
From MaRDI portal

swMATH4570CRANcocorrespMaRDI QIDQ16741

Co-Correspondence Analysis Methods

No author found.

Last update: 26 February 2024

Copyright license: GNU General Public License, version 2.0

Software version identifier: 0.4-3, 0.1-2, 0.1-3, 0.1-6, 0.1-7, 0.1-9, 0.2-0, 0.2-1, 0.2-3, 0.3-0, 0.4-0, 0.4-1, 0.4-4

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Fits predictive and symmetric co-correspondence analysis (CoCA) models to relate one data matrix to another data matrix. More specifically, CoCA maximises the weighted covariance between the weighted averaged species scores of one community and the weighted averaged species scores of another community. CoCA attempts to find patterns that are common to both communities.