefinite relaxation algorithm for checking completely positive separable matrices ⋮ A sublevel moment-SOS hierarchy for polynomial optimization ⋮ Unconstrained minimization of block-circulant polynomials via semidefinite program in third-order tensor space ⋮ T-optimal designs for multi-factor polynomial regression models via a semidefinite relaxation method ⋮ Tight relaxations for polynomial optimization and Lagrange multiplier expressions ⋮ Tensor principal component analysis via convex optimization ⋮ Geometric and numerical methods in the contrast imaging problem in nuclear magnetic resonance ⋮ Minimizing trigonometric matrix polynomials over semi-algebraic sets ⋮ Efficient upper and lower bounds for global mixed-integer optimal control ⋮ The hierarchy of local minimums in polynomial optimization ⋮ Distributionally robust optimization with moment ambiguity sets ⋮ Rank-constrained fundamental matrix estimation by polynomial global optimization versus the eight-point algorithm
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